I Woke up and Was Pregnant

Chapter 10


After a short period of excitement, the fans' minds gradually came to their senses. Could it be that the sand sculpture's official account has been hacked? Otherwise, why did they only click a like and say nothing else

But it’s not possible to say that the account was hacked. After all, the Weibo he liked was not a marketing account, but was seriously related to "Shazhou Chronicle". Does this mean that "Shazhou Chronicle" will be restored It's updated, even if it's not to be updated, it proves that the bastard boss who ran away with his sister-in-law didn't die outside, and now he's back.

As long as people are alive, there is hope for everything.

For a while, the fans were so happy that they rushed to tell each other. Weibo, forums, post bars, etc. were full of news from the official Weibo of Shazhou Chronicle, and all kinds of nostalgic posts emerged endlessly. For those who have not been exposed to this work For people, it is really hard to imagine that there is an animation in Huaguo that can have such great energy.

The fans were so excited that they directly sent "Shazhou Chronicle" to the hot search, from 41 to 29, then to the top ten, and finally stopped at the second place.

The number one hot search today is Qin Zhao's late-night visit to Tang Wanwan.

Some producers who have just entered the industry and don't know what happened two years ago, looking at the four words of Shazhou Chronicle shining brightly on the second most searched, can't help but start to think, how to buy the copyright of "Shazhou Chronicle" , Make a movie or a TV series, can you make a lot of money

In the past few years, the IP market has been extremely hot. Even the slightly famous online novels have been harvested by these capitalists, but they still feel that they are not enough. After all, there are only a few popular books. According to specific rules, the "Shazhou Chronicle" in front of you is another good attempt, and it can also be said to be an experimental opportunity.

Fu Zhen didn't know that fans on the Internet were already raving about him because of his slippery hands. He got up early as usual, dressed and washed, and went to the construction site.

On the construction site, Jiang Hengshu still came very early, occasionally a few sparrows flew over the foggy sky, chirping about interesting things that happened this winter. Wearing sky-blue work clothes, he carried a bag of lime and walked quickly on the construction site, like a clockwork machine, without getting tired.

Fu Zhen didn't know if Jiang Hengshu saw the business card he deliberately left on the brick at noon yesterday, but even if he saw it, he wouldn't necessarily go to him. He now thinks it's just mediocrity.

Fu Zhen sniffed, put on his gloves, and started to work with the cart by the wall. The sun passed through the lingering clouds and came to the world. The golden sunlight spread all over this bustling city. The dots of light are shining.

The sound of car horns can be heard from the streets adjacent to the construction site, and workers are busy moving bricks while complaining that the weather is getting colder and colder.

Fu Zhen's injured left leg can best experience the changes in the weather. Even though he wears two layers of cotton trousers, the chill still seeps into his flesh and bones through those tiny gaps, stirring up There were bursts of dense pain.

Maybe this year he'll call it a day earlier than he used to.

However, Fu Zhen looked up at Jiang Hengshu who was not far away, and felt a little bit reluctant. Besides, he really didn't have much money on hand, so he had to work for a while, at least finish December.

During the break at noon, Jiang Hengshu received another call. After talking with the person on the phone for a while, his eyes inadvertently glanced in Fu Zhen's direction, and then said, "There is one, let me take a look."

Then, he hung up the phone with the other party.

Custard Bao is a freshman freshman and a loyal fan of "Shazhou Chronicle". In the past two years, she has watched the popularity of "Shazhou Chronicle" drop, and the wives who produce food are getting more and more. There are fewer and fewer, and the custard cp is also half-dead all day long, pointing at the bit of candy that was picked out from the original work to hang his life.

However, the official resurrection of the Shazhou Chronicle gave a like last night, and the popularity of "Shazhou Chronicle" has increased again, but there are still very few cute milky yellow CPs, and what is even more frightening is that the popularity of reversing houses and demolishing houses is obvious be above them.

In two days' time, there will be a voting competition for each cp of "Shazhou Chronicle". The first prize will be more than a dozen well-known painters and writers from the Shazhou Chronicle colleagues. , wanting to take the first place is simply a daydream, but they can't take the last place without steaming steamed buns to fight for their breath.

As one of the earliest fans of custard cp, milk yellow bag naturally has to undertake the important mission of preventing custard cp from becoming the bottom one, and the first step to complete this mission is to need a A credible promotional image.

That night, Custard Bao just randomly searched Weibo for drafts, and then sorted them according to time. After swiping twice, I saw Jian Min's Weibo.

Jianwen's head portrait is a hand-painted cow cat, the drawing is not detailed, but people have a strange feeling in it, and feel that this cat is particularly naive and vivid.

The custard bun just clicked into Jianwen's Weibo.

Most of Jianwen's photo albums are sketches, but I don't know why, but at a glance, Cui Huangbao thinks that this person must be especially suitable for drawing the fans of Shazhou Chronicle, and I don't know if she has some kind of filter. In the hand-drawn sketches, she could vaguely see the shadow of her favorite Zhu Naiyou, and then when the milk yellow bag was in a daze, she made an appointment with Jian Min who only released a few hand-drawn drafts as examples.

Friends who are with her cute milk yellow CP heard that she found a little transparent who is not famous at all to draw a crucial promotional picture, and they all think that the milk yellow bag is out of their minds, since they are determined to date draft, why not make an appointment with a better one, the small transparent picture has neither popularity nor quality assurance, is the custard bag crazy, or is the family bankrupt, dare to use the color insert bought for 150 yuan as a pawn promotional image.

Gay friends have asked for the custard yellow bag video, and every time the custard yellow bag receives a video from a gay friend, the first sentence of the other party is that if you are kidnapped, you will blink your eyes.

The custard bag originally regretted it after paying the deposit, but now that her friends have done it like this, she has even less confidence in the Jianwen she found.

She also made an appointment for a picture before, and she felt that she was not satisfied with the 150 yuan for Lihui. This time, she even used 150 yuan to make an appointment with two people. Did she get lowered last night

The more I thought about it, the more I felt that this would not work. I began to privately message Fu Zhen from eight o'clock in the morning until five o'clock in the afternoon, but this Jian Min didn't know what was going on. It was even more frustrating, she told this matter to a few of her friends on the Internet, and the friends had no way to find Jianwen, so they could only comfort her that she was not short of money anyway, this one hundred and fifty yuan Money is like buying a lesson.

It’s really stupid for gay friends to discuss custard buns in private. This kind of newly registered Weibo account that doesn’t even have a member will ask him to ask for a manuscript if he has a sick mind.

It’s not that there is no money in the custard buns. How come I was deceived by the lard this time, and I spent 150 yuan to find such a three-no-small draft contract. Is it because I have too much money to burn

Under the repeated attacks of her friends, Milk Yellow Bao deeply realized her mistake, and promised that she would never get overheated when making an appointment in the future. She immediately found another big player in the circle and asked him for a painting. Qian Er's illustrations will be produced within three days.

After Fu Zhen returned to the rental house at night, he ate a small bowl of dried noodles and continued. He went to the website to find the video of the custard cp.

After watching the two videos, Fu Zhen wondered if Zhu Naiyou and Huang Lie were really having an affair in the original work, but fortunately he woke up immediately.

After Fu Zhen found the inspiration, he started to draw pictures. From five o'clock to nine o'clock in the evening, it took a total of four hours. If it was two years ago, he would have been able to complete a highly completed vertical painting, but now He just finished a manuscript.

Fu Zhen opened Weibo to look for the custard bag to see if there was anything to be revised in this draft, but the screen of his phone froze again, and he thought he had logged in to the wrong account. After a while, Fu Zhen saw It reminded me that I had more than 20 private messages in the news, and half of them were sent by custard package, and the last one was sent at six o'clock.

[When will the wife be able to release the picture]

Fu Zhen took a look at the sketch he had just completed. The next coloring might take more time than before. He made an estimate for himself and replied the custard bag.

[within five days]

It takes five days to draw a color illustration, which is not slow among many painters, but it may be that I just had another wife who produced the picture within three days for comparison, and the milk yellow bag is in the heart of the picture drawn by Jian Min. Expected value dropped another star.

Custard Bao thought about it for a while, and the publicity picture must be from that 1,200-year-old wife, and this Jianwen’s one should be used to produce food for herself, so Custard Bao reiterated her request.

[Madam, the more yellow and violent the better]


Fu Zhen really wanted to see what the little girl wanted to write in her mind, but Party A was her father, and Fu Zhen looked at the sketch he had drawn, because yesterday he also noticed that the little girl wanted a more colorful picture, So it shouldn't be too difficult to change this sketch according to the little girl's request, if it doesn't work, I'll strip off all the clothes.

[The sketch has been drawn, you can see if there is anything that needs to be changed]

Fu Zhen sent the picture to the milk yellow bag.

But this time, the custard bag, which seems to be online 24 hours a day, has not responded to him for a long time. Fu Zhenxin is inevitably a little uneasy. Could it be that there are too many things that need to be changed, and Party A can't finish it in a while.

The custard bag didn't reply, and Fu Zhen had no choice but to wait with his mobile phone in his arms. After about five minutes, the custard bag replied.

[! ! ! ]

[! ! ! ! ! ]

[! ! ! ! ! ! ]