I Woke Up Pregnant With An Undead’s Child

Chapter 14


Li Shu turned around suddenly.

Zhang Qiu, who was carrying the bag and thinking about it, didn't stop, and hit Li Shu's chest with a slam. The impact made his nose sore, and he raised his head to stare at Li Shu with teary eyes, "What's wrong?" He saw Li Shu looked behind and turned his head, seeing that there was nothing interesting about the people coming and going in the shopping mall.

"It's nothing." Li Shu withdrew his gaze, lowered his head to see Zhang Qiu's watery eyes, and slightly raised the corners of his lips, "Walking depends on the road."

Zhang Qiu: ...

I really want to beat Lishu to death!

"Let's go."

When the two of them left the shopping mall, a heat wave hit, and it was noon in a flash, and the sun was the worst at the end of June.

Zhang Qiu slowly moved behind Li Shu, a trace of coolness seemed to be emanating from Li Shu, he couldn't help smiling, and said happily: "It's already noon, let's eat outside, go home It’s a hassle to cook.”

When Li Shu turned around, he saw Zhang Qiu smiling a bit cunningly, which was very cute.

"You decide."

Zhang Qiu didn't bother to enter the shopping mall, if he passed by that underwear store, he would die of shame, so he casually pointed to the Pizza Hut next to him.

Entering the restaurant, as expected, Li Shu's appearance attracted the attention of a group of people. Just after experiencing the incident of buying underwear, Zhang Qiu always felt that the guests in the restaurant looked at them strangely, so he pulled Li Shu and said, "We Sit back."

Li Shu had no objection, and the little girl who was leading the way smiled sweetly.

Before the meal was served, Zhang Qiu had already finished several glasses of lemonade, and his stomach was a little swollen, so he whispered, "I'm going to the bathroom."

"Want me to accompany you?"

Zhang Qiu hurriedly waved his hands in embarrassment, and when he saw Li Shu's smiling eyes, he knew that he was being played by Li Shu again. His teeth itch with hatred, but he went to the bathroom cowardly.

How could he be eaten to death by Li Shu? Simply unscientific!

The toilet is unisex, and there seems to be someone inside. Zhang Qiu thought about waiting outside, but the toilet door opened, and a man in black came out from inside. At this time, the outside door was also pushed open, and the person in black The man in the clothes, the two seem to know each other by their clothes.

"Hello, please let me go." After Zhang Qiu finished speaking, he felt that something was wrong, and his heart skipped a beat. A handkerchief with an arm stretched out from behind his mouth just now tightly covered his mouth and nose. He tried his best but only murmured. The sound of oh, the mind gradually became confused.

"Hurry up, I heard from the boss that the people outside are very powerful."

"Don't rush."

After that, Zhang Qiu completely fainted.

He woke up again in the car, and his stomach felt uncomfortable, but he still held back, and there were voices in his ears, the voices were familiar, it was the two people who tied him up.

"... Someone got in touch, this time we sent it."

"How long will it be?"

"Hurry up, two hours, you watch the people behind, don't be run away, if you can't do it, you will be dizzy again."

"Don't worry, I'll watch."

Zhang Qiu slowly opened his eyes. His hands were tied and he fell down on a row of seats in the back. His feet were also tied and he couldn't move at all. I don't know if it was because of the long-term tie. The blood was not flowing smoothly and his arms were a little numb. Terribly uncomfortable.

The driver and co-driver in front were the two who tied him up, and the car was moving very fast.

He didn't know these two people at all, and he couldn't figure out why they tied him up, so he pretended to be asleep and didn't dare to make a sound. As soon as he closed his eyes, the man in the co-pilot turned his head to look at Zhang Qiu in the back seat, and started talking again when he saw that he was awake.

Zhang Qiu didn't know what they said about going to the pit, fighting upside down, and trapping lamas. Zhang Qiu didn't understand these things before, but after going down to the tomb with Boss Jin and his group, he discovered that these tomb robbers have a term in their language. Going to the tomb is called going to the pit. Become a Tufuzi.

It turned out that the one who tied him was a grave robber.

Zhang Qiu wondered, he had nothing to do with this group of people, why did he tie him up, and later he heard that the other party's fundamental goal was Li Shu, and Li Shu had a map in his hand, which was exactly what this group of people wanted, and they didn't want to If you dare to confront Lishu hard, come and tie him up.

Damn a chicken! It is written on his face that he is very tied!

Zhang Qiu was a little annoyed, this group of tomb robbers were really nothing, bullying the weak and fearing the strong.

Thinking of seeing Li Shu holding something in his hand last night and this morning. At night, it was a palm-sized yellowed thing. He put it away after he got out of the shower and stuffed it in his bedside table. In the morning, it was a map of China. That palm-sized thing should be what this group of people want.

Zhang Qiu thought for a while, wondering if it was because of the drug residue, his head was dizzy and he fell asleep again.

When he woke up again, he was already on the hotel bed, still tied up like a rice dumpling, and there were voices talking outside.

"... Brother Li Shu, don't worry, we have worked together before, let's just laugh away at what happened last time!"


Li Shu's voice was very cold and full of hostility. Zhang Qiu could imagine Li Shu's current appearance across a door on the bed, just like the first time they met on the train, the other party would probably be scared to death.

Sure enough, the other party laughed awkwardly, and quickly said: "I didn't hurt a single hair, I fell asleep inside, eh, brother Li Shu, don't worry—" Then the other party stopped talking , the next second heard the sound of pushing the door, a scorching gaze swept over, Zhang Qiu, who was lying dead on the bed, quickly opened his eyes, just in time to meet Li Shu's cold and hostile eyes.

Immediately he was stunned.

But in the next second, Li Shu's expression changed back, and his eyes were much gentler, as if he was not the murderous bird just now, he walked straight over.


Zhang Qiu yelled happily, and found that Li Shu's eyes were a little cold, and the air temperature seemed to be low, the people behind quickly laughed and said, "It's just tied up, it didn't hurt."

Zhang Qiu was also stunned when he saw the person coming from behind, it turned out to be Boss Jin.

Boss Jin was about to untie the rope for him, but Li Shu made a quick move, and the dagger was already in front of Boss Jin's hand, as long as he dared to stretch it out by a centimeter, Boss Jin's hand would be gone, and Boss Jin quickly retracted his hand in fright , turning pale.

"You come, you come."

Li Shu swung the dagger sharply, and the rope was cut.

Zhang Qiu immediately got up from the bed, but fell down again after feeling weak all over. Li Shu grabbed him into his arms and frowned, "What's wrong?"

"I haven't eaten and my whole body is numb."

Li Shu directly hugged Zhang Qiu horizontally, in a standard princess hug.

Zhang Qiu, who claimed to be a gentleman, blushed, and there were outsiders watching beside him!

Immediately said in a low voice: "You put me down quickly, it's so ugly, we two old men—" The next words were silenced by Li Shu's indifferent eyes.

Zhang Qiu, who was red-faced with fried hair, was persuaded for a second, and under Boss Jin's original expression, he was hugged by Li Shu all the way back to the other room.

Back in the room, Zhang Qiu touched the phone, and it was already seven o'clock in the evening. He had missed more than a dozen consecutive calls, all of which were from his mother, so he hurriedly dialed them.

"It's okay, it's really okay, I had fun and forgot the time... Li Shu's a country bumpkin who hasn't been anywhere, so I'll take him around for two or three days! Well, I see."

After hanging up the phone, seeing Li Shu looking at him, he hummed, you must be able to hit me!

Li Shu didn't bother to talk to Zhang Qiu, and stared at the things in his hand.

Zhang Qiu just sat down on the sofa to play with his mobile phone after eating a full meal, but the power was low and he turned off the phone directly. He threw the mobile phone on the bed, and after a while, he touched the sofa next to Li Shu and asked, "What does Boss Jin want from you?"

"Go to the grave."

"I know, they are a group of thieves—" I originally wanted to say tomb robbers, but when I saw that Li Shu took it back, I changed it, "That group of local masters are in this business, I mean, where are you going with them? ?”

Li Shu looked up at Zhang Qiu, "Curious?"

Zhang Qiu nodded, and Li Shu handed over the yellowed thing in his hand, Zhang Qiu took it, the texture was a little hard, like it was made of some kind of leather, only the size of a palm, the sketch map of the hill drawn with black lines was incomplete ancient map.

He looked it over and over again, but he couldn't see anything. This kind of map didn't have any coordinates, it was just scenery, mountains, rivers, or incomplete parts.

"This is where?"


Boom boom boom.

There is a knock on the door. Li Shu stood up and opened the door. It was Boss Jin who didn't come in. He just handed Li Shu an envelope, and Li Shu took it and closed the door immediately.

"What is it?"

"Air ticket." Li Shu glanced at Zhang Qiu, "I'll take you back tomorrow first."

Zhang Qiu hesitated, "Are you going to Xiangxi?" His way of asking was a bit stupid, he asked knowingly, paused, and asked what he had always wanted to ask, "You don't look like someone who went to the grave for antiques, why on earth? "

"Save people." After Li Shu finished speaking, he stopped talking.

Zhang Qiu was entangled with Li Shu's answer all night, and he didn't know why he was entangled. He woke up the next day and simply said: "Don't send it away, I will go with you."

He thought that Li Shu wanted to persuade him, and he had already thought of reasons to persuade him. For example, he shouldered the heavy responsibility of archaeology, and he couldn't watch Boss Jin and the others destroy ancient relics.

In the end, Li Shu nodded and agreed.

Zhang Qiu choked back his words, not to mention how uncomfortable it was.

I don't know how Boss Jin did it, anyway, he also had his ticket when boarding the plane. The two-hour plane landed at Changsha Airport, and an off-road vehicle was parked at the gate. There were two tattooed men inside. They were wearing suits and sunglasses in summer. They looked different from Boss Jin.

The attitudes of the two towards Boss Jin were also average, and Boss Jin didn't mind either, and introduced each other with a smile.

Li Shu was always indifferent, and got into the car without saying a word.

Zhang Qiu followed behind, and when he turned around to close the car door, he let out a sound. There was a person in the crowd at the gate of the airport who looked familiar. It made Zhang Qiu scratch his heart and lungs.

Such a stunning face should not be forgotten.


A face suddenly met in his mind, Zhang Qiu grabbed Li Shu's arm nervously, Li Shu glanced at him, "What's wrong?"

Maybe his movements and expressions were too obvious, which attracted the attention of Boss Jin in front of him. Looking back, Zhang Qiu resisted blurting, and forced himself to say, "I'm hungry."

Li Shu believes it is true.

"Get out of the car and take you to dinner."

When Boss Jin heard that this was the case, he clicked his tongue and turned his head.

Zhang Qiu originally wanted to hold back until he got out of the car, but he couldn't hold back, so he took out his mobile phone and typed a line and handed it to Li Shu.

Li Shu looked down, and on the phone was——

I saw King Huihui of Xiapi.