Ice Husband, Marry Me

Chapter 109: Pick you home


"Someone sent you back. Shu Lulu" Mo Tianqi replied faintly, as if talking about an irrelevant topic.

Others, Hua Er laughed, and she was lingering with her in the last second, and then let other men send her home in the next moment. It was ridiculous. She only knew that Mo Tianqi was cold-blooded, but not Thinking that he was so ruthless.

Looking at the woman who was smiling in the slightest, Mo Tianqi frowned, and said coldly: "Get out of the way, I'm going back."

The tears in my eyes flowed out, and the wind dried on my face. I felt a little uncomfortable: "I will ask you one last question."

"I don't have to answer."

"But I still have to ask, you knew that person was me, right?".

"As long as it is a woman!"

Wall's heart aches, "Have you liked me?".

Her hands were tightly twisted together, quietly waiting for his answer. This was the last question, and she was waiting for the last question.

"Even if the women all over the world are dead, I won't like you, so give up! You and I will never be possible, don't haunt me anymore, let alone show up in front of me! ". He started the car, walked around her, and drove into the villa without looking back at her.

Even if the women all over the world are dead, won't they like me? She watched him walk into the villa, tears, but laughed.

Finally got the answer, finally knew his mind, was insulted and sad. Shouldn't you leave now

She turned around and walked back in deep and shallow steps. The night wind blew her skirt and flew in the night sky, like a fairy who was flying by the wind, illusory and ethereal.

Her back was thin and seemed to be blown down by the wind, her whole body was full of lonely smell, and the little crying sound drifted further and further in the night wind, and finally disappeared in the wind.

Wal did not know how long she had been walking, the soles of both feet were rubbed out with blisters, she simply took off her shoes, squatted on the road and cried.

From now on, she will never pester him again, never appear in front of him again.

Since he thought so, then she was as he wished.

The dazzling lights approached from far away, she raised her head, and a car came slowly and stopped beside her.

A thin figure got out of the car with a few slight coughs.

He squatted down beside her, holding a white handkerchief in his scrawny hand: "Wipe your tears."

Wall took it and wiped the tears on her face indiscriminately. When he saw her appearance, she couldn't help lowering her head and said dryly: "Why are you here?"

"If I say passing by, would you believe it?" Ji Nanxi coughed again.

"I don't believe it." Wall shook his head, with a strong nasal sound: "Are you here to find me?".

"I'm just here to pick up a lost little girl home." He stood up and reached out in front of her: "Go home, Erle."

Wall raised her head and looked straight at him with wet eyes. She couldn't see his expression in the dark, but she knew that he must be smiling now, so she said to her gently: "I Just come to pick up a little girl who has lost her way home, go home, Erle."

A certain string in her heart seemed to be plucked, and she could not help but put her hand in his palm. Her hand was not hot, his hand was a bit cold, but Walter felt warm all over her body because of A warm current surged through his "let's go home".

For so many years, no one has ever said to her, "Let's go home".

After getting in the car, Walter realized that Uncle Liu, who had been with Ji Nanxi's side, had not come. It seemed that he saw the question in her eyes. Ji Nanxi turned on the warm air first, and then said: "I want to take you home by myself" .

Although the price that will be paid is a bit high, he does not regret it.

"How did you know that I am here?" Wall sniffed and waited for more than four hours at night. She seemed to have some cold.

"If you have the heart, you will know!" In response to her unpredictable words, Ji Nanxi coughed a few times, stopped talking to Wall, and drove the car intently.

Will you know if you are willing? Wall has been thinking about what he meant by this sentence, but her head is now dizzy, and the warm wind blows her warm, almost a few minutes, she has leaned on the seat and fell asleep. .

The steady breathing sounded in this small space, and Ji Nanxi turned her head and glanced at her. Only at this time, he could look at her openly without controlling his feelings.

He greedily looked at her sleeping face, as if looking at her like this was already a luxury for him. Once, he thought he would never see him again, so he chose to leave silently.

But God gave him another chance, let her return to his side, this time he would not let go of anything, heartache, once is enough.

He will never give anyone the chance to like her again, and he will never give her the chance to like others. She, this life is destined to be his.

After slowing down, it was late at night when he returned to the villa where Ji Nanxi was staying. Uncle Liu hadn't slept in the doorway and paced back and forth. When he saw the car lights shining over, his heart fell all night.

The car stopped in front of the villa, and Uncle Liu hurried to greet him: "Less...".

He just said a word when he was interrupted by Ji Nanxi reaching out to her lips, "Shh...", his face was full of tenderness, and he lowered his voice and said, "She is asleep."

Uncle Liu carried Wall in. Ji Nanxi couldn’t do vigorous exercises after he recovered from a serious illness, let alone run out to blow the cold wind without going to bed in the middle of the night. So when he returned to the house, he immediately developed a high fever, and Wall Er also became hot all over.

There are two patients in the family. Uncle Liu dug up Ji Nanxi’s family doctor from the bed in the middle of the night. Half an hour later, the doctor arrived at the villa and gave both of them a fever-reducing injection. Uncle Liu took care of Ji Nanxi, and Walter It is taken care of by the servants at home.