I Woke Up Pregnant With An Undead’s Child

Chapter 111: Small powder egg two


The little pink egg finally broke its shell, and the whole circle of friends sent congratulations. All the friends who had worked with them before asked when the full moon wine would be held, and the red envelopes were ready.

Facing the congratulations from everyone, Zhang Yushui looked at his son calmly at his feet, and his head hurt even more.

"What bad thing did you do again?"

In just half a month, Zhang Yushui felt that his patience had improved by leaps and bounds. He turned his head and lay pitifully on King Xiapi Hui's shoulder, and said, "Do you think I have aged a few years recently?"

King Xiapihui looked at Zhang Yushui amusedly, met the man's serious gaze, and still boasted: "Not old at all, but much more energetic."

This is true, ever since the little fan broke his shell, Zhang Yushui has followed up to clean up the mess, or just play with him, although pranks are inevitable in life, but they are not fatal things, and don't look at the fierce son who wants to beat his son now , as long as Xiaofen called "Dad", she willingly went to pack the top bag.

Like now.

The wall of the study room is full of Xiaofen's artistic creations. I rolled around in the inkstone, and jumped up and down with my wings. I have the energy to let go of playing every day. Zhang Yushui pushed the door and looked at it. Looking back, he saw his son with his head down. I guess I knew I was wrong, and comforted me: "It's fine."

"Father, it's not fun at home. I want to go and play with Brother Fei and Xiao Zhan." Xiaofen waved her wings, and her golden and immature feathers were now pitch-black like a crow, and he didn't feel it at all. , thumped and flew onto Dad's head, and rolled back and forth a few times.

King Huihui of Xiapi held back a smile and asked his son, "Why is he called Brother Xiao Fei, but Brother Xiao Zong?"

"I don't know." Xiaofen snorted, grabbed a strand of her father's hair, and clamored to go to Xiaofei's house to play.

Zhang Yushui couldn't stand this little ancestor anymore, so he nodded quickly, "I'll call your little uncle, you have to be good—"

Before she finished speaking, Xiaofen had already flown out with her wings. Zhang Yushui and King Xiapihui had calmed down. At first, she was afraid that Xiaofen would run away if she didn’t know the way. Now, it’s not bad to lose illusion.

Of course, the two fathers were joking.

"Come on, it's just the summer vacation, and it's convenient for the children to gather together." Zhang Qiu's calculation was very shrewd, the second brother and the second sister-in-law are such a good father, will they rest assured that the children can play by themselves? One sheep is also herded, and three sheep are herded together, and he can be lazy.

The three members of Zhang Yushui's family went to Xi'an, thinking in their hearts that they would spend the full moon for Xiaofan, but in fact, the main thing is that they haven't seen everyone for a long time, so it's good for everyone to sit and chat for a while.

After getting off the plane, Li Shu drove to pick him up. Zhang Yushui didn't see Zhang Qiu and asked what's the matter

"I can't get out of bed." Li Shu said lightly.

However, Zhang Yushui felt that he could hear the embarrassment and show off from the words, "Who hasn't ordered dog food these days, come and kiss me." He turned around and wanted to kiss King Xiapihui.

King Huihui of Xiapi pushed it away with a smile, and Zhang Yushui knew that this person didn't like to be intimate in front of others.

When he got home, Zhang Qiu pulled his hair down, "Why don't you wake me up."

"You'll be fine if you sleep more." Li Shu finished speaking and asked, "Have you had breakfast?"

Zhang Qiu nodded and just finished eating, a small golden thing flew towards him, "Hey, Xiaofen is here."

"Little uncle, where are Brother Fei and Xiao Zang?"

Zhang Qiu rubbed Xiaofen's head, the little thing had grown strong after not seeing it for half a month, "Upstairs." He had just finished speaking, when his eyes flashed, Xiaofen had already flown up.

Zhang Yushui rubbed the bridge of his nose, and was relieved to see his son's attention turned away.

In the past half month, the three boys played very well, sleeping on the same bed, Zhang Qiu had seen Xiaofen's good energy, and flew around all day long, and one day in the middle of the night, the three little ones unexpectedly After going out, Zhang Qiu didn't notice it, probably because of the little crimson mist, but Li Shu should know about it, when asked, Li Shu said: "Whoever meets them will be unlucky, nothing will happen, and at that time you are Have fun."

Zhang Qiu: ...

When I came back and asked, these three went to the cemetery to play, and it was suggested by Xiaofen. The eyes of the pale face were dark, and the exposed canine teeth were shining sharply. Zhang Qiu felt that they were obviously the same style of little canine teeth. Xiao Zang in his family is like a little milk cat, and Xiao Fen is much cooler and handsome, like a wolf cub.

"My dad said that this kid is born rebellious, so he likes to do the opposite." Zhang Yushui also had a headache.

Zhang Qiu has a deep understanding, he has never seen such a naughty and mischievous child, but Xiaofan's pranks are not aimed at people, basically they are self-entertaining, sabotaging or targeting ghosts.

I don't know what to say.

"Second brother and second sister-in-law, you have worked hard."

King Huihui of Xiapi didn't think it was hard work or Xiaofan was naughty. Ah Shui used to be more mischievous than this when he was a child.

In the blink of an eye, the full moon of Xiaofen arrived, and they cleaned out the guest room early. This time, Shuangqi, Senior Brother Lufeng, Pei Qinglingdang, Kaiming Yue Qincang, Xiaolin and Lin Jiahe, and Black and White also said they would come, but they would not live at home.

Zhang Qiu counted, "It seems that our house can't fit in." The three boys can squeeze into one room, and they are both miniature, so there are five rooms left. The second brother and the second sister-in-law live in one room. It's not enough if you can't live, there is still one room.

"Both men can make do with it. If it's really impossible, Xiao Fei will live with us, and Xiao Zong Xiao Fei will make do with you for a few nights—" Before Zhang Yushui finished speaking, Li Shu next to him refused to agree, and in the end he didn't discuss it well. No, I can only invite people to live in a hotel.

Brothers Pei Qingling and Lu Feng from Beijing arrived first, and Zhang Qiu arranged to stay first. Xiaohua also came, and she is already in the first grade. Xiao Hua went to the room and asked Xiao Hua to choose his favorite toy.

Xiaofen pouted at the side, looking very disdainful, and said childishly coldly.

Zhang Qiu thought to himself that yesterday you were acting cute just because of the model train, thinking of Xiaofen's cool face and pretending to be pitiful, Zhang Qiu wanted to laugh.

"Qi Xi has an important announcement, and she won't be back until the day after tomorrow." Huating explained.

Zhang Qiu counted the time and said, "It's just right, Kaiming and the others are also on the plane the day after tomorrow." The two pairs in the south can be saved together.

As a result, Zhang Qiu received a call from Qi Xi the next day, still in a bad mood, and wanted to be picked up and beaten up on the phone.

"Xiaoqiuqiu, brother, I'm here, come and pick me up."

"Take a taxi and come here." Zhang Qiu was busy eating fruit, when he heard the other end say, "I'm so beautiful, I don't have a special car, I'm afraid someone will covet me."

Zhang Yushui and the others beside him burst out laughing first, everyone heard Qi Xi's words, and seeing this guy who was stronger than a cow in his original form really didn't match the word coveting. Zhang Qiu just ranted against Qi Xi casually, wiped his hands and prepared to change clothes to go out, and said: "That's your original form like a cow that no one else has seen."

"What a bull! Your uncle, I am Xiezhi!"

Zhang Qiu could imagine the scene of Qi Xi jumping, and Li Shu next to him was worried about Zhang Qiu driving, and they went out together.

"Anyway, hurry up, I'm going to have a cup of coffee with my little Rong Rong, this time there are a lot of things, remember to drive a bigger car."

When he arrived at the airport, Zhang Qiu had seen the word 'a bit too much'. Is this luggage a bit too much? ! Is that a lot? !

"Qixi, are you moving? One, two, three, four—a total of seven boxes!" Zhang Qiu felt that the prepared guest room was not enough.

Da Xiatian wrapped herself tightly, Qi Xi pushed the sunglasses, smiled and said: "You are so smart, brother, I bought a house next to your house, so we can play together in the future, this is part of my clothes, and My little Rong Rong's."

Qi Zhirong next to him was carrying a small suitcase with a cold expression, "Mine."

"The reason I dress so beautifully is to seduce you, little Rong Rong, you are so bad!" Qi Xi said with a cheeky smile.

Zhang Qiu and Li Shu looked at each other, the problem of the room was solved, but the life of this guy living next door to him was fun. He said that some time ago, the next door moved furniture in and out, and he didn't expect the owner to be Qi Xi .

The room at home is spacious, Qi Xi is hospitable, Qi Zhirong looks indifferent and unreasonable, but thinking about it carefully, every time Qi Xi makes trouble, Qi Zhirong has never objected, and always silently supports behind him, such as this purchase From the house to the furnishing and furnishing, Qi Zhirong controlled it remotely. Qi Xi was only in charge of filming and announcing, and occasionally looked at the drawings and furniture styles sent by the designer.

When Yue Qincang Kaiming and Xiao Lin Lin Jiahe arrived, they directly lived in Qi Xi's home.

Qi Xi inspected the circle with his hips on, pointed to the green plants in the middle of the two houses and said, "Let's just demolish this, the garden will be bigger, and we can make a small playground or something..."

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Zang's eyes were shining brightly, but Zhang Qiu noticed that Xiao Fan was exaggerating, and he obviously liked it, but with a cool face, he whispered that he was childish, very dicky.

The small appearance of duplicity is quite attractive.

Qi Xi is a man of action, and he did what he said, and asked someone to tear down the green plants that day. The yard of the two families was merged into one, and it was much empty in an instant. The next day, Zhang Qiu was still sleeping when he heard the sound of clanging, Seeing the workers busy in the yard, Xiao Zang jumped off the bed and ran out with bare feet, but someone behind him was faster than him, waving his little golden wings to the French windows on the first floor.


Xiaofen said coolly. Xiao Zang lay in front of the window, and said softly, "Of course it's fun."

When it was Xiaofen's full moon, the swing, wooden horse and slide in the yard had been installed. My good father, Zhang Yushuixia, King Pihui also bought pink balloons and ribbons to decorate the toilet. It looked like a little princess, and Xiaofen looked cool and handsome. Not worthy at all.

"Brother is so beautiful." Bell said with bright eyes.

Pei Qing put his arms around Bell's waist and said, "When little Qinglong is born, my brother will take you to the playground."

"Okay." Bell said obediently, but her eyes were still staring at the slide.

The little fan with the golden wings in front of me came over, and said tuggingly, "Just play if you want, coward."

"How do you talk, brat?" Zhang Yushui next to him said with a straight face, "You can't talk to Uncle Bell like that."

Xiaofen snorted coldly, waved her wings and circled the bell, Pei Qing said with a smile: "Little guy, I'm going to slap your ass later, so don't cry and call daddy."

"Who's afraid of you!" Xiaofen accelerated towards Pei Qing's head, avoiding Pei Qing's hand, and accidentally bumped the bell next to her.

Ling Dang's complexion suddenly changed, his whole body became limp and he fell backwards, he covered his belly and said with a blank face: "Brother, my stomach hurts, Xiao Qinglong—"


Xiaofen hit the ground and saw Uncle Bell's pants move, and with a plop, a blue ball came out along Uncle Bell's trouser leg.

The cyan balls are so pretty.

Xiaofen licked Xiaohu's teeth.