I Woke Up Pregnant With An Undead’s Child

Chapter 36: Tomb of Emperor Hui of Jin IV


Su Wanting put the box on the table, with a seductive smile in her eyes, she looked at Li Shu firmly, "My sincerity."

"What do you want?" Li Shu didn't even look at the wooden box on the table, his face was a little cold, "This trick is set up to lure us over."

Su Wanting nodded, "That's right, this auction itself is for you, brother Li Shu." Looking around, she smiled, "It's not as complicated as you think, so don't be too hostile to me, I said We can share rent with each other and get what we need.”

As soon as Zhang Qiu heard Su Wanting's sticky name, Brother Li Shu, his head hurt, and he hurriedly said, "It doesn't matter whether we cooperate or not, Miss Su, we don't know you well, just call him Li Shu."

As soon as the words were finished, King Pihui next to him laughed lightly. Zhang Qiu knew that his second sister-in-law was teasing him, so he felt embarrassed, and wanted to show the original expression on his face.

Fortunately, Li Shu didn't let him off the hook, and said coldly, "Miss Su should just call me by my name."

The somewhat smug smile on Su Wanting's face suddenly sank, she glanced at Zhang Qiu, and suddenly smiled sweetly with her lips curled up, "It's just a title, Li Shu, whatever you want me to call, I'll listen to you."

These words became more sticky, Zhang Qiu's heart was squeezed into a ball, but he didn't want to talk nonsense with Su Wanting about this title, so he asked directly: "Miss Su, how do you want to cooperate, just tell me directly!"

Su Wanting didn't want to tell Zhang Qiu that in essence he looked down on Zhang Qiu, and this situation was for Li Shu, but just now she seemed to be very obedient to Zhang Qiu by calling Shang Li Shu, so she had to suppress her inner dissatisfaction and put on a look. Come with a businesslike attitude.

"You also know that my father is an antique dealer. In fact, more than ten years ago, my father was a native. This box was bought by my father from one of his old buddies." Su Wanting took a picture of the box, not caring about the leak Knowing her father's old background, she changed the subject, "Do you guys know where this box came from?"

Zhang Qiu didn't want to answer, if he wanted to talk, he just said it, and looked at Li Shu, did he wait for Li Shu to answer

Everyone didn't speak, and there was a touch of embarrassment in the air.

Su Wanting looks sweet and rich, no man has ever given her face, but in the past two days she has lost face one after another, but she doesn't look at the group of people, except Pei Qing, who are all crooked and have companions, waiting for Su Wanting to simply After talking, what to do next.

Pei Qing saw that the little girl was biting her lips and couldn't hold back, so she kindly answered, "Miss Su, tell us where did this come from?"

Zhang Qiu glanced at Pei Qing, he didn't expect Pei Qing to be quite a gentleman.

Su Wanting went down the slope, and snorted softly, she was wrong-looking, so she looked a bit delicate, but this expression was obviously winking to the blind man, and no one present except Pei Qing was in the mood to pay attention to it.

"I heard from my father's old man that this box was found in a pit in Changsha seven years ago. The pit was not big. It was the tomb of an old squire. The only thing in it was a nonsense story. My father But it's serious." Su Wanting paused, and seeing that there was no curiosity on the faces of these people, she became even more angry, and said forcefully, "This tomb is from the Eastern Han Dynasty. My father's old buddy took this box from the squire's arms. , When I left, I found that the inscription on the stele recorded a story."

"There is a record in "Book of the Later Han Dynasty-Five Elements" that during the Eastern Han Dynasty, a Tufuzi robbed the tomb of Huo Guang's son-in-law, Fan Youyou's family slave. Who knew that the dead owner of the tomb was the slave who came back to life. The story is simple and simple. Just a few sentences have been handed down to the present. I have seen this dead person fraudulently, but it is nonsense to come back from the dead and come back to life. There is a burial person in the tomb of the old squire in Changsha, which is the story I just said The domestic slave who came back from the dead. When my father’s old man found out this legend, he paid more attention to the map in the squire’s arms. He thought it had something to do with the domestic slave’s death and resurrection. I am more curious about these superstitious stories, how can people in this world die and come back to life, so there is today's game."

In this passage, Su Wanting said that her father's friend has always been an old man, Tu Fuzi, and never said a word of uncle. Her tone of voice was full of contempt for the resurrection from the dead, and she seemed to be a girl who believed in science.

Zhang Qiu couldn't help thinking that in the past, he also loved science and opposed superstition, but now he is addicted to superstition every time he goes to the pit and cannot extricate himself.

"What do you say has anything to do with your deal?" Bi Shu asked coldly.

"My father wants the body of a house slave." Su Wanting frowned when she said this, obviously disgusted by these things, and added: "My father guessed that this map could have the secret technique of bringing people back to life. The pit on the map, Both parties must go down together."

Su Wanting was sure to win, and decided that Li Shu would definitely agree to this condition. She sat on a chair and propped her face, and said with a smile: "I heard that Boss Jin said that you are very powerful, but I didn't expect that your appearance is even more outstanding."

As soon as Zhang Qiu heard Su Wanting talking about Boss Jin, he subconsciously felt disgusted, and he forgot about Su Wanting's teasing and divorce. The scene of Boss Jin eating rice dumplings is too dark, especially when the other party is like Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death. , had obviously been sealed by Li Shu in the tomb of General Shandong.

"When did you hear from Boss Jin?" King Xia Pihui couldn't help asking.

It seems that Boss Jin's nightmare is not alone. Zhang Qiu complained in his heart, and saw Su Wanting tilting her head to think for a while, and said, "I don't remember, about half a month ago."

Zhang Qiu heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the time, it wasn't Boss Jin who ran out.

"Yes." Li Shu made a final decision to seal the deal.

Su Wanting stood up and handed the box to Li Shu, it looked like a love letter rather than a map, Zhang Qiu's teeth were sore, he coughed next to him, Li Shu took it with one hand and stuffed it into Zhang Qiu's arms.

Feeling the light wave of Su Wanting's 'hot' gaze, Zhang Qiu hurriedly dragged Li Shu back, and if he stayed here again, he was afraid that he couldn't help but fight with a little girl. The rotten peach blossom!

Back at Lu Feng's house, Hua Hua went to Yang Bao's house and hadn't come back yet. His little rice dumpling was a little disappointed that he didn't see his brothers. Zhang Qiu tapped twice, and then came back to life full of blood. He obediently lay on his stomach in his pocket, showing Half a little head.

"According to what Su Wanting said, it's up to who has the ability to do something wrong." Lu Feng said.

In this transaction, they were at the bottom. Now the other party has not put forward harsh conditions. On the contrary, judging from the present, this kind of statement is very beneficial to them. Zhang Qiu believes that it is very difficult for ordinary people to snatch the box from them with their unique skills. of.

"By the way, this box is for your senior brother." Zhang Qiu took out the box and said embarrassedly: "Senior brother really troubled you."

"Originally, this matter has something to do with me." Huating didn't care, seeing Lu Feng looking at him, he emphasized funnyly, "I will pay attention, as long as I am tired, I will take a rest immediately."

Lu Feng nodded in agreement.

The few of them are now tied to a line of interest. Zhang Yushui's resurrection depends on the divine vein. In order to repay Huating's sacrifice, Li Shu needs to find a way to renew Huating's life. Something, it may be a person, it may be something else, but it is vital to them.

To find the divine meridian, one must complete the map, and the people behind it played a big game of chess, and now they are chess pieces moving on the chessboard, or chess players playing against their opponents, everything is unknown.

The map given by Su Wanting happened to fit together with the map they brought out from the general's tomb, and soon the place was found, Luoyang, Henan, an ancient capital with a long history.

Su Wanting got the news that they were ready, and they planned to set off in a day. They would first go to the tomb of the gentry in Changsha, and then go to Luoyang. However, Huating fell ill the night before departure, and they were sent to the hospital. Lu Feng was trembling at the door of the operating room. I'm afraid that Huating won't be able to resist.

Zhang Qiu and Xiapi Huiwang also felt guilty in their hearts. Originally, Huating was not in good health, and he had been studying these two maps in order to set off as soon as possible. He was tired of illness.

Li Shu patted Lu Feng's shoulder, "Don't go this time."

Lu Feng nodded. At this time, he only wanted to stay by Huating's side, and he was afraid that after leaving...

"It'll be fine." Li Shu's tone was calm, but it was soothing.

Zhang Qiu's nervous heart also calmed down. The lights at the door of the operating room went out at eleven o'clock in the evening. Delayed."

This hospital is run by Lu Feng, and he doesn't shy away from talking about bullets.

In the evening Lu Feng stayed in the hospital to accompany Huating, Zhang Qiu and the three returned to the villa to pack up, and early the next morning, Pei Qing came to the door with her luggage.

"I'll go with you guys. Lu Feng is my buddy, so I'll help him if he needs help."

Li Shu has no objection, Pei Qing doesn't look like an ordinary soldier, his skills are better.

The appointment was to meet at the airport. Zhang Qiu originally thought that Su Zhicai would invite a group of local masters to go down the pit with them. Unexpectedly, Su Wanting also came, wearing a short dress showing two straight long legs, with small high heels on her feet. , took off his sunglasses when he got out of the car, and Chong Lishu blinked.

The vinegar vat in Zhang Qiu's stomach was about to turn over, Li Shu smiled when he saw this, pulled Zhang Qiu's arm, and kissed him without hesitation.

There are people coming and going at the airport entrance, and Li Shu and King Huihui of Xiapi have attracted many people's attention because of their outstanding appearance. Now that Li Shu is kissing Zhang Qiu in public, many people hold up their mobile phones to take pictures, booing next to them, and wait for the kiss to end. Zhang Qiu's face swelled like a boiled crab.

"What about you in broad daylight—" Looking at Su Wanting's jealous eyes, Zhang Qiu swallowed the words of being a hooligan in broad daylight, and pretended to be indifferent, "You did a good job." At least there will be no future troubles.

It's not a problem to be missed by the little girl all day.

Zhang Qiu thought that Su Wanting could rest her mind after knowing that he and Li Shu were a couple, but it was obvious that his thinking was too simple, Su Wanting was like a normal person, sticking to Li Shu's side as usual, and Li Shu ignored her, She also smiled indifferently, and introduced the four people she brought along.

"My dad invited them here. The older one is called Hiraizumi, and the taller one and the shorter one are brothers, Big Liu and Little Liu. The bald-headed ones are called bald-headed ones."

Hiraizumi is about forty years old. He has a black face and a fierce face. He is tall and has a good figure. He just nods when he sees them. It is a person with full and thick lips in Tianting, with a winding scar on the last bald head, as if burned by something, not very talkative, gloomy, heard Su Wanting talking, looked this way, Zhang Qiu He always felt that the way he looked at Su Wanting with his bald head made him feel creepy.

"This bald head is the one who sold my dad's box." Su Wanting added.

Zhang Qiu found that when Su Wanting lifted the box, the bald man looked at Su Wanting with a bit of sternness in his eyes. He pretended he didn't see it, and these four people didn't look like good people. It seems that we should be more cautious when going down this time. Well, don't be fooled by that time.

He and King Xiapihui looked at each other, and they knew what was in their hearts. Li Shu was tired of hearing Su Wanting talking all the time, so he took Zhang Qiu's hand, "Board the plane."

The plane landed at Changsha Airport, and someone came to pick it up. Two cars were dispatched, one for Su Wanting and Hiraizumi, and one for them. When they arrived at the hotel, they checked into the room. between.

Hiraizumi took the door key, glanced at King Pihui and Lishu, and said in a bad tone, "Follow us closely this time, and don't move around."

Although Su Wanting said that Li Shu is very good on the Tao, she was specially invited here, but Hiraizumi had never heard of the name Li Shu after more than 20 years of being on the Tao. I don’t believe Su Wanting’s words anymore, I thought Li Shu and King Xiapi Hui came out to explore with rich young masters, but Zhang Qiu left a slightly useful impression on Hiraizumi because he was not as handsome as earth-shatteringly handsome .

Zhang Qiu would be furious if he found out.

Until 10 o'clock in the evening of the next day, Hiraizumi looked at the weather outside and found that there were fire clouds. Zhang Qiu was a little worried that it would rain, but Hiraizumi said, "Let's go."

They packed their luggage in advance, and each carried their bags on their backs. Zhang Qiu put the rice dumplings in his pockets. The car in front led the way, and Li Shu drove behind him. They got on the expressway for about an hour, and they didn't see each other until dark. When I arrived, it was raining patter in the sky, and the roof of the car was banged loudly. It seemed that the rain was getting heavier and heavier.

The car in front blinked twice and pulled over to a stop.

Su Wanting's voice came from the walkie-talkie: "Brother Li Shu, let's take shelter from the rain first, and go when the rain subsides."

Zhang Qiu's teeth ached when he heard Li Shu's elder brother, the girl refused to listen to what she said, and she couldn't really hit him, he was so angry that his heart felt uncomfortable, so he simply cut off the conversation.

After about fifteen minutes, the rain became heavier and heavier. After a while, the rain had reached the tires of the car. Zhang Qiu was afraid of being flooded, but the car in front was very calm. After another ten minutes, the rain gradually subsided, and the car in front After restarting, Li Shu followed closely.

After driving for less than an hour, they arrived at a rural family in the suburbs. They made a detour without disturbing the villagers, and went directly to the river.

Hiraizumi got out of the car, held a flashlight in his hand and scanned the dark river, and asked the bald man, "Is this here?"

"It's not like." The bald head looked carefully and shook his head. Hiraizumi was going to drive, and the bald head shook his hand, "It's here, I'll look for it."

Standing by the river, Zhang Qiu heard the conversation between Hiraizumi and the bald head, with incredulous eyes, looked at Li Shu and asked silently, "Is this tomb in the water?"

"It should be like this."

Just as she was talking, Su Wanting got out of the car. She was wearing a sportswear and walking towards them with a flashlight. Zhang Qiu was very upset. When he was waiting to go back, Su Wanting tripped over something, and Pei Qing had already gone up.

"Ah! There are bones here!"