I Was Wrong, Please Don’t Leave Me

Chapter 73: Susu and Ali


The doctor quickly came over and took off the stethoscope on his ear after some examination.

"The patient is fine. After two days of rest, he can be discharged after all the indicators are normal."

Su Li, who had been holding her breath the whole time, secretly breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the doctor's words.

Shang Yi, who was beside him, saw all the expressions on his face, his expression was painful for a moment, and then disappeared in an instant.

After the doctors had all left, the man stepped forward again and hugged him into his arms.

"I'm hungry, what do I want to eat, I asked my aunt to make it and bring it from home."

Su Li shook his head: "I have no appetite..."

"Eat on time to get better quickly," Shang Yi raised his hand and touched his stomach under his sick clothes, and said softly, "I'll ask Auntie to cook something you like, how much do you want to eat, eh?"

The man's already sweet voice was extremely magnetic after being deliberately lightened, with a shallow meaning of solicitation. What Su Li couldn't bear the most was that he spoke to himself in such a tone.

The fair earlobes were stained with a nice thin red, Su Li moved her shoulders uncomfortably, and her voice became quieter: "Whatever you want..."

Shang Yi raised the corners of his lips and gently dropped a kiss on those slightly cold eyes.

Su Li raised her head in coordination, her eyelashes trembling slightly.

"Ali..." Shang Yi sighed softly, calling his name softly.

Su Li: "Huh?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to call your name."

"Childish." Su Li's tone was somewhat disgusting, and after two seconds, he secretly raised the corner of his lips.

At noon, the little bell followed the nanny aunt to the hospital. When she saw the man awake on the bed, the little girl's eyes were red, and she rushed over with her skirt.

"Daddy woo woo woo..."

The child in her arms couldn't stop crying, Su Li was so distressed that she hurriedly wiped away her tears.

Shang Yi, who was on the side, looked at the father and daughter who were hugging each other. After the little girl was almost crying, he picked her up. After coaxing her, he made an excuse for his aunt to take her back.

Su Li sat on the bed, eating the pitted oranges that the little girl had peeled, recalling the reluctant little eyes of the other party, and couldn't help but glance at the man beside the bed who was peeling apples.

"If she wants to stay here, you can just let her stay. Why should auntie take her away?"

Shang Yi's hands kept moving, and after a while, a whole apple peel fell into the trash can beside his feet.

"She's too noisy, and it will affect your rest here."

The man cut the peeled apple into pieces, then used a toothpick to poke a piece and put it to Su Li's mouth.

"Taste? It's sweet."

Su Li looked at the man's lips with a smile, a man who didn't think there was anything wrong with him, and was silent for a while.

Seeing that the man opened his mouth and bit the apple, Shang Yi hooked the corner of his lips.

"I went to City A this time and saw the child."

Shang Yi lowered his head and continued to poke at the apple, and when he looked up, he saw the man's complex expression.

"he… "

"Looks a lot like you," Shang Yi thought for a while, and then smiled lightly, "Ali, your Su family's genes are really strange, your son doesn't look like Lao Tzu, but he looks like an uncle who has never met, if I I didn't meet you when you were twelve years old, and I wouldn't believe him if he wasn't your child."

Su Li remembered the hurried glance from the wedding report three years ago, and pursed her lips and said nothing.

"Is he doing well?"

Shang Yi: "It's very good, and Gu Peilang and Meng Meng are close to each other, and they are almost together."

Su Li frowned: "It is said on the Internet that they are divorced..."

The man saw his concern and raised his hand to take his hand into his palm.

"It's true that the divorce is true, but it's also true that the relationship between the two is very good."

"The two of them are living well now. It can be seen that the rumors on the Internet are not necessarily true. You don't have to worry."

Su Li's frowning brows didn't relax much because of his words. Shang Yi naturally knew why he cared so much about each other, but he also selfishly didn't want his lover to pay too much attention to others.

"I gave him Dr. Stark's card, he's a smart guy and knows what to do."

Su Li nodded: "I just hope he can live happily."

"I know." Shang Yi hugged him distressedly, played with those slender jade-like hands, and said softly, "He will be happy." Because of your good uncle.

"Didn't you always want to see him? When you get better, I'll invite their husbands to visit B City, okay?"

Su Li didn't speak, as if he was a little confused.

"Don't worry, I will arrange everything so that the Su family will not find you."

Su Li lowered his eyes, and the two slowly intertwined their fingers: "I'm not afraid of being found by Su Qing, I'm just..."

"Worried that Su Jinyu can't accept your existence?"

Su Li was silent, acquiescence.

Shang Yi: "No, with a good uncle like you, it's too late for him to be happy."

"What if you're not happy?" Su Li raised her head slightly and looked at the man in front of her.

Shang Yi: "If he's not happy... I'll call him happy, okay?"

Su Li: "..."

He couldn't help curling the corners of his lips: "You're messing up again."

Shang Yi looked at the smile on his face and kissed on the small dimple, his voice soft as water: "I just want you to be happy."

The light in Su Li's eyes dimmed, and he softened his body and leaned into the man's arms. After being silent for a long time, he nodded lightly, "I know."

"Don't worry, the doctor said that the tumor in your head is very stable. When the chip on Gu Peilang's side is successfully manufactured, we will start the treatment immediately, and you will be fine." Shang Yi rested on Su Li's head and looked at him. Looking at the continuous raindrops outside the window, it seemed like she was talking to a man, and it seemed like she was talking to herself.

"I'm not worried."

The tumor in his head had been with him for more than 20 years, and one extra day of living was already a special gift from God for him.

I have long since looked down on myself, and the only regret I feel is that I can't accompany men to old age...

Su Li stayed in the hospital for half a month this time, and when he was about to be discharged from the hospital, he was dragged by Shang Yi for a full-body examination.

As soon as the results of the inspection came out, he was snatched away by a man before he could see it.

Su Li didn't know what the result of the examination was, but he knew that when he was discharged from the hospital, there were several bags of things in the trunk of Shang Yi's car.

Big and small, it's all his own medicine.

The weather in late autumn is getting colder and colder every day. After the autumn wind wrapped in the cold autumn rain for half a month, the early winter finally fell silently on this land.

Su Jinyu was very melancholy recently, and it was getting closer and closer to the time when Dr. Stark came to City A, but he never mentioned to Gu Peilang about his legs.

It's not that I don't want to, it's that I don't dare.