I Woke Up Pregnant With An Undead’s Child

Chapter 41: Tomb of Emperor Hui of Jin Dynasty IX


As soon as Su Wanting happily "digged", there was a sudden sound of wind in the woods, and the blowing willow branches swayed wildly, as if crying.

The Liu brothers who had just taken out the Luoyang shovel were so frightened by the scene before them that they took two steps back, not daring to make a move.

"What are you doing in a daze? You are the only ones in the pit, and you have the courage?" Su Wanting said sarcastically.

Although the bald head never gave Su Wanting much face, this time he was the first to say: "Give it to me." Da Liu handed the Luoyang shovel over, and felt a gust of wind blowing into his wrist, which could seep into the bone Feeling cold, he couldn't help but shrink back. The bald man glared, and grabbed the Luoyang shovel. Hiraizumi next to him took the shovel from Xiao Liu with a glance. The two looked at each other, and at the same time inserted the shovel straight into the soil.

The shovel went deep into the soil, and at that moment, Zhang Qiu seemed to feel the wind around him stop.

"No. It's all right." Da Liu said happily with trembling lips.

Zhang Qiu felt that it was not that simple. Sure enough, after the air was still for a second, there was a sudden noise of the wind, and the crackling of willow branches.

Big Liu was so frightened by the accident that his legs were so weak that he almost fell to the ground, and Xiao Liu hurriedly supported him, "Brother, what's wrong with you?" What kind of dream was it that frightened her like this quail.

The wind whimpered like weeping.

Da Liu's legs trembled, his whole body weight was on his younger brother, and he stammered, "Yes, there are ghosts, there are many ghosts, and the tree is full of ghosts."

Zhang Qiu looked around, but didn't see any ghosts, but the gloomy scene of the forest is no better than all ghosts. This place is really evil, and I couldn't help but think of the little eunuch who claimed to be a slave.

what do you say that is-

"My lord, save this slave."

"Slave bell."

"Someone is going to kill you."

The voice rang clearly in his ears, Zhang Qiu looked back, but there was nothing. Li Shu saw that Zhang Qiu suddenly looked back and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Didn't you hear anything?" After Zhang Qiu finished speaking, seeing Li Shu shook his head, he whispered, "I still remember last time when I said that there was a ghost who claimed to be a slave when I said that the ghost hit the wall. The second sister-in-law said that it might be a eunuch. Now You just talked to me again."

Li Shu frowned slightly, Zhang Qiu repeated the words of the person who called himself Bell, Li Shu's face sank when he heard 'someone is going to kill you', and Zhang Qiu was a little nervous at what Bell said.

The two of them were talking in whispers here, while Su Wanting over there was already angry, cursed a few words, grabbed the Luoyang shovel from Hiraizumi's hand, and began to do it herself. "Get out of the way." Su Wanting smiled, and moved two steps away. Pei Qing went down with the shovel, and the whining wind just stopped.

Seeing this, Su Wanting snorted coldly, pointed at the shallow pit on the ground, and cursed at Pingquan and the bald men: "Trash, dig now!" After speaking, she glanced towards Zhang Qiu and the others behind.

Under the bright moonlight, Zhang Qiu met Su Wanting's eyes, and suddenly felt trembling in his heart. It wasn't that he was timid, but Su Wanting's pupils shrank instantly, and there were so many whites in his eyes, similar to the zombies in Resident Evil. Let's take a closer look , Su Wanting smiled at Li Shujiao behind him, there are no small pupils.

The doubt in Zhang Qiu's heart did not dissipate, he can guarantee that he was absolutely right just now.

Su Wanting is not human.

The Liu family brothers over there have already taken over. After all, Pei Qing is not a local master. He has strength but no skills. If he continues to dig like this, he may not be able to dig through tomorrow morning.

Pei Qing's face was a bit ugly, especially impatient with Su Wanting's appearance, but he still didn't say anything.

Zhang Qiu told Li Shu and King Xiapihui about his discovery, and King Xiapihui swept Su Wanting around, "There is a smell."

"Boss Jin's taste." Li Shu added from the side.

The words startled Zhang Qiu, and he whispered in shock, "Su Wanting is Boss Jin?" This guy is not dead yet! ! !

Li Shu shook his head, "No."

Zhang Qiu breathed a sigh of relief, it's fine, Boss Jin is a nightmare. Li Shu continued to say: "Su Wanting's smell is the same as Boss Jin's, rotten, but it's well hidden."

King Xiapihui added, "This Su Wanting seems to be more powerful than Boss Jin."

Zhang Qiu glanced at Su Wanting from a distance, a girl in her 18th or 19th year, it was seven years ago when Boss Jin met the person behind her, and Su Wanting practiced some evil methods deeper than Boss Jin, so it started at a young age.

Su Wanting seemed to have noticed his gaze, turned her head, and showed an inexplicable smile from a long distance away, looking a little eerie under the moonlight, then turned her head and whispered something to Pei Qing, the expression on Pei Qing's face He couldn't see it clearly, but he obviously didn't want to continue talking with Su Wanting, so he raised his leg and walked towards them, but when Su Wanting stopped him, Pei Qing immediately became angry.

"You better restrain yourself, I won't help you."

Su Wanting's figure stood in front of Pei Qing, Zhang Qiu couldn't see his expression, and couldn't hear what he said, King Xia Pihui said softly from behind: "Brother, have you forgotten that my mother asked you to take care of me before she died, you Lost me, don't you want to care about me now?"

Zhang Qiu was taken aback for a moment, but in the next second he realized that the second sister-in-law was describing what Su Wanting said to Pei Qing.

Pei Qing's expression was a little moved, he opened and closed his mouth, and finally shook off Su Wanting's arm and walked towards them.

Unexpectedly, Pei Qing and Su Wanting are brother and sister, but Su Wanting is Su Zhicai's daughter? Zhang Qiu was at a loss. Seeing Pei Qing coming, the three of them behaved the same as usual. Pei Qing didn't know that they had heard the content of the conversation between the two, and there was still a bit of unrepressed anger on their expressions, so they just nodded. I stood by and didn't know what to think.

Xiao Liu, who is thin and thin over there, has already gone down to dig a hole, and there is a detonator, and it will work after about an hour.

Unable to suppress the joy on Su Wanting's face, she went down first. Seeing this, Hiraizumi beckoned, "Take everything up and down the pit." He glanced at Liu who was a little weak, and said hesitantly, "Otherwise, you stay on top."

Da Liu himself wanted to agree, but the cold wind was blowing behind him, so he couldn't help shaking his neck, "I, I will also go down together."

Hiraizumi didn't care anymore, he only wanted Liu to lose his nerve at a critical moment, he was already timid, and he would never look for him again if he had a job.

Su Wanting leads, followed by Hiraizumi, followed by Pei Qing, King Pi Hui, Zhang Qiu in the middle, and Li Shu last.

As a second acquaintance, Zhang Qiu climbed very neatly this time, and he didn't feel tired when he heard someone yelling in front of him.

King Xia Pi Hui went down first, followed by Zhang Qiu to the ground, and Li Shu also came down behind him. Someone flashed a flashlight and looked around, and a bald voice said, "Su Wanting is gone."

Zhang Qiu checked it all over, but he didn't see Su Wanting.

The bald head snorted coldly, "I knew this bitch wanted us to get some money first, just like her cruel and shameless father, she set up a scheme to rob me, but my things are not so easy to get."

"Steal you what?"

The bald head glanced at Pei Qing who was asking the question, and sneered, "You know Su Wanting, right? Let me advise you, this bitch is a powerful woman, you'd better stay away from her, don't be bitten to the bone .” Paused, with unwillingness on his face, “The father and son cheated me out of the box, this time I will definitely get it back with interest.”

It turned out to be this crop.

Zhang Qiu looked around, and the robbery hole was directly drilled into a burial tomb. There were many humanoid pottery figurines piled up in bright colors. Judging from their faces and clothes, they should be from the Han Dynasty. Dance posture, this group should be Kabuki.

The bald head was impatient with these things, and hurriedly glanced around, his mind was obviously on Su Wanting, he hurriedly urged them to leave quickly, good things were still behind and so on.

Zhang Qiu had no objection, they left the funeral room, there was a corridor before and after, they didn't know which way to go, Zhang Qiu subconsciously looked at Li Shu, and Li Shu asked him: "Which way do you want to go?"

In an instant, he remembered Li Shu asked him to choose the tomb of the Shandong general, and the ending was too foolish in the end. He shook his head quickly, and Pei Qing pointed to the back, "Go here."

The bald face obviously didn't believe Pei Qing, pointing in the direction ahead, "Here, keep up."

Hiraizumi and the Liu family brothers looked at each other, made a decision, and left with the bald head. From their point of view, Pei Qing and Su Wanting knew each other along the way, and Su Wanting disappeared just after they were talking about it. , must be playing tricks, I believe Pei Qing is to blame.

Pei Qing stared at the backs of the bald men and couldn't tell what he was thinking, then turned around and asked Zhang Qiu, "Do you believe me?"

Zhang Qiu was actually dubious, he had the sixth feeling that Pei Qing was not a bad person, but Pei Qing was obviously shaken when he faced Su Wanling just now, and he didn't know how to make a decision. Li Shu nodded and pointed in the direction Pei Qing said, "Let's go!"

Pei Qing didn't say anything on the face, but he could see that he was much more relaxed and took the lead.

"Anyway, we don't know which way to go." Li Shu met Zhang Qiu's eyes and said indifferently.

Okay! It's the same as in Shandong, if you don't know which one to take, just walk around. Zhang Qiu didn't know how to complain about Lishu, but he felt much more relaxed. If they had chosen to go with the bald head just now, it didn't seem too good. From the bottom of his heart, Zhang Qiu actually believed in Pei Qing.

I just hope I don't get slapped in the face for a while.

After walking a hundred or so meters, another tomb room appeared. Zhang Qiu looked at the patterns on the stone gate with a flashlight, and suddenly heard a "bang-" gunshot, not far from them, followed by several rounds, and chaotic footsteps Sound coming this way.

Gasping and talking.

Zhang Qiu moved his ears, "They are bald?"

Li Shu nodded, staring at the long corridor, "There are zongzi chasing them from behind, let's go in first."

This corridor is very long in front and back, with a side room in the middle, if you miss this one, you don’t know where the next one is, the footsteps behind are getting louder, Pei Qing has already pushed the door, Zhang Qiu followed closely, and heard Pei Qing’s cry, Business reverberated throughout the aisle.

There was no figure of Pei Qing inside at all, Zhang Qiu squatted down and touched the floor, "It's moving, Pei Qing fell." He rushed down and called Pei Qing's name a few times, but the stone fell into the sea. No echo.

Zhang Qiu's heart sank, Li Shu hugged Zhang Qiu without further delay, "Hold tight." He jumped directly to the movable plank, followed closely by King Xiapi Hui.

After landing on the ground, Zhang Qiu hurriedly searched for Pei Qing with a flashlight, but there was nothing. This is a tomb room, where three coffins were parked, two of which had decayed, and the bones were scattered all over the floor.

"Where did Pei Qing go?" They almost jumped forward and backward, where could they go in such a short distance.

Li Shu took two steps, and when he reached the coffin in the middle, Zhang Qiu followed, his eyes widened. The coffin in the middle was not covered, and the coffin they were looking for was sleeping inside.

"Can he jump in and sleep by himself? It's too—" idle. Before Zhang Qiu finished speaking, Pei Qing inside opened his eyes suddenly, he didn't look like he just fell asleep, his eyes were full of vigilance, seeing that they were a little relaxed, "Why did you fall down too? "

Zhang Qiu knocked on the coffin, "You come out of it first, it's too scary to panic."

"What happened when you fell?" King Xiapi Hui asked.

Only then did Pei Qing realize that he was sleeping in a coffin, and he jumped out with his arms stretched on his sides, "I fell, and a black shadow flashed in front of my eyes, and I lost consciousness after that. When I open my eyes, I will see you guys." .”

shadow? Is there anyone else in here? Su Wanting

Zhang Qiu thought for a while and shook his head. It's impossible. Pei Qing is tall, more than 1.8 meters tall, and he is a soldier. He has a strong sense of vigilance. Even Su Wanting can't make Pei Qing faint at such a short distance and then carry him To escape in the coffin.

"Perhaps there is another possibility, Pei Qing jumped down into the coffin by himself." King Xia Pihui suddenly said.

This scenario is not impossible. Although Zhang Qiu never wanted to doubt Pei Qing, there were too many suspicious things along the way.

"Don't be aggressive, I know what you want to ask." Pei Qing looked down at King Pihui and said calmly.

Zhang Qiu was stunned for a moment, what aggressive method

Seeing Zhang Qiu's dumbfounded look, Li Shu looked at Pei Qing, "Since we're good at what we do, why worry about what we know."

"I didn't want to talk about family matters." Pei Qing paused, "Su Wanting and I are brother and sister, with the same father and mother. When I was ten years old, my mother died of illness, and Tingting and I were sent to the orphanage. , Not long after, an adopter came. I was too old, so I fell in love with Tingting. She was four years old at the time, and we separated later. After finishing high school, I went to the army and returned to Beijing after being injured. After many inquiries, I found out Tingting's whereabouts."

"I've looked for her a few times. She's doing well. She's the daughter of the Su family. I don't have anything to worry about. I didn't expect that she would contact me half a month ago and ask me for a favor." Said directly: "Let me accompany her to the next tomb, saying that there are very important things in it. I don't know what is in it, but I promised my mother to take good care of her. I broke my promise for decades. She used If you have me, I will help you."

"However, I found that my sister has changed." Pei Qing frowned, "During Changsha, the sweet scent first came from Su Wanting's body, and I saw the bald head being pulled down, and Su Wanting was so cruel that she wanted to kill her under the water. With a bald head, I knew this trip was not as simple as Su Wanting said."

King Huihui of Xiapi glanced at Pei Qing, "You didn't get hallucinated by the fragrance?"

"I have a special type of army, and I have done this kind of training before." After Pei Qing finished speaking, he looked at Li Shu, "Actually, you all heard it on the tomb just now. She asked me to lead you to the front."

The zongzi were walking in front, and Pei Qing took them to the back, but it seems that things are not going well now.

"Su Wanting probably knew you wouldn't listen to her, so she deliberately said to go ahead." Li Shu saw the raised pattern on the wall, "She is staring at us from the opposite side."