I Woke Up Pregnant With An Undead’s Child

Chapter 90: Yin soldiers eight


Holding the soldier talisman in his hand, Li Shu frowned, obviously not understanding why these Yin soldiers listened to him.

"Lend me to try." Qi Xi was eager to try in disbelief.

"Farewell, just in case—" Zhang Qiu didn't want to be a little mouse experiment now, with so many evil soldiers, but before he finished speaking, he heard Qi Xi say: "I'm afraid there is something wrong with your family, you don't want to know about Li Shu What does it have to do with this soldier talisman? What if a blind cat meets a dead mouse!"

"Who are you talking about?" Zhang Qiu was not happy, but after thinking about it, he felt that Qi Xi's words were not unreasonable, and it didn't matter if he handed the military talisman to Qi Xi. As soon as Qi Xi got it, he felt as if he was about to be useless. , shouting: "Take it away, this thing is sucking me."

Just after experiencing this incident, Zhang Qiu almost forgot that this thing can also absorb energy, but everyone tried it at that time, he is an ordinary person, and it can be beneficial to Xiao Zang, but he didn't dare to bang too much, Li Shu is fine with holding it .

The black money was taken from Qi Xi's hands, his expression changed instantly without saying a word, Zhang Qiu knew that this guy was still evil as always, he reached out and took it, nothing happened, it was fine to hand it to the senior brother, it was Lu Feng's turn, but In an instant, Lu Feng's face turned pale, and Huating was so frightened that he quickly took it and handed it to Li Shu.

"It seems that this soldier talisman can only be used by Lishu." Huating said.

Everyone nodded, but things were strange, how could Qin Chao's things have something to do with Li Shu

"Go in and have a look." Li Shu took the soldier talisman and put it in his pocket, leading the way. Zhang Qiu pulled Xiao Zang to follow behind. As soon as he entered the door, there was a gust of cold wind, which made the hairs of everyone stand on end , the entire space is tall and grand, with black as the main tone. In the Qin Dynasty, black was the imperial color that symbolized imperial power. The entire space was made three-dimensional by these sinister soldiers.

Zhang Qiu followed behind with a flashlight on, while Li Shu said in front, "Don't be afraid."

"No, I'm not afraid." After Zhang Qiu heard the snort of laughter behind him, his heart tensed up, and he whispered, "Something is laughing."

A faint voice came from behind, "Xiao Qiuqiu, did you mean this laughter!" He laughed again.

Zhang Qiu turned to look at Qi Xi, gritted his teeth and said, "You're crazy—wait a minute, why is the door closed?"

"Don't scare yourself by being startled, this door may be closed behind."

"I didn't close it. The black money comes last. You closed the black money?"

Black money shook his head, "It's not me."

Everyone stood in place, Qi Xi put away the smile on his face, and then said nonchalantly: "Whoever locks him up, he will come out, let's not create the atmosphere of ghost stories, it's not scary here!"

"You also know how scary people are." Zhang Qiu thought to himself that you were the one who laughed while holding your throat in a pretentious manner. They shuttled around full of Yin soldiers. Turn your head, in such an environment, it's really easy to make up your mind if you don't talk, but the atmosphere can be slightly better when you talk, at least you know everyone is there.

The bell had already run into the Yin Soul Orb and couldn't come out, Zhang Qiu started to envy again now, but followed Li Shu's pace closely.

"It's too big here." Behind Huating with a flashlight, the light can't be seen beyond the end, and it's pitch-black nothingness. They should be underground in the deep sea now. Building such a huge mausoleum of Yin soldiers is not only in terms of financial resources, material resources and manpower. , It is incredible to say that in the ancient times when closed technology was underdeveloped, it was possible to dive into the deep sea.

Those who can do this only remind him of Xu Fu.

Although there are many soldiers, those in front of us are definitely less than a million.

Passing through the Yin soldiers, Zhang Qiu heard the water flow and smelled the fragrance. He was too familiar with this fragrance. What a smile, and the mouth reacted faster than the brain, and said: "I have forgotten what she looks like. This is what I smelled when I was on Cancong Road. It can make people hallucinate. Don't smell it."

He covered his mouth and nose, but after a while, his whole face was covered with suffocation. If he continued like this, he didn't die from hallucinations, but he smothered himself to death.

"It's the Bianhua." Seeing everyone's faces flushed like radishes, Heiqian held his breath and said with a smile, "With me around, I won't have hallucinations."

"Say not sooner." Qi Xi took a deep breath, first looked at Qi Zhirong, saw that Qi Zhirong's face was reddish, he couldn't bear it, and couldn't hold back his paw and wanted to tease him, but Qi Zhirong almost broke his paw, I had no choice but to say resentfully: "I care about you!"

The Bianhua flower is something in legends. Everyone was shocked by the term. Heiqian smiled and said: "It's just a flower, not as magical as you think, but it's just a little more ecstasy. Sneaky things keep fresh, but they are not easy to grow, because they are cloudy, and they forget the river passing by." He glanced at Kaiming, "You see the flowers on Cancong Road because of the water flowing past them. The enlightened coffin is condensed, and it has grown out of it for a long time."

When Zhang Qiu thought of Su Wanling and Boss Jin, he immediately understood that the scent of flowers was used to preserve freshness, and at the same time, it was used to slightly confuse the nerves, so that ordinary people would not notice their strangeness. And Kaiming had died once before, and according to what black money said, he got the secret, so he became a half-god and half-beast existence. This water flow is not usually combined with various combinations to bloom with flowers on the other side.

"As you said, the flowers on these two people should have been picked from Cancong Road, but at that time, the people behind them may not have found an enlightened guardian who can open the coffin, so they can only take it step by step first." Heiqian speculated Say.

Huating nodded, and said again: "I always feel that the situation from beginning to end is very chaotic, it doesn't seem like it was done by one person."

"Yes, if it is really planned by one person from beginning to end, then the map and jade will collide." Zhang Qiu did not forget that the Yulin Zhongshan Kingdom's jade and the ancient leather map overlap, but the jade is more detailed than the leather , does this mean that the leather is older

A few people walked and talked, following the clues of the past to piece together bit by bit, but they still couldn't figure it out.

"What you said makes some sense, but I think the most fundamental thing you want to solve the game is Li Shu." Hei Qian smiled and pointed at the Yin soldiers around him, "Why is Li Shu the only one who can mobilize and use the soldier talisman? "

yes! Why

Zhang Qiu couldn't figure it out either, and looked at Li Shu worriedly, Li Shu touched Zhang Qiu's head, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, no matter why, I'm your man."

What the hell!

Zhang Qiujiong couldn't do it. Seeing everyone staring at him secretly, this made him more horrified than a group of Yin soldiers around him, so he quickly retorted, and after a long time of talking, he was speechless when he was stunned by Li Shu's words. .

After walking two steps, I saw a river, which should be the Wangchuan water that black money said.

Zhang Qiu stopped in his tracks, everyone thought something was wrong, they heard Zhang Qiu say to Li Shu in a very domineering manner: "I am your man!"

"Hahaha, you didn't say anything for a long time just because you thought about it!" Qi Xile laughed.

Every time Zhang Qiu gets angry, he can't go back on the spot. After a few seconds, he will be full of classic sentences about how to gossip. This will be said with great difficulty. In the end, Li Shu didn't say anything, and was ridiculed by Qi Xi first. , and suddenly became very angry.

"Yes, you are my man." Li Shu whispered with a smile in his eyes.

Zhang Qiu's face became hot all of a sudden, he felt that there was nothing wrong with what he said, but it felt like he was wronged when Li Shu said it.

"Originally." Zhang Qiu hummed cheekily, then quickly changed the subject, and said, "How did this water come from?" Blossoms can still be explained, but Wangchuan water was found on a small Japanese island. It looks weird.

Heiqian asked: "Remember when I said that there was an inner ghost in the underground, and many precious treasures were stolen in the underground, such as the Yinhun Orb in your hands, and this Wangchuan water."

"What is the function of this water?" Judging by the expression on Heiqian's face, this water is much more important than Bianhuahua.

"This water has no effect on strangers, and it will shorten your life if you touch it, but it is very nourishing for ghosts." Seeing that everyone misunderstood the drinkable expression, Heiqian smiled and said: "Wangchuan water is our moat. Will you drink the water from the moat of your Yang Realm?"

Zhang Qiu thought of the moat water in Xi'an, although it is not dirty, it is definitely not allowed to enter.

"Surrounding the entire Underworld with the River of Forgetfulness is not only beneficial to ghosts, but also to us officials." Heiqian didn't go into details. Although he knew a little bit about these people along the way, the things underneath are still the same as strangers. Don't reveal too much, or Xiaobai knows it will blow up.

Heiqian glanced at the arch bridge in the middle of the river, and smiled, "It's the same as the bottom. I don't believe it's not made by the ghost."

"Naihe Bridge?" Huating asked curiously.

"Don't worry, there is no Mengpo soup, and this is not Naihe Bridge." Heiqian looked around and saw the Wangchuan water around him, and said, "I will invite you to take a day trip sometime and you will know how petty this water is."

Zhang Qiu thought to himself that if the ghosts in this underworld could really move all the Wangchuan water here, you wouldn't have to blow it up. By then, they would not be ghosts, but would declare war blatantly.

But the water flow is really shallow and narrow. It was not as wide as Zhongshan Kingdom, surrounded by black guardrails. They passed the bridge, and there was a palace in the distance shrouded in clouds and mist. It was the style of the Qin Dynasty, magnificent and magnificent.

Several people quickened their pace, but Li Shu suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?"

"Something's wrong." Li Shu frowned and said to Zhang Qiu, "Follow me closely."

Zhang Qiu almost walked away close to Li Shu's back, nodded quickly, and then pulled Xiao Zang tightly, Lu Feng protected Huating, Kaiming glanced at Yue Qincang, Yue Qincang thought Kaiming had something to tell him, so he went obediently, so he heard Kaiming say: "Don't run around, follow me."

"You are afraid! Well, I know that I will protect you. I didn't expect you to be so timid." Yue Qincang thanked Pei Qing, his feet were much better, and the turtle king had so many things to trouble him, so Yue Qincang took over Pei Qing pushing a wheelchair.

Kaiming's face in the wheelchair turned dark, but he didn't say anything in silence.

As soon as I arrived at the gate of the palace, I only heard a string of crisp wind chimes jingling, and in an instant, there was only a sound of "pa—", the entire dark palace was lit up instantly, and the faint yellow light was shining through the blurred window paper. , like will-o'-the-wisps.

"There are ghosts inside, but the power is very weak." Hei Qian said suddenly.

Doesn't that mean there are ghosts in it

Zhang Qiu glanced at Li Shu, Li Shu had already walked straight forward, he couldn't help but hasten to follow, then he heard Li Shu whisper to him: "The soul inside is not malicious to us, I can feel it."

On the contrary, Li Shu didn't mention it, the soul inside seemed to be waiting for his arrival.

The pace quickened, and as soon as he reached the door, two heavy wooden doors creaked and slowly opened. The coffin Zhang Qiu had imagined was not there, and the inside was empty and there were no household furnishings. Unobstructed.

It’s just an empty room, surrounded by ancient oil lamps. The oil lamp under it suddenly burned in the Gumu Kingdom. According to the professor’s analysis, the composition of the lamp oil is unknown, but looking through the information, it should be the ancient times. Made, immortal for thousands of years.

Li Shu raised his foot and stepped in with a calm expression.

The originally dim oil lamp became brighter and brighter, and when Li Shu stepped into the palace, the empty palace seemed to come alive, and the reflection of the oil lamp in the middle projected scenes on the wall. A few strokes outline the whole story like an animation. As soon as the baby fell to the ground, the five-color phoenix suddenly stopped in the courtyard and cried loudly, heralding the extraordinaryness of the baby.

Sure enough, the human beings in the picture are dressed in simple clothes, which symbolizes the long history of the times. Wars continue, babies grow up slowly, and the five-color phoenix turns into a human form. mythical beast.

Under the leadership of the young man, the tribe became stronger and stronger, and the life of the people was prosperous, and the faction was thriving.

The picture changed from bright tones to dark all of a sudden, and Zhang Qiu knew that a turning point was coming. Sure enough, there should be no concept of country at that time, but the tribe had already developed like a town, and the flames of war were rekindled. The rebellion was almost suppressed, and the people cheered. At this moment, nine thunderbolts fell from the sky.

"It turned out to be a god." Heiqian said in a low voice when he saw the scene: "If you overcome the nine thunders, you can transcend the three worlds of heaven, earth and man and become the god of creation."

The leader of the tribe seemed to be loved and respected by others, and each thunder was more powerful than one, but because of the protection of the people and subordinates, he survived the eighth thunder safely.

Looking at the content of the painting, Zhang Qiu felt worried for the man who resisted thunder, but according to this rhythm, there would definitely be problems in the ninth round.

In the picture, the ninth thunder fell, and the fire phoenix, one of the five-color phoenixes, suddenly shot at the man. Surprise and disbelief flashed in the man's eyes, but it was too late, his body was injured, and the ninth thunder struck.

"It's about to fall." Seeing this, Heiqian couldn't help feeling sorry, "It's rare for a god of creation to appear in ten thousand years, and it may be fate to be plotted against like this."

But obviously some people don't believe in the destiny, the red phoenix took advantage of the chaos to escape, and the remaining four tried their best to keep the man's soul, and then planned to take it slowly.

"It's a pity, this fire phoenix should have stolen the man's divine power, but one wisp is enough." Hei Qian squinted his eyes and said, "These people are wasting their efforts, some of their souls are not found at all, they may have been reincarnated. "

The golden pheasant and the purple pheasant fell and turned into ashes because they tried their best to save the man, but Qingluan and Honghu never believed in trying to rescue their leader. Seeds come back to life and live forever.

Seeing this, Zhang Qiu somewhat understood.

"Could it be Qingluan and Honghu's trick?" He saw Qingluan making a leather map as soon as he finished speaking, and he knew it immediately, it really was.

Huating said beside him: "According to the content in the painting, I think of the ancient mythology, Emperor Shaohao, one of the five emperors of the tribe famous for the phoenix."