I Woke up and Was Pregnant

Chapter 60


After Jiang Hengshu brought Fu Zhen home, he didn't have any fresh food at home, so he ordered two takeaways and asked Fu Zhen, "Aren't you scared today?"

"No." Fu Zhen shook his head. When Tang Wanwan threatened him to take him to court, he was already prepared to go to the police station. He didn't expect to be able to come out so soon. He thought that even if he was released on bail, he would have to wait two more days before he could get out of the police station.

Jiang Hengshu fiddled with the computer in his hand, and said to Fu Zhen: "It seems that we have to hurry up."

"What?" Fu Zhen didn't respond.

"Find evidence."

Fu Zhen really didn't have much confidence in this matter. He said to Jiang Hengshu: "It's been two years, and the crew has already disbanded, and the monitoring and so on will not stay."

"Yes, you will find it if you look slowly." Jiang Hengshu smiled at Fu Zhen and patted him on the head, "Just do your own thing and leave the rest to me."

Fu Zhen let out a hum. He really couldn't help him in this regard now. Jiang Hengshu turned on the light in the living room, and while his fingers were jumping rapidly on the keyboard, he should be chatting with someone, and said to Fu Zhen : "Take a nap first after eating."

"Not sleepy yet, just wait a while." Fu Zhen took out his mobile phone, ready to see if Tang Wanwan had any new developments.

Fu Zhen brushed for more than 20 minutes and suddenly felt that his current appearance was a bit like Tang Wanwan's black fan. He shook his head and threw this terrifying thought out of his mind.

After wandering around on Weibo, Fu Zhen discovered that Tang Wanwan hadn't posted on Weibo since the interview, but during the interview, a director was asked about his plans for the next few months At that time, the director replied that he was going to shoot the Shazhou Chronicle in March and April, and Tang Wanwan would be the heroine at that time. I hope everyone will support it.

Fu Zhen was not only not angry when he saw the news, but laughed instead.

The fans of the Shazhou Chronicle are already somewhat immune to this news. Before and after the Spring Festival this year, there was news on the Internet that a live-action version of the Shazhou Chronicle would be filmed. Tang Wanwan might play the leading role, but the news was not confirmed at that time. They didn't dare to speak casually, because they were afraid that Tang Wanwan's fans would say that they were embarrassing.

They have asked many times under the official Weibo of the Shazhou Chronicle, but the official blog has not answered them.

Fans had to open up their own imaginations. Combined with the resurrection of the Shazhou Chronicle official Bo Laoshu, fans speculated whether the Shazhou Chronicle sold the copyright. Only then did the restart funds be available to continue to update the Shazhou Chronicle up.

Thinking about it this way, they felt that even if they found a non-speaking rabbit to play the heroine, they could accept it, and Tang Wanwan's acting skills were much better than that of a rabbit.


... probably.

It may be that they had too much filter on Tang Wanwan in the past. Since she got married, and watching her previous filmings, I feel that her acting skills are not as good as they praised before.

After all, Tang Wanwan was not a serious professional actor. She debuted in a talent show and only participated in a few singing and dancing training sessions, and she starred in her first play.

Before that drama was broadcast, netizens were full of criticisms on the Internet, but once it was broadcast, word-of-mouth immediately reversed. Through this drama, netizens completely reversed their impression of Tang Wanwan. I admitted on Weibo that I was slapped in the face by Tang Wanwan. Tang Wanwan's performance in the play is really outstanding. When she smiles, they can't help laughing, and when she cries, netizens also cry. Even the media praised her as a natural actor.

Watching Tang Wanwan's first play now, and the last play before her marriage, the first play still retains the shock Tang Wanwan gave them at that time, it is still very good, but in the later During the performance, netizens clearly found that she didn't focus on acting, and she completely wasted her talent.

And after watching a few more episodes of Tang Wanwan's last TV series before getting married, netizens found that some of Tang Wanwan's expressions were too exaggerated at that time, and he no longer had the aura of the past. Bo, some netizens felt a strange sense of shame. They must have been possessed by Tang Wanwan's navy at that time, so they blew out such a long series of rainbow farts, but look at their bank cards, Not five cents more.

Now that she is going to play the Shazhou Chronicle, is her acting skills still the same as before? Can she blow a series of rainbow farts like before

Fans of the Sand State Chronicle are in deep doubt.

Forget it, for the sake of her being the gold master, let’s just act, and her appearance is somewhat in line with the image of the heroine in the anime to a certain extent, maybe she suddenly became enlightened and her acting skills returned to the original level Woolen cloth

Fans finally accepted the fact that Tang Wanwan will be the heroine of the Shazhou Chronicle under the brainwashing of the navy.

At first, Tang Wanwan was quite happy to see that the netizens approved of her playing the heroine of the Shazhou Chronicle, but when she saw that later, when the netizens began to criticize her acting skills, her brows frowned involuntarily. They are all very confident, so they don't believe the comments on the Internet at all.

This must be caused by competitors and sunspots. They thought they could grab her position as the heroine of the Shazhou Chronicle in this way, not to mention that the investor of the Shazhou Chronicle is themselves, just say The copyright issue of the Shazhou Chronicle, without her, they would not even be able to find the producer of the Sandzhou Chronicle.

Tang Wanwan sometimes couldn't explain why she was so obsessed with the Shazhou Chronicle. It seemed that she had a feeling somewhere that as long as she made this film, she could get the video she didn't get last year. back.

The fact that Fu Zhen was arrested and taken to the police station for investigation is now spreading on the Internet, and everyone is waiting for the police to report, but Fu Zhen seems to have disappeared from the world again, and the police have never mentioned him.

Not long after, the police found Tang Wanwan and went to the police station for investigation. She told the police that what she said to Fu Jianchen and Fu Ting two years ago was the same. Later, she cut the rope of the hanging wire, causing her to fall off the hanging wire, and almost became a disability.

After listening to Tang Wanwan's words, the recording police officer raised his head and looked at Tang Wanwan for a while. Tang Wanwan took a sip of plain water uncomfortably, and his eyes drifted to the other side.

The police officer said to Tang Wanwan: "We have already understood and will find out the truth of the matter as soon as possible."

Tang Wanwan expressed his gratitude to the police, and then left the police station with his bag.

After Tang Wanwan left, the police officer who recorded just now said to the colleague standing aside: "She may be lying."

The colleague raised his eyebrows and asked him, "How do you know?"

The police officer said with a smile: "I have been handling cases for so many years. Unless it is a criminal with a particularly good psychological quality, I can tell at a glance whether ordinary people are lying."

The colleague sighed, "Tang Wanwan is no ordinary person."

The police officer nodded: "It is indeed not ordinary people,"

If it is an ordinary person, it is impossible to force the young master of the Fu family to leave the Fu family not long after arriving in the Fu family. Netizens don't know, but they checked Fu Zhen's experience in the past two years. Fu Jianchen said at the time that Fu Zhen was kicked out of Fu's house and separated from his father-son relationship.

Netizens thought that he was trying to cover up Fu Zhen, and hoped to block everyone's mouths in this way, but Fu Jianchen really did what he said. Since then, he has never contacted Fu Zhen again, nor has he given him any advice. Half a penny, and after Fu Zhen left Fu's house, I don't know if it was Fu Jianchen and Fu Ting's intention, or Tang Wanwan's intention. Fu Zhen found some work with great difficulty, and was fired by the boss within two days of working.

The colleague sighed and said: "If Fu Zhen really didn't do this, he would have been unyielding to death in the past two years!"

The police officer hummed: "I think it's probably not Fu Zhen who did it."

Netizens, on the other hand, lack a pair of eyes to see through the truth, and are still blinded by Tang Wanwan, but this is also related to the one-sidedness of their knowledge of the facts.

These netizens would post on Weibo every day to the Aite Pinghai City Police Department, asking them to come out and give an explanation.

During this time, Fu Jianchen and Fu Ting are also trying their best to find out the truth of two years ago, and to restore Fu Zhen's innocence. They don't believe that what happened two years ago was really done by Fu Zhen, especially in the After DNA identification.

However, it is not enough for only a few people to believe in Fu Zhen. They must find convincing evidence to make Fu Zhen completely escape from the quagmire of the past.

Tang Wanwan saw that Fu Zhen had completely stopped recently, and the official Weibo of the Shazhou Chronicle was not updated. He guessed that Fu Zhen must be racking his brains to deal with the police. Maybe he is still locked in the detention center at this time.

The director of Shazhou Chronicle urged her over and over again to get the other actors of Shazhou Chronicle quickly, because he really didn't have much time.

Fortunately, the script had already been prepared before the Lantern Festival, and the actors Tang Wanwan had contacted some before, so it shouldn't be difficult for them to start the film next month.

Tang Wanwan immediately made a decision that they could film this TV series secretly. As for the copyright issue of the Shazhou Chronicle, she will "negotiate" with Fu Zhen in the future.

But Tang Wanwan didn't expect that the photo of their crew starting up was still taken by the paparazzi and posted on the Internet. It took Tang Wanwan a long time to find out about it when it was number one on the hot search list, so he quickly contacted Weibo. People withdrew the hot search.

But it was a bit late at this time. Netizens had already saved the pictures taken by the paparazzi, and they were talking about the style of Tang Wanwan's A Wanhui. Tang Wanwan's fans were all celebrating, and they used Tang Wanwan The character who was filming in the past edited a mini version of the Shazhou Chronicle for her.

The fans of the Shazhou Chronicle were all downcast, and ran to the official blog of the Shazhou Chronicle, asking when the update of the Shazhou Chronicle would come out.

However, the producer of the Shazhou Chronicle was being taken to the hospital by Jiang Hengshu for a physical examination.

After Fu Zhen came out of the laboratory, Jiang Hengshu took the test sheet in his hand, glanced at it, and then raised his head and said to him: "The evidence has been found."