I Was Wrong, Please Don’t Leave Me

Chapter 66: You're good, can you be obedient?


Fang Mingzhi stayed in the hospital for three days.

By the time Su Jinyu came to pick him up and discharged from the hospital, the milk fat on the young man's face was almost gone.

The moment he saw the man, Fang Mingzhi felt that he had seen a savior.

The young man ignored the doctor who was talking about the precautions after being discharged from the hospital, stood up from the bed and jumped in front of Su Jinyu, hugging the person, like a puppy that finally saw its owner after being wronged.

"Jin Yu... You are so cruel, you haven't come to see me for so many days..." His words were full of grief.

Su Jinyu glanced at Liu Qi in the ward, raised his hand and patted the shoulder of the person in his arms to comfort him.

"Didn't I talk to you every day?"

Fang Mingzhi: "That's different..."

"What's the difference, don't you have Assistant Liu to take care of you?"

As soon as the man's voice fell, he felt the body in his arms suddenly stiffen for a moment.

Liu Qi looked at the two people who were hugging each other, and his eyes were slightly dark without the lenses blocking them.

"Mr. Su."

The man stepped forward to say hello, his eyes fell on the young man in Su Jinyu's arms from beginning to end, and the taste of food protection was extremely obvious.

Su Jinyu raised his eyebrows and patted Fang Mingzhi's back to signal the youth to get up.

Fang Mingzhi turned and stood behind him, looking around, occasionally meeting the man in front of him, and quickly moving away as if he had been scalded.

"Assistant Liu, you've worked hard for the past two days to help take care of Mingzhi."

Liu Qi shook his head, looking at the youth with gentle and doting eyes

"It's not hard."

Su Jinyu smiled and said nothing.

After the three got out of the hospital, Liu Qi looked at the young man who consciously climbed into the passenger seat of Su Jinyu's car, and his footsteps paused.

Su Jinyu followed his gaze and suddenly laughed softly.

"I remember that Assistant Liu asked Pei Lang for three days' leave?"

Liu Qi nodded.

"It's only ten o'clock in the morning, what is Assistant Liu going to do after that?"

"Let's go back to the company." He was the only one at home, and it would be boring to go back, so he might as well do more for Boss.

Su Jinyu smiled: "It's rare to ask for a leave, it's too wasteful not to take a good rest. Well, I just have something to deal with, how about you help me send Mingzhi back?"

The man took out the car key from his pocket and hung it on his index finger, with a smile that saw everything in those beautiful eyes.

Liu Qi: "..."

"Why, Assistant Liu doesn't want to?"

"Thank you, Mr. Su." Liu Qi stared at him for two seconds, no longer polite, and took the key from the other party's hand.

Just when he was about to turn around and leave, Su Jinyu stopped him.

"I have always regarded Mingzhi as my younger brother. Assistant Liu should understand."

The man looked at him with bright eyes, and the smile on his lips had been withdrawn.

Liu Qi tilted his head to look in the direction of the parking lot. In the black car, the young man was sitting on the co-pilot, with his hands on the window and his head leaning in their direction. When he saw him looking over, he hurriedly retracted his head. came out.

"I understand." Liu Qi's heart was like a softened cookie, he looked back at the man in front of him.

"As a person, I like to protect shortcoming the most." Su Jinyu looked at him, "Since Assistant Liu has decided to take responsibility, please make your own commitment. I don't want to hear him being wronged one day..."

"I won't." The man interrupted him, paused and repeated it again, as if sworn, and said, "I won't let him suffer in the slightest."

Su Jinyu was silent for a moment, then laughed suddenly: "If that's the case, then I'm relieved."

Fang Mingzhi didn't know what the two of them said, but when he saw that only Liu Qi walked towards him, opened the driver's door and sat in, the hair on his body exploded.

The man has never worn glasses in front of him these days, those slightly sharp eyes are completely exposed, and the extra toughness has replaced the original gentle atmosphere.

People without glasses can no longer reunite with the vague figure in memory. However, even so, Fang Mingzhi was still afraid of the other party, which was also mixed with the embarrassment after that incident.

"Why... how are you?" The blown-up young man looked at Liu Qi vigilantly, and then hurriedly turned his head to look out the window.

Su Jinyu at the entrance of the hospital waved at him with one hand in his pocket, smiling brightly.

Liu Qi: "Mr. Su has something to do, I'll take you back."

Fang Mingzhi: "..."

There is a feeling of being suddenly abandoned.

The young man huddled in the corner aggrieved, unable to hold back his red eyes.

Liu Qi looked at him, feeling distressed and lost.

It seems that the past few days of getting along have not made the young man less afraid and resistant to him.

"Mingming, you haven't fastened your seat belt yet."

Fang Mingzhi looked up at him and whispered, "I can go back by myself..."

Liu Qi: "I don't worry about you going back alone. Be good, will you be obedient?"

The man's low baritone was deliberately lightened with a strange tenderness, Fang Mingzhi shook his body hopelessly.

"Then I..."

The young man wanted to say something, but the man in the driver's seat suddenly leaned over.

The warm breath brushed past him, Fang Mingzhi suddenly stiffened and did not dare to move.

The nose is full of the refreshing and pleasant smell of the man, mixed with the smell of a touch of disinfectant. Fang Mingzhi blinked, his heartbeat began to speed up.

"All right."

With a soft "click", Liu Qi helped him fasten his seat belt, and when he straightened up, he saw the young man's dazed and dazed appearance.

He couldn't help raising his hand and rubbing the soft and cold hair, his voice was gentle.

"Mingming, don't be afraid of me."

Fang Mingzhi's hand on his knee unconsciously clenched the fabric under him, and stammered, "I... I'm not afraid..."

Liu Qi smiled and didn't speak. He sat up straight and started the car.

On the other hand, after Su Jinyu successfully entrusted the person, he turned around and took a taxi to Gu Peilang's company.

He took the elevator to the floor where the man's office was located, but when he got out of the elevator, he saw a man with a pestle outside the office door.

The other party was wearing a suit and sunglasses, with his hands behind his back, his legs slightly opened, and he stood there with his lips pursed and expressionless, like a door god.

Su Jinyu's footsteps paused, and stopped in place without stepping forward.

About ten minutes later, the closed office door was opened, and a tall man in a silver-gray suit walked out, followed by Gu Peilang in a wheelchair.

With a faint smile on his face, the man lowered his eyes and looked at Gu Peilang, his voice low and magnetic: "In this case, I will wait for the good news from President Gu."

Gu Peilang nodded, "Mr. Shang walk slowly."

The man nodded with a smile, then turned to leave, followed by the person guarding the door.

Su Jinyu watched them walking in his direction, lowered his head and tidied up the hem of his clothes, and then walked out of the corner as if he had just come out of the elevator.

When passing by, the man suddenly turned his head and glanced at him.

There was a meaningful smile on his heroic face.