I Woke Up Pregnant With An Undead’s Child

Chapter 62: Zhongshan National Nine


The hill was very short, but it was higher than the soil slope, and the vegetation was lush and lush. When they came all the way, there were very few simple and green vegetation in the county. Most of them were withered and yellow, but here they bloomed very vigorously.

Sections of steles were faintly exposed in the green grass and trees, they were all broken, but they stood upright, like pairs of eyes staring at them, the uninvited guests who were about to enter.

"What a feng shui place to raise corpses and ghosts." Zhang Yushui held a compass, "Follow me closely."

Needless to say, the people in the back did not dare to fall behind, especially the bodyguards in the first row behind, who saw the scene in the small copper mirror with a good line of sight, swallowed in fright, and patted the amulet on his chest to give Embolden yourself.

Zhang Qiu and Xiao Zang walked in the first row, next to Li Shu, Zhang Yushui took the lead, Zhang Qiu also saw the white figure tumbling in the bronze mirror, scrambling to get out of the mirror, occasionally suddenly revealing a white figure ghost head.

Weeds grow luxuriantly on the hills, reaching to the calf of the person, exposing the end of the tomb stele, and there is no way to walk under the feet. It stands to reason that this is the cemetery of the entire county. Five years ago, there were people coming and going to worship, but now there is no way to see a road in the greenery. I heard from people in the county that there is no worship during the New Year and holidays. If you dare to come here, you can only draw a circle at the intersection of the street and burn paper money to show your heart.

Zhang Qiu still remembered that the second brother had heard that these people would never receive the paper money for burning sacrifices.

Thinking in a trance, suddenly the hem of his clothes was pulled off, Zhang Qiu was startled, he looked down and saw that it was Xiao Zang, and then he realized that he could be distracted in this kind of place.

"It's not your fault, it's just a blindfold." After Zhang Yushui said lightly and looked back, Zhang Qiu looked back, only to see the faces of the bodyguards behind him either sad or happy or greedy, in short, all of them were in a trance.

Before Zhang Qiu asked what to do, Zhang Yushui took out a string of bell bracelets from the cloth bag and threw them to Xiao Zang.

"Little Zhuang, let's see if it fits."

"Second brother, how can Xiao Zang know these things."

Zhang Yushui shook his head and smiled, "This bell is not ordinary, it wouldn't ring at all if it wasn't for this profession."

Just as he was talking, Xiao Zhan was pinching the bracelet and making a pleasant ringing sound. Although the ringtone was not loud, it shook people's spirits, and the bodyguards who had just fallen into fantasy regained their senses instantly.

"Sure enough, he was born with this job, and Xiao Zang is even better than I thought." Zhang Yushui said with a smile: "Be good, Xiao Zang, is it fun?"

Xiao Zang was happy when he heard the bell, and nodded heavily, showing his little tiger teeth, and stretched out his hand to lift up the chain for his father to wear it for him.

Zhang Qiu reached out to take it, and the bell only made a muffled sound, as if it was not the same as the one in Xiao Zang's hand just now. At this moment, Zhang Qiu really believed that his son was talented, but now he didn't say At this time, Zhang Qiu wrapped the chain around Xiao Zang's wrist three times and tied it.

There are delicate red bells strung on the golden rope, which look very cute and beautiful on Xiao Zangbai's arms.

Xiao Zang happily raised his arms, bouncing forward, jingling bells wherever he went, and the spirits of the people behind them improved a lot. Zhang Qiu was worried that Xiao Zang ran too far, especially because the grass was too high, Xiao Zang was short and only half of his body was exposed, and people jumping and flickering in the grass were more scary than ghosts.

"My dear son, Dad is afraid, so don't run too far." Zhang Qiu said solemnly.

Sure enough, the playful Xiao Zang who got the new toy immediately ran to Zhang Qiu's side, puffed out his small chest and said, "Dad, don't be afraid, I will protect you." Then he bared his teeth at Li Shu next to him.

Zhang Qiu patted Xiao Zang's head, he couldn't do that, Li Shu didn't forget them on purpose.

Li Shu raised his eyebrows, stretched out his hand and pinched the little zombie's big, fleshy face. The pinched little zombie's face was flattened and very unhappy, but there was nothing he could do, the big daddy was too powerful!

Before he knew it, he had reached the top of the hill. Zhang Qiu found that the steles below the hill were rather broken. The author is old enough to be his grandfather.

Zhang Yushui glanced at the time, "The time is running fast. The most positive time of the day is from eleven o'clock to one o'clock. Now at ten o'clock, we must go down as soon as possible."

This Zhang Qiu knew that beheading at noon in ancient times was at 11:45, when Yang Qi was at its strongest, to prevent innocent souls from turning into ghosts and killing them.

Standing on the top of the hill and looking down, it was clear that at noon, there was a vast white mist, and it was impossible to see the situation below. Everyone didn't dare to stop, Zhang Yushui still led the way, Xiao Zang's bell jingled, after walking for a while, Zhang Qiu felt that his feet were struggling, as if something was grabbing his ankle and falling down , Looking down, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, it was the grass that was tangled together.


There was a short and sharp cry from behind, Zhang Qiu looked back, and the bodyguards behind were in a mess, shouting: "Who called!", "What's wrong?", "What happened?"

"Don't mess up." Li Shu said coldly.

Suddenly the chaotic voices quieted down, Agui looked around and said, "Xiao Lin is gone."

Zhang Qiu didn't know who Xiao Lin was, but there were thirteen bodyguards. He counted circles and was startled. He was afraid that he was nervous and couldn't count well, so he counted again, his heart sank, his face remained calm, and he rushed away quietly. Shu said, "Thirteen."

Li Shu glanced coldly at the thirteen bodyguards one by one. These bodyguards had different expressions and appearances. Being looked at by Li Shu, he couldn't help but feel hairy. One of them had dull eyes, and Li Shu was very fast. In the blink of an eye, it was in front of me.


The thing screamed piercingly, and as soon as Li Shu touched it, it turned into a wisp of white mist and drifted away. Immediately afterwards, the bodyguard next to it screamed again, and fell straight down in the grass. Li Shu grabbed it and lifted it with one hand. Get up, but in an instant the bodyguard was covered in blood, and a big man was startled for a long time.

Zhang Yushui took out seven copper coins from his bag, turned them quickly into a short dagger, and stabbed it straight at the ground. The green grass spurted blood instantly, and there were screams.

With a talisman in his palm, he clasped his palms together and turned it, and slapped it on the dagger. Upwards, a piece of bloody human skin hung on the top of the copper coin.

"It's Xiao Lin." Ah Gui shouted.

The ghost just now was wearing Kobayashi's human skin and standing among them.

Zhang Qiu couldn't see it, but felt a chill when the human skin was pulled up. Zhang Yushui put a piece of talisman on the human skin, and the thing surrounding the human skin suddenly revealed its original shape. It turned out to be a woman without skin, with a graceful figure but bloody, imprisoned in place and unable to move, hee hee hee Laughing, the bone marrow of the laughing person is hairy.

The talisman paper ignited, and suddenly the raging flames glowed with green light, and the female ghost screamed pitifully in it.

"Look at your amulets." Zhang Yushui wiped the copper coin dagger with the talisman paper, and after the talisman paper burned, the copper coin dagger was restored as new.

Everyone hurriedly pulled out the amulets on their chests. The bodyguard who had just been grabbed held up his own blackened amulet. The wound on his face had been cleaned up, and the skin on the edge of his forehead seemed to be torn apart by something with a sharp weapon. Be quick, this man is the next Kobayashi.

The edges of the amulets of several bodyguards began to turn black. Maybe nothing happened along the way just now. Everyone's attention was focused on the down hill, and they didn't feel the burning sensation at all.

Zhang Yushui mended the amulet, frowned and looked at the sky. It was almost twelve o'clock after such a delay.

"We can't delay, and speed up later."

Everyone was silent, seeing Xiao Lin's human skin on the grass next to him, some bodyguards wanted to back off, but it was more dangerous to go alone now, so they could only grit their teeth and fight, maybe they could still survive.

Li Shu frowned, there was something he didn't want them to arrive before one o'clock, and the road ahead might be even more difficult.

Pei Qing stepped forward and whispered, "Otherwise I will transform into my original form and carry you down."

Zhang Qiu's eyes lit up, this idea is very good, why didn't he think of it just now!

I only heard Zhang Yushui say: "It's useless, there is a formation here, if you step wrong, you will be trapped in it, and this is not only your own people, don't use the original form unless you have to."

Zhang Qiu knew that the second brother was talking about Qi Zhirong and the bodyguards, and his heart was in the belly. Who knows if someone will break the news in the future and be sent to the laboratory as a monster or something.

No more delays, pack up and start again, this time with Kobayashi's lesson, everyone pays attention to the people around and the talisman paper on their chest, take it out to have a look if there is nothing to do, and breathe a sigh of relief if it is not black.

Not long after he left, someone said that his talisman paper had turned black, and Zhang Yushui changed it once. Zhang Qiu frowned while staring at a stone tablet, pointing at it and said, "Second brother, I just saw the name on this stone tablet."

Because the last word of the name was rather complicated, it was called Wang Yikui, so he remembered it. They had been walking for more than half an hour, and logically they should have reached the foot of the hill, but now it was so foggy that it was impossible to see where they were. where.

Zhang Yushui's face darkened when he heard it, and he took out the compass to look, the pointer turned wildly, the illusion in the bronze mirror was only a thick white mist, and he couldn't see anything.

"Master, I, I seem to be able to see the way." Agui whispered.

Zhang Yushui raised his head and glanced at Agui. Agui was the first to discover Xiaolin's disappearance just now. Seeing Zhang Yushui's sharp eyes, Agui waved his hand and quickly explained, "I have been able to see things that are not right since I was a child. Later I My grandma gave me this when I was six years old, and I couldn’t see it anymore, but I didn’t expect to see it again when I came here.”

Agui pulled out a piece of jade pendant from his neck, and was suddenly taken aback, "Why did it crack?!"

"There is too much evil spirit here. Your piece of jade has protected you for more than twenty years, and the spiritual energy is long gone." After Zhang Yushui explained, he glanced at Agui and said, "Look at what's around you."

Zhang Qiu was puzzled, since he was in such a hurry, why didn't Agui lead the way directly? Seeing Li Shu's indifferent eyes sweeping over Agui, he immediately understood that the second brother was trying to test Agui. They have beaten them too many times, who knows whether this Agui is good or bad, but the map of the senior brother's house was stolen by another faction.

"They float very fast, and they are covered in white mist and you can't see clearly. My grandma said that if you see them, you should pretend not to see them, otherwise these things will bully you." Agui pointed in a direction, "There is a road here, I can’t see the bottom clearly, but I can see that it leads to the bottom, and I couldn’t see clearly when I just made a detour, but now I can see clearly, Master believes in me.”

Zhang Yushui nodded, didn't believe it or not, looked at his watch, it was already a quarter past twelve, this Agui should be born with yin and yang eyes, hesitated for a few seconds, and handed the talisman drawn by Zhang Qiu's blood to Agui , "You have a guide."

Regardless of whether Agui is good or bad, they can't just hang around here all the time.

Xiao Zang’s bell still jingled to open the way. According to what Agui said, they started to walk down. I don’t know if it was an illusion. Almost fell down and was pulled by the person next to him.

"Be careful."

It was Li Shu's voice, and when he looked up, the white mist was so thick that he could only see the blurred figure of Li Shu clearly.

It's unreasonable for the second brother not to remind me of such a heavy fog. He looked back, and he could only see a group of blurred black shadows following him. On the left was Li Shu, and on the right were Xiao Zang and the second brother. Can't see it anymore, Zhang Qiu's heart tightened, and he felt that there was something wrong, but when he thought about the existence of Li Shu, it shouldn't be a big deal.

"Second brother, did you see Xiao Zang? I didn't hear the bell."

Just after he finished speaking, the bell rang, Zhang Qiu worried and shouted: "Little Zang, don't run around."

"Got it, Dad."

It was Xiao Zang's voice.

Zhang Qiu breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that he was too suspicious, and heard the second elder brother say: "The fog is too heavy, everyone holds each other's hands."

He stretched out his hand, and the cold tentacles were the unique temperature of Lishu. On the right side, he pulled Xiaozhi, and he felt that something was wrong when he first started to use it. This is not a small limp hand. woman's hand.

Zhang Qiu's heart sank suddenly, and he suddenly felt hot in his chest. There was the amulet given to him by his second brother, and the sound of his thin breathing seemed to be drilled into his ear holes, and something was blowing at him against his back. .

"Li Shu!" subconsciously called Li Shu's name, and at the same time let go of the woman's hand, looked up, and suddenly a black head approached the dense fog that could not be dispelled just now.

How the hell is this a divorce, this is a zongzi!



A cry sounded in the distance at the same time. Hearing the familiar cry, Zhang Qiu didn't have time to respond. He kicked away the rice dumpling that came close, and his back suddenly felt heavy. He just touched the thing blowing in his ear, and said in a childish voice: "I Did you take away your eyes?"

"I'll take your uncle!"

Zhang Qiu didn't think the voice was so cute. After a lot of experience, he would know that he should not be afraid. While speaking reflexively, he grabbed something behind his back with one hand. Gurgling sound.

He grabbed the thing's head on the ground, and its two thin arms were still around his neck, strangling him and panting heavily.

"You took my eyes and broke my head, bad guy, bad guy, I want your eyes, I want your head, hehehe."

The head on the ground opened and closed his mouth to speak, Zhang Qiu's face flushed red, one hand grabbed the little hand that imprisoned him around his neck, and the other hand decisively and quickly pulled out the dagger, and quickly and accurately aimed it at his neck.

If this thing lets go, Zhang Qiu's action is tantamount to committing suicide.


There was a sharp scream from the head on the ground, and the broken arm fell to the ground. Panting heavily, Zhang Qiu heard movement behind him, swung the dagger and stabbed it back neatly, but was held by the arm.

"Countless, it's me."