I Wasn’t Born Lucky

Chapter 96


Xiao Li stood by the well, glanced at the ghost at the bottom of the well, put his hands on the edge of the well, and looked down at the bottom of the well and asked, "Excuse me, where is the way out?"

His voice echoed down the well, but there was no response.

Xiao Li retracted his head, glanced thoughtfully into the distance, and changed his way of asking: "Or should I ask, how can I get out?"

The well ghost was lying on the bottom of the dry well, its hair was loose, and the specific expression could not be seen clearly, only a negative test could be heard, and the reverberation was enough to surround Liang Sanri's voice: "Sherlock..."

Xiao Li: "Tsk, it's not over, right?"

Jing Gui's next sentence was not a continuation of its call, but a prophecy-like whisper: "You can't get out..."

Xiao Li laughed: "Oh? What if I go out? Come with me and compensate me for yourself?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he rejected his own idea: "Forget it, you have to live in a well, it's not easy to raise."

Disgusted Well Ghost: "..."

Have you eaten your rice

Xiao Li stood up and stretched his arms: "Then make a negotiation and let us get out of your place? Let's see where you live. It's beautiful, so you don't need to trap us here on purpose."

The well ghost didn't speak, it lay on the bottom of the well, maintained that position and didn't move again, and squeezed out a resentful whimper from its throat.

Xiao Li said with a little guilt: "You are a ghost, you shouldn't have broken bones or anything... right?"

Jing Gui slowly raised his upper body - I don't know if it was Xiao Li's delusion, he seemed to hear the sound of bones breaking inch by inch - he stretched out his hand above his head and said slowly: "You can leave here at any time, but I will Always be with you."

Xiao Li nodded, he said "goodbye" to the well ghost again, got up and stepped over the bridge and walked towards the distance.

Zhou Ying didn't leave immediately, it kept following Xiao Li and looked at the ghost. After Xiao Li left, the child bent over to pick up the pebbles that had fallen to the side and threw them into the bottom of the well.

Jing Gui stared blankly at the cobblestone in front of him, his long hair parted from his scalp, revealing those terrifying eyes as he looked at Zhou Ying.

Zhou Ying made a face at it and jumped back to Xiao Li.

"Ah—" There was a resentful roar from the dry well, so scared that Brother Hao immediately grabbed Xiao Li and dragged him to the opposite direction of the bridge.

This time, the hazy mist in the haunted house gradually receded, and they walked out of the shrouded range of the ghost.

Brother Hao finally stopped, and together with Xiao Li, he stopped in place and panted.

He didn't see what Zhou Ying was doing. At that time, he and Xiao Li had already turned and left. He said intermittently, "Well, what happened at the bottom of the well?"

Xiao Li tapped Zhou Ying's forehead with his knuckles, and then said to Brother Hao: "I don't know, maybe it's because he saw the fresh grain reserves slipped away, and he felt unwilling."

Mentioning the word "reserve food", Brother Hao thought of the dishes of "Ghost House" again. He didn't want to be the food of these ghosts seriously: "Then let's go quickly and leave this haunted house early."

They both lifted their feet and walked forward. The doll and Zhou Ying followed Xiao Li, looking at everything curiously.

Leaving from the dry well, the road in front of the haunted house is shrouded in darkness again.

There are no lights in the haunted house, only candles on the walls are lit.

The ceiling here is very high, so high that when the reincarnators raise their heads, they will have the illusion that it is an open air.

The air is full of water vapor, almost to the point of condensing into the illusion of water droplets.

When passing a door again, Brother Hao stepped up his steps a little irritably. He took out his mobile phone from his pocket and wanted to check the time on it, but found that the mobile phone had been automatically turned off.

He tried pressing the restart button, but he still couldn't start it. I wonder if it was broken while running, and Brother Hao cursed in a low voice.

Xiao Li originally walked in front of him. He only heard what Brother Hao said, but he couldn't hear it clearly, so he turned his head and said, "Did you speak just now?"

When he turned around like this, the puppet sitting on his shoulder also followed him to look at Brother Hao.

Those emotionless eyes of Specter Ling Hao immediately took a step back: "The phone is out of power, so I sigh."

Xiao Li responded and walked forward again.

Brother Hao was silent for a while, but finally he couldn't help but said to him: "We don't know how long we have been in this haunted house, I suspect it has been an hour, and we haven't walked out yet. Where will this exit be?"

"98 minutes." Xiao Li corrected Brother Hao's words.


"I remember, it's been 98 minutes since we came in, just now, 99 minutes." Xiao Li moved the flashlight away from the ribbon falling from the top of his head, and said in a light tone.

Brother Hao was stunned: "It's been so long... This, does this haunted house really have an exit?!"

"There is," Xiao Li said, "but it is estimated that it will not exist in a conventional form."

"You mean, the exit of the haunted house... won't let us see it?" Brother Hao followed Xiao Li's train of thought and gave full play to his whimsy, "Will it be in that well? In fact, the well is the real exit, but in order to mislead us, the haunted house arranged the well ghost inside?"

Xiao Li: "...Then I don't mind if you go back and try to jump into the well. If it is, you will go out successfully, if not, you will stay with the ghost of the well."

As soon as Brother Hao heard his tone, he knew he had guessed wrong, and he said with a hahaha: "If not, what would it be?"

"I don't know." Xiao Li said neatly, "Let's take a look."

Brother Hao's original guess was choked back by Xiao Li's words. He felt that his physical strength and vigilance were passing by every minute, but he had no choice but to keep walking forward.

There was a wooden door at the corner through the long corridor they were walking on.

The wooden door is obviously very worn, there are even cracks on it, and there is the sound of water flowing from the inside of the wooden door.

Xiao Li walked to the wooden door, he pursed his lips, and knocked on the door first.

Brother Hao said weakly: "Sherlock, what kind of enthusiasm are you gentleman at this time? Even if there is a ghost inside, it won't return you if you knock on the door."

Just as Brother Hao's voice just fell, there was some slight movement from the wooden door, it seemed that someone groaned, and then smashed to the ground.

Brother Hao: "..."

Xiao Li felt that the muffled sound was familiar, he pushed open the wooden door and walked towards the door.

The world in the wooden door, like the dry well, is a world of its own.

The first thing Xiao Li felt was the gurgling sound of water and the sudden rise of water vapor in the air.

-The water vapor here is different from that of the dry well, the temperature here is higher, and the water source is wider, it sounds close at hand.

He bypassed the bushes, walked along the passage in the rockery, and pushed through the clouds to see a quaint building.

The building was like an old Japanese inn, about two stories high, with a small attic that had a triangular shape above. A sign was placed at the window, which read: Hot Spring Hotel.

The sign was very old, and the doors and windows of the hotel were also stuck with cobwebs. Obviously, no one lived there.

In front of this hot spring hotel, there is a hot spring.

The water is alive and warm, crystal clear, but covered by the mist from the air due to the temperature difference.

But what can be seen is that a woman is soaking in the hot spring.

The woman showed only one head, and she had short, smooth hair. The end of the tail has been wet with water mist, sticking to her neck.

She originally turned her back to the reincarnators, but when she heard the sound, she turned her head in surprise and exclaimed at Xiao Li, "Ah, who are you?"

This hot spring woman has a beautiful face, she can almost become a star, with beautiful features and bright red lips.

Xiao Li didn't answer her right away. He first glanced around, looking for the muffled groan that was familiar to him before. Finally, in a flower bush behind the rockery, he found that figure, it was Zou Hanyi.

Zou Hanyi was pale, lying in the grass, reluctantly took out a prop pill from his cuff and stuffed it into his mouth.

Brother Hao rushed over and helped her up: "Miss Zou, is this?"

Zou Hanyi obviously came earlier than them, and turned into this look again. Could it be that the hot spring beauty did it

"No, don't look at her," Zou Hanyi coughed and said that she could fall hard enough just now, "I... I just had no way in front of me, so I had to come in here. She also communicated with me like this at the beginning. ."

"But then, she invited me in to take a hot spring with her. Of course I couldn't agree, but as I communicated with her, I gradually felt that I couldn't control my limbs, and it felt like someone was pushing me behind me, trying to push me forward. spa."

"Fortunately, I brought some props with me. Although I used it once, it would transfer a wound to me, but it still avoided the bad luck of going into the water."

She spoke very quickly and explained everything that happened after she came in.

Xiao Li pondered for a moment, looked at the woman soaking in the hot spring, and guessed, could this be the drowning daughter

The drowning girl is a ghost in ancient legends, in the same vein as the woman in the crack. According to legend, she often haunts the hot springs of hot spring hotels and invites others to soak in the hot springs with her. Once others enter the hot springs, she will reveal her body full of skeletons. Turn that person into a pile of skeletons too.

"Did you come here to play?" The drowning girl in the hot spring was unaware of the hostility of the reincarnators. She raised a smile and invited them warmly, "Would you like to go to the hot spring together? The water temperature in this hotel is very comfortable. I love it, and you will too."

Brother Hao supported Zou Hanyi. He looked back at the wooden door when they came, and tried to leave from there, but to his disappointment, the wooden door had disappeared and became a wall.

"Come down," said the drowning daughter, "I will make you feel the pain."