I Woke Up Pregnant With An Undead’s Child

Chapter 84: Yin Soldier Two


Professor Fang knew about Zhang Qiu when he went out to investigate, but there seemed to be a confidentiality agreement for the specific investigation. Even the teacher's wife didn't know, and her face was full of worry, but she lost a lot of weight in two months. When she saw Zhang Qiu, she hurriedly asked: " Is there any news about your teacher?"

"I just went back to school, and I heard about the professor, so I came to see you." Zhang Qiu asked his wife not to pour tea for him, "The professor didn't say where he went?"

Mrs. Fang looked sad, and got up as if thinking of something, "Xiaoqiu, wait first." She hurried to the study room, and when she came back, she took a stack of materials in her hand and handed them to Zhang Qiu, "Xiaoqiu, please help me to see, I will take a look." This has also been given to the school, but no one can tell.”

Zhang Qiu took it over and saw that the first one was a mess of runes. He frowned and said, "This is Gumu Guoli in the Qinling Mountains—the rune pillars found in the ancient tombs in the Qinling Mountains this year. Is the professor studying these?" ? But it’s not right, in this case, the investigation will be local.”

"Not in the local area, Lao Fang packed his luggage and said that it is relatively humid there, and it seems that he has to go to sea." Mrs. Fang denied.

The second page turned over was ancient Chinese, but it was not any kind Zhang Qiu was familiar with. It seemed to be the most primitive and mysterious words.

"Master, I can take a picture of this and show it to my senior brother who is familiar with characters. You may also know that it is Huating." Zhang Qiu said Huating's name, and his mother's hesitation settled down, and she nodded, "Then Okay, let’s take a picture! I called the police, but there was still no news, and the person I contacted there didn’t reply for a long time.”

While pressing the shutter, Zhang Qiu asked, "Who contacted?"

Mrs. Fang was terrified for two months, and now Zhang Qiu didn’t care about the secrecy that Professor Fang said before leaving, and said: “This investigation was funded by an overseas Chinese, and it is said that a lot of money was given. Your professor received a deposit. That’s half a million.” They want to buy a house for their son in this area, and with this and their years of savings, they can pay in full, so that their son and daughter-in-law can come back from Beijing, and their grandson can stay with him more. Those who accompanied them, especially the wife, were very curious about the content of the investigation, and agreed to this private work after comprehensive consideration.

"Personal?" Zhang Qiu was surprised. He always thought that the inspection was funded by the public, so the school kept it a secret. He didn't expect it to be private, and the school didn't know about it. In addition, the vacation invited by the professor was delayed. Gui, although everyone feels bad about being missing now, but the school may still be dissatisfied with the professor taking private work and delaying work.

Mrs. Fang's eyes were red, "If I knew it was like this, I wouldn't have persuaded him to go. He is not in good health at such an age..."

"Teacher, please don't blame yourself. The professor may have been delayed by something. Maybe he will come back in a few days." Zhang Qiu comforted the teacher who was in a bad mood, and finally took away all the professor's manuscripts given by the teacher.

"Xiaoqiu, if you research it, please tell me. I'll talk to the police."

"Okay, sure, don't worry, Mrs. Madam, as I said, the professor is lucky and nothing will happen."

Coming out of the professor's house, Zhang Qiu's heart was also heavy. When he went downstairs and out of the community, he heard the sound of a beeping horn. Zhang Qiu turned his head and looked over. On the top, the little hand is holding Xiao Zhi's hair, and smiling at him gently.

Li Shu got off the car, Zhang Qiu was surprised, "Where did you get the car?"

"Just bought it."

Zhang Qiu's first reaction was that Li Shu hid money behind his back. He was embarrassed by himself. The car was an off-road vehicle with shiny black paint. When he saw the familiar "Don't Touch Me" sign, he turned his head and looked away from Li Shu. Shu, "Where did you get the money?"

"It's quite convenient to use your mobile phone." Li Shu realized, "Get in the car and let's go home."

When Zhang Qiu touched his pocket, he didn't find the phone. Since he often went to the pit, he didn't care about the phone as much as he used to.

"How do you know the password?" He didn't say it.

Li Shu looked at Zhang Qiu with a smile, Zhang Qiu's face burned when he thought of the code, and he said, "I just messed around." The code was the date when he first went to Qinling Gumu Kingdom.

Sitting in the car, when Zhang Qiu was being scratched by Li Shu, Li Shu finally looked away and started the car. After a while, Zhang Qiu remembered, "Do you have a driver's license?" It's awesome. It's impossible to get a driver's license in one day.

"No, you need a driver's license to drive this thing? Wouldn't it be good to know?" Li Shu passed a turtle-like car in front very calmly.

Zhang Qiu was about to blow up, so he hurriedly popularized scientific knowledge, "You always have to read the traffic lights—" Seeing Li Shu frown, Zhang Qiu felt bad, "You won't run a red light, right?"

"There was no car at the intersection just now." Li Shu explained, and then looked at Zhang Qiu, "You have a driver's license? Then it's easy to deal with. I bought it with your ID card for my car. Well, baby, I won't talk about it." , we are going home."

The new campus is on the mountain in the southern suburbs, and Huanshan Daoxiu has few spacious cars, Li Shu drives as neatly as his own, Zhang Qiu is beating his chest in the co-pilot, damn it! He hasn't used his driver's license a few times, and now it's all been tossed about by Li Shu. How many points are deducted for running a red light

Zhang Qiu felt sorry for his driver's license all the way, and by the way, he grabbed Li Shu to give him some knowledge about the tutoring subjects. Li Shu was in a good mood today, and nodded with a smile on his lips the whole time. When he walked north from Huanshan Road, Zhang Qiu realized something was wrong. , "Where are you going? Are you still staying in the hotel?" The address is also wrong.

Not long after, surrounded by green trees on the side of the spacious road, beautiful villas came into view. Zhang Qiu took a look and said, "The greenery here is very good." Unexpectedly, Li Shu drove directly in the next second.

"Isn't it what I thought?!"

The car had already arrived, Li Shu parked the car and turned off the ignition and said, "I bought a model house. It is said that it is the king of the building. It has all the furniture. If you don't like it, you can change it." The entrance door has been replaced with fingerprints and passwords, Xiao Zang Jumping around to press the password, he said happily, "Dad, this one is as beautiful as Huahua's."

Lou Wang! The place with the best view in the entire villa complex, and the price is probably pretty good.

Zhang Qiu can already think of Li Shu's aggressive style, so he bought it after he bought it. Fortunately, the decoration of the room is not that aggressive European style, it is very modern, concise and fresh, and the large French windows are very bright, just facing the Sparkling lake.

"This is good. The furniture and the sofa are changed, and the rest is gone." Zhang Qiu saw that the sofa was made of fabric, and it might have been cleaned, but he still felt that it was not very clean.

Xiao Zang took his father's hand and pulled it up, Zhang Qiu followed, the second bedroom was a well-designed children's room, with good lighting and a small bathtub, Xiao Zang liked it very much, and finally went to the pink princess-style room next door , Xiao Zang pointed to his head, "Brother Da!"

"I am!" Xiaofei said with a smile, crescent eyes bent.

Zhang Qiu: ...

"As long as you are happy."

Because he bought the room, Zhang Qiu checked it carefully, and soon fell into the happy atmosphere that he and Li Shu had a home, made a list, and the family went to the furniture city for a walk in the last afternoon, and Zhang Qiu was terrified when he paid. It's so refreshing, when I go back to the housekeeping company, the thorough cleaning and disinfection will be done.

They have a home.

In the evening, Zhang Qiu saw that the sheets were clean and dried, and he felt a sense of accomplishment with his waist inserted. Li Shu touched the man's waist, and finally the two of them rolled on the still warm sheets and had sex hard. After a while.

When the alarm clock woke up the next day, Bi Shu was already making breakfast, which was instant food, hot frozen buns and milk.

After dinner, Li Shu drove Zhang Qiu to school, it took about ten minutes, but he was still late, and his scalp was numb from the interested eyes of the professor in the big class.

"Isn't this our celebrity! I thought you were going to be some kind of Internet celebrity and skip classes."

Zhang Qiu quickly apologized, with a sincere attitude, and the professor couldn't say much when he saw it, anyway, if he has been absent for so long, he should be pawned.

After class at noon, Li Shu came to pick him up by car. When Zhang Qiu arrived at the school gate, he saw Xiao Zhan holding a can of milk, his cheeks bulging, and there were a few girls chatting with Li Shu.

He even ran to the gate of his school to attract bees and butterflies!

The vinegar pot in Zhang Qiu's heart was overturned, and he went over with a moan, and then he heard Li Shu say: "...I'm here to pick up my wife."

"But isn't this Xiao Zang! I know his father is Zhang Qiu from our school, and I have taught him a lot."

Li Shu took a look at the girls who were in class together, and looked away when he came to the conclusion that he was not as good-looking as him.

"Big Daddy, I've finished drinking and I'm hungry. When will Daddy come out? I want to go home for dinner." Xiao Zhizhi said softly.

The girls who spoke just now were stunned, Dad, Daddy, Xiao Zang's words are so informative!

Zhang Qiu is not jealous now, but embarrassed, hurried over, stared at the shocked eyes of these girls, carried his son and hurried into the car, where Xiao Zang was sucking milk with his short legs dangling.

"Isn't it finished?"

"Who told them to see big daddy with weird eyes, I don't like it." Xiao Zang said with a hum.

Zhang Qiu didn't even know that his son sometimes had low EQ and sometimes was very clever, but—"It's not a good boy to lie."

"Understood, Dad, my grandma is done drinking now!" Xiao Zang said with a nod of his head.

He has had lunch at noon, and he has no class in the afternoon. Recently, it is the end of the semester and he needs various homework papers. Back home, Xiao Zang and Xiao Fei sat on the ground and played with toys. The villa had heating and the floor was covered with thick carpets so it wasn’t cold. Zhang Qiu spread all the materials on the carpet, and communicated with his brother through video on the computer.

"I've seen the one you sent. I learned a little bit from the professor before. Qin Shi's encrypted language is especially used for spies." The video Zhonghua Pavilion held up the information sent by Zhang Qiu, "What should the teacher write here?" Flavor medicinal materials, combined with the current Chinese medicine names, can be found out, there are angelica and astragalus, as for the others, I can't tell, they should also be the names of medicinal materials."

"Professor, what does this investigation have to do with medicinal materials..." Zhang Qiu thought with a sullen head.

Huating shook his head and couldn't figure it out, "And what you're going to do next is very messy, I can't spell it out, but I can guess that the professor's destination this time should be at sea."

"Sea?" Zhang Qiu called up the map. There are only a few large provinces in the coastal areas of China, but if you want to find them in detail, you will be looking for a needle in a haystack. Is it east or south

The two of them studied all afternoon, when Lu Feng asked senior brother to have dinner, Zhang Qiu felt embarrassed and said, "Senior brother wasted all afternoon, you should eat first."

"Don't say that. I want to do my best when the teacher is missing. If you have any news, please contact me." Huating heard his son call his father for dinner, and quickly ended the video call.

Zhang Qiu stretched his waist, and turned around to see his two sons asleep on the carpet, especially Xiao Zang, who was lying on his stomach with his butt pouted, looking very funny, Xiao Fei was like a Sleeping Beauty, and the red mist seemed to be afraid of the two sons. It was cold, covering him and Xiao Zhan's stomach like a quilt.

"Good son." Zhang Qiu went over and said two mouthfuls to each other.

When Li Shu came out of the kitchen, Zhang Qiu smelled a strange smell and asked, "What did you do?"

"It's nothing. I wanted to get some dinner, but I missed it." Li Shu calmly ignored the black paint that he had just thrown away, and said, "I ordered a takeaway hot pot. It's really convenient at this time."

Zhang Qiu also forgot the faint strange smell in the air.

The hot pot we ate at night, while eating, it was snowing outside, Xiao Zang was so happy, he put Xiao Fei in his scarf, and went out to play at the gate of the yard, because it was a new environment, Zhang Qiu was worried and wanted to follow , was pulled by Li Shu to put on a coat before going out. Just as he was leaving for a long distance, Xiao Zang ran over with a note in his hand, "Dad, an uncle gave it to me just now."

"What uncle?" Zhang Qiu glanced at the yard, but there was no one around.

Xiao Zang gestured towards the sky, "Uncle who is very tall, even praised me for being good-looking."

Zhang Qiu opened the note, Xiao Zang in his family would be happy as long as someone praised him, but with the faint light at the door, he was stunned when he saw the words on the note.

[Fang Xin's original lifespan was 73 days, but now it is changed to 60136 days.]

Fang Xin is the professor's full name. In October this year, Zhang Qiu celebrated the professor's 61st birthday with his teacher's wife. He calculated the time with his fingers. The time mentioned above happened to be the end of this month, and the professor had lost contact.

Zhang Qiu frowned and handed the note to Li Shu, his fingers were slightly hot, he quickly let go, the note he just held in his hand suddenly ignited, and strangely there was no ashes at all.

"Could it be someone playing a prank?" He didn't believe it in his heart.

Li Shu thought for a while, "Knowing the lifespan of human beings, he should be the boss of something."

Bai Shengsheng's boss? Isn't that the King of Hades? !

Zhang Qiu's eyes widened. From this point of view, the note was likely to be true, "The professor is in danger, and he must be found as soon as possible." But where did he go

During the more than two months when he was worried about the disappearance of Li Shu, Professor Fang was very kind to him and Xiao Zang. When he mentioned the professor, Xiao Zang looked up at him anxiously, "Is something wrong with Grandpa Fang? Dad, let's help Grandpa Fang." !"

business card!

Zhang Qiu thought of the business card that Bai Shengsheng had given to his second brother. In the end, the second brother gave it to him and quickly burned it. Not long after, Bai Shengsheng, who had a particularly pale face, arrived at the gate of the yard in a formal suit. thing?"

"Your boss came here just now and gave me a note that will burn after reading it—" Before Zhang Qiu finished speaking, Bai Shengsheng's face changed, and he complained in a low voice: "I can't even borrow me to play, I'm not Just tear up the book of life and death."

The note just now was torn from the book of life and death

Zhang Qiu got stuck, recovered from the original state of the book of life and death, told the professor about it, and asked, "Can you know where the professor is now?"

"There is only one way we can know where he is, that is, when the person dies immediately, we can sense it, otherwise there is no other way." Bai Shengsheng said: "There is too much work every day, even the boss himself does not I know, otherwise I wouldn’t have reminded you to look for it, but why did he say this?”

Zhang Qiu didn't know why Yan Wang sent them the news. Bai Shengsheng said with a stern face, "I'm done with business common sense. I'm on vacation today. Remember to pay overtime." He took out another business card and handed it over, "Next time Find him."

"So disturbing."

"Anyway, you gave the money." Bai Shengsheng disappeared after finishing speaking.

Zhang Qiu looked down at the business card, the name on it was black money, with two simple words, without any introduction, Zhang Qiu felt that these two words were really magical, and I don't know what this person's parents thought, black money.

Thinking of Bai Shengsheng's surname Bai, this black money is black impermanence

"It is said that Black and White Impermanence is CP. I saw it today. No wonder Bai Shengsheng loves money so much." Just after Zhang Qiu finished speaking, he suddenly heard a smiling male voice, "I just like smart humans like you."

When Li Shu heard that he liked his son, he looked over with unfriendly eyes.

I saw a man wearing a black coat at the gate of the yard, wearing sunglasses at night, his whole body was black, he was tall and looked very strong, even taller than Xiaolin, he walked over with a smile, "Don't be angry , I was sent by the boss to help you, it’s so late, it’s time to go to bed, I’m going to stay at your house tonight.” Walking to Xiao Zang’s side, the man in black touched his head, “This handsome boy can grow up It’s really beautiful, just like life.”

Xiao Zang was very happy to be praised, and jumped up, "Brother tall!"

Zhang Qiu: ...

Son, who did you follow for your face control and smug beauty

Seeing Zhang Qiu's wary look, the man smiled and pointed to the business card in Zhang Qiu's hand, "Black money, me."

Black impermanence!

Zhang Qiu looked at Hei Wuchang staying in their house like his master with a mysterious face, and disagreed with Bai Shengsheng's stern expression. Hei Qian was always smiling, but he never took it off from the yard to the living room and even the bedroom. over sunglasses.

Sure enough, the business below is quite special.

When Zhang Qiu returned to the bedroom, he still couldn't regain his senses, and sat cross-legged on the bed, "Our house really lives in Heiwuchang, it's so fantasy, even TV dramas dare not write like that."

"The tenth time." Li Shu's voice was cold.

Zhang Qiu was still immersed in the few words Hei Qian said just now, and said gossipingly: "I think, this Hei Qian must have something to do with Bai Shengsheng."

"The eleventh time." Li Shu's face turned dark.

Talking about gossip requires someone to cooperate. Zhang Qiu was alone and kept counting on Li Shu's gossip face. He couldn't help raising his head to look at Li Shu, and suddenly the alarm went off in his heart. As long as Li Shu had this expression, someone would definitely be unlucky. He was the only one in the room now—

"I beg you to die." Zhang Qiu didn't struggle with tears in his eyes.

Li Shu smiled coldly, "You just mentioned other men's names ten times."


Seeing Li Shu rushing towards him, Zhang Qiu thought that Li Shu would fucking eat this vinegar, he would lose his old waist tonight!