I Wasn’t Born Lucky

Chapter 35


Zhu Yiting quickly analyzed in his mind, and the expression on his face changed suddenly. He was not as frightened as when he encountered ghosts before, but looked straight at Xiao Li and his pockets.

Xiao Li didn't pay attention at first. When he took his hand from his pocket, he glanced at Zhu Yiting inadvertently, and was startled by the focused gaze he stared at him: "What are you looking at me for?"

"I see it..." Zhu Yiting pointed to Tan Li in Xiao Li's pocket, "Sherlock, are you also a ghost hunter?"

Xiao Li seized the blind spot and picked out a word from Zhu Yiting's words: "Also?"

Zhu Yiting took two steps outside, trying to stay away from the corpse on the ground as much as possible. At this time, he had returned to his usual state and asked Xiao Li, "Although I am not a ghost hunter myself, I know, Brother Xia, your ghost. It looks very different from everyone else's."

Xiao Li nodded as a tacit consent, and did not intend to continue to answer the other party's words.

Zhu Yiting didn't know whether he should continue to ask. He didn't know much about ghost hunters, so he didn't know if this was a taboo. He hesitated for a while, but Yongchun robbed him of the conversation: "Brother Xia is really amazing, and the ghosts you raise are also amazing. Thank you for saving us."

Yongchun started partnering with Zhu Yiting and others from the third world, and he was used to Zhu Yiting's unspoken style. This guy has also offended many companions, but he is still a bit capable. In reality, it is said that he is with a certain It's a bit related to the ghost hunter. In the last world, they relied on Zhu Yiting's reasoning to live to the end. At this time, he was afraid that Zhu Yiting would offend Sherlock again, so he immediately stopped the other party from talking to Big Brother Xia, otherwise what would he do if the other party got angry and dig a hole for them

Zhu Yiting got the meaning of Yongchun, he is not stupid, he directly gave up asking about the ghost, and said with a smile: "Sherlock, you and your ghost really have a harmonious socialist relationship between people and ghosts, and it looks very good. Cute, looks very spiritual and likes you very much, as expected of Sherlock!"

Seeing that he didn't talk nonsense, Yongchun breathed a sigh of relief and nodded: "As expected of Sherlock!"

Fan Ren followed the formation: "As expected of Sherlock!"

The word "ah" was recited with emotion by them - but all three of them repeated a sentence, and those who didn't know it thought it was an echo, and for a while, the terrifying atmosphere brought by Shi Ye was wiped out.

The puppet that Tan Li transformed into lowered his head in disgust, and covered his sight with his pocket.

The corners of Xiao Li's mouth twitched. He didn't care about the three people's convulsions. He reached out and adjusted the mobile phone in Zhu Yiting's hand, and aimed the light from the mobile phone at the corpse lying on the ground—

Tan Li didn't know what to do with it. The corpse that had been resurrected fell directly to the ground after the doll retracted his hand, unable to move.

Once Xiao Li shut his mouth, and the pale light of the mobile phone shone on Shi Ye's face, the other party's wide-open pupils and mouth were all in sight, making Zhu Yiting's fear of being suppressed by Tan Li resurfaced, and he tremblingly gave him The black-haired boy slapped his light: "Xia, Sherlock, what are you looking at? Everyone else ran away, let's leave early, lest there is no place to live..."

The rest of the reincarnations who were not too timid would have fled the door long ago when Shi Ye was tearing the black box. If Zhu Yiting and the others were not unlucky and happened to be blocked by Shi Ye, they would have escaped long ago. How could they be like this now? Sherlock delved into dead bodies together.

Xiao Li squatted down and touched the aorta of Shi Ye's corpse with his hands, then pulled down the other's neckline, glanced down, and checked its eyelids again. After finishing all the movements, he clapped his hands and stood up.

Zhu Yiting raised the phone a little bit bravely, he felt two words written on Sherlock's handsome face: Interesting.

God is pitiful to see what is so interesting about Shi Ye's body!

"Sherlock, what did you find?" Tao Fei, who had been standing silently on the side, raised his head and asked.

As Xiao Li walked out, he said, "The time of death is not right. Shi Ye didn't die after opening the box. The corpse looked like it had been dead for at least half a day, or even a day."

Zhu Yiting held up his mobile phone with one hand to show them the way, and speculated along Xiao Li's words: "You mean, this body is not Shi Ye's? Because Shi Ye died after opening the box, so the body was unpacked. Is that corpse a ghost?"

"That's not what I meant," Xiao Li didn't stop, but he gave Zhu Yiting a cool look and explained, "It's Shi Ye, but Shi Ye died during the day."

It was already early in the morning, they were walking in the village, the wind was whirring in their ears, and when they heard Xiao Li's words, goosebumps appeared behind everyone's back.

"What is... Shi Ye is dead during the day? We were chatting with him at night, when he was already...?" Tao Fei thought of the scene not long ago, and said tremblingly, "Then who is talking to us, ghost ?"

Zhu Yiting followed Xiao Li's train of thought and asked: "If Shi Ye became a ghost at that time, and the dead were resurrected, why didn't he know he was dead? Besides, seeing the way he received the black box, he was even more frightened than ordinary people, and finally he Outburst escaped, that kind of expressiveness doesn’t seem like a fake…”

"I don't know what the group of people who followed the village chief did during the day, maybe they faced the copy ghost directly on Zhang Tao's side, destroyed the group, then resurrected the dead body, lost the memory of death, came back like ordinary people, they I didn't know I was dead, but I thought I was alive—then the previous ghost sent them a black box." Xiao Li said, "If my guess is correct, the next group with Shi Ye. Everyone gets that black box."

In the original task assignment, Zhu Yiting and others were responsible for getting the village chief's wife, while Tao Fei went to the villagers' homes to collect information, and did not follow the village chief to Zhang Tao's side. Looking at each other, I felt a little comfort in my heart.

Zhu Yiting asked curiously, "Then what exactly is in this black box? Why do you say Shi Ye lost it?"

Xiao Li didn't answer directly. He was in a good mood after solving his doubts about the small box. He asked in a rare manner: "Only those dead people can have it, what do you think it will be?"

Zhu Yiting scratched his head, and suddenly felt the pain of being asked by a math teacher on stage when he was in school: "I think... is it part of the power of the ghost? Is it the special ability of the copy ghost?"

Tao Fei: "It's their own... breath?"

Xiao Li withdrew his expectant gaze and said indifferently, "Memory."

"In those boxes, they should contain the memories of when they were killed - they didn't know they were dead, so they lived as a living person. Once the box was opened and the memory returned to its place, then he also recalled that he was The fact that the dead person will quickly become a ghost. This is also the reason for the limited number of black boxes. The ghosts have no memory that belongs to me, so they can't give me a copy."

Zhu Yiting: "..."

At first, he was enlightened, and his heart was full of the sigh of "Sherlock, awesome!", but the more he listened, the more he felt that it was not quite right, and the familiar black question mark appeared in his mind - the other party's last tone seemed to be still in the dark. It's not a good thing to regret not being able to get the little box, what are you regretting? !

Tao Fei then asked: "Now that we know the secret of the black box, let's go next..."

She originally wanted to try to analyze her actions after she learned the secret, but on second thought, it seems that it makes no difference whether she knows the secret or not—this is not the way to survive until the last day, even if she has been killed, then she will won't remember.

"Let's find a room to sleep next, okay?" Zhu Yiting looked at the desolate night scene around him, "Let's just find a house to stay for one night, I don't want to spend a night in a haunted mountain village!"

And most importantly, he had a urge to urinate - Zhu Yiting was so frightened by Shi Ye when he was asleep before, coupled with the serial blows of encountering ghosts and escaping, he forgot the existence of nocturnal urine for a while. However, when he came out and learned the secret of the black box, he came back to his senses and immediately wanted to pee again.

As soon as Zhu Yiting said these words, the others immediately looked at Xiao Li, with a faint tendency to take him as their core.

Xiao Li lived up to expectations: "Yes, you can go first."

Zhu Yiting sensitively captured the wrong vocabulary used by the other party, and he asked, "You? What about you, aren't you going with us?"

Xiao Li nodded: "I'll go to the village chief's house."

Tao Fei asked in confusion: "What are you doing over there? You said before that Shi Ye and his group who followed the village chief died, so shouldn't the village chief also..."

Xiao Li said, "Remember the customs of the Soul Gathering Village I said earlier?"

Tao Fei nodded hesitantly: "Remember."

"There are props for the Soul Gathering Ceremony on the village chief's side." Xiao Li looked up at the night sky above his head. It was clearly a mountain village, but there were no stars, only dark clouds covering the sky. "Everything about this place, I want to gather my soul and ask them."

Tao Fei: "..."

Yongchun repeated with difficulty: "Ask it... them?"

-Sherlock, don't you worry that the ghosts "they" who gather here are hostile to you, and then start a killing spree to kill you, the human who dares to disturb them? ! How can you be the same as "Something is wrong here, then I'll make a phone call and ask a good friend"? !

Zhu Yiting was silent for a while, and then discouraged: "Brother Xia, I think you can do anything during the day. Can't we sleep first?"

alive, isn't it

Xiao Li looked at him and asked in surprise, "Can you sleep?"

Zhu Yiting didn't keep up with the speed of his thinking: "What?"

"The bed here is very hard. I hardly slept last night, and I still feel back pain when I wake up. I don't want to continue living here. I want to go home early and live in a soft bed." Xiao Li said blankly. Say.

Zhu Yiting: "..."

The most irritating thing is that the other party is obviously expressionless, but Zhu Yiting can just hear from his tone that he is not open - but is the bed soft or not the point? Isn't that right? Which reincarnation person would care that the bed in the dungeon world is too hard! What everyone cares about is whether they can survive or not!