I Woke Up Pregnant With An Undead’s Child

Chapter 86: Dark Soldiers Four


Departing from Qingdao, Zhang Qiu was still worried about the visa issue. After all, he had to cross the Korean Strait to cross the Yellow Sea. As soon as he brought it up, Qi Xi smiled and said, "What misunderstanding do you have about the ship we are on?" ?”

"Doesn't a very luxurious ship require a visa?" Zhang Qiu looked at Qi Xi suspiciously.

Qi Xi patted his forehead, convinced by your expression, and said, "Who is the owner of this ship? Don't talk about crossing it, even if it goes directly to Japan, no one will check."

"So amazing?!" Zhang Qiu once again realized that this boat was different.

After dinner, everyone discussed the route on the deck. Huating took out a small book, which recorded all his research during this period, and said, "I have a speculation that the military talisman was made by the order of Qin Shihuang, and our current route is the same as that at that time. Xu Fu’s route to search for the elixir of life is very similar, there are various theories, but the most mainstream one is to escape to Japan.” After a pause, he asked black money, “When did you find the talisman and when did you lose it?”

Heiqian frowned, the time was too far away, he hadn't taken over the affairs at that time, and these things were also told by his predecessor.

"At the end of the Han Dynasty, there were years of wars, but the ghosts collected were wrong. I sent someone to investigate and found out that there were people secretly training ghost soldiers, but they couldn't find them." Heiqian also felt strange when he said this. Who is so capable that he can avoid his uncle? , "After finding the soldier talisman, I simply incorporated the Yin soldiers. The soldier talisman was kept by my uncle, but at the end of the Song Dynasty, the soldier talisman was lost."

Heiqian said so, Zhang Qiu actually felt that there was something wrong with Heiqian's uncle, Yan Wang, but after thinking about it carefully, it didn't make sense. If it was really made by Yan Wang, what kind of soldier talisman are you looking for now

"I know what you're thinking, don't doubt my uncle, he—" Heiqian's expression was indescribable, "You'll know when you see him that things like throwing things happen often, and the book of life and death is not uncommon."

Zhang Qiu was embarrassed after hearing this, "Your uncle must have a strong background." Otherwise, no boss would tolerate such an approach as black money said.

"Pride and pride." Heiqian commented on his uncle in these four words.

Zhang Qiu: ...

I really can't imagine Hades being spoiled by others, his three views are about to be shattered.

After the topic turned to the pampered Hades, Zhang Qiu felt that it was better to get back to the topic, so he asked his senior brother what speculation he had.

"If Xu Fu went to sea at that time, he didn't just search for the elixir of life, and he didn't disappear and hide with people as the outside world said." Huating said: "If it was true, as the outside world said, Xu Fu fled to Japan. Far away, why didn't Qin Shihuang send anyone to look for it?"

Zhang Qiu thinks about it too, the character design of the first emperor is so domineering, if someone disobeys orders under his nose, they can't be caught and come back to slap and slap!

"If someone finds it, it's not recorded in the history books. This emperor has even done things like burning books and deceiving scholars. It's normal not to want others to record the things about him losing face and being deceived." Qi Xi refuted with a face.

Huating smiled, without arguing, and said, "I don't know anything about the past, it's just another guess, unless Qin Shihuang is still alive."

"If this is the case, it should be in the border of Shaanxi." Seeing his senior brother smiling at Li Shu, Zhang Qiu suddenly understood, "If Emperor Shi Huang is really alive like Li Shu, that would be too much fun."

Thinking of meeting the domineering Qin Shihuang, Zhang Qiu was quite excited. This kind of opportunity is not available to ordinary people, but thinking of Qin Shihuang being behind the scenes would make his heart hurt.

"I quite like Emperor Shihuang, so don't go against it."

Listening to Zhang Qiu's chanting, Li Shu asked with a dark face, "What do you like about that Emperor Shi Huang?"

"Much—" Zhang Qiu reacted quickly, and flattered Li Shu with a smile, "I treat him so-so, really, I like General Li Shu more now!"

Li Shu pursed his lips, "Really?" Holding Zhang Qiu's waist, he said to everyone, "It's getting dark, let's go back first."

"Hey, hey, it's not dark at all, I still want to see the night view..." Zhang Qiu struggled desperately and wanted to procrastinate for a while, whether his waist needs to heal! In the end, the protest was useless, and Li Shu grabbed the man and took him away.

Xiao Zong saw it, and stopped playing, and followed behind with his younger brother on his head, like a little tail falling behind his fathers. What! Although I also want to hee hee hee with you, but I can’t do it in front of my son, can I?”

Li Shu stopped, glanced at the anxious Zhang Qiu, and smiled with his lips curled up, "You're right, you can't teach your son badly."

On the deck, Lu Feng laughed when he heard this, he had seen Xiao Zang being driven to the door to squat in front of the water basin to play with ducks, and now the couple are very good fathers!

The winter sea breeze hurts people's faces, especially at night, when the surroundings are covered with darkness, and the sound of waves and whistling wind can be heard in my ears. After I finish talking, especially if the meaning of separation is very suggestive, everyone here, especially Qi Xi, rushed forward Rong Fei raised his eyebrows and said with a whimper, "Little Rongrong, the wind is so strong that my skin is wrinkled and dehydrated. Let's go back and rest early!"

Yue Qincang can also be regarded as Qi Xi's little fan, but since getting in touch with Qi Xi, he has lost his fans now. Hearing Qi Xi's sticky and demonic words, he said: "I'm going to become a fan if you look like this." Forget it, forget it, old-enlightened, are you cold? I'm going back to bed."

"Let's go." Said lightly on the wheelchair.

Yue Qincang pushed Kaiming and left the table, Qi Xi became even more courteous, Qi Zhirong stood up unmoved, and said, "Go back to your own room."

"Aren't we in the same room?" Qi Xi looked at Hei Qian in a daze, and Hei Qian shrugged with a smile and said, "No way, there are plenty of rooms. Mr. Qi doesn't want to share a room with you."

Zisi: ...

"Xiao Rongrong, listen to me, it's so cold here, you can wake up in the middle of the night, I'm so angry, I'll warm you up, don't go so fast, wait for me—"


The door of the room was closed tightly, and Qi Xi stood pitifully at the door, and when she saw Huating Lufeng approaching, she bragged on her face, "Xiao Rongrong asked me to go back and get my luggage, let alone, I want to get my luggage and find our little Rong Rong Nuan as soon as possible." Bed."

Lu Feng laughed without saying a word, it was so loud just now that they didn't hear or see it!

The lively deck just now became quiet. After Zhang Qiu helped Xiao Zang take a bath, he also got himself a body of water and rinsed it off. But unlike Xiao Zang who is careless and careless, Xiao Fei is more shy, her long hair covers her front, and Xiao Zang still shows off her little bird.

Zhang Qiu was afraid that he would have to work hard every night again today, so he deliberately put the two sons who were deliciously washed in the middle of the bed, and they will surely have a good sleep tonight.

Zhang Qiu, who had slept soundly in the middle of the night, suddenly shivered from the cold, and when he woke up, he found himself walking out of the room and walking towards the corridor, with a strong hand around his waist, and Li Shu's scarlet pupils hadn't disappeared yet. She hooked her lips and said, "Hold me tight when it's cold."

"Li Shu, what are you doing?" Zhang Qiu's heart rang out.

Li Shu smiled, "You really want to have fun with me, but since it's hard to do it with your son, since that's the case, let's go to the deck, where it's quieter, and you also want to see the night view."

Fuck, Li Shu, do you want to be so vengeful and narrow-minded!

Zhang Qiu ran away, and was hugged by Li Shu's long arms and directly into Li Shu's arms. Li Shu smiled and said, "Can't wait? Then I will satisfy you."

Li Shu was fully equipped, and even brought a blanket to wrap Zhang Qiu. Even under the dark moonlight, Zhang Qiu's long, straight legs could not be covered. Li Shu smiled in satisfaction, and raised his arms, Hold on to my waist." Seeing that Zhang Qiu couldn't go up, but moved to Zhang Qiu's upturned butt, Zhang Qiu's nervous hair almost stood on end, it really seemed to be cheating, and now his heart began to itch.

The moonlight on the sea surface is very beautiful, bright and round, the moonlight shines on Li Shu's perfect face, Zhang Qiu is drooling watching, what to do, the body is much more obedient than the mouth.

It was cold just now, but after a while Zhang Qiu was covered in thin sweat, wishing he could turn over the blanket and be covered by Li Shu obediently.

"Don't be shy, you're going to catch a cold." After Li Shu finished speaking deeply, he really felt the enthusiasm of the coward, and smiled with satisfaction.

"Always dishonest."

Qi Xi planned to sneak into Qi Zhirong's room in the middle of the night, and when he walked to the aisle, he heard humming and chirping sounds. He sneaked over to look, and suddenly clicked his tongue. At such a long distance, Li Shu, who was doing it, turned around suddenly, his eyes were red and cold When the shot came, Qi Xi was stunned for a moment, and quickly said: "Passing by." While talking, his eyes suddenly widened, "There is something in the distance."

Before he finished speaking, Li Shu had already hugged Zhang Qiu and quickly evacuated from the deck, but in the next second, soft tentacles had already slapped on the deck, and the entire deck shook violently, with his head thrown down.

Li Shu quickly sent Zhang Qiu, who had fainted, back to the room, and when he came out, Pei Qing ran to the deck at the same time.

"Fuck you, hurry up, I'm going to be slapped in the face by this ugly monster, and we won't have any friends to do it." Qi Xi was holding a pillow in his hand at first, and planned to touch Qi Zhirong's room to moan and act coquettishly, but now the pillow I lost it too, my pajamas were sticky and wet, I didn't even have a dagger for self-defense, the tentacles were slippery and cunning, I almost got drawn just now, now I'm grabbing the tentacles lying on the deck with one hand , the vicious mother said: "Dare to beat me, I will chop you up and add vegetables to eat!"


The ship shook violently, and two huge tentacles rushed out from the sea and slapped directly on the deck. The head of the giant ship sank in an instant, and three huge tentacles tightly entangled Qixi, and Qixi was immediately bound tightly.

Li Shu was like a flash of lightning, rushing towards the tentacles that were tightly entwined, the dagger in his hand cut off the tentacles wrapped around Qixi's neck fiercely, the tentacles were enraged, the ship on the sea shook violently, at this time the black money had tentacles, the hands Li took out the long black crescent sickle from nowhere and jumped off the deck, but the next moment, he heard a mournful howl.

Hei Qian seemed to come out of the black, wearing sunglasses, and lightly jumped onto the deck with a black sickle in his hand. The ship had slowly stabilized. The captain and sailors did not panic at all, and cleaned up the slippery liquid on the deck in an orderly manner.

Qi Xi was furious and scolded fiercely, "What the hell has the ability to come out and eat your grandfather with a stick!" Looking up and seeing Qi Zhirong approaching from a distance, his whole body suddenly changed, and he moaned instantly, He said pitifully: "A man with too many arms just now almost caught me to death. Fortunately, I was brave."

If Zhang Qiu was here, he would have to boast that Qi Xi was at a loss for not winning the best actor.

Qi Zhirong had an indifferent face that could see through the essence, but he couldn't stand Qi Xi's hey voice, so he finally nodded and said a few words of comfort. This was like giving Qi Xi a ladder. Injured and physically cold, he sneaked into Qi Zhirong's bedroom.

Li Shu and his indifferent faces stood aside and watched the whole process.

Everyone came out, Yue Qincang pushed Kaiming, shivered while pulling the down jacket, and asked, "What happened just now?"

Xiao Zang licked the little tiger teeth, "It's delicious, delicious!" Then he looked regretful that he didn't get his mouth.

Heiqian smiled, "Someone made a soul beast. It seems that some people don't want us to follow." This kind of soul beast is very sensitive. It is ordered by someone to hide in the deep sea at ordinary times. Once awakened by its master, it will Crazy attacks, and the method of refining the soul beast is the same as that of Yin soldiers.

"The last time I went to the Snow Mountain, there was a woman of Chinese descent wearing human skin, which was essentially a giant python." Pei Qing immediately thought of Christine, the snake that was fried to pieces.

Heiqian pushed the sunglasses and said, "It seems that some will."

The deck was quickly tidied up, and the sea surface was calm again, and it was impossible to see the end at a glance. Under such calmness, it was unknown how rough the waves were.

Zhang Qiu woke up early the next morning and only heard about what happened last night. He was a little embarrassed. He passed out and didn't wake up. That's good.

After the eight-clawed octopus spirit beast appeared that night, as if they were thinking too much, nothing happened all the way quietly. They crossed the Yellow Sea and entered the Korean Strait. Set off.

Xiao Zang had just finished eating a piece of mango cake, and licked his mouth unsatisfied, looking at his father with his chin resting on his fleshy hands.

Zhang Qiu knew what to say without his son opening his mouth, "It's already the second piece, I can't eat it, do you want your white and sharp teeth?"

Xiao Zang was so frightened that he quickly clenched his mouth and shook his head like a rattle. It was because Zhang Qiu restricted Xiao Zang from eating sweets that Xiao Zang could never forget sweets. Obviously, the latter has the upper hand.

"I thought it would be at least ten days' journey, but I didn't expect that we were going so fast that we could reach the Sea of Japan in the afternoon." Huating said.

Zhang Qiu also felt that the speed of the ship they were on was much faster.

There are not many entertainment items on the ship. Even though the speed is very fast, they have been on the ship for more than five days. Everyone has nothing to do and stays in their rooms. If the weather is good like today, they will go to the deck table to eat and chat for a while. sun.

Xiao Zang and Xiao Fei were playing when suddenly the bell on his wrist jingled.

Zhang Qiu heard the sound and looked over, Xiao Zang touched his wrist, and the jingle stopped.

Everyone was playing cards, chatting and reading on the deck. When the humidity came up at four o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Qiu looked at the sky. It was clear that the sun was still shining and now it was gloomy. The moisture in the sea seemed to penetrate human bones from the bottom to the top. Average.

"Why is it suddenly cold?" Zhang Qiu took a sip of tea, and the hot tea in the cup also became cold, and it became even colder after a sip. I couldn't help waving to Xiao Zang, "Go back with Dad and add some clothes. Are you cold in Lishu? Bring you a scarf too."

"Okay." Li Shu nodded.

Zhang Qiu carried Xiao Zang back and put on another layer, turned around and saw Xiao Zang nestled on the sofa looking through his car schoolbag.

"What are you looking for?" As soon as Zhang Qiu finished speaking, he saw his son holding a compass and a small vanity mirror. Adventure." It's better to stay with the big guys.

After going out and handing the scarf to Li Shu, Zhang Qiu turned around and asked Hei Qian, "Is there a problem here?"

"It's almost five o'clock, dusk, sunset, day when yin and yang alternate, and a hundred ghosts walk at night." Looking at the peaceful sea, Hei Qian turned his head to look at them, "Do you want to go back and avoid it?"

Zhang Qiu thinks that everyone is in a team, and it would be bad for one person to leave black money in case something happens. He said before Qi Xi said: "You are looking down on us young and old! Xiao Hei, your thinking is very wrong! Friend We have to help each other and treat each other with all our hearts, unless you can stab your lover twice... "

"Shut up." Qi Zhirong said coldly.

Hei Qian was called Xiao Hei for a moment, but he was not angry, and said with a smile: "I thought it was just a partner, but I didn't expect to be a friend!" His voice was low, as if talking to himself, and he looked at Qi Xi Say, "You're right, I might need a friend's help."

Qixi immediately patted her chest and said that he could help.

Seeing Hei Qian's tone, Zhang Qiu couldn't help but think of the last time he teased Bai Shengsheng, so he immediately lit the wax for Qi Xi, and heard Hei Qian say: "I may need a bait, seeing that you are tall and well-built, otherwise you will do it." Take the bait!"

Zisi: ...

"Well, come on! Let's talk about how to cooperate." You can't lose face in front of his little Rongrong.

Heiqian smiled, "It's just a joke." He paused to look at everyone, and said, "After five o'clock, the wind direction will be wrong, and you will have hallucinations after entering the ghost, no matter what you see, stay in the room and don't come out. , Even if you come out, don’t look into my eyes.” The last sentence is very solemn, as if entering ghosts is pediatrics, but looking into the eyes of black money is more troublesome.

Zhang Qiu couldn't help but glanced at Hei Qian. He had been wearing sunglasses since he saw Hei Qian until now, and he had never taken them off. Sometimes he wondered if this person was wearing glasses when he slept at night. Now it seemed very likely.

Everyone nodded, Xiao Zhan held up the compass and said crisply: "I can help."

"Okay." Heiqian said with a smile, but obviously he didn't take it seriously, Xiao Zang showed his little tiger teeth and nodded, as if he wanted to help with something important.

The sky was getting darker and darker, and the clouds in the distance seemed to be able to squeeze out water. It was only after five o'clock, and the sky suddenly turned dark. Lu Feng and Huating went back to the room first. They are ordinary people staying here There was nothing they could do to help, and the two of them also knew that they would try not to hold everyone back.

"jingle ding dong—"

The bell ringing on Xiao Zang's wrist is getting louder and louder. Looking at the black money, Xiao Zang's big eyes are full of excitement, regardless of the ringing bell on his wrist. Staring at him like this, Heiqian wanted to say that this kid was quite fun, but a little evil was holding a magic weapon to subdue evil in his hand, but he didn't take it seriously that little zombie really had any skills.

"Brother who cooks delicious food, the big boat is going in the wrong direction!" Xiao Zang said with a frown.

Hei Qian was taken aback, "Wrong?" He didn't feel anything, so he called the captain to ask, and the captain said firmly: "Impossible, the route is to follow what you said, there is no possibility of mistakes, you believe me to go to sea two More than ten years of experience, still believe in this kid?"

Xiao Zang pouted unhappy, Li Shu touched his son's face, looked at the captain and said coldly, "I trust this little boy."

"Then how do you go?" The captain was very dissatisfied when he was questioned about his experience, but the price offered by the other party was very high, and he didn't dare to provoke the other party because he knew that the child called this man's father, suppressing the anger in his heart, Slowing down, he said: "I'm not targeting children, it's just that there are no mistakes in the display. If you need to change the route, you can tell me how to go. I will follow your decision."

Hei Qian hesitated for a moment, then looked at Xiao Zang, who poked the compass with his fat and short fingers, thought for a while, and finally pointed in the direction of the east.

"It's the exact opposite way," said the captain hastily.

Seeing that the flesh on Xiao Zang's big face was tense, Hei Qian was obviously afraid that they would not believe him, so he couldn't help but smiled and said, "Go east." If it's a mistake, just turn back.

The captain had dissatisfaction in his eyes, but he still nodded in agreement. He returned to the control room and changed his direction, but he thought that he could get the rest of the money as soon as possible. He hesitated after being delayed by this little boy. After a while, he turned around and followed the original route.