I Was Wrong, Please Don’t Leave Me

Chapter 85: Slide Kiss


There are many things that Liu Qi doesn't understand. For example, the young man kept crying and crying under him that night, but now he has inexhaustible energy.

After being dragged to play pirate ship again, Liu Qi could no longer maintain his mature and stable image, and vomited into the darkness while holding the trash can by the roadside.

Fang Mingzhi hurriedly went to the canteen to buy a bottle of mineral water and stood beside him, at a loss like a child who had done something wrong.

The stomach was clearly empty, but there was still a burst of spasms.

Liu Qi raised his head with a pale face, and those cold and slightly sharp eyes were filled with physiological tears, like two obsidians at the bottom of a clear pool.

Fang Mingzhi unscrewed the bottle cap and handed over the water. The round dog's eyes were full of guilt.

"I'm sorry..." He only cared about his own happiness, but didn't pay attention to the other person's body.

Liu Qi looked at the drooping ears on the top of his head, his heart softened into pieces.

"I don't blame you, it's my own fault."

A man is always so gentle, as if he will never be mad at him.

Fang Mingzhi sniffed helplessly, Liu Qi took the water he handed over, and took two sips to suppress the churning in his stomach.

"What else do you want to play?"

Fang Mingzhi shook his head.

Liu Qi glanced at the time on his wrist: "Then let's go to eat first, shall we? Let's go for a walk after dinner. I heard that there is a fireworks show here at night, do you want to watch it?"


Liu Qi hooked his lips, glanced at the map on his phone, and walked out against the crowd, holding the young man's hand.

The two stayed at the playground until nine o'clock in the evening.

The fireworks show started at 7:00, and after the meal, the two decided to take a walk.

It was dark, and the street lamps in the amusement park turned on one by one. The colorful lanterns emit a dreamy light in the night, just like a fairy tale world.

Two shadows, one tall and the other short, overlapped obliquely, revealing a bit of subtle intimacy.

The two walked on the empty path, and the laughter not far away drifted along the night wind, as if from another world.

The man walking in front suddenly stopped, and the young man following him accidentally bumped into it.

The fragile nose suddenly turned sour, and Fang Mingzhi's eyes instantly burst into tears.

He looked up and saw the man in front of him turned and looked down at him, those dark eyes full of tenderness.


Liu Qi raised his hand and pointed not far away.

Fang Mingzhi looked in his direction and saw a slide hidden behind a greenery surrounded by colorful lights.

The colorful slides are like a rainbow, extending all the way down from the tall elephant trunk, and then settle down firmly on the dark green grass.

On the young man's fifth birthday, Fang's father and mother, who had promised to come back to celebrate his birthday with him, reneged on his promise again.

Thin and small, he ran out of the house in a fit of anger and came to a nearby park.

There is also an elephant slide in the park, but it is very small, and the elephant's trunk is not colored, but white.

It is the most popular slide for children, and there are many children around there every day. They climbed up, accompanied by their parents, and slid down from it, laughing and having fun.

The little boy stood and watched from a distance, his big eyes full of envy. He thought it would be great if his parents could play the slide with him like this.

"There used to be a slide like this in the park near my house." Fang Mingzhi said suddenly, his clear voice dissipated as soon as the wind blew in the night.

Liu Qi looked at his eyes with memories: "Then what?"

Fang Mingzhi lowered his eyelashes: "It was demolished." It was demolished many years ago.

The hand hanging by his side was suddenly held, the young man raised his head, and followed the man subconsciously.

Liu Qi led the person to the front of the slide, and then raised his hand to stroke the other's eyebrows, as if to wipe away all the unpleasantness there.

"It doesn't matter, I'll give you one again, okay?"

Fang Mingzhi looked up blankly, and saw his little self in the eyes of the man.

Ye Feng suddenly fell silent, and the laughter and laughter not far away became more and more indistinct. The young man blinked, only to hear his own heart beating louder and louder.

There was a tenderness in those eyes that could drown him, and Fang Mingzhi suddenly lowered his head as if he had been scalded.

"I'm no longer a child..." He muttered softly, with a slight choking in his voice.

Liu Qi raised his hand and rubbed his head without speaking.

The young man did not know how disappointed the expression on his face was when he said those words.

he does not like.

Fang Mingzhi stood tremblingly on top of the elephant's head, and the slightly biting cold wind blew his clothes.

He bowed his head, his short hair dancing wildly.

Under the elephant stood a man in a gray suit and woolen coat. The other party was looking up at him, with a gentle and encouraging smile on his handsome face.

"Mingming, don't be afraid."

Fang Mingzhi pursed his lips, his face pale in the dim light.

The childhood memories came back up again, and the malicious laughter of those people was in my ears.

"This slide is ours, you are not allowed to play!"

"Everyone push him down! He's a thief, stealing our slides..."

The old fear became more intense after the fermentation of time, and the thin body of the young man shivered in the wind.

Liu Qi underneath noticed something was wrong with him.

"Mingming? Let's stop playing, okay? Come down first..."

With a worried voice, the man tore a crack in the cage made of fear, and Fang Mingzhi fell on him with a confused look, showing a little clarity.

"teacher… "

Liu Qi's eyes widened, looking at the young man who suddenly slipped down, his heart jumped into his throat.

Fang Mingzhi closed his eyes tightly, and the wind whistled past his ears.

The originally fast speed gradually slowed down as it approached the ground, and finally stopped completely.

After a few seconds, the young man slowly opened his eyes, only to realize that he was still parked on the slide, still a short distance from the ground.

Liu Qi's eyes have been closely following him, and as soon as he opens his eyes, the eyes of the two meet in mid-air.

Once up and down, everything was silent, and the air began to heat up.

The man leaned over slowly, put his hands on both sides of the slide, and locked the person above between his arms and the slide. Those dark eyes were always watching him, like a beast that locked its prey. .

This is an extremely oppressive posture, Fang Mingzhi shrank his shoulders subconsciously, and panic flashed in his eyes.

Liu Qi did not miss the expression on his face.

"Mingming..." The man looked at him, the Adam's apple under the tie rolled gently for a moment, and his voice was strangely hoarse.

Fang Mingzhi responded subconsciously, but his voice changed tune halfway, turning into an exclamation, still incomplete, because the other half had already been swallowed by the other party.

The right calf was suddenly grabbed, and then the body slipped uncontrollably. The young man's eyes widened slightly.

There was a cool and soft touch on his lips, and behind the man, there were bright fireworks all over the sky.