I Woke Up Pregnant With An Undead’s Child

Chapter 92: Yin soldiers ten


"Uncle." Hei Qian called out, with a bit of helplessness in his voice, "Why are you here?"

Zhang Qiu only saw the back of the legendary Hades. He was slender and medium-sized, with long black hair tied behind his head. He might not be very happy when he heard the black money, so he snorted coldly, "I won't come, waiting to collect your body?"

Heiqian stood up, stared at Huofeng warily, and asked, "Is uncle here?"

"What uncle, I told you I'm aunt." As soon as Yan Wang finished speaking, a fire phoenix tail swept over from the opposite side, and quickly dodged, mockingly said: "It's just this beast with nine tails that beat you into such a virtue?"

Zhang Qiu stood up with Li Shu on his shoulders, guarding Xiao Zhuang behind him, and he had already seen the appearance of the King of Hades, an indistinguishable classical beauty, who looked only in her teens, but her eyebrows and eyes were sharper and more powerful than that of a bell. Standing there and speaking with one mouth, one can know what black money means by being arrogant.

"Uncle." Heiqian said helplessly, but Yan Wang glared at him and changed his words: "You can say whatever you like."

The nine-tailed fire phoenix on the opposite side didn't say anything, but when he heard the word "beast" from Yan Wang, Zhang Qiu could feel the opponent's attack became more violent. He supported Li Shu, and for some reason, Li Shu's body temperature suddenly He became so tall that all the weight was leaning on him, and he knew that he wouldn't be like this if he hadn't really been unable to carry Li Shu.

He retreated to the back line with his family of four. Hell King and Heiqian in front were talking while hiding from the fire phoenix's tail. Behind him was the sound of Pei Qingqixi and the others rushing over. .

"Who told those things to end? Do you think you didn't die fast enough?" Hades said in a cold voice, but he couldn't dodge. He was hit hard on the arm by a phoenix tail, and he yelled in pain, "How dare you If you dare to hit me, Xiao Hei, just watch this beast beat your uncle!"

The black money was pulled past Hades and thrown behind him, and he hurriedly said: "Don't make any trouble, or it will be difficult to explain to uncle." Just after explaining, he hurriedly dodged.

"It's not a good bird, forget it and make a big mess, and when one of you dies, I will open the back door for you." Hades said nonsense, and a gorgeous scepter flashed in his hand, shining brightly, and was enveloped by the light. Unexpectedly, his spirit was shaken, and Zhang Qiu obviously felt that Li Shu was much better.

"You stole uncle's scepter?!"

Yan Wang snorted, "What stealing, he borrowed me to play!" Otherwise, he could come here alone

"The scepter of power is really interesting." Huofeng didn't hide his greedy eyes, staring at the scepter in Hades' hand with scarlet eyes, he wanted everything here today.


Qi Xi had already turned into his original form, flapping his wings to support the black money from the air, Pei Qing also turned into Long Qing and attacked from the left, Huo Feng hid left and right, and suddenly laughed, "Only so little ability?"

With a sharp cry, the fiery red nine-tailed fire phoenix disappeared when Pei Qinglong's tail slashed over.

"Be careful."

"Withdraw—" Hades hadn't finished speaking, only to hear Pei Qing's scream, and the whole dragon's tail was dripping with blood and the scales exploded.

The bell hidden in the Yinhun Orb had already come out. Seeing that Pei Qing was injured, his whole body exploded. He took out the dagger from his bosom and wanted to rush up, but Pei Qing pulled him. The bell held back with tears in his eyes. Not crying, the small body dragged Pei Qing to the safe area.

The fire and phoenix in the entire space disappeared completely.

The Yin soldiers behind him had already crossed the bridge, and Li Shu's condition had recovered a lot at this time, and he said a few words with the soldier talisman, and the Yin soldiers stood neatly and orderly without moving.

"Ling Dang took Pei Qing there, and Lu Fenghuating." Li Shu glanced at Zhang Qiu, "Don't worry, take Xiao Zang to the Yin Bing."

Zhang Qiu didn't hesitate, and decisively led Xiao Zang to the Yin Bing. He was unable to help, so don't hold back. Yue Qincang pushed Kai Ming to the Yin Bing, and Kai Ming said coldly, "You go over there."

"Who else do you want to hit, you cripple?" Yue Qincang became anxious, "Now is not the time to fight—"

"I know you care about me. In the past, I have my own measure." Rarely, Enlightenment's tone was softer.

Yue Qincang said something about who cares about you, and said angrily: "Forget it, who told me to be unlucky for you."

The yin soldiers protected everyone, but at this moment the fire phoenix disappeared, and the King of Hades frowned with his staff, and said, "How did you provoke this kind of ghost, half god and half demon, you can't beat it, get out quickly—"

"Want to go?"

The faint sound swayed the entire space, and it was impossible to tell where the Huofeng man was in all directions. But in the next moment, the whole space was blazed with flames, and Zhang Qiu squinted his eyes in excitement, and saw that the entire empty ceiling was covered with a raging fire. Phoenix looked down at them with sharp and greedy eyes.

"Xiao Hei, is it too late to go now?"

Heiqian only gave Hades a look in his eyes, the thick fire color made their vision blurred, not to mention the burning sensation from above, this feeling seemed to be pierced into the skin, and the pain became more and more painful as time went by.

Li Shu squinted his eyes, and his whole body began to emit crimson mist. Yan Wang looked at him in surprise, saw that Li Shu was about to charge forward with a dagger, and immediately threw the scepter in his hand, "You want to kill me with that crap! This bird, I will lend you this, use it casually, it won’t break, it’s better than your blind dagger.”

With the staff in his hand, a violent force hit his whole body. Li Shu didn't even think about it because Huofeng was already looking down at him, he jumped, rose out of thin air, and directly pierced into the air, the staff in his hand burst into pure white light.

Yan Wang was surprised to see this flashing in his eyes, and murmured: "The magic staff can be used like this in his hand..."

Zhang Qiu saw that Huo Feng dodged, but Li Shu was obviously a fake move, the staff in his hand was directly inserted into Huo Feng's abdomen, and only heard a miserable and sharp cry, "Bang—" the flames scattered, Zhang Qiu Lie on the ground covering Xiao Zang's eyes in an instant, the scorching heat dissipated in an instant, and the space returned to pitch black tranquility.


Li Shu descended from the sky, handed the staff to Hades, thanked him, and shook his head with a gloomy expression, "Run away." He spread out his hand, and there was something like a small bone in his palm. Yue Qincang recognized it first, and cried out excitedly. Said: "Golden bone!" He was the one who took it at the beginning, and for this reason he made Kaiming a slave.

"Can you give this to me? I can help, I will do whatever you say—" Yue Qincang begged embarrassingly.

"It was originally yours." Li Shu handed the golden bone to Yue Qincang, turned his head to go to the Yin soldiers, saw that Zhang Qiu was intact, and collapsed instantly.

"Li Shu!" Zhang Qiu didn't even think about catching him. He was fine for a second, but when he caught him, he realized that Li Shu's body was very hot. "Have a fever?"

Huating hurriedly took out the antipyretics and alcohol and handed them to Zhang Qiu. Zhang Qiu took them and was about to cool down when Li Shuyi, who was in a coma, held his hand, "Go out first."

Everyone hurried out of the water, Li Shu was already scalding, Yan Wang looked at him and said, "Why does he look so familiar—"


Snow and thunder.

Before Zhang Qiu understood what happened, his whole body rolled over and was pressed by the hot Li Shu, only hearing the sound of thunder hitting Li Shu on his body.

"Crossing the Heavenly Tribulation." Hades already recognized it, and shouted: "Don't go there, be careful not to die if you get hacked, this is destiny."

The dark clouds rolled in the sky, and the lightning in the clouds rolled over and over again, making the entire sky pale white. The first thunder fell, and the clouds rolled violently, as if preparing for the next thunder after a short period of silence.

Zhang Qiu was pressed tightly under Li Shu, his eyes were red with anxiety, and he cursed: "Get up, you have to chop together—"

"Counsel, be obedient." Li Shu's burning eyes were red, and his whole body was blurred. He lowered his head and kissed Zhang Qiu's forehead, his lips were hot. Zhang Qiu held his breath and turned over fiercely, but was pressed by Li Shu Unable to move the lower half of his body, he hurriedly said, "I'm not courting death, I just want to help you—"


The thunder shook the sky, and Zhang Qiu felt that Li Shu's body sank a little when the thunder struck, "Li Shu, Li Shu!"

"I'm here, counselor, don't be afraid." Li Shu said in a weak voice, unable to see Zhang Qiu clearly below him, he lowered his head and kissed carelessly, and said with a smile, "Don't be afraid."

Zhang Qiu wanted to knock Li Shu for a while, and hurriedly said: "No fear, you hurry up and listen to me, I'll block it for you, if not, it's the same when I'm working in the underworld." He was talking nonsense.

"I like you who are warm." Bi Shu whispered.

The third thunder struck faintly, and when it was about to get close to Li Shu and the two of them, Qi Xi and Pei Qing were the first to block it, and Qi Xi grinned and scolded: "It really hurts. The thick ones come here first to explore the way." After speaking, he roared and changed into his original form, "It's better to resist like this."

Fourth way, fifth way, sixth way...

After that, everyone took turns to fight. Although there was help to block, the main pain of this catastrophe was still on Li Shu's body, but it was 100% and 90% of the effect. At this moment, Li Shu had completely passed out. Zhang Qiu Finally, Li Shu was lifted, and when the eighth thunder fell, Zhang Qiu looked at Li Shu who was covered in scorched black and could no longer be seen. His heart ached, and without thinking, he suddenly turned over and pressed Li Shu under him.

He was alive and dizzy.

When he woke up again, he was on the boat. Xiao Zhuang’s eyes were swollen like apricot stones. Seeing him approaching, Zhang Qiu looked around. We are also on the boat, and everyone is fine."

Zhang Qiu heaved a sigh of relief, he couldn't help hissing because of the scorching pain in his back.

"Where's big daddy?"

"Beside." Xiao Zang kissed his father's face.

Zhang Qiu twisted his neck, he was lying on the bed, he turned his head and saw Li Shu who was covered in black and charred beside him, he couldn't help but smiled, "After burning like this, I will be a handsome guy from now on."

"You don't think I'm ugly?" Heitan Lishu suddenly asked.

Zhang Qiu said with a smile: "I've seen too much of your sissy face, now it's good to take the rough guy route, it's okay, I don't dislike you for being ugly." .

"Woman?" Li Shu laughed, his teeth became whiter due to his complexion, Zhang Qiu couldn't help laughing, and yelled at the wound on his back, Li Shu quickly said: "Stop laughing, idiot. "

Pressing the pain on his back, Zhang Qiu fought back, "You are stupid." Thinking of Li Shu protecting him tightly, he couldn't help but be speechless.

After so many pitfalls, maybe only this time all the staff were injured except Xiao Zang, and they were all struck by lightning. Hades was taken back, and Xiao Zang said that it was the big uncle who delivered the letter last time.

Zhang Qiu was puzzled, what was sending a letter? Suddenly remembered, the last time Hades sent a letter was received by Xiao Zhuang.

"It's not Uncle Hades, it's the big uncle." Xiao Zang emphasized.

Hei Qian next to him said: "Xiao Zang said about uncle, maybe uncle couldn't get out of bed at that time—ahem, I don't feel well, uncle will do it for me."

You hide your face, besides Xiao Zang, which one here is not an old driver? Zhang Qiu looked understanding, and did not ask about the identity of Uncle Heiqian.

"How is the professor?" Zhang Qiu turned to ask his senior brother.

Huating was lightly injured, and was blocked by Lu Feng. Lu Feng was the one who was hit the hardest besides Li Shu. Everyone else already had a divine beast inheritance. Only Lu Feng was not awakened, but his body had the blood of a divine beast, so he was struck by the sky thunder Awakened directly after falling, according to what King Yan said, the sky thunder was blurred for a moment, and then the two sky thunders specifically struck Lu Feng and Li Shu.

"It's not very good. I'm in poor health. I haven't woken up yet. I'll wait and see when I go back." Huating said.

The flight back was very fast, without any surprises or dangers. When we arrived in Qingdao, we sent the professor to the local hospital first. Fang asked him to stay in Xi'an to pick up the missing one, he immediately showed shame, he couldn't help but thank Zhang Qiu and Huating, the eyes of the middle-aged man turned red.

"...I used to desperately want to stay abroad to get a green card, but now I don't want to leave..."

After three days of waking up, Professor Fang didn't keep it. It was just in time for the letter from Hades, and everything was fate.

The teacher's wife suddenly aged ten years, with a haggard face, accompanied by Professor Fang's son and daughter-in-law, the atmosphere was sad, Zhang Qiu and Huating couldn't say much, and no amount of comfort from outsiders would help at the moment.

Everyone separated in Qingdao, and the soldier talisman was handed over to Heiqian. Zhang Qiu took his family's tightly wrapped Heitan to divorce, and the family of four flew back to Xi'an.

First, I called my second brother to report his safety. Fortunately, my second sister-in-law didn't come this time, otherwise it would be really dangerous. The second brother was very excited on the phone, "I gave birth, your sister-in-law gave birth, she is a daughter."

Nani! ! !

Zhang Qiu didn't believe it, "How is it possible, what you said last time was impossible."

"It's a little phoenix egg, it hasn't hatched yet." The voice of King Xia Pihui came through the phone, obviously very helpless.

Zhang Yushui laughed twice, "I guess it looks like a girl, look at our little balls are pink."

"Pink is a girl? You put the egg down, I beg you, don't take it out and look at it, if the temperature is not enough, do you want to hatch—"

"I'm so happy, I forgot, forgot again..."

Zhang Qiu curled his lips and hung up the phone, humming, "A sour smell of love."

"I'll smell it." Li Shu suddenly approached, his hot breath pressed against Zhang Qiu's neck.

Zhang Qiu shrank his neck, the atmosphere was rather ambiguous at first, but when he turned his head and saw Li Shu's dark complexion and Bao Gong's complexion showing white teeth, he couldn't help himself to laugh, "You are so funny now !"

"Woman, what a joke!" Li Shu took out a small black notebook and wrote down the accounts.

As soon as Zhang Qiu heard something wrong, he quickly begged for mercy pitifully, "I was just joking, really joking, you look so cute now, it's not funny at all."


Zhang Qiu: ...

Shut up now, you!