I Woke Up Pregnant With An Undead’s Child

Chapter 51: Xiezhi seven


The gaze from behind was too aggressive, Zhang Qiu looked back, Bai Guang'an had already sat down to eat with his friend, and the scorching heat just now disappeared.

When I was going back to the room, I happened to meet Qi Xi, followed by his assistant Xiao Wang. Qi Xi looked tired with messy hair. Seeing them, he nodded and greeted them. Xiao Wang urged him to go back to sleep and go to the desert at four o'clock tomorrow.

Qi Xi's head got dizzy when he heard it, and he yawned, "It's really driving me to death. I've never seen any crew in such a hurry."

"No way, Director Zhang's movie, Brother Qi, just keep going, go back to sleep."

"At first I wanted to cut a fox for the little zombie, but I was dragged into the crew as soon as I settled down. Now that I'm filming, I have to go to the desert tomorrow. I will definitely not take this kind of scene next time." Qi Xi touched the little zombie Head, unhappy said: "Who cares about his famous director, is it not good to be a vase? What misunderstanding does Sister Ping have about me!"

Xiao Wang looked around nervously, and reminded, "My brother Qi, where are these places? You speak so bluntly. If the rest of the crew hears it, they will think you are dissatisfied with the director."

Qi Xi wanted to say more, but Li Shu had already walked back with Xiao Zang in his arms, Zhang Qiu followed behind, and said good night to Qi Xi with a smile.

Zhang Qiu went back to the room and checked the time. It was less than ten o'clock, thinking that the senior brother must have been awake, so he called the phone, but it took a long time to answer the phone. The senior brother was short of breath, and Zhang Qiu just wanted to ask if he was in good health. Uncomfortable, the phone beeped and hung up.

Zhang Qiu, who was holding the phone, knew what the other party was doing when he thought of the sweetness of the senior brother's suppressed voice just now.

I didn't expect the gentle Lu Feng to be so troublesome! As soon as Zhang Qiu looked up and saw Li Shu looking at him, he immediately became nervous, "No more! My waist still hurts."

"You showed such an expression, I thought you wanted it." After Li Shu finished speaking, he put his arms around Zhang Qiu, Zhang Qiu straightened up, and felt a big cold hand on his waist, with constant strength and comfort His straight body also softened.

Li Shu pressed him so that he was drowsy, and when Zhang Qiu thought that Qi Xi would go into the desert tomorrow, he felt that there was something wrong, so he cheered up and said, "I haven't notified you about entering the desert—"

"Don't worry, they already know." Li Shu saw that Zhang Qiu was so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes, kissed Zhang Qiu's forehead, and said softly, "Go to sleep."

Zhang Qiu was already very sleepy, but when he heard Li Shu's whispering voice, he immediately fell asleep. Li Shu covered Zhang Qiu with the quilt, got up and walked to the bed, stared at a certain place for a long time, turned around and went to bed after a while, and someone who had been a deep sleeper rolled directly into his arms.

Li Shu's original cold expression seemed to melt away, and he fell asleep with the person in his arms.

When Zhang Qiu woke up, he was in the car. It seems that since he knew Li Shu, he often woke up in the car. Lufeng was driving in front, the co-pilot was Senior Brother, and in the middle were King Huihui and Li Shu. He occupied the entire back row, and of course there was his Xiao Zang, sitting cross-legged beside him with his face propped up, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Dad." Xiao Zang was the first to notice that his father had woken up, and hurriedly crawled into Zhang Qiu's arms. Zhang Qiu stroked his son's soft fur, and looked outside. In the distance was the endless desert, illuminated by the rising sun. The lower print became a piece of orange red, which was very magnificent.

Hearing the voice, Li Shu handed over a bottle of milk, "Let's have some in the car."

"Where are we going?"

"Taklamakan Desert."

When Zhang Qiu was in high school, he heard from his teacher that this desert is called the sea of death by the locals. It is a desert that can only be entered and cannot be exited. Many explorers have never come out after entering. It can be seen that this desert Even if a movie needs to be filmed, it is not worthwhile to come to such a dangerous desert.

They were heading in the right direction.

"I heard that Director Zhang originally planned to go to a smaller desert to shoot, Su Zhicai temporarily increased investment and asked to come here, in order to better restore the scene of the script." King Huihui of Xiapi said with a smile at the end, obviously Director Zhang did not Knowing that they have become the cannonballs of Su Zhicai's charge, I am very grateful to Su Zhicai, and even thanked Su Zhicai in the reporter's interview. If there are more investors in China who respect film and television culture like this, domestic films will definitely shine.

They continued to drive without entering the desert, and they could see the living quarters of local people in the most marginal areas. There is no lack of curious tourists here to explore. The locals provide supplies such as camels, dry food and water, and there are also guides, but they are all in the edge of the desert and will not go deep into the hinterland to make money.

From a distance, I saw two cars parked, a bus and a black off-road vehicle. At this time, the sun had completely risen.

Zhang Qiu recognized one of them as the car that picked up Qixi at the airport yesterday. It seems that the production team has already arrived. They got out of the car, and a sturdy middle-aged man came down. His skin was dark, and he looked rough because of the wind and sand. , but a smile is a bit simple and honest.

He introduced himself as Kham. He has been receiving foreign tourists for many years and can also speak Chinese. He asked them if they wanted to go into the desert to take pictures.

In Kangba's eyes, Zhang Qiu and the others are like noble sons with thin skin and tender flesh. They look more delicate than those celebrities who came today, especially when they hugged a three or four-year-old fat baby who looked like a girl. Like a doll, the skin is white and tender, not as strong as a cow in his family.

"Yes, come to travel and see the beauty of the desert." Huating said.

Zhang Qiu followed with a smile, "We came to Hami to play, and we happened to hear that a movie star came here, so we planned to come and have a look. If we can bump into each other, we can ask for an autograph or something. I have never seen a star when I grow up. .”

King Xiapihui glanced at Zhang Qiu, who was talking nonsense and blushing, and then at Li Shu, wondering which of these two people influenced the other, now Zhang Qiu is more and more capable of digging holes for people to jump.

When Kangba heard what Zhang Qiu said, he really believed that they were star chasers, and said repeatedly: "You really came to the right place. Did you see that these cars are the ones that made movies. They were just brought into the desert by my brother. Look, I’ll just take you in, but these people are not very good-tempered, very fierce, and look down on others. Oh, there is a girl who looks like a girl and is very talkative. If you want to take a photo, I will take it. "

The one who looks like a girl should be Qi Xi. It seems that only Qi Xi agreed when Kangba asked someone to take a photo.

They naturally agreed and negotiated a price. Kangba needs to prepare things, even if he goes to the edge of the desert and does not go inside, he is well prepared, and he gestures to them and says: "Don't be too troublesome and have too many things, the desert is changing rapidly, and these will be life-saving treasures at that time. "

Zhang Qiu and others naturally listened to Kangba's arrangement. Kangba was in a good mood when he saw this, and said by the way: "It's also because of your luck. The one who made the movie thought that camels tasted good, and said they needed to install machines. Only six camels were used. The rest is just enough for you.” After everything was done, he carefully explained to them the common sense and rules to pay attention to when entering the desert.

People here have beliefs. The Kangba family ate in the desert, and they were in awe of the true God in the desert. Before leaving, they knelt in the desert and prayed.

"Let's go!" Kangba grinned, "God will bless us."

One person and one camel, Zhang Qiu tied Xiao Zang in his arms, facing his chest, covering Xiao Zang tightly to prevent the wind and sand from blowing into his mouth and nose. The anti-sand clothes recommended by Kangba are good. The camel walked slowly in the desert, bouncing up and down, and got used to the rhythm after walking for a while.

They set off early, and the desert wasn't too hot. Zhang Qiu couldn't take his eyes off the different inland scenery along the way. After walking for more than half an hour, this kind of scenery was a bit tiring, especially when the sun was rising. When we came up, it was only after ten o'clock and the temperature was already very high. They covered them all up, and they would be sweating all over their bodies, as if they could wring out water.

Zhang Qiu hugged Xiao Zang tightly in his arms, fortunately he has a cool baby who can be more comfortable.

After riding like this for another ten minutes, Kangba blew a whistle. When they came, Kangba whistled to each of them. The audio was loud and sharp, and could be heard clearly through the wind and sand. It was used to call for help or to say something to stop. of.

Kangba, who was leading the way, came back, showing anger with just one pair of eyes.

"This group of filmmakers are too disobedient. They all said that they can't go too far. They have reached the edge of the true god's warning. I will teach Ai Shan a lesson later!" Ai Shan is Kangba's younger brother. Kang Ba said so, but he was still worried about his younger brother, and told them: "It will be dangerous to go further inside, otherwise I will take you back first, or you can wait here for me—"

Li Shu said decisively: "No need, they should be nearby, look for them first."

After thinking about it, Kangba also felt that it might be nearby. He had already warned his younger brother not to enter the Realm of God, and it was probably on the edge, so he said, "Then you have to follow me closely, don't fall behind."

The golden desert is like endless hills. Kangba took them over a hill and walked along the top of the desert hill. Filming in the sky full of yellow sand.

Their camels quickened their pace, and soon came to the front. There were about a dozen people in this group, with various shooting equipment on the ground, two off-road vehicles parked not far away, and camels resting under the broken wall. Two people in the distance People were fighting, and when they went over to the director to call the card, he was obviously very satisfied.

Kangba has already found his younger brother and gave him a severe training. Ai Shan was in his early twenties and was very tanned. He was wronged by his eldest brother, "Brother, it's because they don't like the scenery over there. They say that the scenery here is good and they can make good movies. I can't help it."

"They finished filming, now go back." Kang Ba said fiercely.

Ai Shan was still afraid of the big brother and the anger of the true god, so he nodded quickly, and a man came next to him and said no, the filming was not finished, and there was still a scene, and then the assistant director of the scene negotiated with the Kangba brothers.

Qi Xi spat out, just now he ate a mouthful of sand during the play, and today it was Xiao Zhang who was in the group, so he quickly handed water over, Qi Xi rinsed his mouth and put on a mask, and then walked towards Zhang Qiu.

"I really suspect now that some of you have a crush on me."

"Haha, then who do you guess?" Zhang Qiu teased back with a smile.

Qi Xi and the others scanned around Zhang Qiu, and found that the group of people were busy with their own things, and didn't give him any face, so he snorted, "That's okay, of course it's you—" Sensing someone's unkind gaze, said : "Of course it's Xiao Zang in your arms."

"You are enough, my little zombie is underage, so don't make appointments."

After Zhang Qiu finished speaking, Xiao Zang in his arms showed his head, his face was pale, and he said hesitantly. Zhang Qiu knew that his son's physique was yin and the desert yang energy was too concentrated. Xin Si bickered with Qi Xi, patted his son's head, "Thirsty, drink some water and rest."

After recuperating and resting, Kangba brought a lot of hungry food. They sat behind the broken wall to avoid the wind and sand and ate baked naan. , Tear off the beef jerky and feed it to Xiao Zong. He stuffed the baked naan into his mouth, and when the wind blew, it was covered with sand, and his throat hurt.

Because of Kangba’s objection, the crew stopped filming and were negotiating, and everyone rested at the same place. After a while, a shadow blocked their light. Zhang Qiu looked up and saw that the road to Encounter is really narrow. The man who hit up Lishu in the restaurant yesterday, what is his name? Guang'an is here.

The other party took an apple, smiled like a wolf with a big tail, and asked his son if he would eat it.

Xiao Zang turned his ass to the other party, obediently sat in Zhang Qiu's arms and gnawed on the jerky, without even looking at it, and Li Shu didn't even care about it. Qiu was doing it right now, without making a move, he directly fed Li Shu and drank it.

"Pfft, hahahaha." The well-behaved Qi Xi suddenly smiled, and looked at Bai Guang'an, "Come on, I find your old face annoying, so don't make yourself uncomfortable here."

Xiao Zhang, who was drinking water, immediately spit out the word "old face", and was so anxious that he almost rushed to cover Qi Xi's mouth.

Standing up tremblingly, he apologized to Bai Guang'an, "Mr. Bai, my family, Qi Xi, is talking nonsense because of heat stroke. Don't bother with him. I'm really sorry."

Both red and white faces were sung by Qi Xi and his assistant, and Bai Guang'an, who was standing there, turned blue and white one after another, turned around and left.

Qi Xi was still covering her stomach and laughing, "It's so satisfying! I've seen him so badly that I wanted to hate him."

"Brother Qi, who is not good for you, you have to hate him. Sister Ping will kill me when she finds out." Xiao Zhang looked like he was about to cry, and sat on the ground dryly gnawing on the naan, thinking about how to talk to Sister Ping when he went back. explain.

Zhang Qiu doesn't pay much attention to the entertainment industry, but he also knows that it is often active and widely discussed. For example, Qi Xi only came out this year. He doesn't know it's normal. As for Bai Guang'an, he has never heard of it. With a look of despair on his face, he asked curiously: "This Bai Guang'an is not very famous, you are so afraid of him."

Xiao Zhang was full of bitterness, and when he heard Zhang Qiu's question, he gave Zhang Qiu a popular science.

Bai Guang'an used to be a supporting role in major TV dramas and movies. Some time ago, he won the Best Supporting Actor Award for a movie. The film's characters are very good. , a real actor, and the current traffic niche, and so on, they are short of being labeled as both virtue and art.

In fact, everyone in the circle knows that Bai Guangan is gay, and he married a rich woman. After the rich woman died, Bai Guangan played even more fiercely. This movie has a part of Bai Guangan's investment, plus acting skills It's really true, and there has been a lot of enthusiasm recently. Director Zhang nodded and agreed to be the male lead when he thought about it.

"The night I got off the plane, this ugly monster even touched the door of my room and wanted to check the script with me." Qi Xi added leisurely from the side.

Zhang Qiu just wanted to say that he was very dedicated to the script, but he knew what it meant when he saw Qi Xi's playful eyes, thinking that your circle is really messed up.

According to what Xiao Zhang said, Bai Guang'an has a lot of contacts, a small fortune, and a good reputation. He is very cautious. This time, he ordered Qi Xi to wear small shoes when he went back. Qi Xi became popular too quickly. The anti-fans complained that Qi Xi is not a man because of his evil spirit all day long, and when he went back, he specified that Qi Xi played big names and disrespected his elders.

"Brother, dear brother, I beg you, can we bear it from now on?" Xiao Zhang was about to kneel.

As soon as Zhang Qiu thought of Qi Xi Xie Zhi's characteristics, he knew that Xiao Zhang was begging in vain. Sure enough, Qi Xi smiled and said: "Brother Zhang, I am afraid even if I bear it."

Xiao Zhang: I ate the baked naan in despair.

They were bickering, and suddenly there was a quarrel outside, Zhang Qiu and the others stopped talking, King Xia Pihui went out to see first, Zhang Qiu and the others followed behind, Kangba blushed with anger, and shouted loudly: "No way No, you can't go in."

The director was also very angry, "I spent money to hire you, what kind of attitude."

"Brother Kangba, don't be angry, we don't ask too much, just that the scenery in front of us can be better, and we will return after filming this scene. We will definitely not talk too much. You see, it is only a few thousand meters ahead, and it is not very far away. , let’s finish the filming early and withdraw early, otherwise, I’m personally contributing, so it’s considered compensation for you.” Bai Guang’an said a few words.

Zhang Qiu saw that Kangba was hesitant, and the director lost his temper when he was beside him, so he discussed with Kangba carefully, and finally agreed to continue on the condition that Kangba should listen to him in everything, not to walk around, and withdraw immediately if something went wrong. Go deeper to the place Bai Guangan said.

"I'm really sorry, I have to take them there, otherwise I'll ask Aishan to take you back." Kangba was still blushing, just angrily.

Zhang Qiu and the others waved their hands together, meaning to go together to take care of them. They originally wanted to talk to the crew, but now it seemed that someone was guiding them to a certain place, how could they let it go.

Kangba still trusts and feels at ease with people like Zhang Qiu, and listens to him all the way, resolutely refraining from doing anything if he is not allowed to do it, unlike those who make movies. He agreed to lead the way partly for money, but he was also afraid that these people would anger the True God and die.

In order to catch up on filming, everyone set off immediately, a black off-road vehicle was loaded with equipment, and the remaining one was the director, Bai Guangan and the two women of the crew, Qi Xi rode a camel like Zhang Qiu and the others.

It was noon, and after a short walk, people felt dizzy from the sun. Zhang Qiu hugged Xiao Zang for about half an hour. Hearing Kangba's whistle, Zhang Qiu knew that he had finally arrived. He lifted the veil and was caught by the front The sight was too shocking for words.

In an endless desert, there is a dense greenery in the distance, Zhang Qiu feels cool all over without walking in.

The director team may also be attracted by this strange scenery. Although they have heard that there is an oasis in the desert, they have never seen it. Such a dry oasis is like a rising hope.

"The scenery there is beautiful!" The director said, pointing to Luyi in the distance.

Kangba's face turned blue, and he said stiffly, "No, that's where the true God lives, and we can't go in." Going here already offends the true God.

The director saw that Kangba had nothing to discuss, his face was ugly but he still obeyed Kangba's words, the crew began to unload things and install shooting equipment, Kangba touched the camel's neck and looked into the distance, then looked at the sky after a while, and suddenly fell down On the desert, head towards the oasis.

At first Zhang Qiu thought that Kangba was praying, but after the meeting, Kangba stood up with fear in his eyes, "The storm is coming, hurry, hurry!" He carried his younger brother who was standing stupidly next to him, and shouted: " Get on the camel and go quickly."

The crew was stunned by Kangba's temporary change of mind, and they had already put down the equipment, and now they have to put it back on again. Everyone was not very happy, thinking that Kangba was playing with them, but they were afraid that it was true. Pack in a hurry.

"Don't clean up, the car can't be driven." The anxiety on Kangba's face was not fake.

Li Shu pulled Zhang Qiu onto his camel, Xiao Zang was caught in the middle, Lu Feng saw this and sat with Huating, when danger came, he was afraid that the wind and sand would blow them away. Qi Xi will also be with Xiao Zhang at this meeting, the director in the crew is obviously unwilling to let go of these equipment, and directs people to rush into the car, Kang Ba waved his hands and shouted: "No, no!" After speaking, he rode on the camel left already.

As soon as Kangba left, the extra camels that had been parked at the same place began to scatter restlessly. The crew panicked when they saw it, and some people went straight up with the camels and followed Kangba. The director would also be scared now , hurriedly shouted to get on the car, he thought that the car would run faster than the camel.

Li Shu and the others followed Kham closely. The camels under them seemed to feel something, and they sped up and ran wildly on the desert. Zhang Qiu almost vomited out.

I don't know how long he ran, but Zhang Qiu felt the wind whistling in his ears, it was really strong, and the wind and sand were blowing so hard that he couldn't open his eyes, and couldn't tell the direction at all. The camels followed the whistle.

"True God bless, true God bless." Kangba prayed in his mouth, suddenly saw a broken wall of a ruined city tower in the vast desert, burst into tears of joy, and cried out, hugging Ai Shan, "The real god has manifested." In his mouth Whistling vigorously, he jumped off the camel.

Zhang Qiu and the others followed closely behind, and Kangba spoke very fast, with the local dialect mixed in, Zhang Qiu actually understood everything at this time.

Camels can't scatter, and it's hard for them to get out with two legs. They led the camel to the inside of the broken wall, tied the camel's eyes with black cloth strips, lest the camel would be frightened and flee, and finally tied it up with a rope.

Kangba covered his eyes with his hands and tested the direction of the wind, pointing in one direction, "Dig, try to bury your body in." When he said this, Ai Shan had already planed with his hands. The sound of car brakes outside made the director's legs weak , Bai Guang'an's face was also white and disheveled, Kangba repeated it again, and the people in the car hid behind the stone wall and started digging holes.

Li Shu and the others were very fast, and several people lay down in the big pit that was connected together. Li Shu went down and swept the sand to cover them with King Pihui and Lu Feng. Get low.

The sand was scorching hot after being exposed to the sun all afternoon, and Zhang Qiu felt that he was about to be stuffed.

The howling wind just stopped slowly. Through the dilapidated wall, Zhang Qiu saw another car approaching in the distance. When Kangba saw it, he cursed and shouted from a distance, "Come here quickly, lower your body... "

Before Kangba finished speaking, Zhang Qiu saw a tornado moving towards them like a hurricane not far away, blowing away Kangba's words.