I Wasn’t Born Lucky

Chapter 60


Xiao Li opened the package and took two sips. After staying up all night, his hunger was satisfied, and he gave Xiao Huangben a positive answer.

But what he was a little curious about was why Xiao Huangben didn't come back in a human form - Xiao Li didn't miss his human form, he was just curious as to why he didn't take credit in person with his teddy-like character. It's just that Xiao Li won't ask even if he has some doubts, otherwise it is hard to guarantee that the other party will regard his inquiry as an expression of love.

Xiao Huangben got a positive reply, so he was very happy: [If you like it, I can make supper for you in the future.]

[However, this kind of food is not good, you must eat some nutritious food.]

Xiao Li politely declined: "No need."

Xiao Huangben seems to be very disappointed because of his rejection: [Why can't you rely on me more?]

[I want you to depend on me so much that you can't live without me, and you need my care at all times to survive. If you live a world like this, you must be able to kiss me many times.]

[But in fact, now we are the complete opposite.]

[I can't live without you, I depend on you, I fantasize about getting you and possessing you all the time.]

[Actually, you can ask me for many, many requests, I am far stronger than you think, and I like that you ask me to do things.]

Xiao Li thought for a while: "Then can you make this barbecue a little more spicy now? How could you think of buying a barbecue that is not spicy, it has no soul at all."

Xiao Huangben: [… ]

[… Because eating spicy food can easily make you unable to fall asleep, you should eat lightly before going to bed.]

Xiao Li suddenly felt that this man looked like an old-fashioned man—not young at all, even though he was a ghost at his age, it seemed logical.

He ate the supper in a few mouthfuls and threw the wreckage into the trash can. Xiao Huangben suddenly vibrated again: [Why didn't you ask me why I didn't come back?]

Xiao Li didn't answer, he thought it might be because I didn't ask you to tell me, right

[Angry, you don't care about me, and don't really want to ignore you, but I'm even more angry that I don't live up to my expectations, so I can't help ignoring you.]

—Hey, it’s really a little cute that you can analyze yourself like this.

Xiao Li was full and in a good mood. He made up for Xiao Huangben's irritated look, and supported his fingers along his hair: "Why didn't you come back?"

It took a while for Xiao Huangben to show: [I dare not come back.]

[When you go home, buy you supper, and come back to watch you eat, I can't help sinking in.]

[I will want to sleep with you, I will want to hold your chin up and kiss you, I will also want to press you on the bed, the single bed I made creaks, maybe it will collapse, but it doesn’t matter , you will fall on me, and I will catch you.]

[This kind of fantasy... is too happy, I dare not let it appear, I will fall in and never get up again.]

Xiao Li: ? ?

You are a big pervert. You can really think about it, and you think a lot.

Before the teenager said anything, Xiao Huang planned to show Ai Ai: [Can you give me a good night kiss? If not the lips, the forehead, or the back of the hand can also be.]

Xiao Li was stunned for a moment. He only felt that a transparent person in the air bent down and kissed the back of his hand very lightly - if he hadn't paid attention on purpose, he wouldn't even have felt it.

Xiao Huangben glowed red innocently: [Baby, good night.]

The next day, near noon, screams rang out from outside the dormitory building belonging to the doctors.

Zhang San, who died last night, was broken into by the reincarnations because he had not left the house. He found that he had died in the room.

Hu Li bent down and covered his body with a bed cover: "Did anyone notice the movement last night?"

"No," the others said, recalling the restless night yesterday, "I didn't hear anything."

Hu Li turned his head and asked Xiao Li, "Sherlock, what about you? What did you find in the emergency room?"

Xiao Li lazily put the back of his hand on his mouth, yawned, and tears welled up from the corners of his eyes because he stayed up late: "I saw the girl with a gaping mouth, and I did a quick Q&A with her, and after that, I stopped by the hospital building for a ward round to coax the ponytail. Sleep with braids."

When he said this, he suddenly remembered something. Xiao Li took out a camera from his jacket pocket and threw it to Hu Li: "By the way, I picked up a gadget and experienced an elevator shock."

Hu Li: ? ?

Would you be a little more by the way? !

Guan Yu who listened silently: "..."

The elevator is frightened, whose soul is frightened? Anyway, he didn't feel that Sherlock himself was shocked...

The reincarnators took their cameras and went to the outpatient building to study the video of Fang Qi.

It was clearly another day at noon, but the sunlight outside the window was no longer as good as the first day, but rather gloomy, with a smoky drizzle.

The registration hall of the outpatient building was still empty, and it was impossible to see who would come to register in a hospital that was about to close down.

The reincarnations were blatantly sitting in the hall together, discussing the next move.

Hu Li, as the captain, held the camera that had been played over and over again in his hand: "According to the content recorded in this camera, it seems that the patients in the hospital have all turned into ghosts, and there is a place to escape from the doctor's mouth, enough to end everything..."

"Has anyone seen Fang Qi's office while searching? Will there be other clues there?"

"It was too late at that time. We didn't take a closer look, but we looked it over." Guan Yu carefully recalled the scene at that time. "If you are worried, you can go and have a look again. It's in the inpatient building."

Hu Li pondered: "We can go there at noon today to explore, and we have to leave a few people in the outpatient clinic."

Guan Yu doesn't believe in Hu Li. He is usually a kind of conceited person, but the impression left on him last night was too deep. He subconsciously looked at Sherlock: "What do you think?"

Xiao Li lowered his pitch-black eyelashes. He was playing with his fingers and was using his pen to write and draw something on the white paper when he suddenly heard Guan Yu ask, "Well? It's almost divided into categories."


Xiao Li drew three crooked frames on the white paper and showed them to Guan Yu.

Guan Yu pondered Xiao Li's intentions for a while: "Three... three offices? There are three ghosts in each? No, the lines are twisted, um... three toast bread with three crows? Crows eat toast bread-"

Xiao Li: "..."

He pulled back the paper without changing his face, crossed out the three boxes, twisted the paper into a ball and threw it into the trash can, explaining nonchalantly: "The three buildings, the outpatient building, the emergency building, and the inpatient building, Haven't you thought about what each corresponds to?"

"What does it correspond to? One for accommodation, one for anxious, one for leisure? Two nights, one day?" The more Guan Yu guessed, the more anxious he became, "I am going violent and my IQ is not high, don't let me guess. Now, I thought I was fucking dreaming of going back to high school and being tested by the teacher, Teacher Xia."

Xiao Li sighed: "...the past, the present, the future."

"The outpatient building is the past, the inpatient building is the present, and the emergency building is the future. So those patients, who used to come here to see the outpatient clinic, and now live in the inpatient building, come to the emergency room at night for certain things—you don't mind it. 'Past', but every night in the emergency room, someone must go to meet the 'future'." Xiao Li speculated and wrote a few words, "But there are still some mysteries that I haven't figured out, and clues are needed, such as why they must remind me Go to the ward round, what will happen if I don't go to the ward, night shift ward?"

His speech was fast, and the content was vague. Guan Yu and the others listened in a cloudy and foggy way, and they were particularly unclear.

Hu Li went straight to the point: "But why are there ghosts attacking us in the outpatient building? In the past, there shouldn't be ghosts, right?"

"People are only allowed to indulge in the past, and ghosts are not allowed to refuse to come out?" Xiao Li asked rhetorically.

Guan Yu simply said: "You just say what are we going to do next?"

"Wait." Xiao Li sat back on the back of the chair again, holding the white paper in his hand, and continued to write and draw, "If you are free, you can also look for it in the outpatient building. There should be some past materials."

During the commotion of the reincarnators, Bai Yun and others looked at Hu Li. As the captain, Hu Li's heart was extremely complicated at this time - he was clearly the captain, how could he feel that he was listening to this kid's orders now

At this moment, an old man walked in from outside the outpatient building. It was the old man who introduced the reincarnators to the hospital yesterday afternoon. He stood with his hands behind his back and looked at the reincarnators with concern: "On the first day, how did you adapt? Like?"

"Others are fine," Hu Li stood aside and answered with a careful choice of moderate words, "It's just that we seem to have encountered a little... supernatural situation, this old gentleman, dare to ask if this place is... haunted...?"

It is still uncertain whether the old man is good or bad. Hu Lisheng was afraid of offending him, so he only dared to use words to test out Zhang San's death. After all, if the old man seriously called the police, the police would drive them all out of the hospital. , it means that the mission fails directly, and they all have to die.

The old man's face changed when he heard the words: "You are also doctors with high education, why do you believe in that kind of thing?!"

"Hehe, isn't it better to believe it or not."

"Don't think about some things, the more you think about it, the more afraid you will become," the old man scratched his chin full of white stubble. "When you are afraid, you should wear a white coat and don't take it off. This white coat, With a righteousness, no one else dares to approach."

Hu Li was overjoyed, and only regarded the old man's reminder as a plot to survive. He quickly gathered up the white coat neatly, and didn't take it off when he was going to sleep.

Xiao Li sat on the spot, looked at the old man, and suddenly pulled Guan Yu beside him and asked, "Would you like to do a big job?"

Guan Yu: "Ah? What?"

"I feel that there is something wrong with him," Xiao Li pointed at the old man. "If he can be stunned and threatened with his life, he will definitely be able to spit out a lot of secrets."

Guan Yu: "..."

He pointed to himself with a very complicated expression on his face: "Sherlock, my name is Guan Yu, not Dong Zhuo. Wouldn't your conscience hurt if you attack an old man like this?"

Xiao Li: "... Tsk, I didn't say that I want to really start, and he's not necessarily good or bad."

Guan Yu's eyes became more complicated, he looked at Xiao Li with a "don't talk" look, Xiao Li twitched the corner of his mouth and tore off a piece of paper to cover his face.

After the old man briefly explained a few words, he left again, letting Hu Li take good care of everyone.

After he left, Hu Li hesitated for a moment, but decided, as Xiao Li said, to search for clues in the relatively safest outpatient building first, and then go to the inpatient building.

in the outpatient building.

The scene of being frightened by the nursery rhyme before is still vivid in my mind, and everyone shrank their necks and walked in the passage.

They advance from bottom to top, and each department will go in and flip through the stack of documents and consultation materials on the desktop to see if there are any clues.

The pattering rain outside the window grew louder and louder, and the rain shrouded the hospital like a bead curtain.

After another corner, Xiao Li suddenly stopped at the end of the line and looked behind him—behind him, there were many and noisy footsteps, as if he was following a group of invisible people.