I Woke Up Pregnant With An Undead’s Child

Chapter 60: Zhongshan State Seven


Qi Zhirong didn't come out in the hotel room that day, Zhang Yushui got a sum of money to invite them to play nearby, Qi Xi smiled and said that he would not go and wanted to accompany his little Rongrong, "You don't know, my little Rongrong didn't expect He's a plush fan." Gao Xing turned into a cub and took advantage of it again.

It's good to have someone dedicated to guarding the movement of Qi Zhijun. Zhang Qiu wanted to ask Li Shu if he wanted to go, but he searched around but found no one.

"It's really strange."

In the end, he could only hug Xiao Zang and go by himself. Pei Qing took the bell with him. Today, the bell was wearing a fluffy, white fluffy coat, with two pink rabbit ears drooping on the hat, and his face was only the size of a palm. Knowing how to pull Pei Qing's clothes, no matter how you look at it, she is so immature and easy to turn.

Zhang Qiu was already accustomed to these two people wishing to fight and to suffer. They live in a small county now, which is close to Inner Mongolia, and the atmosphere of life is very similar to that of life there, but it also has the customs of northern Shaanxi, and the blending of the two has a unique flavor, especially the food, as if in two cities.

The economy here is backward, and it's not that there are no tourists from other places, but it's not this time. They just arrived at a restaurant, and the people inside looked over.

"Not open?" Zhang Yushui asked calmly.

The boss is a strong man with Gao Yuanhong, he came out to greet them quickly, they ordered the meal, the boss went to prepare, the people who had been eating turned their eyes away, but a few still looked at them curiously.

Zhang Qiu was looked at furiously, the second brother and the others were used to it, and didn't care about these gazes, he couldn't stand it anymore, and looked back at those people, he didn't expect the other party to smile at them, there was no malice.

After a while, someone can't help but ask curiously, "Did you run into a ghost yesterday?"

"I saw them coming from West Street, so it should be Lao Li's hotel." The other person said in affirmation without waiting for Zhang Qiu and the others to answer.

The first person who asked said again: "You guys are really unlucky. This kind of thing hasn't happened in five years. How do you know that you will be hit by it? But you are lucky. I heard that people came back early in the morning, no Like five years ago..."

five years

Along the way, everyone who talked about the abnormal weather said it was four years ago. Zhang Qiu just thought about it, and Zhang Yushui saw it, and said: "Yulin is farther away from here, and it is normal to be affected later."

That's true, Zhang Qiu nodded, and asked the man who spoke just now, "What happened five years ago? We are all from other places, and I didn't believe this before, but when you slept soundly last night, there was a woman whispering in your ear—"

Zhang Qiu noticed that when he said this, the men chatting in the restaurant all showed expressions of fear and faint excitement.

"Don't mention it, I still remember, if this girl is not a ghost, I really want to marry home and be my wife, she is really beautiful, I have never seen such a good-looking girl." Hehe said.

The person next to him snorted, "I don't want to kill myself when I say this, but it's really pretty."

Afterwards, the more she talked, the more outrageous it became. When these female ghosts seduced people five years ago, the talking men were accidentally interrupted when they were seduced. I only remember the beautiful and enchanting tricks of these female ghosts.

Zhang Qiuke listened to what the bodyguards who came back from the cemetery said, it was pretty at first, but in the end it was a bloody and skinless female ghost, almost disgusting to death.

"The government didn't care about such a big matter five years ago? It didn't make any news." Zhang Qiu said deliberately.

Sure enough, those men looked at him with the expression of 'you are stupid', and said: "Nowadays they say they believe in science and oppose superstition, who will report it? But it's the real thing. Five years ago, there were many villages around the county. Accidents happened one after another in Moon Bay, and then spread to the city, all of them were men, and the stronger ones were able to come back alive, but a few days later, the bodies were found in Moon Bay. Seventeen or eighteen boys were tied up and not allowed to go out..."

"Moon Bay?" Zhang Qiu saw that these people mentioned Moon Bay with fear in their eyes, so he changed his explanation: "We came down from the high speed, and we saw that the sky was very gloomy from a distance, and it didn't rain. It's really strange."

The restaurant owner brought up the food and said seriously, "That is Moon Bay. For those of you who are out of town, please listen to a word of advice, don't go there foolishly, that place is very evil."

"That's, that's right, it's not that the old ancestors fought and died in battles—"

"Let's not talk about this, eat vegetables and eat vegetables."

Everyone returned to the table to eat, drink and brag.

Zhang Qiu and the others looked at each other, they knew that Moon Bay might be the place Qi Zhirong was looking for, but they didn't know what Qi Zhirong was waiting for, so they didn't make a move for a long time.

After dinner, Pei Qing drove around the nearby suburbs. The plains and hills in the outskirts, the grass was already yellow. If it wasn't for the bad weather and the severe cold, the scenery in front of them would really be bleak and magnificent, but they are not in the mood to appreciate it now.

Back at the hotel, I happened to meet Li Shu who had come back, carrying a small black bag in his hand, it didn't look like the luggage for going down the pit, it was too little.

"Second brother treats guests today. I originally wanted you to go with me, but I didn't expect you to be here." Zhang Qiu's tone was familiar, his eyes moved to Li Shu's hand, and he asked directly: "What did you buy?"

Li Shu paused, shook his head, "It's nothing."

Zhang Qiu was a little disappointed, and Li Shu who was about to leave suddenly said, "Knowing too much is not good for you."

"I'm just blindly curious." Zhang Qiu was elated instantly, because Li Shu was worried about him.

The dinner was settled at the hotel. The newly launched roast leg of lamb in the hotel restaurant is very cost-effective. The second brother bought one, and Zhang Qiu snatched a plate from their wolf-like mouths. The roasted lamb is fragrant outside and tender inside. Chili and nature are more fragrant than theirs, and people who smell it will drool.

Qixi was still thinking about what Zhang Qiu had in his mouth while eating, and seeing Zhang Qiu packing his bags upstairs, she smiled and said, "Xiao Qiuqiu, are you sending meat to your lover?"

What meat! Zhang Qiu's ears were red, and those who didn't know thought he was sending him there.

Zhang Qiu ignored him and continued to walk upstairs, when he heard Qi Xi say loudly from behind: "Xiao Qiuqiu is going to deliver meat! There will be no more when you come back!"

Yo Yo Yo! Zhang Qiu beat himself, as if he couldn't hear what Qi Xi said behind him. The dining room has stairs leading to the guest room, and Li Shu lives on the second floor. Zhang Qiu thought about taking the elevator directly up without taking a detour, but just as he turned a corner, he walked two steps and suddenly heard the sound of a chair falling to the ground in the room.

The hotel room is carpeted, but it is already very loud.

Zhang Qiu glanced, it was Qi Zhirong's room, there was the sound of rapid breathing, the next second, Qi Xi, who was still smiling downstairs, rushed up with a pale face, and kicked Qi Zhirong's door .


The door opened, Qi Xi had already entered, Zhang Qiu hurriedly followed, and the one who caught his eyes was Qi Zhirong, who was lying on the ground with one hand tightly clutching his chest, his face was pale, the chair in the room fell to the ground, it should be Qi Zhirong who was in pain hit.

Qi Xi was holding someone, his face was as white as Qi Zhirong's, and the two of them had cold sweat on their foreheads, but after a while, Qi Zhirong's lips turned purple, and Qi Xi was not much better go.

It was only a few seconds before and after, the fast Zhang Qiu didn't have time to call for someone, the second brother and the others were all downstairs, there was a feeling that they were gone after calling for someone to come up. He suddenly heard footsteps behind him, and before he could turn his head back, a figure had already arrived in front of him, it was Li Shu, he scratched his palm, and decisively opened Qi Zhirong's lips to feed a few drops of blood, soon Qi Zhirong's expression slowed down Slowly recovered.

Qi Xi also recovered.

"My blood can only be suppressed, not cured. You'd better think about it clearly." Li Shu said lightly.

Qi Zhirong's eyes seemed to be unfocused, and he said after a while: "The closer I get to here, the faster my onset will be, but my heart tells me that I must go to a certain place quickly and urgently, but I haven't figured it out yet. Before, I didn't want to be controlled by people or by anything."

"You decide." Li Shu said and left.

Zhang Qiu saw that Qi Zhirong and Qi Xi were fine, especially after Qi Xi got better, he gave him a wink and asked him to leave, it was a trick of the brain, he almost died just now! He followed Li Shu out with the still hot and fragrant roasted leg of lamb, and put the meat box in Li Shu's hand, and found that the wound on Li Shu's hand had healed. He breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Two Treat me, it tastes good, try it."

"Thank you." Li Shu opened the door, thought for a while, "Do you want to come in?"

"I want it!" Zhang Qiu followed in with a smile, pointing to the meat in the box, "This is delicious while it's hot."

Li Shu opened the box, and a spicy cumin smell hit his nostrils. He flashed a memory in his mind, and it coincided with Zhang Qiu in front of him, as if this person liked to eat barbecue very much.

"Why don't you move?" Zhang Qiu took a look, only to realize that he didn't bring chopsticks, and said quickly, "You can still eat after washing your hands." My mind is full of my hands being clean, I'll feed you! But he couldn't take it anymore, and Li Shu found disposable chopsticks on the table in the room.

Zhang Qiu choked suddenly. Li Shu handed over the chopsticks first, and Zhang Qiu was happy for a second, probably only Zhang Qiu could taste the sweetness of the cumin-flavored roast lamb.

"Why do you want to come here with Qi Zhirong?"

"Money." Li Shu put down his chopsticks, "He paid a lot of money."

Zhang Qiu thought about many reasons, but he never thought that Li Shu's reason was so simple. He couldn't turn his mind for a while, and said after a few seconds: "Are you short of money?" concept people.

After hearing Zhang Qiu's question, Li Shu's eyes flickered with confusion, but he became indifferent in an instant.

"I don't know, it should be useful." Speaking of which, he added another sentence, "It seems to be buying a big house."

What he said was flat, and Li Shu said that buying a big house didn't seem like he wanted to buy it, and his expression was indifferent, without any enthusiasm or yearning.

Zhang Qiu Nao didn't understand, didn't Li Shu lose his memory? ! Why don't you remember him and Xiao Zang, but you are so obsessed with buying a house!

"You're angry." Li Shu frowned and asked lightly.

"No, I just don't understand—forget it, I'll find out later." Zhang Qiu didn't know what to say about his current mood. Could it be that he was not even as good as a house? !

When Zhang Qiu left, Li Shu stared at Zhang Qiu's back in a daze. Why did the extra picture in his head just now be the other party? Could it be that he really knew Zhang Qiu before

When they went downstairs, Qi Xi, a shameless person, was gnawing on the meat, and saw Zhang Qiu waving his paws, "Hey, Xiao Qiuqiu is back! But what if there is no more meat!"

Zhang Qiu squinted at the shy Qi Xi, "Did you get kicked out by Qi Zhirong?!" Otherwise, Qi Xi, who has a lot of brains, wouldn't go downstairs to eat meat.

"I'm heartbroken, little Qiuqiu." Qi Xi wanted to put one hand on Zhang Qiu's shoulder, Zhang Qiu disliked that Qi Xi's hand was full of oil and pushed it away, Qi Xi gnawed on the meat indifferently, "My little Rong Rong is too cruel , hold her at night and call her sweetheart, and let her go away during the day, alas."

Zhang Qiu didn't believe that Qi Zhirong would say such disgusting words about Little Sweetheart, and Qi Zhirong's behavior really didn't look like a fluff control. Now he doubts what Qi Xi said, "Did you do something wrong at night?" Otherwise, how could Qi Zhirong sleep so soundly while hugging a four-legged elephant?"

"How do you know?" Qi Xi was confused.

really. Zhang Qiu snorted, "This is all left over from my playing. Back then, I was divorced from my family, and every night I would faint with drugs, and then hehehe."

"So it's still possible to do this!" Qi Xi stroked her chin with an expression of wanting to try.

Zhang Qiu was startled immediately, he didn't dare to brag, he was afraid that Qi Xi would really dare to do this, Qi Zhirong might beat Qi Xi to death.

"I'm just saying, don't take it seriously—"

"Hahahahaha, Xiaoqiuqiu, you are so coaxing, you look weak, you really think I will believe you when you boast so much, hahahaha, how stupid!"

It would be better to kill Qi Xi now.

Zhang Qiu was too lazy to talk to Qi Xi, but was stopped by Qi Xi, and said seriously: "There seems to be something wrong with my little Rong Rong."

"This is not something that everyone knows, let's talk about something else." Zhang Qiu saw his little zombie walking over with short legs, holding a large piece of meat in his hand, leaning over on tiptoe, softly Huhu said: "Dad eat!"

Zhang Qiu couldn't help being moved, "It's still my son who loves others, he's a good boy."

He gnawed on the meat, and heard Qi Xi say, "Xiao Rongrong seems to be obsessed with it."

"It's not you! What heart-to-heart—"

"It's not this." Qi Xi couldn't say anything for a moment, frowning with a serious expression.

Seeing this, Zhang Qiu stopped joking casually, "Second brother once said that this kind of obsession is just that he doesn't know whether he was forced by someone outside or brought about by himself."

The two of them talked for a long time but didn't come up with any clues, and they couldn't ask Qi Zhirong, even if they asked, Qi Zhirong probably didn't know.

Zhang Qiu thought that the frequency of Qi Zhirong's illnesses was getting faster and faster, and it was very likely that he was going to go down in a day or two, and he had to prepare for it tomorrow.

Everyone went back early, Zhang Qiu slept soundly that night, he didn't know that Xiao Zang, who was already sound asleep, turned over immediately when he heard the movement, his big eyes quietly looked at a certain place, he showed two small canine teeth and sneered, "act recklessly."

Not soft and cute at all, when the female ghost showed her head, Xiao Zang was fast and light, and grabbed the female ghost quickly and accurately, but the female ghost cried and complained, and burped in one go.

Then he lay obediently next to his father, he was so full from supper today, hiccup.