I Was Wrong, Please Don’t Leave Me

Chapter 67: Gu Gong's gentleness


Su Jinyu paused for a moment and stopped subconsciously, but the man had already rubbed his shoulder and entered the elevator.

A strange feeling came suddenly in his heart, and Su Jinyu frowned instinctively.

Gu Peilang's eyes kept looking towards the elevator. After seeing Su Jinyu appear, his hand on the handrail tightened slightly.

As if aware of his gaze, the man looked up at him.

"Didn't you go to the hospital?"

After Su Jinyu walked in, Gu Peilang raised his head slightly and looked at him. The dark and deep eyes are like the summer night sky.

The man pushed him in, and the corners of his lips rose: "Assistant Liu, I'll come to you."

"Pei Lang, have I disturbed your work?" After entering the door, Su Jinyu saw the stacks of documents on the other's desk, and spoke with some hindsight.

Gu Peilang controlled the wheelchair and turned around, looking at the corners of his lips that were flattened, and shook his head, "No."

Hearing the man's answer, Su Jinyu laughed again, he squatted down in front of the man, and put his hands on the other's knees.

"I asked Butler Zhang to move all your things to the master bedroom."

Gu Peilang looked down at him, his crow feather-like eyelashes trembled slightly.

Su Jinyu: "Anyway, we both sleep together. Your room is too small, the lighting is not good, and it is uncomfortable to live in."

Gu Peilang didn't speak, and his expression didn't change.

Su Jinyu glanced at him cautiously, and then said a little embarrassedly: "Of course, the bed is not big enough is the main reason..."

Gu Peilang: "..."

"up to you."

"You can play by yourself first. If you are bored, you can go out for a walk. I still have work."

The man turned around and didn't look at him, the low and cold voice could not hear any emotion, but the ear under the tip of the hair climbed up with a thin red.

Seeing that Su Jinyu was in a good mood, she could not wait to jump up and take a sip.

"No, you are busy with your work, and I will be here with you."

Hearing his cheerful voice, Gu Peilang didn't say anything else and started to deal with the work.

The chip's problem has not been solved, and a rare metal is missing from the material from which the chip is made. And this metal can only be purchased abroad through special channels.

Shang Yi came to visit today for this very thing.

The man looked at the computer screen in front of him, the pen twirled between his slender fingers, and then stopped.

The cooperation between Shang and Gu was originally due to Gu's taking advantage, but Shang didn't seem to care about his loss at all, and when he learned of the chip accident, Baba rushed to help.

The sterling silver nib touched the snow-white paper and dropped a dot of ink.

Gu Peilang lowered his eyes and neatly wrote his name on the signature.

It seems that Shangyi needs this chip very much...

At noon, Su Jinyu and Gu Peilang had lunch together in the company cafeteria.

When he pushed the man to the entrance of the cafeteria, there was a moment of silence in the scene.

Countless pairs of eyes fell on the two of them. To be precise, it fell on Su Jinyu.

It is not a secret that the young master of the Su family and their president are married. The problem is that the two have been married for three years, and they have seen the president's wife very few times.

Su Jinyu looked around in the spacious and bright restaurant, not paying any attention to the gazes of those people on him.

He bent down and approached the man's ear, asked in a low voice what he wanted to eat, nodded after getting an answer of "you can", and found a quiet corner with a good view to settle down, and then turned to get the meal.

Those curious eyes have been following Su Jinyu's figure.

The temperature in the restaurant suddenly dropped, and when the staff members who were closer to the location that Su Jinyu had chosen, saw the gloomy face of their president, they hurriedly ran away with the plate in front of them.

Su Jinyu chose a few kinds of stir-fry dishes according to the man's taste, and then brought a small cup of soup. When he came back, he found that there was no one around them.

Gu Peilang sat there expressionlessly in a black suit, exuding an aura that no strangers should approach.

Su Jinyu's heart throbbed for a moment, as if he saw the man who sat in the night and let the darkness and loneliness swallow him up.

"I am back."

Su Jinyu raised a smile and walked over. Gu Peilang heard the voice and looked up at him. The gloom around him quickly faded like a tide, as if it never existed.

"I don't know if there is any delicious food made by the cook at home, so I just took a little."

Su Jinyu smiled and sat down beside the man, and then started to serve dishes.

"Drink some soup to warm your stomach first."

Gu Peilang looked at the chicken soup with red dates and wolfberries floating in front of him, and took a sip with a calm expression.

"Is it delicious?" Su Jinyu looked at him.

Without that weird herbal smell at home, the soup and ingredients are fresh.

Gu Peilang: "It's not as good as yours."

"Really?" Su Jinyu rolled her eyes and took a sip from the man's hand, "I'll try it."

"It's really not as good as what I made." He smacked his lips, his tone a little proud.

Gu Peilang nodded calmly: "Well, let's eat first."

"Okay." Su Jinyu should be obedient.

After eating, the two returned to the office. In the middle, Gu Peilang went out to have a meeting. When he came back, Su Jinyu had already fallen asleep on the sofa with the pillow in his arms.

At that time, the sunlight outside the window was just right, and softly poured in from the floor-to-ceiling window, wrapping the sofa.

The back of the sofa blocks the golden light, isolates a peaceful world, and gently wraps the person in his arms.

Gu Peilang followed behind Liu Qi's secretary who was temporarily working for Liu Qi. He was reporting on the operation of the branches in various places. Suddenly, he saw his president raise his hand to signal her to suspend.

The secretary closed his mouth subconsciously, followed the man's line of sight, and saw the man lying on the sofa fast asleep.

"Go down first." Gu Peilang glanced at him, his low and cold voice deliberately lowered, as if he was afraid of awakening the people inside.

"Okay president." The secretary nodded, and when he turned to leave, the eight-centimeter-high heels barely made a sound on the floor.

Gu Peilang waited until the other party left, then controlled the wheelchair and walked in.

A slight lock sounded in the quiet room.

Gu Peilang slowly came to the sofa, his calm gaze fell on the man, fading away from the coldness at work, and then with a gentleness like water.

The scene in front of him seemed to overlap with the scene many days ago, and the other party was lying on the sofa like this and fell asleep waiting for him to come back.

The temperature of the air conditioner in the office is a little low, and the sleeping person seems to feel the invasion of the coolness, and unconsciously hugs the pillow in his arms, trying to absorb a little warmth.

Gu Peilang raised his hand and touched the man's cool cheek, then unbuttoned the suit.