I Woke Up Pregnant With An Undead’s Child

Chapter 80: Jade Seal of Chuanguo IV


The snow stopped.

The moonlight illuminated the snow surface with fluorescence. Zhang Qiu and the others hid in the shelter that Uncle Kule had found. They didn’t light a fire to cook. They were afraid that there would be too much noise. Pot, no one is embarrassed, the whole stomach is hot after one mouthful, and it will be warm from head to toe after a while.

Li Shu made a gesture, and Zhang Qiu nodded, knowing that he was planning a surprise attack.

They have been recuperating all afternoon, and they are in very good condition at the moment. Taking advantage of the cover of the moonlight, they quickly move towards each other. The opponent's camp is very large, with a lot of people, more than a dozen tent lights are burning, and they are constantly talking and laughing in the quiet snowy night. Voice.

A fire was burning in the middle of the snow, and a woman in red was sitting beside her, with her ponytail tied up, looking down at the whip in her hand.

Because the terrain chosen by the opponent is flat, there are very few gentle slopes that can block the line of sight at a distance of 100 meters. Zhang Qiu and the others went to the nearest gentle slope and lay down on their stomachs. The woman in red on the opposite side raised her eyes and looked over as if she had noticed it.

Zhang Qiu breathed lightly, his heart beating violently.

"Oh, it's really slow."

The woman's voice in the snow was very cold, as if it was floating in the sky, although it was not loud, it penetrated into people's ears from all directions.

Zhang Qiu looked at Li Shu sideways, and asked silently: Did you find us

Li Shu nodded, and heard the woman say: "Bring that blind man out, someone will hide like a mouse." After a while, his subordinates brought out Qi Zhirong, and threw him rudely on the snow.

Zhang Qiu only felt a black shadow in front of his eyes, and instantly realized that it was Qi Xi. Before he could say anything, the whip in the woman's hand shot out. He didn't know what he had done to trap Qi Xi. Qi Xi roared angrily and instantly Turning into the original shape, the woman put away the whip, and sneered, "I'm so overwhelmed, it just happens to be nourishing for my little snake."

"Qixi, go quickly." Qi Zhirong's voice, followed by a slap, the thick male voice cursed: "Shut up, be careful, I cut your tongue."

Qi Xi's veins bulged, panting heavily, trying to rush through the dregs that tore up Qi Zhirong, a red whip lashed at him, the sensitive whip was like a moving snake, there was no way he could dodge it, but In a few seconds, his limbs didn't listen, slipped on the snow, and fell to the ground after a while.

The woman laughed softly, and walked towards Xie Zhi who had slumped to the ground, "I cut your wings, and the rest are mine."

Almost at the same time as her words fell, a black figure jumped out, very fast, the woman subconsciously whipped the whip and swung it around the opponent's arm, and smiled easily, the next moment, she couldn't laugh anymore .

The other party pinched her little snake's head with two fingers, and pulled it violently, only to hear a shrill scream, and the whip snake's head was torn off alive. At the same time, the entire camp was screaming and cursing.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Zhang Qiu and Little Lingdang had already arrived at Qi Zhirong's side, Qi Zhirong looked alert, Zhang Qiu whispered: "It's me." He quickly withdrew while carrying the people on his back.

Pei Qing picked up Qi Xi's original shape from the ground, and scolded his mother while running, it was too damn heavy, but the wind was blowing fast under his feet. Zhang Qiu followed the little bell and carried Qi Zhirong on his shoulders, rushing to the place they had agreed upon without hesitation, and he could hear the clinking of Xiao Zang's wrists in front of him.

"Bang bang bang—"

"Who the hell is shooting guns in the snow? Do you want to live?" Uncle Kule cursed angrily, looked around, and shouted as he ran, "I can't go there, come quickly."

Zhang Qiu and the others quickly turned around and followed Uncle Kule's figure. Don't look at Uncle Kule's age, he ran very fast in the snow.

Someone was injured in the chaos, and the smell of blood wafted away. Zhang Qiu was worried about divorce, but at the moment he could only follow Uncle Kule's footsteps.


"Blood Zongzi, damn it, shoot, shoot."

"The snow, the snow mountain is about to collapse, run quickly."

Hearing the panicked sound behind him, Zhang Qiu couldn't help but look back. The snow mountain that was originally a little smaller behind was collapsing at a faster and faster speed. In just a few seconds, the snow spread, and the sound of howling wind could be heard in his ears. , like a life-threatening talisman scraped on the face.

"What are you doing in a daze, run quickly." Zhang Yushui rushed over quickly, and instantly transformed into a huge phoenix in front of Zhang Qiu's eyes. His paws threw King Xiapihui and Kule Xiaozhuan in front of him on his back, and hurriedly Zhang Qiu and Qi Zhirong were grabbed by two paws, the bell had already been hidden in the ghost bead and stuffed into Zhang Qiu's pocket, Xiao Fei who had just woken up saw a shiny bead when she opened her eyes. Pulled twice.

"Li Shu he—" Zhang Qiu's voice was blown into the air by the wind.

In the dark night, the huge and shining golden phoenix was insignificant in front of the snow mountain, not to mention the menacing avalanche. Zhang Yushui spread his wings and flew high. Xiapi Hui Wang felt his head was dark, and shouted: "Be careful."

Zhang Yushui turned a corner extremely quickly, and swiftly shuttled back and forth among all kinds of flying snow blocks.

Zhang Qiu only heard a bang, his eyes went dark, and a large piece of snow fell on his head, but within a few seconds, his whole body was already buried in the snowdrift.

There was still buzzing in the ears, Zhang Qiu's limbs were numb from the cold, snow entered through his collar, and his whole body was stiff like a lump of ice, but he knew that he had to go out now, he pawed with both hands, and touched the soft feathers, It's the second brother's wings. The moment he fell, Zhang Yushui quickly turned over and threw the person on his back into the snowdrift. He spread his wings tightly to protect everyone under him.


"Second sister-in-law."

Zhang Qiu heard King Xiapihui's voice. Fortunately, the second brother flew farther away, and the snow that fell was not very thick. Zhang Qiu and King Xiapihui stood up and came out of the snow. Zhang Qiu was under the wings of the second brother. Pulled out Uncle Kule, Qi Zhirong and Xiao Zang, except for Xiao Zang's flushed face, the other two fainted.

King Xiapihui hugged the fainted phoenix and screamed several times. Zhang Yushui collapsed into a human form, his skin was covered with wounds of all sizes, frozen by frost.

Zhang Qiu untied the wine jug from Uncle Kule's waist, and found that there was not a single drop left in it. He wanted to wipe his second brother's wound at first. In the panic just now, his backpack had long since disappeared, and so did King Xiapi Hui.

King Huihui of Xiapi took off his coat and wrapped Zhang Yushui, and hugged him tightly. Zhang Qiu knew that he couldn't do it now.

The pockets of the clothes were opened, and Xiaofei poked her head out. Zhang Qiu was dragging Qi Zhirong and Uncle Kule to a gentle slope. They were short of everything now, and their luggage and backpacks were gone. Zhang Qiu couldn't remember either. Where is it lost.

"Is my sister cold, brother hug me." Xiao Zhuang first noticed the sister in his father's pocket.

Zhang Qiu looked down and took out Xiaofei from his pocket after rubbing his hands to cover the heat, "Dad is busy now, so Xiaofei stay in your pocket and sleep obediently, okay?"

Xiao Fei tilted her head. If Zhang Qiu was so cute, she would hug his Xiao Fei and kiss her hard. Now he really doesn't have time. He has to go and find two pieces of luggage, even if it is taken off from those thugs. Well, the second brother wants anti-inflammatory drugs and clothes, Qi Zhirong doesn't look good either, he lost his glasses, his eyelids are so red and swollen, even if he doesn't look right, he can imagine how painful it is, his face is as pale as a dead person, and his breathing is very slow …

"Eat, eat." Xiao Fei jumped out two words.

Zhang Qiu thought that Xiao Fei was hungry, wiped his finger and handed it to Xiao Fei's mouth, "There's nothing to eat now, if you're hungry, take a bite of Dad first."

Xiao Fei blinked her long eyelashes, wisps of crimson red mist stretched out, and only heard two plop plops, and two luggage bags spewed out from the messy snow, which belonged to Zhang Qiu's back and Zhang Yushui's. In an oasis in the desert, Zhang Qiu was so pleasantly surprised that he wished he could grab his Xiao Fei and kiss him, and he did so. Xiao Fei's face was red, her eyes were bright, and she spit out a lot of baji baji thing.

What toys, snacks, and what Xiao Fei was interested in spit out, and Zhang Qiu was pleasantly surprised to find that there was also a tent and a simple stove.

"Fuwa!" Zhang Qiu's two sons, Xiao Zang jumped up and down beside him, Zhang Qiu hugged them and gave them a hug, and hurriedly pulled up the tent. There were still blankets and unopened sleeping bags inside, Zhang Qiu quickly handed the blankets and sleeping bags to the second sister-in-law, put the tent in the shelter from the wind, dragged Qi Zhirong and Kule, and let Xiao Zang also sit in it.

The bell turned into a phantom and floated in the air, trying to find Pei Qing.

Zhang Qiu was also worried about Li Shu, the two of them discussed it, and King Xiapi Hui stayed here to guard them. The two of them didn't go far, and now they looked for the place that just collapsed.

"Don't worry, Li Shu and Pei Qing will be fine. I just heard that there are blood rice dumplings, and it's so dark. That woman doesn't know if she's alive or dead. Besides, we're not too close to the avalanche. Go over there." It's easy to get lost." King Huihui of Xiapi persuaded, "When everyone wakes up tomorrow, let's go find it together."

Zhang Qiu looked around, it was so pitch black that it was impossible to tell where it was, and their tent was only lit by a faint camp light, which disappeared and became blurred at a distance, and could not be used as a mark at all. It is really dangerous for him and the bell to rely on King Pihui alone.

"Okay, tonight I will watch the night with Bell, Second Sister-in-Law, take care of Second Brother." Zhang Qiu said.

King Huihui of Xiapi nodded, and handed the blanket to Zhang Qiu, "Sleeping bags are enough." This kind of sleeping bag can be disassembled, and it is quite big, enough for everyone in the tent to make do for one night.

Fortunately, the tent prepared by Christine's group was big enough, and the material was also strong enough to withstand the wind. It was more than enough to sleep four people plus a little stiff.

Zhang Qiushou stood in front of the tent and looked into the distance. It was pitch black and he couldn't see anything. After sitting for a while, he stood up and walked around the tent a few meters away. It snowed heavily.

In the middle of the night, Zhang Qiu's limbs were stiff from the cold, and his mind was in a daze. He walked back and forth around the tent, and the bell came over after a while, and whispered, "My lord, there seems to be something over there."

Zhang Qiu followed the bell and pointed towards the direction of the snow mountain avalanche, his expression immediately became serious, "You stay here, I'll go and have a look."

"My lord, let's go together." Bell was worried.

Zhang Qiu pulled out the dagger from his boots, nodded, "Go back and tell Second Sister-in-law to watch." They couldn't just leave the tent unguarded.

King Huihui of Xiapi didn't sleep much. Zhang Qiu said that King Huihui of Xiapi wanted to keep Zhang Qiu to guard him, but Zhang Qiu pressed him down. In fact, the second elder brother in the arms of the second sister-in-law seemed to have a fever, and his face was flushed. At this time, the second sister-in-law was not at ease when she went out.

"Stop talking, listen to me." Zhang Qiu held the dagger with a serious look on his face, "Don't worry, if you can't beat me and Bell will retreat, you wake up Qi Zhirong and Master Kule, and get ready to go."

King Xiapi Hui nodded and suddenly smiled, "Xiaoqiu, you have grown up, be careful."

Zhang Qiu's tense face also smiled, "Nothing will happen." He still has a child, and he still needs to find Li Shu.

The light of the flashlight shone brightly in the snow, the bell was floating in the sky, Zhang Qiu followed behind with a dagger in his hand, wondering if he knew the bell, the bell was in this state to scare people to death.


Zhang Qiu looked forward with vigilance in his eyes, and beckoned the bell not to rush over, and slowly approached, the rustling sound in the snow pile became louder, and a stiff person jumped out of the puff.

It's zongzi.

The light from the flashlight swept across the opponent's dull eyes without pupils. Without thinking about it, Zhang Qiu raised the dagger and pierced it on reflex. It hit the opponent's head directly, and the bloody rice dumpling fell completely in the snowdrift. , The drawn dagger was filled with black blood and strange liquid.

"My lord, the voice seems to be getting louder." The bell turned into a solid body, trembling with a dagger in his hand, looking like a little white rabbit who was scared.

Zhang Qiu protected the bell and took a few steps back. It should be the smell of this bloody rice dumpling that caused the other rice dumplings. Just before the avalanche, someone shot a gun and there was a smell of blood, and then the bloody rice dumpling came out of the snow.

Just as he was thinking, two more snowdrifts popped out of the snowdrift in front of him. Zhang Qiu charged forward with the dagger in his hand, only to hear the bell yelling in his ear, he held up the dagger and rushed towards the other one. Zhang Qiuli took care of the one in front, and when he turned around, he saw the bell screaming, but his subordinates stabbed the rice dumpling's head so precisely that it almost turned into a hornet's nest.

"Okay, I'm dead." Zhang Qiu patted Bell's shoulder.

Ling Dang looked terrified, but compared to the sieve zongzi under his feet, it was really hard to say who was more terrified.

There was only the whistling sound of wind and snow in the air, and Zhang Qiu would be sure that it was gone after hearing it, so he bent down to check the bloody rice dumplings on the ground.

"Hey, my lord, the clothes of these people are so strange!"

"It's the clothes of the Yuan Dynasty." Zhang Qiu frowned, the one killed by Ling Dang was wearing the official uniform of the Yuan Dynasty, but the grade was not high, the ones he killed were wearing armor, they should be soldiers.

Zhang Qiu stood up, the wind and snow were already heavy, and the rice dumplings that were covered in a short while were no longer visible.

"Go back first."

The two walked back, and the front was pitch black with snow hills, and they couldn't tell where their tent was at all. Zhang Qiu was startled, and was afraid of accidents, when he heard the bell say: "My lord, it's just ahead, but It looks like someone is coming."

Zhang Qiu immediately turned off the flashlight, and there was a black shadow in front of him. Before he raised his dagger, he heard a familiar voice.

"Countless, it's me."


Zhang Qiu let go of the dagger, and after a closer look, it turned out to be Li Shu. He lost his hat, his hair and eyebrows were frozen to frost, and his whole demeanor became even colder. He went up to hug him regardless, and kissed him twice.

"If you don't mind the ice and snow, I can do it too." Li Shu said with a smile in his voice.

"Be careful, I'll hit your chest with my fist." Zhang Qiu snorted.

Ling Dang stood by the side a little lonely, maybe because she missed Pei Qing, Li Shu said: "Pei Qing and Qi Xi are here, I'm here to look for you, in case something happens to you." The pitiful Ling Dang immediately burst into joy and turned into a phantom Just jump out to the tent.

Li Shu's hand holding Zhang Qiu was a little tighter. At the moment of the avalanche just now, he was really scared, but fortunately nothing happened to him.

The two returned to the tent camp, Zhang Qiu saw that the big guys had come out, Pei Qing was covered in snow, and the little bell was squatting beside him like a puppy, it didn't hurt to be coaxed by Pei Qing, second brother Already awake, hugging his second sister-in-law, Xiao Zong dozed off when he saw his father coming back bouncing over and hugging Zhang Qiu's thigh.

"Why don't you go in?"

"Qi Xi has been poisoned." Pei Qing said.

Zhang Qiu was taken aback, but seeing that Qi Xi had been poisoned by these people, it was impossible to ignore them and still be so calm, so he listened to Li Shu's explanation, "There is something wrong with that woman's whip, it's snake venom, but it's possible that Qi Xi has a xiezhi constitution , the current state is similar to that of being hit by an aphrodisiac."

"If it wasn't for this bitch making me feel hot, we would have come out a long time ago." Pei Qing didn't want to mention the fact that he was digging snow to get out, and Qixi touched his pants later, his hair was standing up at that time, if it wasn't for Seeing that Qi Xi was poisoned, he had already brought him out and beat him up, but in the end Li Shu came over and knocked Qi Xi unconscious and found him here.

Uncle Kule was also outside, and now he woke up, wrapped in a blanket, and drank from the flagon one mouthful at a time.

Zhang Qiu felt a little strange, but couldn't figure it out. He heard muffled humming from the tent beside his ear, and Qi Zhirong's indifferent and low voice, "... let go, I am like this now..."

"Don't let it go, you are the best looking dead face no matter what you look like."

It seems that Qixi is very energetic!

Zhang Qiu coughed, and forgot what he thought was strange just now when he was interrupted by the inside. King Huihui of Xiapi asked what happened just now, and Zhang Qiu quickly said.

"It looks like this is the place."

It is called Haicheng.

It stands to reason that they rescued Qi Zhirong, so it would be good to go back and contact Yue Qincang and Kaiming now, but if they don’t talk about being tricked by others, and don’t take revenge for gouging their eyes, Zhang Qiu can’t even say this, let alone Qi Xi, Even if they go back today, who can guarantee that any of their friends around them will be arrested in the future.

Zhang Qiu thought that the bomb would endanger his son and became ruthless.

The tossing time inside was very long, so long that they set up a stove outside and boiled a pot of snow water, boiled a pot of chowder, some beef jerky, compressed biscuits, mustard, dried noodles, and two marinated eggs contributed by Xiao Fei .

When the rice was cooked, the temperature was just right when the wind blew it to the mouth. After a day of freezing, several people ate warm food, no matter what the taste was, it was strange. Hey, but Xiaofei was not in a good spirit, so she took a small bite of a piece of soft bread wrapped in red mist and handed it to her brother.

"It's really like Doraemon." Zhang Qiu stroked Xiaofei's head.

Xiao Fei's red mist wrapped in bread came to Xiao Zang's mouth, Xiao Zang was very happy, revealing his dimples and quietly took a small bite, saying, "Brother has eaten." Wrapped in bread again, it came to Zhang Qiu's mouth, Zhang Qiu Qiu's heart softened, and he took a small bite, and finally it was Li Shu's turn.

Although not as good as Xiao Zang, but in Xiao Fei's heart he is so taller than Li Shu, Zhang Qiu is still very happy.

Qixi crawled out of the tent with a happy face, "What smells so delicious, give me a bite too."

The pots, bowls and disposable chopsticks were all brought back by Li Shu and Pei Qing, and they were all the equipment of that group of people.

"Is it over?" Pei Qing asked.

Qi Xi quickly explained: "You look big and thick, don't worry, I'm not interested in you. Pulling your pants is purely because your legs are numb."

"Take off your pants?" Bell picked up the important words and looked at Pei Qing.

Pei Qing's head is getting bigger, he must beat Qi Xi severely, but it is also a happy thing for little Lingdang to be jealous.

"Brother, isn't your ass cold?"

Seeing Pei Qing's face froze, Qi Xi laughed loudly, and entered the tent with his rice bowl in his hand, and heard Qi Xi's low voice inside, with a particularly obsequious attitude, after a while, he opened the tent and tidied it up. Guowan, said: "Let the children go to sleep, I will watch the night outside."

Xiao Zang was full and sleepy, Zhang Qiu didn't refuse, he carried him in, Qi Zhirong was lying next to him, he didn't know if he was asleep, his clothes were tight, but Zhang Qiu still saw the red mark on his chin, I thought Qi Xi was really a beast.

Uncle Kule waved his hands and squinted his eyes towards the sky, "It will be dawn soon, today is a good weather!"

Sure enough, not long after, the sun rose, and the beautiful orange color sprinkled on this quiet snow mountain. The snowstorm had stopped. From a distance, the snow mountain that collapsed yesterday seemed to have changed its appearance and continued to stand there.

They packed up the tent and luggage, and Xiaofei was wrapped in red mist, and they carried the backpack, but Xiaofei was not allowed to take it.

Zhang Qiu always felt that it was hard work for his son to pretend too much.

"It should have been blown out by the collapsed snow mountain." Li Shu pointed at the place where it was broken like a gap, "It's there."

"That is the smallest snow-capped mountain here, but the things in it are precious. Amur loves to look for things there. There is a kind of yellow flower there—" Uncle Kule half-closed his eyes as if recalling, Zhang Qiu almost People were still listening, when Uncle Kule turned to look at them, "What's the matter? Let's go."

This old man doesn't seem to have a very good memory.

Uncle Kule had already left first, and Zhang Qiu didn't ask what happened to the little yellow flower.

Qixi and Zhang Yushui's bodies were not suitable for flying, and the distance was not very far, so they decided to turn over, with Uncle Kule leading the way, they walked very quickly, and by noon they had reached the foot of the broken mountain.

Today's weather is really good, even in the snow-capped mountains you can feel the warmth of the sun.

At noon, Qixi got a litter of rabbits, with long pure white fur and pointed ears, it was impossible to tell the difference between snow and rabbits, but Qixi could pull out such a layer of protection, and so did Zhang Qiu. I admire Qixi's ability to find food.

"You are the nemesis of rabbits—" Zhang Qiu said with a smile. The phone in his pocket rang, and he quickly took it out. The signal was only half a cell, and it rang non-stop. It was an unfamiliar number. I forgot I had a cell phone."

"Zhang Qiu, it's me, Yue Qincang. We've arrived at Enhe Village...Master Kule...we'll come here soon, be careful..."

On the phone, Yue Qincang spoke intermittently, and before Zhang Qiu could speak, the signal disappeared in the last half frame, and if he called again, he would not be able to get through.