I Woke Up Pregnant With An Undead’s Child

Chapter 38: Tomb of Emperor Hui of Jin VI


Li Shu protected Zhang Qiu behind him, and the little rice dumpling who was dozing off in his pocket also had his head popped out, his small face was tense, his big eyes flashed suddenly, Baba's eyes swept around the room.

Zhang Qiu didn't notice the expression of the little zongzi in the pocket, it should be said that the flashlights in everyone's hands were shining at the door.

I don't know if it's preconceived, but I always feel that there are footsteps in the corridor, but when I listen carefully, there is no sound at all, and the quietness is a bit weird. I am not afraid of noise in the pit, but I am afraid that it will suddenly become too quiet.

After a long time, maybe only a few minutes, the outside was still quiet, as if the bang bang just now hadn't happened.

Zhang Qiu let go of his gripping heart slowly, and was about to speak when suddenly he felt a palpitation. He heard a whirring sound, which seemed to be coming from above his head. Confused.

"Ba ba!"

The back of his hand hurt, Zhang Qiu shook his head, and found that Xiao Zongzi jumped out of his pocket, grabbed his hand and bit him, the pain made him more conscious, and when he looked around, everyone was there, he took two steps back, Avoid the top of the head.


Zhang Qiu swallowed, his throat was so dry that he didn't dare to look up, "There's someone up there." Almost as soon as he finished speaking, everyone bounced away instantly, the movable board above moved, and a person jumped straight out of it.

"I heard that you are going to eat me?"

This 'person' stared straight at him, and spoke first.

Zhang Qiu's scalp is numb, it's not for other reasons, this is not a person at all, he is wearing the clothes of an ancient domestic servant, corroded and dilapidated by the years, his skin is gray and inelastic, his facial features are stiff, he is too old to be in his fifties, his appearance Honest and honest, at this moment he is holding a human head in his arms, the head is clean without a trace of flesh and blood, and if you look carefully, there are teeth marks, as if the flesh was gnawed off by something.

Standing behind with a bald head, he was shocked when he saw this 'man', "It's a house slave, but when I saw him he was a mummy—" the voice disappeared in the house slave's movements.

The house slave turned his head stiffly, staring mechanically at the bald head. "You want to eat me?" He said each word slowly, his voice dry and unpleasant.

His bald head and forehead were covered with cold sweat. Even Hiraizumi next to him has been on the road for so many years and has seen zongzi, but he has never seen a zongzi who can speak and think.

A few people didn't speak, but the house slaves stared at them with empty eyes, repeating 'you want to eat me' mechanically in their mouths.

When the house slave didn't come out, Zhang Qiu was a little scared, just because he was afraid of disappearing, but now that he came out and stood in front of him, it was a living thing, and his fear faded away, especially the house slave's appearance was scary, but he would Talking, but when he thought about it, he was also a zongzi, and there was a higher-level one beside him, who could talk and crack. Thinking about it this way, low-level zongzi like house slaves didn't seem to be scary.

But this house slave is indeed very wrong. If the bald head did not lie, the house slave was a shriveled corpse seven years ago, and now he has become a rice dumpling. Climbing over, there was no rush to do it, but to observe them from above.

Zhang Qiu was studying, when he saw Su Wanting behind him frowning, and scolded: "It's just a rice dumpling, my dad paid you so much money, why are you still standing there?!"

As soon as the words fell, the house slave who was mechanically repeating the words just now seemed to be stimulated, and threw the skull in his arms towards Su Wanting. The figure rushed over very quickly, but Pei Qing was faster and directly blocked Su Wanting , subconsciously shouted, "Tingting."

Later, Hiraizumi took out his gun and shot twice, the slave let Pei Qing go, and went to Hiraizumi instead, the brothers of the Liu family and the bald head stepped forward to help, there was a mess for a while, several people got entangled with the slave.

Li Shu didn't know how to do it from behind, taking advantage of the gap, the dagger in his hand was quickly and accurately inserted into the back of the slave's neck, leaving only the handle behind, the slave paused, and fell to the ground with a bang .

Hiraizumi was out of breath and Xu was still in shock. He didn't expect that the four of them had been entangled with each other for a long time, and they were subdued by Li Shu's move that he had always looked down upon.

"The house slave you want." Li Shu said coldly, "If you don't want to die, don't use a dagger."

Hiraizumi nodded in a cold sweat, "Thank you very much."

Su Wanting smiled a little smugly, "I just said, Brother Li Shu is much better than you, but my dad is really worried."

Zhang Qiu didn't want to listen to Su Wanting's words, because he was afraid that he would hit someone if he couldn't control himself.

The tomb of the squire was safe and sound, and the slaves took the rice dumplings. The Liu family brothers opened the bag and carefully put the rice dumplings in. How does Zhang Qiu feel now that there is something wrong with Su Zhicai wanting the corpses of the slaves? No normal person wants a rice dumpling without an antique , I couldn't help but think of what the slave Zongzi kept repeating just now.

You are going to eat me.

Who wants to eat a house slave.

Speaking of the disgusting thing of eating zongzi, Zhang Qiu naturally thought of Boss Jin first. Now that Boss Jin is sealed in a coffin, now that Su Zhicai wants zongzi again, I don’t blame him for thinking too much. It’s just a coincidence, normal People can avoid rice dumplings as far as they can. Who would pay a lot of money to buy them

The brothers of the Liu family carried the slaves on their shoulders, and they went to the main tomb next door. There lay a decomposed body without a head. According to the bald head, this was the squire he cut off at that time.

The squire was very rich. Back then he fled with his bald head and hastily picked up two pieces. Now there are many funeral objects in the tomb, and all kinds of treasures are in front of him. The Liu family brothers and Heiquan immediately forgot the danger they encountered just now, and they will stare at him everywhere. Xun Mo, Zhang Qiu is a major in archaeology, and he went to the tomb because of circumstances. Every time King Xiapi Hui and Li Shu went to the tomb, they would leave after finishing their work. They never took any antique objects except the box. Meeting the real Tufuzi, Zhang Qiu couldn't help it for a while.

"It's all against the law."

The people who were looking for something were taken aback, Da Liu seemed to have heard something interesting, and said with a smile: "Then what are you doing with us? You want to set up an archway even if you are a bitch?"

As soon as the voice finished speaking, a figure passed by, and slapped Da Liu directly. Da Liu coughed up a mouthful of blood, and when he fixed his eyes, he saw that it was Li Shu. Same.

Li Shu's face was cold, and he stared down at Da Liu on the ground, showing his murderous aura.

Zhang Qiu was afraid that Li Shu would really kill someone, so he hurried forward, "It's because I'm not in the right place, they were just—forget it."

"Since we are all people on the road and the rules are here, if you want to return empty-handed, you can't let us go for nothing. It's all a terrible hookup." Hurry up to smooth things over, "If you don't take it like this, we will pick two after all, and there are not many."

Zhang Qiu also somewhat regretted that he had spoken so fast just now, the baldheads and the others were real native masters, the means of making money for bad people is like murdering parents, and now they only backed down out of fear of divorce.

He pulled Li Shu down, and Li Shu looked away, and said first, "Let's go first."

Su Wanting was not happy anymore, and shouted at the bald men: "Isn't my dad giving you enough money? When will the ink stains be like this, and any junk will be rare! Hurry up and leave!"

The Liu family brothers still hated Li Shu's attack just now, and Hiraizumi thought that Li Shu had rescued them just now, so he said, "Forget it, just pick up two and get rid of them quickly."

After getting out of the water, Zhang Qiu found that the sweet smell in the water was gone when he went back, but the scorching sight from behind could burn his back, knowing that the people in the kayak behind hated him for talking too much just now.

Zhang Qiu was a little depressed. The first class they had was the difference between tomb robbery and archaeology. The professor had always emphasized that tomb robbery would cause great damage to cultural relics, but now he became a member of the Tufuzi.

Li Shu squeezed his hand, "You're right."

"But it's still hard." Zhang Qiu looked at Bi Shu pitifully, "I want a hug."

Li Shu curled the corners of his lips, embraced the poor Chickie in his arms, and kissed the top of the couch's hair.

Zhang Qiu was actually sad, but he didn't want Li Shu to go down with him. This kind of thing might not be avoided in the future, and he deliberately said it in this tone, telling the other party that he was fine, and there would always be a solution.

When the two were intimate, Zhang Qiu didn't notice the little rice dumpling's head was exposed in his pocket, the dark circles under his eyes were a little thicker, his small fangs were exposed, and he stared fiercely at the back, Li Shu lowered his head to meet the little rice dumpling's eyes, slightly Nodding, Xiao Zongzi put away her fangs, her eyes immediately became 'lively', and she licked her mouth and smiled happily.

It was almost morning when the kayak arrived on the river. The village was very quiet and no one got up yet. They quickly packed the kayak. Big Liu scratched his neck, and Xiao Liu asked, "What's wrong? Your face still hurts?"

"Get out." Liu said angrily, still remembering what happened in the tomb just now, "It's really fucking bad luck."

"Forget it, someone rescued us just now, and besides, this kind of thing was originally a blessing, and these two things are enough for a few years including the boss's money." Xiao Liu persuaded.

Big Liu just wanted to talk, but felt a numb pain in the back of his neck. He touched it with his hand, but there was nothing.

"Clean up quickly, don't think about it, the villagers will wake up soon." Xiao Liu urged.

Da Liu moved his neck, felt nothing, so he didn't think about it. He quickly put the bag of house slaves in the rear compartment, packed it up quickly, and started the car. Come back, anyway, all the zongzi in the tomb have been taken away, what is he afraid of when only the mummy remains? !

Thinking that the treasures in the tomb belonged to him alone, the hatred towards Zhang Qiu faded now.

In the car ahead, Zhang Qiu touched his pocket, his face became anxious, "Xiao Zang is gone? Is he still under the car? I'll go find—"

"It's not on your head." King Xia Pihui pointed to Zhang Qiu's head.

Zhang Qiu's hair is a little long and soft, and Xiao Zongzi likes to lie on it. When he touched it with his hand, it was soft and cold. He couldn't help saying: "Little Zhuang, why did you run up there? You almost scared me to death. Don't run around next time."

"Baba, what a jerk." Xiao Zongzi licked the little tiger's teeth, looking cute and well-behaved.

Zhang Qiu didn't see it, but when he heard Xiao Zongzi's soft voice, he knew how obedient and cute his son was, and couldn't bear to blame him, he turned his head and accidentally glanced at Pei Qing, his expression froze immediately.

Just now I was so anxious that I forgot that Pei Qing was also in the car.

Pei Qing leaned back on the back of the chair and smiled, "Actually, I already knew about it, but you didn't tell me, so I won't ask more questions."

"Well, this is my son Zhang Xiaozang." When Zhang Qiu said this, he stared into Pei Qing's eyes, Pei Qing was still upright, without any expression of fear, smiled and nodded, and said to his head : "Hello little stiff."

The little zongzi hummed.

Zhang Qiu was a little embarrassed, and he froze. He wanted to teach him a lesson for being so rude, but when he saw his son's big round and cute eyes, his heart softened. In the end, he only said that he couldn't be rude.

The little zongzi obediently yelled uncle to his father, and bounced into Zhang Qiu's pocket to sleep.

Zhang Qiu found that his son's spirit was not very good during the day, but he was more energetic when he was overcast or at night, so he usually slept in his pocket during the day, and patted the pocket lightly with distress, coaxing Xiao Zang to sleep.

When they returned to the hotel in Changsha, the servants put the zongzi in the trunk, and they didn’t dare to move them casually. After all, the package was in human form. If they found out, they would all be in trouble. The hot topic on Weibo that day might be Changsha. The police cracked down on a large gang of tomb robbers, and the headline of the gossip site was shocking that these men would do this to it...

Frightened by his brain power, Zhang Qiu hurriedly shook his head and followed Li Shu back to the hotel to catch up on sleep.

After taking a shower, lying on the bed, Zhang Qiu took out his mobile phone and wanted to ask his senior brother Pei Qing's situation, but when he thought that his senior brother was in the hospital and he didn't have Lu Feng's contact information, he decided to forget it, and it's the same when he went back to ask.

"what are you doing?"

Li Shu's voice behind him startled Zhang Qiu. When he turned around and turned around, he saw Li Shu who had just come out of the shower. His whole body was wrapped in a bath towel. The water hadn't been wiped off, and he slipped under the bath towel drop by drop. The temptation is no no no.

Zhang Qiu swallowed, feeling his throat was dry and his nose was itchy, no matter how long he saw Li Shu's face, he couldn't get angry and lose his temper.

Sure enough, Yan Gou is hopeless.

"You won't be able to get dressed properly." Zhang Qiu muttered, but he didn't look away, and even threw a teaser.

Li Shu took off the bath towel and approached slowly, raised his eyebrows, and said in a calm and seductive voice, "Sao Bao? Huh?" Zhang Qiu, who was close to the bed, looked down and pressed down.

Zhang Qiu's chest was itchy, it looked like water was dripping from Li Shu's hair, it was obviously the same shampoo, but now he felt that it smelled like aphrodisiac, damn it he wanted to jump on Li Shu in heat again.

Every time I don't know myself clearly, I see Li Shu's beauty in the early stage and want to pounce on him to turn him over. Later, Li Shu will cry and beg for mercy and call his father.


In order to prevent the second sister-in-law from caring about his hemorrhoids when he walks strangely, Zhang Qiu firmly supported Li Shu's chest with both hands to prevent Li Shu from getting close to tempting him, but the touch was really good, firm and tight pectoralis—

Zhang Qiu swallowed hopelessly, and decided to change the subject, otherwise it would be too dangerous now.

"I just wanted to send a message to Senior Brother. I always felt that Pei Qing and Su Wanting knew each other before, and they were very close." He didn't forget that in the tomb, when the slave rushed to Su Wanting, Pei Qing called Tingting affectionately, the most dangerous Sometimes people react subconsciously.

"It's not just Pei Qing, there are people behind the Su family, and we've dealt with each other before." Li Shu's eyes were cold when he said the last.

Zhang Qiu thought of it all at once, "The master behind Boss Jin?"

Li Shu nodded. Zhang Qiu was affirmed to be a little happy, and told Bishu his own analysis according to his train of thought. It was the slave's sentence "I want to eat me" that made him think deeply. Su Wanting was also very strange. , like a naive young man, but his whole body is not a pure person. At the second auction house, he didn't dress like an eighteen-nine-year-old girl, and he could even pull out a gun in the tomb. It is said that the zongzi is disgusting and Bala, and it looks very disgusting, but when they really faced it, they didn't have a trace of fear. Instead, they were eager to try and let them grab the zongzi as soon as possible and send them back.

"I still remember that you were fascinated by the fragrance and had fantasies."

"Is there a problem here too?"

"The bald head fell into the water first, and Su Wanting jumped right behind. I don't know what happened in the water, but when the bald head came up, there were scratches on his face, not shallow, and Su Wanting's nails had flesh in them."

"It's normal for Su Wanting to have fantasies and fight with the bald head."

"Su Wanting is sane. Pei Qing should have saved her bald head from death." Seeing Zhang Qiu showing a confused expression, Li Shu kissed the servant, "Don't think too much, the people behind are getting more and more anxious, and they will always show their feet. , As for Pei Qing, although she knows Su Wanting, she should have nothing to do with the people behind her."

Zhang Qiu also felt that Pei Qing didn't look like a bad person.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was a mess, and when a pair of fiery eyes stared at him closely, Zhang Qiu realized something was wrong, and he looked at Mao Mao with different eyes - it was Mao Mao who was excited and shy.

"I, I said that I have to go on the road tomorrow—" I was about to refuse, but I was attracted by Li Shu's gaze, from resisting and supporting Li Shu's chest muscles, to slowly sliding down, "Well, relax it is also fine."

Li Shu curled his lips with a smile, "Good boy."

There is an illusion of being praised by my father. Zhang Qiu's liking for Li Shu's bed became more and more irresistible, didn't it mean that the ancients were the most conservative? Li Shu is definitely a fucking mutant, playing 666 better than him.

"Wait, where's Xiao Zang?" Zhang Qiu always felt that Li Shu was going to play a big move, and now he felt a little regretful that it was too early to let go, thinking of the last time the kitchen played with him - the more he thought about it, the more ashamed he felt, and he made a decisive decision to go sooner. Wash and sleep well.

It's not bad to just chat while wrapped in a quilt, but it's just a face of violence and disparity, it would be great if you change seats.

Zhang Qiunao made up for howling he was when he pressed Li Shu, his nose was so beautiful that his nose was bubbling, and Li Shu bit Zhang Qiu's ear, Zhang Qiu shivered, feeling great.

Still stubbornly resisting, "I'm smashing!" It's not that I don't want to, I can't teach children badly! If you are so violent in front of your son, won't your conscience ache? !

The arc of Li Shu's mouth looked like a dangerous storm in Zhang Qiu's eyes.

"Xiao Zang is playing with ducks in the bathroom." Bi Shu said, adding, "Very happy."

Zhang Xiaojiang: I was just riding a little yellow duck and paddling in the water, cute gif.