I Won’t Get Drunk With My Nemesis Again

Chapter 23: think about it


Jiang Zhao was a little guilty. In fact, the boss's assistant reminded him just now, but when he got excited, he forgot the helmet beside him.

Suddenly he smelled something and wrinkled his nose: "Are you smoking?"

"Don't like it?" Xiao Si also looked at him.

Jiang Zhao's attention is not on this: "It's okay. I'll go for a couple of laps first."

The engine made a loud noise, and Jiang Zhao rushed into the track full of sand and weeds in the blink of an eye like a black lightning bolt.

The wind blows on the helmet, bringing infinite resistance, but the motorcycle breaks through it without hesitation, and accelerates and accelerates heartily on the track.

Until all the sounds in the ear can not be heard, only the engine and the wind, even the body seems to fly out with the motorcycle below, across all barriers, piercing all the things that are imprisoned and not allowed in the world.

Jiang Zhao felt like he had turned into an eagle, soaring freely over the wasteland.

He ran on the track for nearly 20 minutes before he slowed down and returned to the previous starting point. At some point, Xiao Si sat on a silver motorcycle and was wearing gloves with his head bowed.

Jiang Zhao straightened up, lifted his helmet mask, and raised his eyebrows at him: "Hey, let's have a game?"

Xiao Si also hooked his lips: "Okay."

Two motorcycles, one silver and one black, sprang out one after another, and were close to each other on the track, turning into silver and black streamers, entangled with each other, almost inseparable. The sound of the engine reverberated in the arena, and occasionally Jiang Zhao's hearty laughter and shouts could be heard, as well as Xiao Si's response with a smile.

The dust from the arena flew into the sky and scattered under the dark sky like broken stars.

After a long time, I don't know who stopped first, and this chase finally came to an end.

Jiang Zhao hung the helmet on the handlebar of the motorcycle. Regardless of his sore shoulders and arms, he simply lay down on the lawn next to him: "Excellent!"

Xiao Si also lay down beside him, with his hands behind his head, looking at the night sky above his head: "Are you feeling much better now?"

Jiang Zhao's mood couldn't have been better for a long time, and he lost his usual hostility when talking to him: "Yeah, how did you find out here?"

Xiao Si also said: "It was brought by a friend at first, but when I was upset, I liked to come here and run for a few laps, and I gradually got used to it."

The two just lay on the lawn, chatting with each other. The night wind blew gently, and the smell of green grass all around followed. Jiang Zhao's nose moved, and he wondered, "Why don't you smell of smoke anymore?"

It can't be that the wind is too strong when riding a motorcycle, so it's gone.

Xiao Si also: "It smells great, I just went to the staff room to take a shower."

Jiang Zhao: "Are you obsessed with cleanliness?"

Xiao Si also smiled: "Occasionally."

After lying down for a while, the intense excitement brought about by the racing car was gradually fading, Jiang Zhao's brain also cooled down, and finally remembered something: "Xiao Siye."

Xiao Si also looked at him: "Huh?"

Jiang Zhao turned his head to the side and met his eyes: "The last time Xu Qingqing happened, why did you help me?"

Xiao Si also paused, and then sighed naturally: "You know. I forgot, Sister Zhao's personality has never been able to keep secrets."

It's a different feeling from someone else's report and hearing it from myself. Jiang Zhao's mood became a little more complicated, and he murmured, "It's really you."

"So," Xiao Si also asked, "what do you think of me?"

Jiang Zhao didn't know what to answer for a moment, and stared at him for a long time.

A few seconds later, Jiang Zhao suddenly asked, "You...couldn't you be looking for someone else?"

Xiao Si also: "?"

As soon as this idea was born, Jiang Zhao's brain began to spin rapidly.

As a young master with a family worth tens of billions of dollars, there has never been a shortage of people around Da Jiang Zhao who wanted to stick to him and ask him to take care of him since he was a child. According to Xiao Si's recent attitude towards him, he helped him resolve the public opinion turmoil, and He took him out to play, and helped him out when he met Han Tingfeng.

Everything in this picture caters to his appearance, as if he has some unreasonable thoughts about him.

It just so happened that he learned from Zhao Yue that she was already Xiao Siye's former benefactor. Looking at it this way, it seemed that Xiao Si was indeed looking for another family.

And before the two of them, they had a sleepless night by accident.

So Xiao Siye's ultimate goal is actually him? !

Jiang Zhao sat up from the lawn abruptly, his mind blanked out by this conclusion.

Xiao Si also got up and asked tentatively, "What did you mean just now?"

"Wait a minute," Jiang Zhao's face changed back and forth between red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple, "give me some time to think."

Xiao Si also: "Okay."

Jiang Zhao quickly calculated in his heart. From this point of view, it was because Xiao Si also lost his former benefactor, and had another night with him, so regardless of the past, he directly made him the next target of the raid.

The absurd idea he came up by chance that day turned into reality—Xiao Si also really wanted to be surrounded by him!

In all fairness, although Jiang Zhao has seen this kind of thing a lot, he has never really tried it. What steps should be followed in nurturing? Give pocket money every month? Do you want resources too? Is it necessary to arrange the car and the house, so how much is appropriate

After a brainstorm, Jiang Zhao's complexion became even worse.

He suddenly realized that he was really thinking about the possibility of taking care of Xiao Siye just now.


How did he and his bastard opponent get to where they are today


The phone in Jiang Zhao's pocket suddenly started to vibrate. He stood up as if he had been pardoned, and took two steps away: "I'll answer the call first."

His mind was in a mess right now, and he put it to his ear without seeing the call notification: "Hello?"

"Xiao Zhao."

Jiang Zhao paused, and his eyes immediately turned cold: "Why do you have my mobile phone number?"

"I made my own decision and contacted Aunt Xu. I'm sorry I didn't get your permission, Xiao Zhao."

Han Tingfeng's tone sounded full of apology, but what he did made Jiang Zhaoshi really respond from the bottom of his heart.

"Xiao Zhao, don't hang up." When Jiang Zhao was about to press the hang up button, Han Tingfeng seemed to have timed it, and added, "I have an appointment with my uncle and aunt, and I will come to visit this weekend. Nine years ago, when I went abroad temporarily, I didn’t even greet my uncles and aunts properly. Now that I think about it, I really shouldn’t.”

Jiang Zhao was about to be laughed angrily by him: "Greeting? How dare you fucking say hello to them nine years ago?!"

Han Tingfeng sighed: "Xiao Zhao, we can't go back to the past, but I hope to see you this weekend, is that okay?"

"Stupid," Jiang Zhao sneered, "Go ahead and live your big dream."

He hung up the phone, blocked and deleted it in one go, and was about to turn off his phone directly.

Just before turning off the phone, another call came in, and the screen displayed the words "Queen Dowager".

Jiang Zhao took a deep breath and could only get through: "Mom."

"Son," Ms. Xu's voice was very joyful, "Did Xiao Han contact you? It was your good friend back then, Han Tingfeng! Oh, I have always missed this child. I was afraid that he would be bullied when he went abroad. Now Well, finally back!"

"I haven't seen you for so many years. As soon as you come back, you will visit me and your dad at our house. How sensible you are. Just this weekend, I asked Xiaoqiu in advance and said that you didn't announce it. Remember to come early when the time comes." , just in time, you and Xiao Han can catch up on the past."

Jiang Zhao's smile was a bit bitter: "Mom, I..."

"Oh my mother, I'll go home on the weekend, remember!"

Ms. Xu's words were not negotiable at all, so she hung up after talking to him. Hearing the busy tone in his ear, Jiang Zhao fell silent for a while.

Xiao Si also walked up to him. He could roughly guess what happened from just a few words, and asked in a low voice: "Did you tell your uncle or aunt about the breakup between you and Han Tingfeng?"

Jiang Zhao took a deep breath: "No. It's hard to explain what's going on here... I can't tell them."

Moreover, Han Tingfeng did not hesitate to go abroad when he went abroad. He really thought that the other party would not come back, so he never confessed this matter to his parents.

Who knows that things are still going in the worst direction.

Xiao Si also wanted to say something, but Jiang Zhao suddenly patted him on the shoulder, his eyes were full of mixed emotions such as tension, embarrassment, entanglement, etc., and finally it all turned into one sentence:

"About you...let me think about it for two days before I tell you."

The author has something to say:

Actor Xiao: Is he considering accepting me

Best Actor Jiang: Should I include him