I Wasn’t Born Lucky

Chapter 78


Ye Zeqing squinted at him when he heard the words, and sighed exaggeratedly: "Why are you so incapable of thinking about it?"

The face on the steering wheel did not look sideways, and there was a deep-rooted contempt in his eyes: "Why are there little bugs buzzing in my ears, saying some incomprehensible words, I will order the card spirit to give the boat another day. Do a big cleanup."

Xiao Li: "Don't change it, just do it now."

After several previous attempts, Captain Sturt developed a sense of vigilance towards the person in front of him: "What do you want to do?"

This human seems to be interested in playing cards—

The face on the steering wheel looked at Xiao Li's eyes changed, at first it was contempt with victory, then it turned into fear when he was dripped with alcohol, and finally it turned into a look like a competitor: "You want to pry me into the corner? "

No captain can bear the betrayal of his subordinates, nor can he bear the digging behavior of the enemy.

Xiao Li: "I can't afford it. The price of his social security fund is too high. Look at you, and now there is only one face left."

Face: "...You're not finished, are you?!"

Seeing that Captain Sturt still didn't get the point of his words, Xiao Li made a light "tsk", shook his right hand, took out the sharp scalpel, cut into the wall beside him, and dug out a small piece of it. Comes with a piece of wood.

The corrosion of the walls in the captain's room was more serious than the outside, and it looked as if it had been doused with sulfuric acid.

Seeing this, the face on the steering wheel immediately shouted: "Stop it! Despicable bug, are you a fucking excavator? Don't destroy my ship in front of me!"

The flesh-and-blood tentacle monster outside the door had been silent for a long time before, but the face that belonged to Captain Sturt once again became murderous, and it slammed the door harder.

The door lock was crumbling under the persistent blow of the monster, and it was Willie who tried to use his body against the door, but he couldn't resist the huge force outside.

More and more blood poured in.

"Moriarty, the door can't hold up anymore," Qi Xiaoxiao shouted to Xiao Li, "Don't spend time entangled with him, our mission is not to slap the face, nor to seek the truth of the ghost ship, We are going to destroy 'It'!"

Xiao Li turned his back to her and made a "know" gesture.

The face was full of anger, and it seemed that he was really angry at Xiao Li's behavior of destroying the hull of the ship, so that his nostrils were widened outwards, forming two small black holes, as if they could suck people.

Xiao Li put the dug out wood directly in front of the nose of his face.

His face wrinkled into a ball: "Take it away, it smells bad!"

Xiao Li: "... Except for the unpleasant smell, you don't have any feelings?"

"Why do you talk so strangely, little bug," said the face impatiently. "This is how you hit me? Want to annoy me by asking questions?"

Ye Zeqing: "..."

—This face is also pretty good at talking trash.

"Your eternity came by turning into dead wood, so your ghost ship should have frozen time. When we entered the sailor's room, even the tea was still warm." Xiao Li was not affected by the other party's trash talk. The rotten piece of wood was weighed in his hand, "How can the hull rot so badly?"

His face froze for a moment.

"A ghost ship that is eternal, but the inside is rotting. This is not the real eternity, and the outside is also not the real sea." Xiao Li's eyes moved from the steering wheel to the glass window in front of him, the waves outside were still The waves are turbulent, the full moon hangs high in the sky, and even the feeling of seasickness is so real.

"This, this is impossible!" Xiao Li's words were like a heavy hammer, and his face was stunned, "Impossible, boy, I am more familiar with the sea than you!"

"Moriarty, you mean, we're not on the sea, this is just a fantasy...?" Qi Xiaoxiao couldn't help but interject.

"It's not an illusion." Xiao Li said, he turned to the steering wheel, "Maybe you can ask your card spirit."

The face that belonged to Captain Sturt contorted, and he slowly spit out a brief incantation from his mouth, like Latin, what he said was vague and no one could hear it.


The door was slammed open by the tentacled flesh-and-blood monster, its tentacles flying all over its body, standing at the door looking at the people in the room.

But the flesh and blood swamp in the corridor did not flow in as the door opened, and an invisible force resisted it.

The man who drew poker for everyone in the ballroom of the cruise ship Oriental Mermaid suddenly appeared in the captain's room. Like a real gentleman, he bowed slightly toward the steering wheel: "Master Sturt."

The face on the steering wheel pointed at Xiao Li with his chin: "Did you see it? He treated me so respectfully, this is the truth."

The man turned to face Xiao Li and smiled slightly: "Moriarty, you left a deep impression on me. The person who draws the little ghost card, I said, cherish him like your life, you won't regrettable."

For his opening remarks, Xiao Li also responded favorably: "This demon who doesn't know his name, your methods also left a deep impression on me, Fang Qi is far worse than you - off topic, that cup of tea It's not very tasty, it is recommended to change to milk tea in the future, no skills are required."

Man: "..."

"Wait, why can't I understand what you're talking about?" Ye Zeqing interrupted in a foggy voice.

Xiao Li said: "Give the life he wants to pray for immortality, but it doesn't really give him reality. Putting him in the mirror and watching the tossing people he thinks is high every day is indeed a devilish method."

His face was stunned on the spot, his mind was not stupid, he was just immersed in the madness of eternal life, and now he tasted from Xiao Li's words: "Card Spirit?"

This man used to have the mature and steady temperament of a Western housekeeper in his gestures, but now since Xiao Li said those words, there was a lazy smile on his lips - this incarnation of a card spirit. The demon said, "Ah, it was discovered, how did it get discovered?"

Xiao Li: "That cup of tea."

He continued: "From the very beginning of the cruise ship becoming a ghost ship, I tested the walls and found that the more I went inside, the more severe the corrosion was, but it was completely invisible from the outside. In order to create 'eternity', you even soaked it yourself. A cup of hot tea to create the feeling of 'time is frozen on this boat'."

The man touched his chin: "I thought that cup of tea was the finishing touch. The tea brewed before a person died, but the next wave of people came up and was still steaming, what a theme."

"There is also the movement of the bones, the same corrosion marks as the walls," Xiao Li rubbed the damaged parts of the bones with his fingers, "At first I thought this ship was alive, but after seeing that face, I Only then did I understand that eternity is false, and it is all false here.”

The devil said: "Oh?"

"Captain Sturt is praying to you for immortality, you may be bored, maybe just a simple pervert, and you have made him what he is now, but you don't think it's interesting enough, you transformed his ship into what it is now, hiding in the dark At this place, maybe every day I wonder when he will find out."

His face was completely silent, and he was no longer arrogant before. After a long time, he asked: "Bee, if the outside is not the sea, where is the outside?"

Xiao Li: "...bees?"

"You're a little more thoughtful than a worm, and you're a bee," explained the face. "Tell me where it is outside?"

Xiao Li took one more look at that face: "Stomach."

"This is... the devil's stomach."

The sea is not the sea, it is gastric juice.

"That sea of red-hot fat—no, it's wrong, it's a red monster, and it's not an ordinary evil spirit, it's a sacrifice, a sacrifice offered by outsiders to the devil, after swallowing it in the stomach. The reason why we When I move forward, I feel circling around because of walking in the intestines.”

The reason why Xiao Li was able to recognize it was because of the sacrificial scene that emerged from the mirror when Bloody Mary appeared on the ghost train - that scene not only had the seal formation, but also the sacrifice formation that had already been drawn.

When Xiao Li was waiting for the flesh-and-blood monster before, the opponent showed his face from the corner, and there was such a formation engraved on the side and rear.

The demon applauded: "It's a good idea, but you never thought about it. You expose me in front of me, and you're not afraid that I'll turn your face and kill you?"

With the clap of palms, the sea water outside the glass window gradually changed, from a bottomless blue to a piece of mucus, and the material of the doors, windows and walls also changed from wood to flesh and blood, and the touch was soft and extremely strange. .

"Don't be afraid," Xiao Li raised his hand, directly inserted the playing card with a scalpel, pinned it to the steering wheel, and smiled at the demon, "Because I can leave at any time."

The place where the poker card was inserted by the scalpel was weirdly overflowing with blood, and a phantom appeared from above.

The devil's face changed.

"All treasures, ghosts and ghosts are fake. The only real thing is this playing card, and the only thing that can't be rid of it is it." Xiao Li pulled out the scalpel and stabbed in the middle of the playing card, "It is your avatar. , or heirs? Following humans, do we need to hide ourselves through humans? Or... do we need to absorb human life?"

As he said, the scalpel continued to descend, getting closer and closer to the third leg of the kid on the playing card—

The demon stopped him: "Enough."

Xiao Li's knife also stopped in the air: "This playing card is 'it', the devil following us."

Poker cards are given to everyone by the devil, perhaps the devil's avatar. It inherits the demon's dominance and instinctively defends against other ghosts before being conscious. It is regarded as a spiritual weapon by everyone, but it is actually just a hotbed of the devil.

So by destroying it, you can complete the mission and return directly to reality.

He said these words to the rest of the reincarnators.

"It is my seed of strength. I originally wanted to use you to warm it up for two days. When it completely absorbs your life, you should die." The demon has red eyes and is full of interest, "I have seen it before. A lot of outsiders, Moriarty, have to say, you're funny."

Xiao Li glanced at him, did not speak, and slowly and thoroughly opened the playing cards, waiting for the completion of the mission to be teleported.