Ice Husband, Marry Me

Chapter 121: Young Master Mo's child


Xia Yuqing nodded and explained: "When people think of things they don't want to touch, the light ones will go into a coma, and the heavy ones will probably go crazy. Shu Lun."

But, what on earth does Waller reluctant to touch? Mo Tianqi was lost in thought. He looked at Walter's expression just now as if he was scared and sad.

What happened to make her like this? He remembered that this was the third time her situation had appeared.

He wanted to check, but couldn't find it at all.

Except for those useless accidents that were made public, there was nothing to find out about Wall's information. The more this happens, the more Mo Tianqi is suspicious of the identity of Huaer. What is the origin of Huaer? The information is so tightly protected

Even his use of the mayor's relationship has not been found. It seems that Wall's identity is more complicated than he thought.

After Xia Yuqing finished reading, she wanted to stay here to accompany the beauty, but Mo Tianqi kicked it back into her den. When she left, she said bitterly, Mo Tianqi unloaded the grinding and killed the donkey. Kick him away like a ball at once.

Sending away the nerve-wracking Xia Yuqing, Mo Tianqi hugged Huaer to his own ****, besides him, Huaer was the first to lie down on that bed, even Mu Qing did not have him. Let her step into his room, and her range of activities is limited to the living room.

Wall kept her eyes closed, her brows furrowed, and she looked painful. She wanted to know who was the one who made her feel so heartbroken

At that time, she hadn't known Mo Tianqi, so that person could not be him. So who on earth left such a deep impression in her mind, as long as she thinks about it, her heart hurts like it was torn.

What did she forget

Mo Tianqi leaned down, his slender and clean hands were as cold as ice cubes, and as soon as they pressed against her cheeks, Hua Er let out a faint gasp sound as if he had felt it.

The cute appearance of the small faces tangled together made him laugh, Mo Tianqi lowered his head, cold and trembling lips fell on her hot lips, the alternation of ice and fire caused a strong sound from the depths of their souls. resonance.

No one saw the person with his eyes closed, a drop of crystal clear tears slid from the corner of his eyes and dropped onto the white pillow.

"Ding Dong..."

"Ding Dong..."

The door bell ringing outside interrupted the warmth of this moment. Mo Tianqi got up to open the door. When he left, he took the bedroom door with his hand. When the sound of his footsteps disappeared, Wall opened her. Those eyes were full of tears.

Opening the door to the room, there was Mu Qing who was not very good looking. After running away, she vented outside, and suddenly remembered that Mo Tianqi was still there. When she went back, she saw that most of the people had left. No one answered Mo Tianqi's phone, thinking he was angry, so she immediately rushed to Mo Tianqi's residence without stopping.

At the moment when she saw Mo Tianqi, she burst into tears into Mo Tianqi’s arms, choked up and said: "Sorry, I was just too uncomfortable at the time. I want to be with you, but your family. They don’t accept me, they only like Wall, so I’m so sad that I will leave you and leave. I will never do this again in the future. Don’t be angry, okay?".

"I'm not angry, come in first." After looking back at the closed bedroom door, Mo Tianqi said, his voice was calm, it really didn't look like someone was angry.

Mo Tianqi and Mu Qing walked in together and sat down on the sofa. He took a paper towel and handed it to Mu Qing, "Wipe your tears first."

Mu Qing obediently took it, and after wiping away her tears, she lowered her head shyly, and gently touched her flat belly with her right hand and whispered, "Brother Tianqi, I, I haven't had any problems this month. Come on, me, I may be pregnant.".

The moment she thought of having Mo Tianqi's child in her belly, Mu Qing's face showed the joy of being a mother. The first time she gave it to Mo Tianqi, she is now pregnant with his child, Mo Tianqi. He also said that he would be responsible to her, so Mu Qing was very confident that Mo Tianqi would not abandon her.

A gleam of light flashed in Mo Tian Qi Binghan's eyes. He gently curled the corners of his lips and looked at Mu Qing's flat abdomen and asked softly, "Do you really have my child in your belly?".

Mu Qing "Hmm..." Nodded shyly, and then looked at Mo Tianqi with expectant eyes.

Mo Tianqi's hands on his legs tightened, and the smile on the corners of his lips never disappeared. He narrowed his eyes and said, "Get married!".

"What?" Mu Qing exclaimed in surprise: "Big Brother Tianqi, what did you say? Can you say it again?".

Mo Tianqi did not have the slightest impatience to repeat it again: "I said get married, don't you and your child need status?".

Mu Qing's tears flowed out again. She covered her mouth with her hand and cried but laughed. She knew that she would not lose to Wall, did she win in the end

She had long said that Mo Tianqi belonged to her.

Some were happy and some were sad. Wall slowly slid down against the door panel. She slumped on the cold floor, her slender hands tightening the clothes on her chest.

She bit her lip tightly, for fear that she would cry, it was over, everything was over. But her heart really hurts. She couldn't wait to die now, her heart was plucked out, and her breathing was painful.

It turns out to hear that someone you love marries someone else and someone else has the crystallization of love is really worse than death.

She couldn't hear the two people outside. She just curled up into a ball like a wounded little beast, exuding a sorrow, and locked herself in that piece of cold world that belonged to her.

Mu Qing was sent downstairs by Mo Tianqi, and when he came back, he was greeted by an empty house.

Huaer didn't know when he had left, and the smell of her tears still seemed to remain in the air, which made people feel depressed. For some reason, Mo Tianqi's heart suddenly felt sad.

He went out to search like crazy, but Wall disappeared as if disappeared out of thin air. He called her over and over again, and Wall hanged up the first time he picked it up. , And then call it to shut down.

"Er...", he called her name loudly, because his hair was messed up by the wind when he was running, and his shirt was hung crookedly on his body. He was very embarrassed and decadent, even more so. This is the first time in my life so anxious.

In the endless stream of traffic, a figure flashed by quickly, and the pedestrians on the road looked at the messed up man with an anxious but handsome face, and many people stopped.