I Woke Up Pregnant With An Undead’s Child

Chapter 10


Zhang Qiu was shocked, and Zhang Zuojiu asked, "Xiaoqiu, what's wrong?"

"No, nothing."

Subconsciously concealing the thoughts in his heart, Zhang Qiu was a little out of shape, his mind was full of those crimson eyes overlapping with the eyes of Qinling Gumuguo underground. Speaking of it, I fainted when I saw those eyes at the beginning, and then it was like a dream. Except for some pain at the beginning, it was still a good car dream, but the premise of all this was dreaming, and I had sex with a man in the dream After having a good time, he may be shocked to shake his sexuality, and then he may find a boyfriend to try, instead of now, the other party is a zombie, and he is a big man and pregnant.

Thinking about it this way, that car dream was not good at all, it could even be described as a car accident.

Zhang Qiu was a little distracted, at this moment the stone slab under his hand moved, Zhang Qiu trembled in fright and quickly withdrew his hand.

The stone slab was pushed away, Li Shu came up from below, his movements were neat, Zhang Qiu subconsciously took two steps back when he saw Li Shu, his feet limp and fell to the ground, Li Shu cast his gaze, and said in a concerned tone, "What's wrong?"

Zhang Qiu's mind was full of thoughts, he touched his nose subconsciously, shook his head, "It's nothing." Then he changed the subject abruptly, "Is there anything else under there?"

Li Shu paused when he heard that, and stared into Zhang Qiu's eyes. Zhang Qiu felt that he had made a mistake, so he was immediately persuaded.

Zhang Yushui glanced at the two of them interestingly, and said, "What charades are you playing between you, let's go down first and talk about it later."

"You go down first." Li Shu wrapped the rope with one hand, stretched it straight, and motioned for the two to drag the rope down.

Seeing Li Shu's thin body, Zhang Zuojiu wanted to switch between the two of them, but Li Shu didn't say anything, and his eyes signaled that he didn't need it. Zhang Yushui went down first, Zhang Zuojiu thought about letting Zhang Qiu go down first, at this moment Li Shu said, "I'll take him down later."

When Zhang Qiu on the ground heard what Li Shu said, he was a little afraid and wanted to refute, but when he saw Li Shu's eyes, he was immediately discouraged, and couldn't help but beat the ground angrily, why is he so worthless!

The Zhang family brothers slid down the rope nimbly and nimbly, only Zhang Qiu and Li Shu were left on the ground.

Zhang Qiu secretly looked at Li Shu, his two elder brothers looked very heavy, and Li Shu looked effortless with one hand, a bit handsome.

"You're afraid of me." Li Shu suddenly said.

"No." Zhang Qiu swallowed.

Li Shu stared condescendingly at Zhang Qiu's hairy head. Zhang Qiu was so hot from above that he almost couldn't tell the truth. When he asked Li Shu if he was the thousand-year-old zombie from the Gumu Kingdom, Zhang Zuojiu shouted: "We down."

The strong and cowardly Zhang Qiu was vented again in one breath, looking pitiful with his head drooping.

The corner of Li Shu's mouth curled up, but Zhang Qiu didn't see it, and he fell into infinite anger and disappointment, how could he be so cowardly as a big man! He's not usually this cowardly!

It's all to blame!

After Zhang Qiu was angry in his heart, he felt a cold hand on his head rubbing him, he was startled, he raised his neck stiffly and saw Li Shu looking at him.

"Hold my waist."

What the hell? !

Seeing that Zhang Qiu didn't move, Li Shu held Zhang Qiu's waist with one hand, and Zhang Qiu fell into a hard and cold embrace. The tip of his nose was filled with the smell of Li Shu, his brain was stuffed with paste, and he hadn't spoken yet. , Li Shu hugged him and stepped on the stone slab, the moment of weightlessness made Zhang Qiu's arms subconsciously hug Li Shu tightly, and buried his whole face in it.

In the darkness, the corners of Li Shu's lips became more curved.

The rope was a bit shorter, Li Shu hugged Zhang Qiu and swung back and forth in the air twice, Zhang Qiu was so scared that he almost screamed, wishing his whole body was stuck to Li Shu's body.

Zhang Yushui and Zhang Zuojiu watched the two of them swinging around, always feeling that something was wrong, but they couldn't say it out.

Li Shu jumped on the ground nimbly, and after a few seconds, Zhang Qiu in his arms hurriedly let go of Li Shu, coughed, very serious, as if he wasn't the one who was so scared that he hid in Li Shu's arms just now, "Haha, Everyone is here, let's go!"

They stood on the edge of the underground passage, with blades inserted densely about ten meters in front. They don’t know what kind of material they are made of, but they are still sharp and glowing coldly after thousands of years. As long as someone guesses the location of the tomb, they will only be stuck with sharp blades when they step on the pedal. It has become a veritable string.

But now they came down intact, all thanks to Li Shu.

Thinking of those eyes, and looking at the densely packed sharp blades dozens of meters below the stone slab, how could ordinary people come down unscathed, Zhang Qiu's guess became heavier and heavier.

When they went out along the corridor, Zhang Qiu found a dagger stuck on the top of the stone wall of the corridor. The whole body of the dagger was inserted into it, only the head was left, and a rope was wrapped around it. Li Shu used this method to make the dagger They come down.

"Follow me closely." Li Shu's voice was a little cold, and he was a little dissatisfied with Zhang Qiu's distraction.

Zhang Qiu said obediently, and then annoyed himself for answering subconsciously after speaking.

Stepping out of the tunnel, Zhang Qiu was so shocked that he forgot about the entanglement just now.

The corridor in front of him is long and narrow, but it is very exquisite and luxurious. The floor tiles paved with blue and white jade stones under his feet have carved patterns on them, and the curved dome above his head is actually transparent. The light from the sky shines on the wall, as if the stars are sprinkled all over, the sparkling light is very brilliant.

"This is too exaggerated!"

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yushui looked a little dazed, and Zhang Zuojiu was also very surprised, and said: "It took decades to build an imperial tomb in ancient times, but such a specification is rare even for an emperor's tomb. It's too shocking."

In the thousand-meter corridor, every piece of pattern under the feet is exactly the same, the carving is very fine, the color of the jade is similar, and there is almost no color difference. I don’t know how much sweat and blood the construction workers of the underground palace have spent on such a project.

After walking a few meters, strokes began to appear on both sides of the wall, the colors were gorgeous, the scenery and characters under the brushes were very vivid, and the left and right contents were connected.

Zhang Qiu couldn't take his eyes off it. The content of the strokes should be the life of the owner of the tomb. He guessed so at first, but it became less and less like it later on. At first, it was a cute little lady, but the little lady had a serious face and was dressed in the same way. If he is imposing, he is no ordinary child. As expected, this young lady who doesn't like to laugh is the crown prince.

Calculating the time based on the murals, Zhang Qiu's history is not bad, the key is that the memory is still there after finishing the exam.

This little prince should be Liu Da, Emperor Zhang of the Han Dynasty.

"No! Isn't this the tomb of King Xia Pihui?"

Zhang Zuojiu answered, "Look further back."

The style of the painting changed in a few steps, much softer than before. A very gentle and beautiful man appeared in the picture. He couldn’t tell the age of the man. He always smiled and looked very gentle. He talked and chatted with the little prince in class. Even when the little prince ascended the throne, the man kneeled at the feet of the little prince, and the little emperor had a stern face at such a young age that he could feel the pressure through the painted wall.

Afterwards, the murals were all about the daily life of the little emperor and the man. The man was always by the side of the little emperor, never leaving. Even sleeping was like a dragon bed.

"This man is the owner of the tomb, King Xia Pihui." Zhang Qiu deduced it based on the vague historical content, but I don't know if he is a bit bent. Looking at the little emperor and King Xia Pihui in the murals, I always feel that It's weird, I can't help poking myself in my heart, it's too impure, I didn't see how the little emperor was only nine or ten years old.

The more time goes on, the little emperor in the picture is getting older and taller, his face is still the same as when he was a child, very serious and sinister, but his temperament seems to have changed when facing men, but Zhang Qiu always feels that the little emperor looks It looked a bit familiar, but King Xiapi Hui remained the same, as if the little emperor had taken the booster alone.

Zhang Zuojiu stared at the little emperor who had grown to be fourteen or five years old in the painting wall, his eyes flashed with surprise, he turned his head to look at the younger brother in front of him, and did not speak.

They were getting closer and closer to the gate of the tomb, and the little emperor in the mural had finally grown up.

Seeing the grown up little emperor, Zhang Qiu was in a trance for a moment, and when he met Zhang Yushui's face, his mouth grew wide in surprise.

"Second, second brother—"

Standing in front of the mural, Zhang Yushui met the solemn eyes of the little emperor behind him. The two of them were exactly the same. It would not be an exaggeration to say that they were the same person.

"Here we are." Li Shu said standing in front of the tomb door.

It was only then that Zhang Qiu realized that he had already reached the entrance of the tomb. Influenced by the Qin Dynasty in the early Han Dynasty, the color of black and red was respected. The door of this tomb was painted with black and red paint. In the court.

Zhang Yushui came back to his senses, his eyes were uncertain, he raised his hand and gently pushed the two rich doors, as if he was afraid of disturbing the people inside.

Zhang Qiu felt that the second brother was a little weird now, so he subconsciously looked at Li Shu, who seemed to know what he was asking, and gave him a reassuring look, and stretched out his hand to take his hand naturally.

Zhang Qiu: ...

I don't want to pull, hug, hold high!

never mind. Zhang Qiu met Li Shu's eyes, and started to cowardly again, as long as you are happy.

The door opened slowly, and the dark tomb room lit up instantly, Zhang Qiu shrank his neck in fright, and Li Shu pressed Zhang Qiu's hand, meaning don't be afraid.

"I'm not afraid." Zhang Qiu muttered softly, but his heart was at ease.

Zhang Yushui had already walked in.

The tomb is very large, and the coffin has not been seen yet. The only thing that catches the eye is a screen. The silk embroidery is completely sealed with transparent materials. Zhang Qiu had no time to feel that the silk inside could not rot for a thousand years. All his eyes were turned away. on the content of the painting.

In the shock of "Fuck, I knew the little emperor was crooked", he wondered if it was possible that he was really crooked, so he was able to seamlessly recognize people of the same path.

Scared by my own thoughts.

In the huge screen painting, the little emperor is pressing his uncle to do something shameful. The two of them don't show anything in their clothes, but the content in the painting can make people blush and know what they are doing.

The layout behind the screen is like a bedroom, and some of the furnishings appear in the little emperor's bedroom in the murals.

According to this speculation, the coffin of King Xiapihui should be in the rear.

The author has something to say: What misunderstandings do you have about my attack!

Li Shu Gong, Zhang Qiu Shou, these two are the main CP.

This Quanmin Ji, there will be many vice cps, such as Zhang Yushui and Xiapi Huiwang, inspired by "Historical Records"'...Xiapihui Wang Yan, Yongping 15th year, Yan has good looks, and Suzong always accompanies him when he succeeds "Left and right", but I have edited all of the text, um, just look at it for fun, it's empty.

The vicious and vicious little emperor attacked X and his wife was gentle, seeking power and usurping the throne, the emperor's uncle Shou, under the age.

I won't take the blame for standing on the wrong team this time, good night, everyone.