I Was Wrong, Please Don’t Leave Me

Chapter 94: get better


Gu house.

Su Jinyu didn't know anything about what happened to the Su family, and he was busy soaking people's feet.

The water vapor in the wooden bucket steamed the man's legs red. Su Jinyu pressed his fingers hard, as if he had his own memory, and massaged down the acupoints on his legs one by one. The legs in the water moved suddenly.

Su Jinyu: "!!!"

Gu Peilang's pupils opened slightly, staring at him without moving.

Su Jinyu raised her eyes and glanced at him, and pressed it again tentatively.

The legs in the water moved slightly again, and the brown-red water surface stirred up small ripples, swinging out in circles.

"Pei Lang!" Su Jinyu's voice was filled with surprise, "It moved! It moved!"

The man's hand hanging by his side clenched the sheet under him, and his Adam's apple rolled for a moment.

"Um… "

The corners of Su Jinyu's lips almost reached the back of his ears. At this moment, he can't do anything but smirk.

Gu Peilang looked down at him, the corners of his lips couldn't help rising, something cracked in the depths of his soul, and a long-lost light came in through the gap, called hope.

A man's legs only move slightly when a certain point is massaged, and only one leg responds. However, Su Jinyu was not discouraged at all, and instead massaged more seriously than ever before.

He deliberately extended the time of soaking his feet, and did not stop until Gu Peilang's forehead burst into thin beads of sweat.

After watching the man lay down and close his eyes, Su Jinyu went to the guest bedroom next door with the needle-piercing dummy, and then called Grandpa Zhang.

The old man was probably already asleep, his voice was full of sleepiness, and he suddenly woke up a lot after hearing Su Jinyu's words on the phone.

"This is a sign of improvement, good boy, well done! Even the gods are helping you, and within half a year, he will definitely get better."

With the confirmation of the old man, Su Jinyu hooked his lips, tilted his head to look in the direction of the master bedroom, and responded in a low voice.

"Continue to use the medicine and don't stop. I have something to leave for a few days. When you come back, you bring him to see me, and we will start the second course of treatment."

"Okay, I see." Su Jinyu responded twice, and the old man on the opposite side said a few more words before hanging up.

Grandpa Zhang said that he had to leave for a few days, and he left for a full week.

After Gu Peilang's leg was able to move a little, the pain began to intensify, and it got worse every time, but in just two days, the whole person was obviously weakened a lot.

Su Jinyu was so anxious that he wanted to call and ask Grandpa Zhang what was the reason, but he couldn't find anyone. Such a living person seemed to have evaporated from the world.

Time has come to the winter solstice, and City A also ushered in the biggest snow of the year on this day.

Su Jinyu pushed open the window to open the snow-white world outside the window, and exhaled a cloud of white air.


Someone called him from behind.

Su Jinyu turned around, saw the man on the bed who had opened his eyes at some point, and walked over quickly.

"How are you feeling, is it better?" He grabbed the man's hand, and his eyebrows were full of concern and worry.

Gu Peilang looked at the blue and black under his eyes, hooked the corners of his pale lips, and nodded, "Don't worry, it doesn't hurt anymore."

Su Jinyu frowned, looked at his slightly sunken cheeks due to the pain, and shook his head: "I feel bad."

The two legs were like someone was holding an electric drill along the seam of the bone, and the loose skin and flesh were pricked like needles, and the slightest touch would be painful.

However, the man is like nothing, except for the pale face and the sweat on his forehead, you have no idea that he is enduring such pain.

Su Jinyu looked at the beads of sweat rolling down his forehead, and was so distressed that he raised his hand to wipe it off, and then lightly kissed the sweaty brow.

"We'll go to the hospital in a while."

Gu Peilang shook his head: "It's useless, Liu Lan couldn't even find out what the reason was, and the doctor would only give painkillers when he went to the hospital."

"But..." Su Jinyu frowned, her eyes turning red with anxiety.

Gu Peilang raised his hand and touched his face, his voice was soft and low: "It's alright, I can bear this pain."

"Then I'll go see if Grandpa Zhang is back."

"The road is frozen, and it's dangerous for you to drive now."

No matter what Su Jinyu said, the man would not agree with him going out in this weather.

Su Jinyu was helpless and could only stay at home with each other.

In the afternoon, probably because the pain in the legs was not so intense, the man who was working on the bed couldn't resist the eroding sleepiness, so he slowly closed his eyes, pressed his finger on the space bar, and typed a Large blank pages.

Su Jinyu carefully removed the computer, and then supported the person to lie down.

The man still frowned even in his sleep, Su Jinyu gently smoothed the frown between his brows, and then put a kiss on the warm lips.

"Steward Zhang, I have something to go out. If Pei Lang wakes up and asks me, you can say that I went to the supermarket."

Su Jinyu twisted his coat and went downstairs, and stopped Butler Zhang who came out of the guest room.

The woman nodded: "Okay, Mr. Su."

Su Jinyu put on his coat and strode out the door. The cold wind blew wildly outside the window, and large flakes of snowflakes danced wildly with the cold wind and the demons, not at all as cute as before.

The man straightened the collar of his coat and strode towards the garage.

Gu Peilang slept very restlessly this night, his legs were always aching.

The closed eyes suddenly opened, the bedside was lit with a warm-colored lamp, and the room was quiet.

In the past, the person who had already come in with the medicine at this time has not been seen, Gu Peilang propped himself up and sat up.

Controlling the wheelchair out of the bedroom, he met Butler Zhang who was carrying dinner upstairs.

The woman greeted him respectfully when she saw him.

"What about the others?"

"Mr. Su went to the supermarket."

Gu Peilang frowned slightly, and turned back to the room without saying anything.

The phone in his hand remained unanswered, and as time passed, the corners of the man's lips tightened little by little.

"Sir, Mr. Su is back."

Butler Zhang's voice sounded outside the door, and then the door was opened.

Su Jinyu, wrapped in cold air, walked in quickly.

"Pei Lang."

The man squatted down in front of Gu Peilang and let out a soft cry.

Gu Peilang looked down at the person in front of him, holding the other person's cold hand: "Where did you go?"

"I..." Before Su Jinyu could speak, the old man outside the door was supported by Xiao Bao and walked in.

"He went to find me." Grandpa Zhang was wrapped in a big black padded jacket. His thin and disembodied face looked a bit mean in the dim light. A pair of unfocused eyes fell on the man accurately. body.