I Wasn’t Born Lucky

Chapter 3


There is no light source in Nandu Girls' School, and the only thing that can make them faintly see everything is the big and bizarre crescent moon above their heads - it looks disproportionately large, just like standing on the roof, you can reach out and hold the moonlight .

This is a desolate campus for a long time. Every inch of the building exudes a desolate atmosphere. Coupled with this strange moonlight, it is like being in a different world.

Entering from the main gate, the first is the tall maple tree, guarding both sides of the school gate. Because it has been left unattended for a long time, the ground is covered with a thick layer of fallen leaves. When Xiao Li steps on it, there will be a slight click. The sound of rubbing, as if stepping on the corpse of some kind of bug, is chilling.

Behind the maple tree is a circular playground with several runways divided by white powder. Behind the playground, there are standing buildings - the teaching building in the center, and the girls' dormitory on the left and right sides. and laboratory building.

Xiao Li stood on the playground and looked towards the row of dark windows, but couldn't see anything.

Zheng Yi was close to him—although Xiao Li was lukewarm to him, he was the only existence he knew after all, which made him feel more secure than the other two strangers.

The jacket that Zheng Yi was wearing had no pockets, so he could only stuff the task book into the pocket of his jeans behind his butt. He chose to hold the phone in his hand. At this time, standing in this haunted campus, he approached the other party and whispered, "I want to Turn on the flashlight?"

Xiao Li glanced at him and shook his head.

The group of them walked cautiously towards the girls' school. Every little disturbance could arouse their vigilance and stop them. This scene actually looked a bit funny, and Xiao Li almost laughed out loud - Qian Yiwei finally stopped in a Under the tree facing the teaching building, he looked at the three buildings in front of him and said, "Which one is advanced?"

The girls' high school is very quiet now. Whenever they stop, a cold and gloomy feeling spreads from the soles of their feet. There is not a single sound in the entire Nandu Girls' School - not even the chirping of birds, which caused several people to speak. They all lowered their voices, as if they were squeezed out of their throats.

Zheng Yi looked at the gloomy teaching building, then looked at the girls' dormitory whose name was terrifying, and then looked at the terrifying experimental building, and said, "I don't want any of it."

Huang Nina also said: "Can't you just be outside like this?"

"Although we have come in, we haven't encountered any crisis yet," Qian Yiwei held up his glasses frame and whispered, "But it shouldn't continue like this, otherwise this task will be too simple."

Huang Nina leaned against the big tree behind her and said, "It's better to rest here for a while. Anyway, there is no danger. Once you enter the building, it will be difficult to get out."

It was the first time for several of them to encounter such a thing. Most of them had already gone home to rest during this period of time. They almost never thought that they would experience this kind of thing. In the environment like being in a horror movie, it was almost impossible to make a decision directly.

A gust of invisible wind blew through, raising the dust on the ground, and the trees they were leaning against rustled. Many yellow leaves fell from the heads of several people, and one of them happened to fall on the top of Xiao Li's head.

Xiao Li touched his head, picked off a yellow leaf, and threw it aside—because of this action, his original line of sight was raised about forty-five degrees, and his eyes just happened to meet the inexplicable top of his head. The lush bushes met a strange white face that appeared strangely from among the leaves.

It was a pale face, and the facial features were twisted together. At first glance, they could not even see the specific facial features, and they didn't know how long they had been watching here, but they didn't notice it at all!

Xiao Li: "..."

- This ghost looks abstract enough.

Qian Yiwei and Xiao Li stood facing each other, and immediately noticed that the other party's expression changed suddenly, and immediately looked at the direction where Xiao Li's line of sight fell, his throat tightened, and he also stepped back.

The abnormality of the two of them naturally fell into the eyes of Zheng Yi and the two of them. They didn't react at first, but after seeing that Xiao Li and Qian Yiwei both looked abnormal, Zheng Yi asked "what's the matter" while wondering He looked up, then froze.

After Qian Yiwei retreated to a certain distance, he pulled Huang Nina, who was closest to him, and started to flee outside desperately.

With a short scream from the girl with hindsight, their escape kicked off.

Xiao Li thought about it for a while, but still ran with the big army.

However, he just ran a few steps, but he was slightly startled, because... There was another footstep!

Xiao Li slowed down and counted the footsteps of their group in his heart. The sound of running shoes and leather shoes stepping on the ground was very distinguishable. Apart from the four, there seemed to be another, very slight footsteps. …

Pa-ta, pa-ta mixed in the sound of heavy footsteps.

This thought just flashed in Xiao Li's mind, but it seemed to be blocked by some force.

One more person.

Teams are no longer safe - rather than force a team, it's better to go it alone!

Just as Xiao Li was constantly weighing the danger in his mind, Zheng Yixu saw that he was running too slowly, and stretched out a hand to pull the backward classmates.

Xiao Li avoided his outstretched hand and said softly, "There's more footsteps in the team, I'm going to act alone."

"One more... one more," Zheng Yi said incredulously, "what is one more? You want to act alone?"

"You be careful."

For the sake of Zheng Yida's leader, Xiao Li made a rare explanation, and then he made a decisive decision. When the team passed the corner of a teaching building, he lightly circled and went around alone.

Zheng Yi stomped on the spot like a koi that had been electrocuted, and then followed the two people in front of him with a look of confusion and fear.

After they shook off the white shadow behind them, Zheng Yi told Xiao Li's words to the other two. At that time, Qian Yiwei's expression was very strange - he stared at him for a while before he pushed his glasses and said, "I see. ."

After Xiao Li passed the corner, he walked around the playground. Next to the laboratory building, there was a wisteria trellis that had long been deserted. There were stone tables and round stools under the artificially built racks, and dust had fallen on them. But looking at the overall situation, it is not difficult to imagine that if this school is still here, this place is probably a very popular secret garden.

On the right side of the wisteria trellis, there is a pond, the bottom of which has long since dried up, and it is so dark that it cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Xiao Li snapped off a branch from the maple tree, fished it to the bottom of the pond, and fished out a mass of black and green mud, like a woman's long hair, entangled with rotten leaves and inseparable.

He poked for a while, but didn't find any useful clues, so he gave up his useless practice and walked in another direction.

Xiao Li didn't throw away the branch that was stained with silt, and dragged himself on the ground to amuse himself. The remaining silt of the branch was meandering on the ground, looking like the blood of some kind of creature struggling under the night.

He approached the wisteria trellis and walked through the narrow corridor. The long withered flower branches above his head seemed to sense the approach of popularity, and a rustling sound fell above his head.

The black-haired boy raised the branch, poked it above his head, and jumped a step aside before a dry flower stem fell, avoiding the head kill.

When the flower stem touched the ground, it fell into white slag similar to powder. At the same time, the picture of the entire wisteria trellis began to distort, and then it was like entering a holographic movie, and the surrounding changed into the daytime campus.

The blooming wisteria trellis is like a lavender waterfall, and some girls are sitting at the stone table chatting in women's high school uniforms.

Xiao Li felt like a gentleman (hen) and a gentleman (tai) who had entered the girls' school by mistake - he tried to poke a finger on the shoulder of one of the girls, but his finger penetrated directly, obviously, This is a phantom.

Everything seemed peaceful and beautiful, and the beautiful girls complemented the scenery.

However, about two minutes later, there was a miserable cry from far to near: "No, please, let me go!"

There were four girls grabbing a thin girl who was struggling with her life. She was wearing thick clothes and was forcibly dragged away by the four girls.

Xiao Li noticed that her clothes were unusual. Like other people, she only wore a sweater in her winter school uniform, but this girl wore at least three or four coats, including down jackets.

The girl at the head wore a high ponytail and thick smoky makeup, and said proudly, "I want to admit my mistake now, it's too late, I must know the lesson, pretend there every day, and tell you to do it too. If you don't answer, you don't know who you look down on?"

The girl who was dragged along seemed to know that she could not resist the four of them, so she gave up her struggle and said, "Deng Fei, it's really not me... I didn't mean to... Stay away from me, don't come near me!"

The ponytail girl Deng Fei raised her eyebrows high: "You don't cry until you die, it seems that you don't know why you are so annoying."

They were arrogant and domineering all the way, and some of the girls who were sitting on the stone table had already frowned, but no one dared to stand up to stop them.

The moment they left the wisteria trellis, the whole scene suddenly ended, night fell, and Xiao Li returned to reality.

So this is... a real memory? Is it this girl who asked him for help? Is she still alive

Xiao Li was thinking about it when he suddenly heard footsteps running towards him from far to near.

What happened to Qian Yiwei's group obviously happened, their faces were panicked, their eyes were distracted, and they ran away in a panic. When they came to the back of the wisteria flower stand, Zheng Yi didn't know what they found, and the whole person was shaking three times with fright: "Damn it. !"

Behind him, Huang Nina shrank her shoulders and pointed to the ground: "This trace seems to be fresh... Why is it so bloody! Is it a walking ghost? Still dragging... dragging blood... "

Qian Yiwei analyzed: "This trace must not exceed five minutes. It seems that the ghost is nearby. We should leave here as soon as possible."

What he didn't say was that Sherlock, who was acting alone, was likely killed - otherwise, how did the blood in the ghost's hands come from? It is very likely that Sherlock was attacked by a ghost and then dragged all the way... It seems that acting alone is a dead end.

At night, the legendary haunted girls' school seemed to have traces of being dragged along, which made these people terrified.

Xiao Li stretched his neck and glanced at it, his face became strange - the bloodstain they were talking about, it seems, 80%, is a mud mark left by him dragging with a branch... In the case of insufficient light, it seems that it is Kind of reminiscent.

Then Zheng Yi looked in the direction of Xiao Li. At first glance, he almost screamed in surprise. At second glance, he breathed a sigh of relief and thought that he was fine. At third glance, he watched Xiao Li turn towards them. He turned around, holding a tree branch in his right hand, leaving twisted traces on the ground as he moved...

Qian Yiwei: "..."

Huang Nina: "..."

Xiao Li came to him: "You are running so fast, have you seen a ghost?"

"Yeah, we saw that white shadow at the window again..." Zheng Yi said blankly, "but now it seems that you are more like a ghost."

He couldn't imagine that Xiao Li could walk around with branches in a haunted horror high school. Did he think this was a playground

Xiao Li: "..."

Qian Yiwei pointed at the branch he was holding in his right hand and said, "Mr. Xia, what is the liquid on it?"

"The silt in the pond," Xiao Li said, "I just stabbed it twice."

Qian Yiwei: "..."

Poke, poke twice

He wasn't sure if he would get a more bizarre answer after continuing to ask the question "why stab twice", such as "because it looks good to stab" or something.

The author has something to say: [Xiao Huangben: It's better to act alone, the world of two people!]