I Woke Up Pregnant With An Undead’s Child

Chapter 17


"There are also here!"

"And here!"

The light of seven or eight flashlights swept back and forth on the mountain wall. Rows of holes above the mountain wall where the light source reached, the heads of the coffins were exposed blackly. Some coffins had decayed and you could see the bones inside. Work hard, humming like thousands of ghosts crying.

Zhang Qiu had goosebumps on his arms, he thought he was brave enough to pass through Gumu Kingdom and King Xiapihui's tomb, and he would feel a layer of cold sweat on his back unknowingly.

"Everyone, everyone, I will return the money to you. You really can't go in there, and the witch god will be angry." Nawu begged Boss Jin, knelt on the ground again, kowtowed to the mountain wall, and said repeatedly: " Sorcerer God, please forgive me, I didn't mean to blaspheme you..."

Seeing the nagging look of that Wu God, Lao Fei saw that there were already two people around him with unconscious hesitation on their faces, and immediately spit on the Wu, took out a gun from his waist, pointed it at the coffin hole on the stone wall, bang Bang bang strafed a few shots, extremely fast.

"I don't believe in ghosts and gods. This is a bunch of fucking bones. I'm afraid of wool. If you are afraid, don't come out and make a fortune."

Seeing that Lao Fei shot, his face turned pale with shock, and with trembling lips, he murmured that it was over, that it was over.

But because of Lao Fei's words, especially Fa Da Cai later, the few who had been slightly shaken in their emotions immediately became firm, and one of them grabbed Na Wu, "What are you talking about, if you don't lead the way, I will solve you now."

Na Wu looked dead numb, and was dragged forward by the man in black.

As soon as Zhang Qiu raised his foot, Li Shu pulled him into his arms, and heard a "pa—" sound in his ears, following the sound from Li Shu's arms, a person fell down not far from Lao Fei's group. It was a coffin, and the corpse inside was thrown out and fell into the puddle. I don't know if it was because his eyes were dazzled, and his hair was even swollen.

"It's green hairy rice dumplings." Zhang Yushui said behind him.

Zhang Qiu was about to ask what green-haired zongzi was, when he saw the dead body in front of him suddenly trembling up from the puddle.

The bird in front screamed for a while, and the men in black also retreated in confusion, but Boss Jin steadied himself, "Shoot, head!" Two of his men slammed their guns a few times, and the rice dumplings were swept into pieces. After eating the honeycomb zongzi, Paji fell into the puddle again.

Seeing Lao Fei wipe away his sweat, Zhang Qiu thought to himself that you will also have a day of fear, why are you not afraid just now!

In the next second, Lao Fei rushed up and stepped on the rice dumpling in the puddle a few times, cursing as if venting, and finally pointed his gun and said, "Keep going."

This man really wants money. Zhang Qiu looked back at Li Shu and Zhang Yushui, and whispered, "What should I do?" He actually retreated a bit.

Li Shu touched his head, "Don't be afraid."

Zhang Yushui's attitude was firm, obviously because he still remembered King Xia Pihui and the Han Zhangdi who looked so much like him.

"Forget it, it's time to gain insight." Zhang Qiu gritted his teeth and said, let him go now alone, and he still has to worry about Li Shu and Zhang Yushui, so it's better to go together.

After the green-haired zongzi came out, the man in black at the front had a slightly better attitude towards Boss Jin. He no longer looked down on Boss Jin and thought he was cheating money. Continuing to move forward, Zhang Qiu focused his attention and turned on the flashlight to shine on the front. He didn't dare to look at the stone walls on both sides. The natural light in front of him was getting bigger and bigger. He was about to go out soon, and the water level was gradually lowering.

Suddenly, the two leading men in black shook, exaggeratedly, but soon went on without incident.

Zhang Qiu felt furious in his heart. Maybe this environment made him feel weird about everything he experienced. Just as he was thinking that his brains were too big, the two people in front shook again. Like a sieve, even Lao Fei who followed behind noticed something was wrong, and asked aloud, "What's wrong with you two?"

There was silence, and the two people in front seemed not to have heard the question, but the shaking of their bodies gradually slowed down.

At the back, Boss Jin already sensed that something was wrong, and he secretly pulled the sleeves of his subordinates, and the three of them took two steps back in unison. Almost at the same moment, the two in front suddenly turned around and rushed towards the person behind, who was unprepared and was pushed down all at once. Pour it into the water, catch it with its upper mouth, and gnaw it. In an instant, the screams and gnawing sounds became one, and the bird also took advantage of the chaos and ran back.

"Look, his face is green." Zhang Qiu's face was numb. The faces of the two people emitted a faint green light in the dark environment, and their pupils had shrunk to a little white. They didn't look like a man at all. living.


"Fuck, shoot! Kill 'em!"

"There's something in the water!"

Bang bang bang gunshots.

Zhang Qiu was turned upside down, and before he could react, he had already been hugged by Li Shu, and ran forward, Zhang Yushui followed closely behind, Boss Jin and the others didn't bother to help when they saw it, they left the men in black and went forward alone run.

The foul-smelling puddles were black, red and red, with blood gurgling out and mixed with the mud brought out by people struggling. Under the muddy water, there were countless small bugs emitting green light. , These bugs are coming towards them at an extremely fast speed.

Zhang Yushui took out a piece of talisman paper from his arms, read something in his mouth, and threw the talisman paper at the green worm with his fingertips, "Boom—" The surface of the water was on fire, and Lao Fei ran forward in embarrassment , no one can control the three people behind.

When we got out of the mountain pass, the equipment and luggage were thrown in a mess, and only four of the seven men in black were left. Zhang Yushui looked inside with a flashlight. Watching them fixedly.

"It's fucking unlucky." The man in black scolded one of them, his face was bloody from being bitten.

Lao Fei panted heavily, and the meeting also quieted down.

Boss Jin muttered beside him: "Let's go find a safe place to treat the wound, who knows if those green things will come over."

The few people obviously had lingering fears about the green bug, so they simply packed their bags and walked forward.

The black man had already run away, and now he could only rely on Zhang Yushui to lead the way. Zhang Qiu patted Li Shu's arm, "Put me down first." He was awkward with the princess, but Boss Jin and the others didn't have time to pay attention to this.

The mountain inside was sparsely forested, as if its spirit had been sucked out by something, and the soil was a little reddish. The further up the mountain, Zhang Qiu's heart beat a little anxiously.

Li Shu found that something was wrong with Zhang Qiu, and grabbed Zhang Qiu's hand with one hand, Zhang Qiu turned to look at Li Shu, "What's wrong?"

"I'm pulling you."

Zhang Qiu: ...

How strange it is to hold hands on this occasion!

But seeing Li Shu's serious eyes, Zhang Qiu said generously, "Let you pull!"

I don’t know if it’s because Li Shu took him with him, and after climbing the mountain, he didn’t have the feeling of palpitations and out of breath. Looking at the people behind Lao Fei, they were panting heavily, and their foreheads were covered with sweat. He was the only one in the whole team. , Li Shu, Zhang Yushui, and Boss Jin seemed to be fine.

The mountain is not high, and the slope is not too steep. Logically speaking, these thugs shouldn't be panting like this after climbing a mountain.

Physical strength is also too weak. Zhang Qiu thought that the boss behind this must have been tricked by people like Lao Fei, and his physical strength was not as good as his.

"That's right there." Zhang Yushui stopped and pointed to a piece of land not far away.

Zhang Qiu took a look, and saw that the trees in the whole mountain were sparse, but the area Zhang Yushui pointed to was particularly lush with trees and grass, and he was in good spirits, unlike other places where the trees were half-dead.

Eagerness flashed in Boss Jin's eyes, "You guys rest first, and simply bandage your wounds. I will take my brother to scout the seat. We are good at digging holes."

"Scar! Let's go together." Lao Fei bumped into the man in black next to him, winked, and said to Boss Jin, "We will help you."

Boss Jin's subordinates were a little angry, knowing that this old Fei could not trust them, he was about to speak and was pulled back by Boss Jin, who laughed and said, "That's good, with more people and more efforts, we can finish the job as soon as possible."

After speaking, he took the guy to the place, and before leaving, Lao Fei winked at the person whose face was gnawed bloody, intending to keep an eye on them, Zhang Qiu rolled his eyes in his heart, this kind of person is almost It's written on my face.

Zhang Yushui looked there in a daze, Zhang Qiu's hungry stomach was growling, he was tired and thirsty, the one whose face was bitten was disinfecting himself, the big bottle of alcohol was poured on it, he gritted his teeth in pain and clucked, Zhang Qiu was called I can't see through the sound, and I'm even more grateful to Li Shu.

"Thank you just now." Zhang Qiu poured water on the towel and handed it to Li Shu.

Li Shu took the towel and looked at Zhang Qiu. Zhang Qiu was looked at and leaned back. Li Shu clamped his chin with one hand, "Don't move." Wipe his face carefully, "Okay." Handed him the towel again.

Zhang Qiu: ...

Li Shu, have you misunderstood something? I gave you a towel for you to wipe yourself, not for you to wipe it for me! ! !

There is a cat disease!

Zhang Qiu thought so in his heart, but his face was hot and his heart was beating fast. He stuffed the towel into his bag carelessly, and started to boil water on the stove to cook cooked food. Zhang Yushui and Li Shu set up a simple tent, and the one next to him who gnawed his face also started to set up a tent for them, and turned on the lights of the camp around them. Boss Jin and the others didn't come over until after nine o'clock in the evening.

"It's done." Boss Jin drank two sips of hot water, his body was covered in mud, he didn't care at all, "Brother Li Shu, when is the best time to go down to the pit?"

Lao Fei was very dissatisfied with Boss Jin's question about Li Shu, and said harshly: "Since it has been dug up, let's go back as soon as possible."

Zhang Qiu kept paying attention to Li Shu, and found that after Lao Fei finished speaking, Li Shu showed a sneer, very lightly, "Do it."

When Boss Jin heard what Li Shu said, he also made a quick decision. They ate a hot meal on the ground, rested for a while, turned off the fire, did not pack the tent, and went directly to the robbery cave with light luggage on their backs.

In the distance, Zhang Qiu saw a black shadow at the entrance of the robber's cave, and called out that there was something. Several people were scared during the day, so they immediately searched with a gun and a flashlight, but there was nothing. Lao Fei was a little dissatisfied, and stared at Zhang Qiu fiercely, "Don't play tricks."

He really saw something, like a figure, and he couldn't help but think of the rice dumplings that he climbed from the robbery cave when he went down to King Pihui's tomb last time.

Zhang Qiu tugged on Li Shu, as if looking for a sense of approval, Li Shu just nodded and didn't say anything, Zhang Qiu immediately knew that Li Shu had seen it just now, but why didn't he say anything