I Woke Up Pregnant With An Undead’s Child

Chapter 82: Jade Seal of Chuanguo VI


Going smoothly along the robbery cave, as they guessed, there are no traps along the way, leading directly to the largest palace, looking at the dazzling array of treasures, shining everywhere.

"This is basically a treasure room."

Zhang Qiu sighed.

The few people did not look sideways, and quickly found the wooden box that Uncle Kule said had been knocked down. A square jade seal fell out of a pair of treasures. It may have been too long, but the jade seal was not as large as Zhang Qiu imagined. The skin is shiny and transparent, although there is no impurity, but it is like being wrapped in something, it is foggy.

"Could it be a fake?" It was made by the legendary He's Bi.

"Whether it's true or not, take it first and then talk about it." Qi Xi reached out to pick it up, his face changed, and he threw it out instantly. Zhang Qiu, who was closest to Qi Xi, caught the thing reflexively and said, "It's fake." Don't drop it!" Turn it over and see that there are eight big characters in Qin Zhuan at the bottom, which doesn't look like a fake.

Qi Xi stared at Zhang Qiu suspiciously, "Did you feel anything else?"

"What else?"

"As soon as I got it, this thing is too evil, as if it wants to suck away my strength."

Zhang Qiu turned it upside down and didn't feel anything, so he handed it to the second brother. As soon as Zhang Yushui took over, his face changed, Zhang Qiu quickly took it, and finally they tried it back and forth, Pei Qing, Zhang Yushui, and Qi Xi couldn't touch it , the bell only touched it for a while and her face turned rosy, but within a few seconds, she yelled, "Brother, there is a force running around in my body, I, I am so hot, it's about to explode."

Zhang Qiu was so frightened that he quickly took it back, Xiapi Hui Wang, Xiao Zhan, Ling Dang and Uncle Kule were good for this, but the power contained in it was too evil and domineering, so he didn't dare to try more, he and Li Shu had nothing to do It feels like an ordinary jade seal.

At the beginning, Uncle Kule could become a solid body with just one blow, which shows the strange power of this thing.

"Did you find that this thing is brighter than before?" Zhang Qiu was about to put the jade seal into the box and found that it was a little brighter than the one he saw at first sight.

"It seems a little bit." Zhang Yushui nodded, "You pretend it first, and go back and study."

Zhang Qiu put the jade seal into a wooden box, and was about to hand it over to Xiaofei for safekeeping, when Li Shu next to him suddenly said, "Someone has come in."

A few people looked at it, and the bell quickly hid in the Yinhun Orb, Li Shu pulled Zhang Qiu and carried Xiao Zang up to the beam quickly, Zhang Yushui saw that it was good, and pulled Xia Pihui to the beam, and finally the whole beam All their people.

The Crystal Palace was built with the characteristics of the Yuan Dynasty. The beams where they are located are very high, wide and long to support the entire roof, and the group of them is not crowded. Even Zhang Qiu has been thinking about it for hundreds of years. I don’t know how to resist. These people weigh them.

Thinking wildly in his head, he heard footsteps approaching, very messy, Zhang Qiu slowed down his breathing and looked down.

Because there are many luminous pearls in the whole palace, it is not very dark, but the palace is very tall, the roof is in the shape of a round arch, and the distance from the ground is at least five meters, the top looks very dark, just enough to cover their figures.

"Close the door."

It was a woman's voice, Zhang Qiu didn't dare to poke his head, thinking that the woman could have spotted it at a distance of only a few hundred meters during the sneak attack yesterday.

Messy footsteps, the woman followed at least a dozen people, panicked as if there was something behind her and then blocked the door, the woman's brows were full of impatience, and she slapped the whip fiercely Swearing, "Looking for something, what are you doing in a daze."

The thugs didn't dare to refute, their faces were more or less wounded in their disheveled clothes, and they were not at all as dog-like as they saw yesterday.

Qi Xi's eyes precisely fixed on a man who was cursing and swearing. This man tripped Xiao Rongrong on purpose that day, so he suppressed the sharpness in his eyes.

The room was full of treasures, and this group of people couldn't hide the greed in their eyes. The woman swung the whip and scolded fiercely: "It's important to be serious. I haven't found anything, so I might as well just let you stay here."

"Miss knows."

The woman put away her whip and paced around the palace, suddenly raised her head and looked up, Zhang Qiu's nervous palms were sweating, what he didn't notice was that wisps of red mist surrounded the people in Fangliang.

"There's something outside the door." Li Shu said in a low voice.

Zhang Qiu was almost scared to death, how could Li Shu still talk, this woman is such a cunt.

Li Shu smiled and pointed at Zhang Qiu, Zhang Qiu looked down at the red mist that was Xiao Fei, his face was full of astonishment, and he whispered: "So awesome?" Not only can it hold things, but it can also isolate space.

The woman didn't see the suspicious look back, but when she heard the louder and louder crashing outside, she asked impatiently, "Did you find it?"

"Miss, there is no jade seal."

"I didn't find it, I didn't see the wooden box you mentioned."

"Impossible!" The woman turned aside the people she was looking for, and frowned, "Father said that the things are here, so it's impossible not to have them."

The knocking sound outside the door became louder and louder, and the footsteps were uniform. Zhang Qiu heard his ears tingling, and always felt that the door was crumbling and was about to be broken open at any time. He whispered, "What's outside?"

Li Shu didn't know, "It's not the breath of a living person."

They were all shocked when they heard it on the beam, and the people below were already panicked, and they all said, "Miss, let's go first—"

The woman swung the whip violently, and the red whip was coiled tightly around the neck of the man who was speaking like a snake, and the man's face flushed in an instant, "If I hear any of you say such things again, I will let you He feeds my little snake."

Thinking of using these wastes as meat pads, the woman let go of the whip, and the man bent over and coughed, hiding the hatred in his eyes.

"As long as you find Yuxi, what are those monsters outside? They have to obey me obediently." The woman raised her brows at this point, and said fiercely: "Hurry up and look for it."

I only heard the crackling sound, because of the incident of the man just now, these people dared not hit any treasures. Attention, these antique treasures were rudely thrown away and turned around. The impact outside became more and more intense, like a series of reminders Their time of death has come.

"Miss, I have searched all over and there really is nothing."

The woman wanted to get angry, but there was a bang, the door was knocked open, and the group of things outside rushed in.

Zhang Qiu's eyes widened, and there was a small army outside, about thirty or forty people, fully armed in armor, tightly covered, holding sniper rifles, listening to the orderly pace of bang bang bang, wow With a sound, the sniper rifles were aimed at the group of people below.

"It's just a puppet." The woman's eyes were fierce, and as soon as the words fell, the whip in her hand swung out, directly wrapping around a armored head.

He was the first to break the confrontation, and the thugs and these puppet soldiers came together in a scuffle. Zhang Qiu and the others lay on top to watch the excitement, especially Qi Xi waited for a while and took the opportunity to capture the woman.

The whip was wrapped around the puppet soldier's neck, and the woman pulled it hard, only to hear Gululu the puppet soldier's head fell to the ground, but his body was still moving, and the sniper rifle in his hand instantly pierced a thug's stomach.

The beating was inextricable, and it didn't take long for the puppet soldiers to lose the wind. Their limbs were mutilated and still moving. With the blood on his mouth, the whip in his hand seemed to be flying, and it fell out of his hand. After walking around, only a few slaps were heard, and the puppet soldiers fell to the ground.

This is the moment.

Qixi flipped her arms and jumped down, no one noticed a small black shiny nail shot through the open door.

The woman raised her head to dodge Qi Xi, she didn't care about the armor at all, she was hit directly, bent her knees and half knelt on the ground, Zhang Qiu and the others had already jumped down, knocking down the remaining four thugs.

"Just in time." Outside the door, Yue Qincang pushed his wheelchair in.

Kaiming was sitting in a wheelchair, wearing very thin clothes, with a deep and handsome face, seeing the bloodlust in the woman's eyes.

"It was you who took the golden bone."

It is an affirmative sentence.

The woman raised her head and smiled, she didn't look like a prisoner at all, and said arrogantly: "How about taking it?" She looked around, licked her lips and smiled coldly, "You are just my father's utensils, now The time is up, and the things cultivated should be returned."

Qixi drew out the dagger and pressed it tightly against the woman's eye socket, and said with a smile, "Then let me goug your eyes to see if I can cultivate something else."

"you dare."

The point of the dagger pierced in instantly, the woman covered her face in disbelief, blood flowed all over her face, Qi Xi still had a smiling expression on her face, "What's your father's name!"

"Hehe, it's because you want to see my father." The woman didn't seem to feel the pain on her face, and the corners of her mouth curled up in a strange arc.

Zhang Qiu happened to see it, and subconsciously called out to be careful, only to hear a bang, the woman on the ground exploded, and her flesh and limbs were scattered.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, especially Qi Xi never thought that the woman would explode herself.

The smell of blood filled the tip of the nose, Zhang Qiu and the others were covered with flesh and blood, they were immediately disgusted, and couldn't figure out how this woman would seek her own death, only to see the blood in place slowly condense into a red python.

"Bitch, you ruined my whole body, next time I will take your skin off."

The giant python stared at them with poisoned eyes. Before Zhang Yushui took out the talisman paper, the giant python disappeared instantly after saying this.

"No wonder this person is not afraid of life and death." Zhang Qiu said in a low voice.

Christine escaped, and the golden bone was not brought back. His enlightened face was as heavy as water. Yue Qincang pushed the wheelchair and scolded Christine in his heart. Whenever this stinky bastard is unhappy, he will take it out on him, isn't it? Serving tea and pouring water is like massaging and rubbing shoulders. I really think I am an emperor! The method is also very poisonous, if he is not satisfied, he will be tortured.

No one is interested in the treasures in the snow-capped mountains, especially in the palace where there are broken arms and short legs and broken meat. The smell of blood is so disgusting. I just want to leave here as soon as possible. At least the Chuan Guo Yuxi is in their hands now.

When I got out, I walked right in. The group of people who were in the trap had already touched it, and there was no danger. It was just that I found Amur’s body at the entrance of the corridor when I was about to come out. With only one hand, the tooth marks from gnawing should be blood rice dumplings. Uncle Kule squatted down and hugged his dead son with moist eyes, and touched his face with his thin hand, "Abba will take you home, go home and find your mother." .”

A jeep was parked outside, and it looked like it had been modified.

Yue Qincang hugged Kaiming into the car with a face of resignation, and said in a low voice, "I really wish you could hurry up, I haven't enjoyed being hugged when I come in and out..."

Kaiming glanced at Yue Qincang lightly, Yue Qincang immediately shook his head with puffy face and pretended he didn't say anything, then turned to help Uncle Kul carry Amuer's body up, Uncle Kuler and Amuer sat in the back, Yue Qincang didn't mind sitting in the back of the car Two dead people.

Qi Xi turned into her original form, flapped her wings and asked Qi Zhirong to sit on it, Li Shu stopped Zhang Qiu and pointed to Fenghuang beside him, "You and Xiao Zang go to the second brother's place."

"Li Shu, you are so narrow-minded, Xiao Qiuqiu and I have a pure friendship, do you understand friendship?!" Qi Xi snorted.

Zhang Qiu climbed onto the second brother's wing without looking back, Qi Xi said angrily on the spot: "Xiao Qiuqiu, you forget your friends too much."

"Shut up." Qi Zhirong said coldly as if he couldn't help it.

Qi Xi was taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect Qi Zhirong to speak first, since Qi Zhirong helped him masturbate him in the tent, she had been coldly rejecting him for thousands of miles, she didn't expect to be so angry suddenly, she groaned and didn't dare to speak again.

In the afternoon, everyone went to Uncle Kule’s house and helped to bury Amur. Uncle Kule begged them to let him see his wife and son again, but he was obsessed with reincarnation after he recovered, but this stumped Zhang Yushui. In this case, he is not sure whether he can still be reincarnated.

"You can ask Xiao Lin." Zhang Qiu said.

Zhang Yushui was stunned for a moment, then suddenly smiled, "I didn't expect that there are people under us now."

"Enlightenment, you said you helped little Rong Rong fix his eyes." Qi Xi was all about making Qi Zhirong see his eyes again, and he always felt that Qi Zhirong's coldness towards him was due to his eye problems.

Qi Zhirong was stunned for a while, covering his eyelids with his hands, "Can it be cured?"

"I will never break my promise," Kaiming said.

Zhang Qiu asked Xiaofei to take out the small box, Qi Zhirong had recovered from his gaffe, but his tone was still a bit nervous and anxious, Qi Xi wanted to stay and watch, but was forcefully bombarded by Qi Zhirong go out.

Maybe Qi Xi didn't want Qi Xi to see him without his ferocious eyes.

Everyone was waiting outside, but the door opened ten minutes later, Qi Zhirong was tall and thin, standing indifferently, his eyes were not used to it and there was a layer of mist, but he saw Qi Xi in the crowd at a glance, it was still the same stupidity.

Seeing Qi Zhirong looking at him, Qi Xi was immediately overjoyed. Ever since Qi Zhirong was injured this time, he knew clearly that he couldn't forget Qi Zhirong, and he couldn't let go of Qi Zhirong. No matter what the previous life was, he was him. He just liked Qi Zhirong.

"Let's go back to the country first. Xiaolin and the others will not be able to make it through when sending a message abroad."

Zhang Qiu understood in seconds, "You can't meddle in foreign business?" If that's the case, and ghosts are divided into nationalities, what will Uncle Kule do

"You forgot that Uncle Kule's wife is a Chinese, maybe half a Chinese, so ask first." Zhang Yushui said with a smile.

Bayin bought air tickets for them, and went directly to Beijing, and Lu Feng was the one who picked them up, but this time there were too many people and divided them into two cars. When they arrived at the villa, the second brother first sent a message to Xiao Lin, but Xiao Lin didn't arrive for a while, last time The white-faced man I saw came.

"He can't come during the assessment period when he becomes a full-time regular, so let's talk about something!" The pale-faced man looked stinky, as if someone owed him eight million.

Zhang Qiu asked Uncle Kule's question over and over again, and the white-faced man said wait a moment, took out an iPad from his briefcase and started to check it, and after a while he said: "Lin Yuejiao has been reincarnated, and Amur is not under our control. Find someone to ask, you will wait." He took out the phone again, hung up with a few brief words, and said, "I have reincarnated too, as for his reincarnation, it depends on where he wants to be. If I am in China, I can do it now." It's arranged." This month, there will be more extra commissions.

Zhang Qiu was taken aback for one set, but he didn't expect the underworld to be so advanced, and its business has developed abroad.

"Can my first child be with my wife again?" Uncle Kule rubbed his hands in embarrassment.

Zhang Qiu has never seen this old man look anxious and nervous. The white-faced man has a stinky face. He said something troublesome, but he still looked through it, "There is nothing serious in your life. Your wife is more than half a year old now. I will try my best to arrange it." In the neighborhood, as for getting married or being brothers and sisters in the future, it all depends on fate."

Uncle Kule's face froze when he heard that it might be brothers and sisters, but after thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and agreed. The son is gone without his wife. What's the point of living alone in this world.

The white-faced man helped take in Uncle Kule, and turned his head to stare at them with a flat face, "Is there anything else?"

"No, no more." Zhang Qiu was furiously stared at by the white-faced man, thinking that as expected of a low-level business person, he could calm people down.

After the white-faced man left, Zhang Qiu remembered that there was still the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, and took it out to show his elder brother if it was real. Huating had never seen the real one, but after careful research, he thought it was likely It is genuine.

"Why does it feel a bit strange..." Huating said while staring at the words under Chuan Guo Yuxi.

Zhang Qiu thought that senior brother was just like Qi Xi, energy would be absorbed when he met him, but seeing senior brother frowning and thinking about something, his expression was still good.

"What are you holding in your hand?!"

A voice suddenly came from behind, making Zhang Qiu go bald in fright, and turned his head to see the white-faced man who had just left.

From the crowd, the white-faced man stared at the Jade Seal of Chuanguo in Shige's hand, his expression changed, and he said, "Ghost-Repelling Soldiers Talisman."