I Woke Up Pregnant With An Undead’s Child

Chapter 95: Nine-tailed fire phoenix three


The eldest son of the Jiang Yu couple was lost in an amusement park three years ago. Jiang Yu's mother-in-law took the child out to play, and it is unclear whether the child lost it by himself or was abducted, but in the end the police called out the surveillance video. The child was taken away by a middle-aged woman.

"Doudou has just turned four years old. I told you not to go out at home when the weather is cold, but—" Jiang Yu swallowed the words and didn't want to say more.

Jiang Yu's husband next to him knew that the child was lost by his mother three years ago, his wife collapsed and almost killed him, but for him, the palms and backs of his hands were all flesh, his mother blamed himself, and the heart attack had to be rescued in time to save one. Life is like this, and he never came to his door again, saying that he was ashamed to see Jiang Yu.

It hurts him to lose his son, but his wife and mother need him to comfort him more, and he can't let the family break up.

Holding his wife's hand, the man who didn't believe in feng shui was also somewhat infected at this moment. What if, what if Doudou could really be found? !

"Master Zhang, as long as you can get Doudou back, you can pay whatever you want, and I can sell the house." The man said, Jiang Yu was stunned when he heard this. She has been talking about it day and night, and has never seen her husband. With this appearance, she thought that her husband was cold-blooded and only cared about his mother, and had quarreled and even thought about divorce. Now she knew that it wasn't that her husband didn't want to get Doudou back, maybe he just wanted to take care of the family.

Zhang Yushui is not a pickpocket, so naturally he can't do something like taking advantage of the fire to rob. On the contrary, he will give a discount for the sake of the couple's beloved son, but now it's not about the remuneration, and he is embarrassed to ask for money if the child is not found. .

"Birth horoscope, it's best if you have hair, and if you don't have it, the clothes you've worn are also fine." Zhang Yushui thought about it for three years, where is there any hair left, so Jiang Yu asked him, "Is it okay to have fetal hair? And the umbilical cord I also kept the blood, and I went to the hospital yesterday to get it back."

Zhang Yushui did not expect that Jiang Yu had prepared so well, so he nodded repeatedly, "This is the best." After divination, it did show that the child is still in the world, so he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, "Xiao Zhuang, borrow the compass from my second uncle."

Xiao Zang took out a small compass from his small schoolbag, and Zhang Yushui looked around, "Find a place that is grounded." Jiang Yu's house is on the 23rd floor, and he heard that he took something and went down.

It had just snowed, and it was cold outside and there was no one there. They found a secluded place, and Zhang Yushui opened the cloth bag. Inside were cinnabar joss sticks, yellow paper, and red braided rope, mahogany nails.

Zhang Yusai quickly used peach wood nails to cover the red string and made a formation. In the center of the formation, incense candles were lit, and a compass was held in his hand. "Little stiff, light some wax."

Xiao Zhan responded bluntly, and lit the candles in a dignified manner. Zhang Qiu looked at him next to him and really felt like a little magic stick, and the way of lighting incense candles was different from them.

When the candle was lit, Zhang Yushui tied the burning incense with a red string, one end was tied to his little finger, and the other hand held a compass.

The incense that was originally inserted on the ground moved as the candle flame faintly turned blue. The red string was pulling Zhang Yushui's thumb. Zhang Yushui was staring at the compass.

The incense burned for a little while, Zhang Yushui muttered in a low voice, and suddenly the half of the incense broke straight up, startling Jiang Yu but he didn't dare to ask.

"Paper and pen."

Xiao Zang quickly took out a small book and a pen from his bag. The pen looked like the little yellow man Zhang Qiu had bought for him. Zhang Yushui took the pen and smiled, and the Jiang Yu couple next to him breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Yushui memorized the direction shown by the compass just now on the paper, calculated it again according to the map of Xi'an, and finally said: "In the northeast direction—Lintong."

"Doudou is so close to us, so close!" Jiang Yu wept with joy, hugging her husband, "Did you hear that? Doudou is in Lintong, he will come back."

Jiang Yu's husband's face was moved, his eyes were red, and he thanked repeatedly. Zhang Yushui put away his things and said, "Don't worry, wait until someone finds it. You husband and wife get in the car, and we will set off now."

Packed up the things and went straight to the road without any delay. The car was leaving, and Zhang Yushui next to him pointed in the direction. Zhang Qiu and King Xiapi Hui sat in the last row with Xiao Zang in their arms. Jiang Yu and his wife sat in the middle, their eyes wide open. He kept staring outside, and didn't dare to speak to urge him, but the atmosphere in the car could feel the eagerness.

The car went straight to Lintong and pulled over when it reached Dier. Zhang Yushui took a piece of talisman paper and folded it into the shape of a paper crane. One end of the red rope was tied to the paper crane's feet and the other was tied to his little finger. With the other hand, he took out Doudou's fetal hair and burned it together with the paper crane. , The red rope of the paper crane burned out, and within a few seconds, Zhang Yushui's little finger moved as if something was pulling it.

"Go straight."

Li Shu started the car again, and Xiao Zang looked enviously at the back, and praised, "Second Uncle is really amazing."

Zhang Yushui said with a smile: "If you want to learn, Second Uncle will leave it to you."

"Learn and learn." Xiao Zhuang nodded his head.

The car passed through the bustling central street, entered a remote forest path, and walked up a narrow uneven concrete road with twists and turns. Both sides were covered with wheat fields and covered with snow. Looking around, there are continuous ups and downs. There are low houses on the bottom of the mound.

"The above shows that it is in this area." Zhang Yushui pointed to the village in front of him.

Jiang Yu looked happy, wishing he could go straight to the village and search from house to house.

"It's better not to scare the snake when you go in later." Zhang Qiu said.

Jiang Yu's husband also understands that the village is too remote, and they didn't call the police. If they went in to frighten the snake, they heard that every family in the village was related, and there was no guarantee that something would happen if they stopped them. But Zhang Qiu obviously didn't mean it that way, it's okay for them to protect themselves, they were afraid that someone would send the child away after listening to Feng Shui, this is not unheard of.

"I understand, I understand." Jiang Yu suppressed the excitement in his heart and tried his best to make himself look calm, but the effect was obviously not very great.

The car drove along the small road into the village. The village was close to the hill and surrounded by fields. In winter, there was no one on the road, and it was deserted. Did not say.

Zhang Qiu took out his mobile phone to determine their current location. It was a very remote village, and there were no scenic spots for them to talk nonsense.

"Wait, it's his house." Zhang Qiu saw the words farmhouse honey, wild eggs, hand-ground sesame oil written on the wall of the earthen house, and it was easy to talk nonsense. Seeing Jiang Yu's face was tense, he quickly explained whether Doudou was at this house. He doesn't know.

Pull over the car, Zhang Qiu went down and knocked on the door, after a while the woman inside asked who it was!

"I'm passing by, I want to buy some honey."

The door creaked open, and it was a middle-aged woman with a puzzled face, obviously she hadn't seen anyone who came here to buy honey in winter.

Zhang Qiu spoke Xi'an dialect, explaining that they were two big families who drove out to play and brought their children to the countryside to experience life. They passed by here to see the beautiful scenery and came in. By the way, they bought some agricultural products. , followed by nodding.

"Auntie, do you have a guest house or farmhouse in your village? My son has never seen a pig, and it's a novelty in the countryside. I want to stay for one night, have more fun, and have a winter vacation! We will give money and everything." Zhang Qiu rubbed his little stiff head and said.

Middle-aged women lose their wariness when they see children. These city children are so tender and white that they like to look at pigs. What’s there to see about pigs? They’re dirty and smelly, but—

"Our village is too remote, and there is no farmhouse, but you can live in my house if you want to, but the conditions are not good."

Zhang Qiu quickly answered, "Are you afraid, I just want him to experience rural life." He took out his wallet from his pocket, took out five cards and handed them over, "Are these enough?"

"Enough is enough." The aunt took the money beamingly, and it was only five hundred for one night. Where can I find such a good job, and hurriedly called a few people in.

Seeing that Jiang Yu's expression was not very good, Zhang Qiu smiled and said to his aunt, "My sister is pregnant and just caught cold. If you have a pheasant at home, you can stew one at noon, and we will pay for it." He took out three more. , "This money counts as our food."

When the aunt heard that Jiang Yu was still pregnant, she warmly greeted them to sit in the main room. She hurriedly tidied up the two upstairs rooms. Fortunately, everything was ready for her son's wedding, and everything was new.

"Is it a new house? Are we disturbing too much?"

The aunt waved her hand, "What's the deal? We've already talked about it, but who knows that the bride's family has raised the gift money halfway, so I have to pay another 50,000 yuan. My son is angry and can't finish it. Now he is going to work in Xi'an. It's free." Speaking of this, the aunt may have a bitter stomach and talked for a long time.

From time to time, Zhang Qiu responded with a few words. The eldest boy in the aunt’s family is only twenty years old. He has not yet reached the legal age for any kind of marriage. A big business and a lot of money.”

Apparently, it reached the aunt's heart, talking about how much money he could make, but he lost his temper.

Among the few people, Jiang Yu and his wife were not in the mood to chat, and it was impossible to expect Li Shu to get along with each other. Zhang Qiu chatted with the aunt for a long time, and Zhang Yushui also talked a few words from time to time, and finally came to the situation in the village without asking too much detail. The aunt was gossiping about who's child was mischievous, who's daughter-in-law was good, who's son was not filial, and so on.

"...Mom, Panpan is here and asked our family to change coal." The little girl in her teens at the door said.

The aunt was not very happy when she heard it, and asked: "Did Panpan bring coal?"

"Mom, if you don't change it, Panpan will be beaten again when you go back." The little girl said unhappily, and the aunt raised her eyebrows and said, "The couple know how to take advantage of others all day long. One mouthful of Xijia, one mouthful, that's fine, I know, I'll vent my anger on a child all day long."

The little girl didn't care what her mother said, and shouted towards the door: "Panpan, my mother said yes, you come in first."

In northern rural areas, charcoal stoves are often used to heat the main house in winter, and it is more convenient to heat and boil water for cooking. Zhang Qiu and the others sat around the stove, the little girl at the door opened the curtain, and a dirty little boy stood outside, his face flushed from the cold, holding tongs, his fingers were swollen and cracked like bread.

The boy timidly called his aunt, and the aunt who spoke sharply just now had no temper when she saw the boy, so she asked her daughter to pour hot water for Panpan.

No one noticed that Jiang Yu, who had been quiet since the boy came in, had been staring at the boy, and after a while he was trembling with excitement, and the first person next to him to find something wrong with Jiang Yu was her husband, who hugged Jiang Yu and asked, "What's wrong? Is it uncomfortable?"

Jiang Yu held her husband tightly and said, her eyes turned red instantly, and she choked up and said in a low voice, "Doudou, it's Doudou."

Zhang Qiu naturally heard it too, glanced at the boy, and asked, "How old are you this year?"

"Eight, eight years old." The little boy said timidly.

Zhang Qiu felt that the child said that he was five or six years old Thaksin, but he was not as tall as an eight-year-old child, so he waved and smiled and said, "It's pretty good." Seeing the aunt looking at them, she smiled and said, "I'm worried that no one will play with my son. Auntie, this child is very well-behaved, but he is a little short, and he needs to eat well to grow taller."

"Brother, Dad is right." Xiao Zang nodded.

The aunt pursed her lips, "He really wants to eat, and it depends on whether he will give it." In front of the child, the aunt didn't say much, and quickly changed the coal and handed it over.

Seeing that the child was about to leave, Zhang Qiu said, "If you're okay, you can come and play with us."

The little boy named Panpan left, Jiang Yu was fidgeting, trying to get out of the air, her husband worriedly followed closely. As soon as they left, Zhang Qiu lamented that it was pitiful for a child to have such cold hands. Before the auntie said anything, her younger daughter said first, "Panpan cooks, does laundry all day, and washes his brother's urine." Meson, it’s no wonder it’s good.”

"You go." The aunt said something, and the little girl was unhappy, and said, "Panpan said he won't go to school next year."

"Why don't you go to school? It's only a few dollars for the nine-year compulsory education. These two are really not biological—" the aunt stopped in the middle of her sentence, but her daughter next to her said, "I really hope that the real parents of Panpan will hurry up." Take Panpan and go."

"Stop talking nonsense, what is not your own, hurry up and do your homework."

"Mom, you said that Panpan adopted you." The little girl snorted, "I remember clearly that when Panpan came to the village, he was still a little bean, white and tender, just like this little brother." stiff.

At the door, Jiang Yu couldn't bear it any longer, and cried on her husband's shoulder, "He must be our Doudou, I want to take him home, take him home."

The man hugged his wife, but endured it with red eyes, and said: "Wait a minute, we will take him away secretly at night, at night."

The upstairs room was tidied up, Zhang Qiu and others went up, Jiang Yu was sobbing, and carefully took out the photo from his pocket and handed it to Zhang Qiu, in the photo should be four-year-old Doudou, white and tender, with watery eyes It's clever, it looks like the parents have raised it well, and it's so cute lying on a puppy.

However, Doudou in the photo is really different from Panpan just now, but Jiang Yu keeps affirming that the boy just now is Doudou.

At noon the little girl came up to bring them food, Zhang Qiu thought about it and asked tentatively, "Are you familiar with Panpan?"

"Uncle, what do you ask Panpan for?" The little girl was quite wary.

"I heard you said that Panpan doesn't go to school. We feel sorry for him. We want to ask if we can support him to study, and want to ask more about his situation." Zhang Qiu, who lied to the little girl, opened his mouth and came.

When the little girl heard that Zhang Qiu wanted to sponsor Panpan's study, she didn't even think about telling her about Panpan's family situation.

Panpan also has two younger brothers, one is three years old and the other is one year old. Panpan has had a hard time since having a younger brother, doing housework and herding sheep all day long.

Eight-year-old herding sheep? Zhang Qiu didn't dare to look at Jiang Yu's expression. The more he listened, the more he felt that it was indeed Doudou's situation. After coaxing the little girl away, Jiang Yu couldn't bear it anymore, "I must take him away today."

Jiang Yu's husband couldn't help it either. He originally wanted to call the police to do DNA, but he couldn't help it now either. The husband and wife treated their children as treasures. What is it like now

"I think we're checking, if it's not—" Zhang Yushui said.

"No, he must be Doudou, I recognized him." Jiang Yu broke down.

Zhang Qiu quickly comforted him and said: "Just verify it, if it's not Doudou who takes it back, it's not good for the child." Before he could figure out how to verify it, Li Shu went downstairs alone and asked the aunt directly.

When the aunt heard this, her expression became more serious, "I said, why do you come to play with us, what's the point of this."

Jiang Yu cried and begged, the aunt was hard-spoken and soft-hearted, and at the same time she was really pitiful, "I said it, but you can't say I said it." But the content of what he said was similar to what the little girl said, Zhang Qiu reminded the photo, Jiang Yu quickly took out the photo, and the aunt looked at it and said, "Really, I remember it very clearly. When Panpan first got it back, he was like a city kid. He was very good-looking. There is no such a good-looking kid in the village. I didn't expect Let those couples torment..."

After receiving the letter, Jiang Yu couldn't help but rushed out of the door, followed by the little girl who happened to bump into the door, pulled Zhang Qiu and said, "Uncle, I just went to find Panpan, Panpan Hope to herd sheep on the mound, you can’t break your promise, I’ll tell him when he comes back.”

"Which mound?"

The little girl pointed to the mound not far away, "It's right there, there is a field with grass on the east side, Panpan is right there."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Qiu and the others started the car and went directly to the hill. Zhang Yushui looked up from afar and said in a low voice, "Dragon's back, a treasured land of geomantic omen..."