I Woke Up Pregnant With An Undead’s Child

Chapter 9


He didn't move his hand on that weird skin, and the other person didn't seem to move either. Could it be a dead person

In this situation, he would rather be dead.

Just as Zhang Qiu let out a slight breath, the skin under his hands moved, and the cold and hard bones were distinctly touched, it was his hands.

The hairs on his back immediately stood up, Zhang Qiu didn't dare to move again, but the other party didn't make any other moves for a long time, so he was in a stalemate for a while. The time at this moment passed very slowly. Zhang Qiu thought it was at least a few minutes, but in fact it was only two or three seconds. Starting at the lower position, Zhang Qiu suddenly held his breath and completed the movement almost at the same time.

Withdrew the opponent's hand, touched the dagger at the waist, rolled over to pick up the flashlight, and turned it on to shine on the opponent.

The black eyes stared at him motionlessly, and the muscles on his face were weathered and withered. Without thinking, Zhang Qiu directly raised the dagger in his hand and rushed towards him, imitating Li Shu's manner and piercing the opponent's forehead.


The imagining was particularly cool, but the dagger missed and pierced into the left eye frame of the zombie. The enraged zombie hissed and roared. Zhang Qiu quickly pulled out the dagger and stepped back, but the zombie had already rushed up—

At this moment, I really felt what was the front line of life and death. The zombie was very fast, and when it rushed over, it even brought a gust of wind, and a sharp claw with dry nails only hit his face.

It's over.

Zhang Qiu leaned against the wall, desperately waiting for death to come. When the sharp nail on that claw was less than one centimeter away from his eyeball, he barely stopped. Zhang Qiu didn't dare to blink. As if frightened, he twitched and retracted his claws timidly, and immediately turned around and ran away.

The back view was almost groaning, as if he had bullied the zombie just now.

This kind of imaginary picture is really weird, Zhang Qiu felt that he was capable of thinking of this at this moment.

There was cold sweat on his forehead, Zhang Qiu wiped it casually, propped one hand on the ground, his stomach suddenly hurt, he fell back and sat down, the stomach pain became more and more severe, and after a while another layer appeared on his head Dou Da was sweating coldly, his body curled up into a ball, Zhang Qiu put one hand on his stomach, and his thoughts were complicated.

He must have been scared just now.

Zhang Qiu bit his lip, trying to divert his thoughts away from the pain in his stomach. He leaned his back against the wall and looked around with a flashlight. In front of him were rows of colorful pottery figurines, dressed in Hanfu and painted on their faces. With red rouge and a very white face, each of them held a different musical instrument in their hands, all facing him together.

It was a terracotta figurine of a musician who was buried with him. Although it was about one meter smaller than a real person, its facial features were lifelike and there were so many of them. It was weird and frightening for everyone to look at him like this under such a pitch-black tomb.

It's just that he had a stomachache and couldn't even stand up. The more he looked at the terracotta figurines, the more he felt that those things were about to come alive. He even heard the graceful music playing in his ears.

There is something wrong with this thing.

Zhang Qiu hastily turned the flashlight away and looked away, the sound of the music playing in his ears gradually faded and replaced by the sound of chaotic footsteps.

Why are there still footsteps? !

The more it sounded, the more real it seemed, as if they were running here. When Zhang Qiu thought of the crazy fourth child, he couldn't care less about the stomachache. He even moved to the corner of the wall, turned off the flashlight, and his eyes fell into the darkness for an instant. .

The door was pushed open.

Zhang Qiu held his breath, not daring to take a breath, the footsteps of the visitors were messy.

"I lost the flashlight, do you still have yours?"

"There are spares in the bag, I'll look for them."

Why is this voice so familiar

Bang, the light beam shone around, and Zhang Qiu was overjoyed when he saw the person coming, "Brother Big Mao!"

The two people at the door were stunned, but Zhang Yushui reacted quickly. He scanned the flashlight in the direction of the sound and saw Zhang Qiu nestled in the corner. The two walked over quickly.

"Xiaoqiu, why are you here? Are you not injured?" Zhang Damao, that is, Zhang Zuojiu, helped Zhang Qiu up.

Seeing the two brothers at this moment, Zhang Qiu has never been so grateful again.

"It's nothing, just a stomachache." Afraid that the two of them would look at the pottery figurines, Zhang Qiu hurriedly said, "There is something wrong with these pottery figurines, and they will cause hallucinations after watching them for a long time."

Zhang Yushui nodded, "What kind of potion should be applied to the pottery figurine to make people hallucinate." He glanced at Zhang Qiu's stomach, and his face suddenly became serious, "Let's go out first."

Zhang Qiu didn't see Zhang Yushui's eyes looking at his belly, and he was so silly and sweet that he couldn't be happy, seeing his relatives finally didn't need him to struggle with fear alone.

After leaving the tomb, Zhang Yushui supported Zhang Qiu, and Zhang Zuojiu walked in front, holding a copper coin sword in his hand. Zhang Qiu had seen this kind of sword on TV, and he checked later, it was used by Shunzhi, Kangxi, Yongzheng, Qianlong It is strung together with copper coins during the Jiaqing period, also known as the five emperors' money sword, which is very useful to ward off evil spirits and deal with zombies.

The two sides communicated with each other, and Zhang Qiu learned that the third child was still in a coma in the hospital after beating his father with a stick. He was so angry that he gritted his teeth, wishing to beat the third child again. .

"...Don't worry too much, my dad is here, my uncle will be fine." Zhang Zuojiu comforted without turning his head.

The two came down from the robbery hole dug by the group of people who bought the map from Boss Jin. Zhang Zuo's Jiufulu swordsmanship is excellent, and Zhang Yushui's geomantic survey and location are top-notch, and they arrived here without any danger.

The three of them walked for half an hour, during which Zhang Yushui guided the way. Along the way, they met two ear rooms, a grain barn, and a pottery figurine of a eunuch.

At the end of the corridor is a stone door with exquisitely carved patterns. On the left and right sides sit two monsters. The monsters are as high as the door. Thinking of the third arm, he hurriedly said, "Brother, first check to see if there is any flammable fuel on this door."

Zhang Zuojiu was stumped for a while, and looked back at Zhang Yushui, Zhang Yushui took out a copper coin from his pocket and struck it, only to hear a ding, the copper coin was already stuck on the stone gate. Zhang Qiu was dumbfounded, he didn't expect Zhang Yusai, who had a dusty temperament, to be so powerful.


Zhang Zuojiu pushed the door open, Zhang Yushui stood at the door and looked around, then shook his head in disappointment, "It's not the main tomb."

If it is not the main tomb, there will be no ritual artifacts for burial.

Zhang Qiu saw that this tomb was much larger than the ear chamber that he passed by just now, and there was a yellow jade coffin in the middle. It really looks like the main tomb. If this is not the case, I really can’t imagine what the main tomb of the owner of the tomb would be like.

"This tomb has two floors, a labyrinth of labyrinths, and a fake tomb chamber. Once the coffin lid is opened, no one can take away the contents." Zhang Zuojiu closed the stone gate.

"Brother Big Mao, are there zongzi in it?"

Zhang Zuojiu nodded, "It's not the case now, it's a blood zongzi that sucks the yang energy of a living person."

Zhang Qiu suddenly understood that a greedy tomb robber like Jin Boss would definitely open the coffin when he went down to the tomb to find the main tomb. The zongzi is not finished yet.

The owner of the tomb is really good at preventing theft.

They are now on the lower floor, and they don't know if the real main tomb is on the upper floor. Before Zhang Qiu could say anything, the stone slab above his head suddenly drooped. Zhang Zuojiu pushed Zhang Qiu, and a figure jumped down from it. As soon as Zhang Qiu stood firm, he saw Zhang Zuojiu and the person who fell opened it.

"Wait, Brother Big Mao is one of his own people." Zhang Qiu said happily when he saw the person coming, "Li Shu."

Li Shu saw that Zhang Qiu was safe and sound, and the murderous aura dissipated from his body. Zhang Qiu introduced the three of them to each other, and then asked Li Shu, "Where are Boss Jin and the others?"

"I got separated." Li Shu glanced at the Zhang family brothers, and pulled Zhang Qiu to his side, "I know where the main tomb is."

Zhang Zuojiu also had a happy face when he heard that, Zhang Yushui just glanced at Li Shu and didn't say anything, just nodded.

They first went to the first floor from the movable roof just now, and appeared directly in the middle of a cross. Li Shu took Zhang Qiu's hand and said, "Don't walk away."

Zhang Qiu blushed inexplicably, and quickly lowered his head and hummed.

Seeing Li Shu's path, Zhang Yushui said, "Maze."

Li Shu didn't turn his head back, he led Zhang Qiu, and walked very cleverly. Zhang Yushui knew that he was avoiding some traps. He and his elder brother went down to the maze with many intersections. The terrain was very complicated. The road that Shu took was somewhat similar to the one he walked just now, but it was not.

After walking for about an hour, Zhang Qiu was immediately confused when he got to the back, and he didn't remember the directions around him, he just clenched Li Shu's hand and followed closely.


Only then did Zhang Qiu realize that the four of them were standing around a round floor tile, which seemed to be in the middle of this large tomb, but looking around, there was no tomb chamber at all, it was all corridors and openings in all directions.

"Under there?" Zhang Yushui also thought of it.

Li Shu nodded, his voice was cold, "There is a sharp blade underneath."

"Can't we go down here first?" Zhang Qiu knew it was impossible after seeing Li Shu's expression after asking, "Then what should we do?"

"Rope." Li Shu looked at Zhang Zuojiu who was carrying a backpack.

Zhang Zuojiu took out the rope from his bag and handed it to Li Shu. Zhang Qiu saw that Li Shu was holding the rope and quickly jumped off the circular board in the middle. Startled, he shouted, "Li Shu, Li Shu, are you still there?"

The voice echoed back and forth from the corridors in all directions, except that there was no different answer.

Zhang Zuojiu was afraid that Zhang Qiu would fall if he did something stupid, so he stopped him with one hand, so Zhang Qiu had to press down the round plate with one hand, and he could only see a piece of blackness from the gap, but nothing. just this? how is this possible!

Suddenly, a pair of crimson eyes stared at him.

These eyes—