I Woke up and Was Pregnant

Chapter 42


However, Fu Zhen felt that Jiang Hengshu's words were not very credible. No parent would like to see their children bring a lover of the same gender home in the future and declare that they would spend their whole lives with such a person.

It's just because of the love for their children that parents will be extra tolerant and try to accept this lover who is completely different from what they imagined.

But since Mrs. Jiang proposed to meet, now Fu Zhen has to make time even if he has no time, not to mention that he really has nothing to do in a short time. He nodded and said to Jiang Hengshu: "They're all available."

"Is it okay tomorrow?" Jiang Hengshu asked him.

Sooner or later, we have to meet each other. Although Fu Zhenxin was a little nervous, he still agreed, "Okay."

Jiang Hengshu re-planned Fu Zhen's work and rest time. In addition to going to bed at ten o'clock in the evening, there is also an hour and a half lunch break at noon. At this time, if Jiang Hengshu has no work in hand, he will accompany him Lying on the big bed in the bedroom with Fu Zhen, the warm sunlight was blocked by the bed curtain, the room was dark and more private, as if at a certain moment, there were only the two of them left in this world.

For Jiang Hengshu and Fu Zhen, sex is not a necessity in love. Sometimes, two people hug each other quietly and breathe together, which can give people a sense of satisfaction.

After discussing with Fu Zhen to see Mrs. Jiang tomorrow, Jiang Hengshu stood up, stretched out his hand and pulled Fu Zhen who was sitting on the carpet up, "Go out for a while, don't always be bored at home."

It is said that the community was designed by a well-known designer in imitation of foreign communities. The name is too long for Fu Zhen to remember, but it sounds very fashionable and avant-garde anyway.

Walking on the cobblestone road to the small square, Fu Zhen suddenly thought of something. He asked Jiang Hengshu, "Should I go out and prepare some gifts today?"

Jiang Hengshu said, "No need, your arrival is the greatest gift."

Fu Zhen turned his head to look at Jiang Hengshu, and felt that Jiang Hengshu overestimated himself. Madam Jiang saw that she didn't drive herself out, which was her tolerance and love for Jiang Hengshu. This is just a gift.

Jiang Hengshu chuckled, put his arms around Fu Zhen's shoulders, and whispered in his ear, "I'm serious."

The warm sunlight is dotted on the branches of the trees, and there is still unmelted fine snow, which can turn white at a glance.

At this time, in Eston Manor, an extremely extravagant wedding was going on.

It was a rare sunny day, the sky was clear and cloudless, and there was a large green lawn that had just been moved outside Eston Manor, and there was another light snowfall last night, leaving spots of white on the lawn. , Like a flock of sheep on the prairie, the guests came here with invitations and blessings, smiling all over their faces.

Eston Manor is a building completely imitated by Western architecture. The high dome depicts the colorful paintings of God's Genesis, the surrounding arched rose windows are painted with various characters from Greek mythology, and the beige Roman columns stand majestically.

The guests sat in a row in the hall. Some of them were celebrities in the business world, and some were big names in the entertainment industry. They wanted to witness the ending of this perfect love here. In the center of the hall was a long flower bridge. There is a red carpet on it, and there are projection screens on both sides of the hall, on which is a short western love movie, in which the prince and princess are naturally played by Tang Wanwan and Qin Zhao.

They spent a lot of thought on today's wedding. This is not only the wedding of Tang Wanwan and Qin Zhao, but also represents the face of the Fu family and the Qin family.

The host stepped up to the front desk and introduced today's new couple to the guests. Then, accompanied by the "Concerto of Love" as clear as running water, Fu Jianchen came slowly from the end of the red carpet with Tang Wanwan.

Tang Wanwan is wearing a white wedding dress with a long tail today. There are ten little flower girls behind her to help her drag the skirt. The snow-white veil is as long as the skirt. Her face is painted with exquisite makeup, full of With a happy smile and a bouquet of pink flowers in her hand, she looks like an angel descending into the world.

Tang Wanwan's wedding was also broadcast live. Thousands of netizens and fans were watching the happiest moment in her life and sending her blessings at the same time.

Qin Zhao stood on the other side of the red carpet, smiling and waiting for his beautiful bride.

From the first time he saw Tang Wanwan, he fell in love with her deeply and couldn't extricate himself. They went through a lot of ups and downs, but fortunately, they persisted, and no one will be able to separate them in the future.

Fu Jianchen took Tang Wanwan all the way to Qin Zhao. He was about to hand Tang Wanwan over to Qin Zhao. He was going to make a long speech, which was written for him by his secretary before. After reading it twice, he had almost recited it, but at this moment, he didn't have so much to say, he just told Qin Zhao: "I leave Wanwan to you, you have to treat her well."

No one noticed Fu Jianchen's abnormality. They only thought that Fu Jianchen couldn't bear to marry his most cherished daughter, so they seemed silent.

"I will, don't worry." Qin Zhao assured Fu Jianchen.

Fu Jianchen sent Tang Wanwan's hand to Qin Zhao's. Looking at the pair of bi people in front of him, he knew that Tang Wanwan would have his own home in the future, but he didn't have any reluctance in his heart. There was a sense of relief from a burden being let go, and he didn't know where it came from.

The pastor, wearing a white robe, came to the stage solemnly and stood between the two newlyweds, letting God witness their happy life in the future.

With a smile on his face, the pastor asked Qin Zhao: "The groom, Mr. Qin Zhao, are you willing to marry this beautiful lady as your wife? Whether it is good or bad, rich or poor, healthy or sick, happy or Sorrow, you will love her unreservedly and be faithful to her forever?"

Qin Zhao stared fixedly at Tang Wanwan opposite him, and replied without hesitation: "I am willing."

Then the pastor turned his head to look at Tang Wanwan, and asked Tang Wanwan the same oath: "Miss Tang Wanwan, are you willing to marry the man in front of you, whether in good times or bad times, poor or rich, healthy or sick, Whether you are young or gray-haired, you are always willing to love him and never leave him, are you willing?"

Tang Wanwan smiled with her pursed lips, and she nodded, with water in her eyes, she replied, "I am willing."

"God will bless you," said the pastor, "then please exchange rings between the bride and groom."

Tang Wanwan stretched out his hand. Because of excitement, Qin Zhao's hand wearing the ring for Tang Wanwan kept trembling. The ring almost fell from his hand. Fortunately, God was watching the couple, and everything went smoothly. .

Tang Wanwan was much calmer than Qin Zhao. She put the diamond ring on Qin Zhao's left ring finger, raised her head and smiled, and whispered to Qin Zhao, "From now on, you will be mine."

The couple hugged and kissed together, surrounded by the sound of music and salutes, the sky filled with ribbons falling, the guests stood up and applauded, dozens of cameras recorded this scene from all angles, the whole world seemed to be in a jubilation, no one Sadness, no pain, only the sweetness of a lover.

No one noticed that the faces of Fu Jianchen and Fu Ting, who were supposed to be smiling with blessings, had lost all blood at this moment, and their clapping hands stopped in mid-air, motionless, as if from A fossil from ancient times.

Fu Jianchen sat stiffly, the blood all over his body condensed at the moment Tang Wanwan kissed Qin Zhao, many light spots appeared in front of his eyes, and these light spots emitted huge white light, Fu Jianchen closed his eyes, when he opened them again When he opened his eyes, he saw countless children, one-year-old, two-year-old, three-year-old... They surrounded his knees, with two big black eyes open, grabbing his trouser legs and pulling his pants. sleeves, kept calling him daddy, daddy...

A smile couldn't help showing on Fu Jianchen's face. He saw the grown-up Fu Zhen sitting on the white piano on the stage not far in front of him. He opened his mouth to call his name, but at this moment he found out Without making a sound, he wanted to stand up and reach out to grab him, but his body was already as cold as a snow sculpture.

Fu Zhen, who was sitting on the piano, finally raised his head and noticed him. A smile slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth. Fu Jianchen sat quietly, waiting for him to call himself Dad, and then walked towards him, so that he could catch Stop him.

However, even his fantasies couldn't follow what he thought in his heart. The Fu Zhen in his eyes jumped off the piano, turned around and walked out of the lively hall along the red carpet, and gave Fu Jianchen no more alms, and soon the door The huge light outside completely swallowed him, and his little Fu Zhen disappeared from his sight. From the beginning to the end, he never looked back.

Fu Jianchen also noticed that Fu Zhen had a wound on his left leg, so he didn't walk fast, and he was slightly limping.

After Fu Zhen left, the figures of the children beside him gradually became transparent, and they were neglected to disappear. Soon, there was only the last child left in front of his eyes.

Fu Jianchen finally raised his finger, wanting to touch him, but the moment his fingertips touched the child's forehead, all illusions were shattered.

There were still flying ribbons in front of his eyes, and there were still noisy crowds around him, and his palms were empty, leaving only a mass of cold and desolate air.

It turned out that he hadn't caught anything, and it turned out that he had lost everything.

Fu Ting was not much better than Fu Jianchen. As soon as he looked up, he saw his younger brother sitting on the high rose window, swinging his legs and clapping his hands to the sound of the music, as if he was about to Falling from above, Fu Ting wanted to stop the impending accident and shouted for help, but his throat seemed to be blocked by a piece of coptis, and he lost all his voice.