I Woke Up Pregnant With An Undead’s Child

Chapter 49: Xiezhi five


Li Shu looked at Zhang Qiu with a little teasing in his eyes, "Oh?"

With just one word, Zhang Qiu always felt that Li Shu was teasing him, as if he was trying to seduce him into driving, but now he didn't take this kind of thing, and returned back with a smile, "Little uncle, didn't you see that?"

"Look at your shrewdness." After Li Shu finished speaking, he turned his head and looked at the back who had gone away, his voice became cold, "Su Zhicai didn't hide it, he was already in a hurry, and if he deliberately made a big show, we might not know."

After the reception, the other party had already come from the dark to the bright, and both of them held back, Zhang Qiu and the others wanted to revive Zhang Yushui with the help of the divine veins, Su Zhicai wanted more, the Phoenix Orb in the hands of King Huihui of Xiapi, Pei Qing who had not yet awakened and inherited, There is also Xiezhi Qixi who is already known.

But for now, they are still one step behind Su Zhi, who knows what traps in Xinjiang are waiting for them to jump.

"Actually, we can let Pei Qing stay." Zhang Qiu said.

Li Shu looked cold, "I'm afraid we can't choose."

Su Zhicai had already stood in the clear and came here for real, how could he let Pei Qing go. Zhang Qiu thought so too, the two of them walked to the door, and suddenly heard the whining sound inside, a shadow had rushed up, Zhang Qiu was knocked back a step, was supported by Li Shu, and saw Zhang Qiu hugging him in his arms. When looking at a person, his face sinks like water.

"My lord, Sheng, my brother is gone." Ling Dang was sobbing and crying, her eyes were red, like a rabbit.

Li Shu separated the people, Ling Dang was afraid of Li Shu, and did not dare to go up to hug Zhang Qiu again, her eyes were full of tears, "I beg you, please save my brother, my brother is here to save me."

"Don't worry, speak clearly." Zhang Qiu patted the back of the bell soothingly, and Lu Feng and Huating also came over in the living room, "I came here after five o'clock, and I have been crying until now, Pei Qing was arrested last night."

Bell cried miserably, and told what happened last night again.

In the ward, Ling Dang proposed to monitor the father and son of the Su family. In fact, Ling Dang wanted to do his best to repay the favor. From his point of view, if Zhang Qiu didn't have the Yin Soul Orb on Zhang Qiu, he would have died a long time ago, but Pei Qing disagreed and thought it was dangerous. Bell dismissed this idea.

Last night, Pei Qing took Ling Dang to a nearby place for supper, and the bell already had a physical body at night. When Pei Qing went to the bathroom, Ling Dang saw Su Zhicai's son Su Yu walking towards him.

"He glanced at me, and I was in a daze. By the time I realized it, I had already walked a long way with him. I was very scared at that time, thinking of running away. I didn't know what he had done. I couldn't transform into an incorporeal body. Later, my brother caught up and was arrested to save me, and there was a black shadow chasing me, I ran for a long time..." Bell blamed himself, "I blame me for being useless, I can't save my brother, hiccup, blame me, Useless."

Crying has been hiccupping out of breath.

Zhang Qiu patted Ling Dang, looked at Li Shu with a serious face, "You're right, Su Zhicai really wants to do it all together." Then he said to Ling Dang, "Don't worry, Pei Qing should be fine, Su Zhicai is going to make up for it." Wan, the ingredients haven’t been collected yet, and we’re still waiting for us to make dumplings.”

If he collects one and solves the other, Su Zhicai will not try his best to lure them all to Xinjiang.

Bell stopped crying after hearing this, and started crying again after a while, and asked Zhang Qiu pitifully, "My lord, will they beat brother?"

This—Zhang Qiu couldn't tell either, but Little Bell was crying like this, so she could only reassure her that nothing would happen. After hearing this, Little Bell stopped crying slowly, and fell asleep leaning on Zhang Qiu's chest after a while.

Zhang Qiu felt the cold gaze on his chest, and knew it was Li Shu without thinking about it, his little uncle was really jealous!

"Ling Dang was injured last night, and she was over-thinking. It's normal to cry to sleep." Zhang Qiu explained that Ling Dang is now a real entity, but because of her small stature and short stature, she looks like a little girl. , less than 1.7 meters tall, he didn't have much trouble holding it, Li Shu wanted to take over, "Farewell, it's not heavy."

When it was delivered to the guest room, Zhang Qiu saw that there were still tears on the bell's eyelashes, and he raised his nose and moaned sadly. He was cuter than his little Zombie, and couldn't help but wish his little uncle could become a mini boy version. She looks so beautiful, if she was lying in his arms at a younger age—

My heart is rippling!

"Don't dream." Li Shu said lightly, pulled Zhang Qiu by the collar, wrapped him in his arms and walked out.

"Hey, hey, how do you know what I'm thinking?"

Li Shu looked down at the person in his arms, pursed his lips and said, "You just said it, idiot."

"Mud!" Zhang Qiu retorted, but met Shang Lishu's gaze, and groaned, "I don't care about you."

Seeing them come out in the living room, Lu Feng said, "I have something to tell you. After the reception, I have been sending people to investigate Su Zhicai's movements, only to find out that Su Zhicai actually invested in a movie yesterday."

"Desert Falcon." Zhang Qiu said.

Lu Feng was stunned for a moment, "How do you know?"

"I was just going to tell you." Zhang Qiu recounted the conversation between Qi Xi and his manager, "I guess this Qi Xi is Xie Zhi from the night of the car accident."

Lu Feng looked at Li Shu to ask whether it was true or not, and Li Shu nodded. Lu Feng glanced at the back of Huating who had just been sent away to the kitchen by him, and asked in a low voice: "Is that the place where you are going? I think Follow along."

Zhang Qiu just wanted to say that it was too dangerous, but when he saw Lu Feng's earnest eyes, he immediately thought of his elder brother's lifespan. Even though he broke the formation, his life would be short-lived in this life and even in the next life.

"I'll find it for you." Li Shu said.

Lu Feng shook his head, "If it happens at a certain time, you don't have to persuade me, I dare not bet with Huating's life."

"Okay." Li Shu nodded, seeing Huating coming out, he stopped talking.

Back in the room, Zhang Qiu sat on the edge of the bed and stared at Li Shu, who was taking off his clothes without raising his head and asked, "What do you want to ask?"

"You and senior brother used to-"

Li Shu, who was taking off his clothes, heard the question and looked up at Zhang Qiu on the bed, and walked over topless, "It's not something you imagined."

"You know what I'm thinking about?" Zhang Qiu said so, but he was relieved when he heard Li Shu's answer. It's really that Li Shu is special to his senior brother. He didn't forget to ask Why did Li Shu go down the pit? The other party said he wanted to save someone, and the one who saved was senior brother Huating. It's no wonder he thought too much.

Li Shu pinched Zhang Qiu's furious face, it felt good, touched it again, and then said: "Your elder brother was from a noble family when he was in Gumu, unlike me, we have different political views and are hostile everywhere, but we don't Thinking that it was my opponent who saved me in the end, he was implicated by me."

Zhang Qiu had never heard Li Shu talk about the affairs of Gumu Kingdom before, so he was fascinated by it. Li Shu saw that Zhang Qiu liked to listen, so he said more, "I don't know much about the memories before I was nine years old, and I have been living in the army since then. I don't have a family lineage, and I don't know if I have parents. Although the aunt is young, But the power of all parties is turbulent, my origin has been criticized by the gentry, but Juwang thinks highly of me, probably because I have no support from the rear."

Zhang Qiu could also guess what happened after that, Juwang valued Lishu very much, but he never thought that it was Juwang who wanted to die in the end. He was in a low mood for a while, and there were many masters with great achievements in history, and there was nothing good about it. The end, but these are cold words, history books, not Li Shu standing in front of him.

"Don't be sad for me." Li Shu stretched out his hand to hold Zhang Qiu in his arms, kissed the top of Zhang Qiu's soft hair, half-closed his eyes with warmth, "If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have met you."

Zhang Qiu was still depressed, but he also knew that it was meaningless to think about it now. He didn't want Li Shu to suffer the pain he had experienced before, but if Li Shu survived, he would never meet Li Shu, and he simply entered a strange circle.

Forget it, don't worry about these. Zhang Qiu exhaled, and suddenly remembered, "During Qin Ling, did you catch me for sex because I was handsome? You only woke up from sleep, and you were so shameless that you took advantage of others." He muttered softly, "If it weren't for your good looks, I would really belong to Uncle's sect and become a Taoist priest who removes zongzi!"

"Fortunately, I am more beautiful." Li Shu said with a serious face.

Zhang Qiu burst out laughing, fell down on the bed with his hands on his stomach and laughed, from the first time he saw Li Shu, Li Shu was a serious and indifferent person, never thought that one day he would hear such words from Li Shu's mouth.

Seeing Zhang Qiu lying on the bed, Li Shu was overjoyed, and there was a smile in his eyes. As Zhang Qiu rolled on the bed, revealing a white waist, the atmosphere suddenly became a little bit wrong, and Li Shu's gaze became more and more serious. Be aggressive.

"Stop, stop!" Zhang Qiu coughed, emphasizing, "I'm a wounded person now, and my head still hurts." What a pain, if he doesn't say that his head hurts, his chrysanthemum hurts. Although it's very cool when doing it, but after-

There was a faint crimson color in Li Shu's eyes, Zhang Qiu became a little obsessed after seeing it for a while, the two hugged each other on the bed and kissed for a while, panting, Zhang Qiu himself was also a little emotional, and a small tent was set up underneath .

"You're hurt, go to bed early." Li Shu lightly wrapped Zhang Qiu into a silkworm baby, and hugged him to sleep very well.

Zhang Qiu: ...

The fire is coming up, the little brother is hard, and the pants are off, you let me sleep under the quilt now!

Zhang Qiu wanted to bite Li Shu to death, so he closed his eyes angrily and decided to go back to sleep, but it didn't take long for the sound of long breathing to be heard in the room, and Li Shu hugged the person in his arms, and kissed Zhang Qiu Qiu forehead, got up and went out.

Sleeping until noon, Xiao Zhuang and Hua Hua are building blocks in the corner of the living room on the first floor, and Bell is nestled on the sofa next to him, dazed in a daze, his eyes are swollen as big as peaches, it looks like he has cried secretly, and he may cry now with a wrinkled face not coming out.

Zhang Qiu said hello to Ling Dang, and seeing that Zhang Qiu had a backbone, Ling Dang came over and asked in a pitiful low voice, "My lord, when will we save brother?"

"It should be soon, don't worry, Pei Qing will be fine." Zhang Qiu patted Bell on the shoulder.

After listening to the bell, I feel better.

King Xiapihui has already returned, and after hearing the conversation between the two, he also comforted Ling Dang, "The Desert Falcon crew has arrived in Xinjiang, and we only need to wait for Qi Xi to arrive. It should be a matter of a day or two."

Qixi is now a living map to lead them there, but Su Zhicai is smart enough to let Qixi lead them all there.

They are all paying attention to Qi Xi's situation now. They heard from Qi Xi's agent that there was an audition in the afternoon, and there was no news until after six o'clock in the afternoon. Sure enough, Qi Xi was not accidentally selected.

In the villa not far away, Qi Xi casually threw a piece of candy into his mouth and played with his tongue back and forth in his mouth. The manager next to her, Sister Ping, was very happy, and she didn't think Qi Xi had no bones, "I knew you would Selected, your luck is envied by others. I still have work in hand and I can’t leave. I will let Xiao Wang and Xiao Zhang follow you when I enter the film crew tomorrow. Let me tell you, seize the opportunity this time, don’t feel tired , if you dare to drop the chain, just stay in the desert and don’t come back.”

Qi Xi turned over and lay down on the sofa, nodding lazily, without saying a word, very listless.

Sister Ping babbled for a long time. Seeing Qi Xi's behavior, she was so angry that she was half dead, but she also knew the other party's stink, so she endured it, "I'm really tired from this shoot. I'll arrange a vacation for you when you come back." After finishing speaking, he chattered, "I don't know what Director Zhang is thinking, he hurriedly asked you to join the film crew, you are the second actor, and you were urged so urgently, forget it, I have already bought the air ticket, and Xiao Zhang will leave in a while. Here you come, point out the things you want to bring and let him pack it up."

Having completely recognized the essence of Qi Xi's laziness, Sister Ping walked away carrying her bag and stepping on her high heels.

Not long after, Qixi's assistant Xiao Zhang came over. He was a tall and strong boy in his early twenties. When he saw Qixi, he respectfully called Brother Qi. Qixi waved his hand and lazily pointed upstairs, " Look at the clothes and pack them."

Seeing someone go upstairs, Qi Xi propped up her chin, biting the fruit candy in her mouth.

Forget it, if it comes, it will be safe.

In the early morning of the next day, Huating had already sent Huahua to Yangbao's house to take care of for a while. After what happened in Shandong last time, Huating knew that Lu Feng might carry him to the grave this time, so he immediately sent Huahua out first.

Lu Feng planned to go quietly, but he didn't expect Huating to be smart.

"What if the divine meridians have to work on the spot?"

Lu Feng was so blocked that he had nothing to say, so he finally nodded in agreement. Zhang Qiu also tidied up, there was nothing to tidy up in Xia Tian's clothes, several of them went into battle lightly, the bell was put into the Yin Soul Orb, Zhang Qiu carried it in his pocket.

When they arrived at the airport, Lu Feng bought a VIP. They went into the lounge, and after a while, they heard shouts outside. The little zombie heard the sound and looked up at Zhang Qiu, "Father, it's Brother Hee Hee."

Zhang Qiu thought to himself that the entire entertainment circle might be happy with only this fan, and he was giggling every day.

Within ten minutes, the lounge door opened from the outside. Qixi was wearing a T-shirt and shorts, and a pair of sports sandals on his feet. He yawned and saw them nodding as a greeting, and went straight to the empty sofa opposite. Wearing sunglasses immediately fell asleep.

Two people followed, a man and a woman, dragging five or six suitcases. Seeing them, the man introduced himself with a smile, his name is Xiao Zhang, and he is Qixi's personal assistant. cell phone.

Qi Xi seemed to have had enough sleep. When she woke up, she saw the people in the waiting room with a dazed expression, "Why are you here?"

Zhang Qiu stroked Xiao Zhi's soft head, and said with a smile: "It's such a coincidence to travel."