I Woke Up Pregnant With An Undead’s Child

Chapter 2


"Dad, what's wrong with my stomach?" Zhang Qiu looked down, and chatted with his father with a smile, "I'm not getting fat! It's still your handsome son!"

Father Zhang moved his eyes away from his son's stomach in a complicated manner, and then looked at his son's silly and sweet face. He didn't know what to say, and held back the words, "Get in the car first."

As soon as he got in the car, Zhang Qiu lay on the co-pilot as if he had no bones, put on his seat belt lazily, and yawned, he felt sleepy again, "Where's my mother?"

"I'll cook for you at home." Father Zhang replied stiffly, started the car, saw his son squinting sleepily, and asked calmly, "Tell me what's fun at school."

As soon as Zhang Qiu heard that he became more energetic, he also had a big heart. Although there were bad memories in the ancient tomb, he couldn't bear the strangeness of the tomb in Gumu Kingdom. He liked these strange things, otherwise he wouldn't have Will choose archeology major.

"Dad, an ancient tomb was discovered in Qinling a while ago. It was in the Shang Dynasty. It's almost four thousand years ago. The news is very sensational. Have you read it?"

When Father Zhang heard about the Shang Dynasty, his eyelids twitched, "I didn't see it, tell me more."

Zhang Qiu knew that his father liked these too, and most of the bookcases at home were filled with books on Fengshui. Thinking of the nine black pillars in the main tomb on the second floor, he wanted to ask his father more, so he explained all the details of the tomb, except for that paragraph. Red-eyed man.

"...The site of the Gumu Kingdom is in present-day Shandong, but the tomb is in Xi'an. Although the inscription on the stele is the word Gumu Kingdom, there is no other information, and there is no owner of the tomb. It is really difficult to judge the exact age..." When Zhang Qiu talked about the owner of the tomb, he mentioned vaguely, "I only took a small part of the pattern of the nine pillars. Dad, we will study it when we go back."

"Only here, nothing else?"

"No more." Zhang Qiu looked at his father puzzled, "Dad, what happened to you today?"

Zhang Qiu is an only child, and he has been close to his father since he was a child, and it is common for him to talk nonsense, big or small. Today, as soon as he stepped out of the station, he found that something was wrong with his father, and he was very serious.

"Tell me honestly, didn't anything strange happen when you entered the tomb?" Father Zhang pulled over the car and stared at his son's face. Be careful I will beat you."

Zhang Qiu's face was flushed, how did he communicate with his father about this kind of thing, but seeing his father coming to the truth, after planting mushrooms for a long time, he broke the pot and said, "I don't know, the real dad! He looked at me I fainted at a glance, and then, just that, I didn't realize it clearly, and when I woke up, I was covered in that... "

After stumbling, he finally said it in one breath. Father Zhang's heart skipped a beat when he heard the red eyes, and his face was as black as the bottom of a pot. Zhang Qiu would also know that something was wrong.

"Dad, what's the matter?"

"You have that evil child with red eyes in your belly." Father Zhang felt uncomfortable seeing his son's pale face, and restarted the car, "According to what you said, the man may be more than three thousand years old." Zombie."

Zhang Qiu's mind was full of the fact that he was pregnant with a zombie child, and the news kept flashing across the screen in his mind, it was like a thunderclap, his whole body was in a daze, until he entered the door of the house, he was still dizzy.

How could he be pregnant by a man

And pregnant with zombies—

Zhang Qiu stood at the door in dismay. Seeing his son's appearance, Zhang's father regretted that he had spoken too clearly, and put his hand on his son's shoulder, "It's not that there is no solution to this matter. Go back to eat first, don't worry your mother."

As soon as the door opened, Zhang's mother saw that the father and son had returned, and said happily, "It's considered back, wash your hands and eat." Seeing that her son's expression was not right, "What's wrong with this? His face is so pale."

Zhang Qiu smiled, and lay on his mother's shoulder miserably, "I missed you."

Zhang's mother was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear, "My dear son, Mom has made you a lot of food that you like, go and take it easy first, maybe you're getting motion sickness?"

Zhang's father was covering up, and Zhang's mother did not suspect him, thinking that her son was motion sick and uncomfortable. Zhang Qiu washed his face and felt better. When he saw that the dinner table was full of his favorite numb and spicy food, his appetite suddenly came up. Eating with a rice bowl was like fighting a war. Then Mama Zhang put her heart back. up.

Father Zhang looked at his son who looked like a pig. He knew that his son had a big heart, but he never thought that his heart would be like this! ! !

Looking up from his job, Zhang Qiu saw his father's disdainful eyes, and fell silent for a while, what can he do? He is also very sad and desperate!

Turning around, he smiled and boasted, "Mom, your skills are getting better and better!"

Mother Zhang is even happier.

In the evening, his mother went to the square dance with her sisters, and Zhang Qiu faced his father face to face.


"Go to bed early tonight and go somewhere with me tomorrow."

Zhang Qiu still wanted to ask, but his father entered the study and closed the door.

Before dawn the next day, Zhang Qiu was picked up by his father and thrown directly into the co-pilot, driving the car all the way to the train station, Zhang Qiu fell asleep drooling with his head tilted, and was woken up by his father when he arrived. Rubbing his head in a daze.

"Dad, where are we going?" He asked, "Did you tell Mom?"

Father Zhang's eyelids twitched when he heard the last sentence, and he said unnaturally: "I left a letter." Then he beat Zhang Qiu's head in confusion, "Get on the train first."

Even if Zhang Qiu was in a daze, he could still think of how his mother would explode when she saw the left letter.

The train was going to a small county in Jiangsu, Zhang Qiu had never heard of this place before. Because of the summer vacation, there were a lot of people on the train, so Zhang Qiu and his father found a seat and sat down. After calculating the time, it would take eight hours.

On the opposite side were two female college students who were rubbing their eyes and feeling sleepy, but when they saw Zhang Qiu sit down, they suddenly regained their energy. They didn't expect to meet a handsome young man in the car this time, thinking about how to talk to each other during the journey.

The slightly excited expression of the girl on the opposite side didn't hide it, at least Zhang Qiu could see it, he was not in the mood to chat with the girls now, and besides his father was sitting next to him, he didn't dare to mess around, he was just being used by the girl Seeing the handsome guy looking at him, he was still quite beautiful in his heart, so he turned his face to an angle that he thought he was handsome, and sure enough, he heard the two girls gasping and whispering words like so handsome, so beautiful, so handsome.

The beauty in Zhang Qiu's heart was almost bubbling.

Slightly squinting his eyes, he changed his posture, and sure enough, the two girls on the opposite side praised him even more excitedly.

"Better looking than a star!"

"The temperament is so special, look at him with long hair, he is not a girl at all!"

"Ah! He came over, what should we do? Is it because we are too loud, but he is really handsome!"

Zhang Qiu: Wait, what the hell is that long hair? ! And he closed his eyes!

Realizing that he wasn't talking about himself, Zhang Qiu became a little annoyed, thinking that the old man still has long hair, so he wants to see how handsome he is!

Zhang Qiu, who had blown away Mao Bimei, opened his eyes, and immediately met the other pair of eyes across the aisle.

Narrow and indifferent eyes.

Zhang Qiu's hair stood on end all of a sudden, he was stared at by the other party as if he was fixed, his eyes could not be moved away, and the girl's excited whispers of praise were still in his ears, but at this moment Zhang Qiu had no intention of being more handsome, he just I feel that this person's gaze is cold to the bone.

Covered in cold sweat, Zhang Qiu's face slowly turned pale, and the other party finally looked away.

He couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief, quickly turned his head and didn't dare to look over again, but he always felt that there was a gaze staring at him from behind.

Zhang Qiu hurriedly pretended to be sleeping, touched his forehead, his hand was sweating coldly, but he was thinking about those eyes, how could there be a sense of familiarity, as if he had seen them somewhere before.

He didn't realize that when Father Zhang, who was sitting next to him, saw the black luggage bags in the hands of the people across the aisle, he frowned and moved his ears.

Father Zhang looked away, put his hands on his chest and closed his eyes.

Zhang Qiu, who was pretending to sleep, actually fell asleep, and dreamed of the crimson eyes in the tomb again, but this time his eyes were staring at him like a poisonous tongue, as if he would jump at him whenever he made a move. Come up and give yourself a bite.

Waking up suddenly, Zhang Qiu was panting, still in shock, the seat next to him was empty, his father didn't know where he was.

"The person next to you just went to the toilet." The girl opposite said.

Zhang Qiu nodded, looked around in a daze, and finally saw the man diagonally across the aisle, who was really outstanding, he had never seen such a beautiful man since he was a child.

His long black hair was simply tied up, his skin was very white, and the light from the car window came in. He was as white as transparent, and his side face was perfect, as if he had sensed his gaze. When he turned his head, the two of them happened to meet their eyes.

But this time the other party's gaze was no longer as scary as before. Although it was indifferent, it was not aggressive.

The other party nodded, as if to say hello, Zhang Qiu suddenly felt flattered, and immediately nodded with a cowardly smile, the other party had already looked away and closed his eyes to rest his mind.

Zhang Qiu: What's so great about being handsome! I am also very handsome! snort!

Then I moved my head to look at the bare scenery outside the window.

The car arrived at the stop soon, and his father came back. Zhang Qiu stood up and was about to leave, but his father pushed him back into the seat.

"I'll get off later."

Zhang Qiu noticed that the six people in the aisle opposite also stood up and walked out. The other five people were carrying big bags. The man with long hair walked at the end without anything, but it could be seen that they were together because the person walking in front had long hair. The man's name is Lishu.

This name is quite weird, I don't know the two words.

Zhang Qiu muttered in his heart, but was picked up by his father, "Get out of the car."

Because it is a small county, not many people got off the bus, Zhang Qiu and his father soon met those six people, and a tall muscular man gave them a vicious look, Zhang Qiu was confused, thinking about this There is something wrong with people.

"Old man, you look all the way, be careful with your eyes."

Zhang Qiu immediately fucked up, "There is something wrong with you! Who is looking at you!"

The other party got angry, and approached Zhang Qiu directly, aggressively, one of them shouted impatiently perfunctorily: "Third brother, don't make trouble and leave quickly."

Seeing that the other party was going to fight, Zhang Qiu gulped down when he saw his figure, but he couldn't let his father stand in front of him and said in a low voice, "Dad, hurry up and call the police, I can stop you."

Zhang's father thought that his son was a fool, but he was also filial. He hadn't played any sports for many years, and today happened to practice his hands.

The other party was tall and burly standing in front of Zhang Qiu, as if he was looking down at a little chicken, his eyes were full of ridicule, his fists were waving with wind, and his fists were bigger than Zhang Qiu's face.

Zhang's father was holding Zhang Qiu's collar as if he was carrying a chicken in the back. Before he could exert any force, he saw that the opponent's fist had been stopped.


The voice was indifferent and concise, Zhang Qiu saw that the long-haired man was blocking the way, and the translucent white arm was under the arm of the third child, and the man was white and slender as a foil, but the third child's face changed, and his mouth moved like He wanted to swear, but finally let go angrily, turned and left.

Zhang Qiu raised his head to thank him, but he had already seen the other party go away.