I Woke Up Pregnant With An Undead’s Child

Chapter 74: Cancong Road 8


The winding road around the mountain is extremely thrilling. Shu is mountainous and precipitous, but the scenery is equally beautiful.

Pei Qing was driving the car, while the co-pilot Qi Xi was sitting, and the two of them discussed from time to time how to get there.

"Turn left at the fork ahead."

"How do I remember that it is the mountain in the north, going straight forward."

"You fell into the river so carefully, I remember absolutely right."

"Falling into the river doesn't mean you've arrived at your destination."

The two argued for a while, looked at each other, Pei Qing pulled the car to the side, turned to them and said: "It's really strange, there is a general direction, but the closer you get here, the more wrong you are going."

Qixi also felt that there was a problem.

Li Shu sat in the back, looked out the window, it was almost dark, and said, "Find a place to rest for the night, and fly up to have a look at night."

"Yes." Qi Xi nodded.

There was a barking sound in the car, Zhang Qiu felt it was the intercom, and Gao Zhihao's impatient voice came from inside, "What's going on? Are you here?"

"Not yet, I got lost, first find a place to stay for one night, and continue tomorrow." Zhang Qiu said.

Gao Zhihao murmured on the walkie-talkie, "Obviously those two have been out for less than an hour, why did they drive for a whole day, did they do it on purpose..."

Zhang Qiu had nothing to say, and the two people in front pretended to be very busy and continued on their way.

After driving for less than an hour, there were faint lights in front of it, and it was a village. Three cars entered one after another. The village is deep in the mountains and the scenery is beautiful. Many people in the city will drive to play during the holidays. Therefore, there are small farmhouses and small hotels in the village. However, it is late and it is late autumn. There are few tourists in this season. Those who came to play, the village was deserted. They walked along the winding path and stopped at the entrance of the first hotel.

Qixi covered her face with a scarf and went down to knock on the door. Soon the owner who was sleeping inside opened the door and stared at them warily.

"Benefactor, we came here on a beggar." Qi Xi said with a smile.

Zhang Qiu raised his forehead and quickly said: "He's joking, we want to stay here, can you accept me here?"

Seeing a few big men coming down from the car one after another, the host's family tightened their grip on the doorknob, ready to close the door at any time, but when they saw Li Shu holding a child in his arms, they relaxed their guard slightly.

"Come in." The homeowner let go of his hand, opened the door wide, and shouted into the house: "Boss and second child have some guests, come out to clean up the rest of the room, and drive your car to the back. The road ahead is narrow, so if you stop here, it will be difficult for the bullock carts tomorrow."

Pei Qing and the other two drove to the backyard mentioned by the owner to park. Zhang Qiu and the others unloaded their luggage from the car and walked in together. The place of home, two sides entertain tourists, only one floor, the roof is a tile room, it is very clean and beautiful.

The few of them carried their luggage, and Xiao Zong slept all the way in the car. He would be very energetic, carrying his own car bag, bouncing ahead, walking a few steps and then turning back, pointing One said: "Dad, someone is watching me."

Zhang Qiu followed the direction pointed by Xiao Zang, and saw that the curtains of a side room on the opposite side swayed, and soon the lights went out. At first, Zhang Qiu didn't think there was anything wrong, but now it seems that there is really a problem.

"Boss, who lives across the street?"

"Oh, I just arrived at noon, a young man in a young grade, very handsome." The boss said a few words, and then said: "It's late now, there is no hot water supply, and hot water is required at eight in the morning and seven in the evening." There is no food, if you haven’t eaten, there are instant noodles here.”

Young lad? So it's not Qi Zhirong.

Zhang Qiu nodded, asked the boss how many packs of instant noodles he bought, and borrowed a pot. They also had luncheon meat and beef, which they cooked in a messy pot. Not to mention that it was quite delicious in the cold mountains here in late autumn, they ate it at noon. Dry food, smelling the smell, I will be hungry and go to the shed in the middle of the yard.

There was a big stone table under the shed, and several people ate together around the pot with small disposable bowls.

King Huihui of Xiapi took a sip of the soup and boasted, "Xiaoqiu, your noodles are well cooked."

"It's rare that you have an appetite." Zhang Yushui changed his own bowl, and then Xiapi Huiwang took a sip from the bowl with soup base, and said with a smile, "You don't have a good appetite recently, so eat more now."

King Xiapihui was really hungry, so he didn't think deeply about Zhang Yushui's smiling expression, and ate slowly with a bowl in his hand.

When Zhang Qiu was eating noodles, he couldn't help but want to glance at the dark room opposite. The movement of the curtains just now seemed to have opened his mind. Maybe the other party was a tourist who came to play. normal.

After eating and tidying up hastily, the people on the opposite side lived with Gao Zhihao, except for the tourists who came at noon. Here is Zhang Qiu and the others. The two share a room, and Qi Xi lives alone.

At six o'clock in the morning of the next day, Zhang Qiu yawned and washed his face, and he was much more awake. The two daughters-in-law of the house owner had already prepared breakfast, which was placed on the stone table under the shed, and there were big hot pickles and bacon. Steamed buns and porridge.

Qi Xi lazily came out of the room, saw Zhang Qiu greeted with a smile, turned her head to see Bi Shu who came out of the room with a cold face, she couldn't help but shrugged, "You are watching too closely, me and Xiao Between Qiuqiu and Qiuqiu is pure friendship between men and women."

"Don't." Zhang Qiu said quickly, friendship is enough, and if the gay is so angry to add a man, his head hurts when he meets Qi Xi, and I don't know who can cure the showman.

"Xiao Qiuqiu, you are hurting my heart too much." Qi Xi sat crookedly on the chair with her chest in her hands.

Zhang Qiu didn't bother to talk to Qi Xi, this person was chosen rightly as an actor, I have never seen someone who loves acting so much.

After a while, King Huihui of Xiapi and Zhang Yushui also came out. They sat and ate breakfast. Pei Qing came out from the backyard. He was wearing a T-shirt in the late autumn morning, with water droplets all over his body. He looked like he had just taken a shower. Showing a strong and good figure, he made porridge and returned to the room with steamed buns and pickled vegetables, which seemed to be for the bell.

Seeing this, Qi Xi clicked his tongue twice, propped his chin, and said, "Pei Qing is really busy. I went out last night, and I can still toss the little bell."

"Be careful that Pei Qing beats you up." Zhang Qiu calmly fed steamed buns to Xiao Zang, looked up at the closed door opposite, Gao Zhihao went out to grab breakfast and went in to eat, the curtains were moving and there was no movement last night.

Qixi said emotionally, "Xiao Qiuqiu, you are still worried about me."

Zhang Qiu: …

He didn't want to talk to Qi Xi anymore, and threw Qi Zhirong at Qi Xi.

There was nothing to chat about breakfast, Gao Zhihao stood in the courtyard and looked at the gate frequently after eating, and then asked his subordinates to drive. Although he didn't explicitly urge him, Zhang Qiu and the others couldn't stay here.

Coming out of the village, Pei Qing got into the car and took out a hand-drawn map from his pocket. Although the drawing was scribbled and rough, it had all the signs and it was clear at a glance. It was drawn last night when he and Qi Xi went out to explore the terrain.

"This river is very tricky. We have been going around in circles. There is a shortcut to take. When we drive to the top, we have to abandon the car and go down. It takes about an hour to see the river. If we have to drive around, go here, and then Pass through the wild monkey area, where the trees are too dense, and the car has to go if it can't get in." Pei Qing said while gesturing on the map.

Zhang Qiu saw that the river hung like a waterfall in the wrapped deep mountain, and then it rushed down slowly.

"We took a shortcut and went directly to the mouth of the waterfall. If we go around the flat ground, it will be here—" Pei Qing pointed to a wide river, "I don't know where it is now."

The stretch of the river is very long, from one mountain top to another, the area is too large and they don't know where it is.

Zhang Yushui took the walkie-talkie and talked to Gao Zhihao over and over, and soon the walkie-talkie buzzed, and the other party was busy flipping through the notebook, after a while Gao Zhihao didn't make a decision, obviously only He was recorded in the notebook, Nothing else.

"Waterfall." Li Shu finally said.

On the intercom, Gao Zhihao nodded quickly, "Let's take the shortcut first, if not, we can always find it down the river."

Pei Qing had no objection, and started the car to go to the top of the mountain. The road became narrower as it went up, and there were no guardrails. shock.

"It's here, I can't go up ahead." Pei Qing parked the car in the sparse woods, and there was no way to be blocked further up.

The next two cars were about to arrive, Gao Zhihao got out of the car, his face turned pale and he was lying on the root of the tree, throwing up a mess, Zhang Qiu was fine, but when he heard the sound of vomiting, his heart felt wet, he covered his mouth and retched, was caught Li Shu escorted him to the far vent, away from Gao Zhihao.

Zhang Qiu took a sip of water to suppress the discomfort in his stomach. Gao Zhihao had already vomited, and began to carry the luggage from the car, and now he only picked up the necessary things when he was carrying heavy loads, such as tents.

The mountain was straight and steep, and one person was carrying a bulging backpack, as if he was about to fall down. Li Shu chose a big tree, and skillfully tied the rope with a slipknot. When the rope is pulled down by a heavy object, it will become a dead knot. When it reaches the ground, the rope will fall down under the skillful movement.

Zhang Qiu hasn't learned this technique yet, but every time he sees it, he admires Lishu.

Climbing down with a rope is much safer. Zhang Qiu was worried about Xiao Zang at first, but when he saw that Xiao Zang was bouncing up and down on the branches, he was lighter and more agile than him, like a little monkey.

This mountain is an uninhabited area, with weeds and dead branches all over the place. Gao Zhihao is used to being pampered, and he scolded his mother when he was scraped by the dead branches, "You cut it down! Why are they everywhere?"

The five thugs he brought were all rough men of five grades and three roughs. They were okay in fighting, but climbing the mountain was not very smooth. s face.

The rope was not long enough, so they jumped to a slightly flat place, Li Shu pulled the rope down, tried twice, but the rope didn't fall off.

"Is it caught by the branches?" Zhang Qiu raised his head to look up, but he couldn't see anything under the cover of layers of branches and weeds.

Gao Zhihao waved his hands indifferently, "Don't worry about the rope, there are still there anyway, it's important to find a place."

Li Shu frowned and let go of the rope, and looked up. Gao Zhihao took out another rope from his bag, and everyone tied it up and continued walking down.

"Did you hear it? The sound of running water." Gao Zhihao said excitedly.

Zhang Qiu had heard it a long time ago, but the place where they went down the mountain was a bit off, and there was still some distance from the entrance of the waterfall, but it was also safe. He was thinking, when suddenly his back was heavy, and something jumped onto his back with a bang, pulling His bag is down.

Almost instantly, Li Shu grabbed his hand and lifted him up.

"Grab it."

Almost at the same time that Li Shu's words fell to the ground, the hand holding the dagger was already behind him, Zhang Qiu only heard a screeching sound, the weight on his back loosened, and Gao Zhihao's thugs shouted from under his feet.

"There are monkeys."

"Damn it, I have to kill it."


"Help me, save me—"

Zhang Qiu grabbed the branches and looked down. Just now, there should be a wild monkey on his back. He was chased away by Li Shu and fled downward. He quickly jumped on the backs of those thugs' heads and scratched randomly. Fortunately, the place is not very steep. Shu hugged his waist, and the two reached a gentle slope.

Pei Qing was holding the bell, the second elder brother and the second sister-in-law were fine, Gao Zhihao was more embarrassed, his face was scratched with blood, two thugs were dragged to the bottom, Qi Xi went up and pulled two, although he suffered some flesh injuries , but people are fine.

"There are also wild monkeys here." Pei Qing frowned, he didn't see them when he came last night.

"Be careful." Li Shu said.

Zhang Qiu nodded, took Xiao Zang's hand and said, "Don't run too far, you are so small, what should you do if you are caught by a monkey?" Big, if it wasn't for Li Shu, he would have fallen down.

Xiao Zang nodded, and said obediently, "Father, I will protect you. If the monkey comes, I will beat it."

"Okay, Dad will rely on you." Zhang Qiu said seriously.

Continue to the entrance of the waterfall. Now the road is much easier. There are thugs ahead to open the way. Except for insects and snakes, there are no thrills along the way.

"Wait." Li Shu stopped walking.

Zhang Qiu looked around warily, and suddenly a black figure rushed up in front of him, and Li Shu pulled him towards him, only to hear the sound of creaking, thousands of noises, coming from the dense trees. Gray and white heads protruded from the middle of the tree, standing on the tree and surrounding them.

These wild monkeys were much bigger than those just now, like gorillas, with gray hair all over, and some were almost white.

It was Zhang Qiu's first time seeing white monkeys, and he didn't have much interest in admiring them at all. He held Xiao Zang with one hand, and stared at these monkeys warily with the dagger in the other.


No one knew who fired the shot, and the wild monkeys that had just been squeaking around them jumped down one after another.

There was a sudden chaos, Zhang Qiu was pulled forward by Li Shu, and when he looked back, his face turned pale with fright, his good son stood where he was, showing his soft paws and canine teeth, intending to fight these monkeys desperately.

"Xiao Zang!" Zhang Qiu let go of Li Shu's hand, went back and grabbed Xiao Zang, carried him and ran away.

Li Shu kicked the jumping monkey away and shouted, "Run to the waterfall."

The jungle is a battlefield for monkeys, especially these monkeys are very powerful. Zhang Qiu didn't dare to delay. To shouting and gunfire.

Zhang Qiu subconsciously turned around, "Li Shu—"

There was a white shadow in front of him, his shoulders hurt, his whole body flew into the air, Xiao Zang was thrown out of his arms, and he shouted: "Dad."

The sharp claws on the shoulders penetrated into the flesh and held him tightly. The white-haired wild monkey rolled back and forth on the tree sensitively. Zhang Qiu's aching forehead was sweating. Holding the dagger, when the white-haired wild monkey jumped, it stabbed upwards.


The white-haired wild monkey screamed, loosened its claws, and Zhang Qiu was thrown out. His face was covered with torrents of icy water, his hands were grabbing something randomly, his stomach was cramping, his eyes were dizzy, and the strength in his hands gradually loosened. .

Zhang Qiu bit his lip to wake himself up, and the hand that was holding the branch was pulled hard, "Hold tight." He looked up, the cold river water hit him in the face, squinting, the person holding his hand was on top. It suddenly slid down and hit him straight.


Before Zhang Qiu could call for help, his eyes darkened and he passed out.

Stomach cramps were severe, and his whole body was cold. Zhang Qiu opened his eyes trembling, his clothes were wet.

"you're awake?"

Zhang Qiu looked warily at the place where the voice came from, "Yue Qincang?" The person next to him leaning against the stone wall, his whole body wet and his face pale, was Yue Qincang, Yue Donghui's son.

"You have a good memory." Yue Qincang smiled, "Don't worry, I didn't mean anything malicious, I just saved you."

Zhang Qiu wouldn’t be angry if he didn’t mention this, if there was no Yue Qincang, he would still be able to grit his teeth and climb up, but in the end, this guy fell straight on his face, but now is not the time to talk about this, Zhang Qiu caressed Stomach, enduring bursts of pain, "Where are we now? What about Lishu and the others?"

There was a wound on Yue Qincang's forehead, the soaked wound turned white, he lost a lot of blood and was cold, and his lips were purple.

"I don't know either. They should be on the top of the divorce you mentioned."

Zhang Qiu looked around, and there was the sound of thundering water flowing above. The two of them hid on a stone slab, which was very narrow and stuck to the stone wall. Looking at the stone wall, Zhang Qiu shivered from the coldness coming from his back.

The backpack was missing too, which was bad. Zhang Qiu fumbled in the pocket of his coat, there were two bags of beef jerky and chocolate, and a lighter, but this place was not suitable for lighting a fire at all, and there was no firewood.

Zhang Qiu bit his lip to keep himself awake, stroked his stomach, and threw the chocolate in his hand towards Yue Qincang, "Eat it, get out from here first."

He tore open a bag by himself, and stuffed it in his mouth with trembling hands. Yue Qincang was not much better. After eating, the two of them were still in poor condition. Standing up at the waist, his legs were weak and he almost fell down. Being supported by Yue Qincang, Zhang Qiu saw that there was a serious wound on Yue Qincang's arm, and the flesh was opened.

"Is that you, the young man in the village last night?"

Yue Qincang nodded, and Zhang Qiu understood that Yue Donghui probably had more than one copy of research materials. The slipknot rope was not pulled off just now, so Yue Qincang might have come down from there. They opened the way ahead, and this kid followed behind to pick up ready-made ones.

"Stop talking nonsense, if you delay any longer, your stomach will be in danger." Yue Qincang said.

Zhang Qiu was stunned for a moment, "How do you know—"

"I originally studied medicine. If my father hadn't left, I wouldn't have to take over the family business." Yue Qincang said a few words, unwilling to mention these things, and said, "Catch it, let's go."

The two poked their heads out and were drenched in the cold. The landscape in late autumn seemed to be cold to the bone. After Zhang Qiu got wet, he couldn't feel anything all over his body, and followed Yue Qincang numbly. They were thrown a little far away, the current was not so fast, and they plunged into the deep water. It was cold, Zhang Qiu bit his lip to wake himself up, every step was difficult, the stone under his feet was very slippery, he almost fell off, fortunately Yue Qincang pulled him.

The short distance of a few meters was far away for Zhang Qiu, and when he finally got to the shore, Yue Qincang's lips had turned white, Zhang Qiu's face was pale and not much better, and it was unclear whether the lighter could still be used after it was soaked in water.

Zhang Qiu's head was so painful that it was about to explode, the two supported each other and leaned in, they didn't have the heart to worry about what to do when the monkey came, they just wanted to make a fire quickly.

Yue Qincang randomly searched for some dead branches around, Zhang Qiu handed over the lighter, Yue Qincang took a look and said: "Waterproof, Gao Zhihao really stole my dad's notebook."

When the fire was lit, Zhang Qiu dragged his body and wished he could get into the fire, slowly getting hot, breathed out with his hands, and said with trembling lips, "Even if you want to take revenge, it's too daring to come here alone."

"My dad always remembered this matter before he died, so I just want to see it." Yue Qincang sneered at this point, "Of course we can't let that bitch Gao Zhihao get his way."

Zhang Qiu shivered, dizzy and couldn't hear what Yue Qincang said after that, he really couldn't take it anymore and wanted to sleep for a while, but Yue Qincang's voice was too loud and kept telling him not to sleep, which made him have a headache , My stomach hurts too.

"Don't make noise, it hurts."

"Stupid, don't sleep, do you want to sleep to death?"

"Divorce, divorce, I hurt so much, my stomach hurts..."

Zhang Qiu had that dream again, the crimson color dissipated, the miniature child smiled at him, and then a black room enveloped the child completely.

Second child!