Ice Husband, Marry Me

Chapter 21: Beautiful man out of the bath


The door was concealed, and Wall rubbed his sweaty palms, took two deep breaths, pushed the door open, and walked in lightly. Shu Liao

As soon as she walked in, she heard the sound of running water from the bathroom, and the picture of the beautiful male shower just appeared in her mind immediately, and her nose became hot again.

She shook her head quickly, forcing herself not to think about it, if this continues, her way of death will definitely be bleeding.

Walking to the bedroom inside, Wall was entangled again. Where should she sit? **? No, no, this idea is too impure, or just the reclining chair, thinking in my heart, my feet have already been put into action.

Lie down on the recliner, the huge recliner immediately wrapped her tightly. If she couldn't afford to live, no one would find a person lying there.

The recliner was very comfortable, and Wall was so sleepy again that she was dozing off all the time. She didn't even know that Mo Tianqi walked out of the bathroom.

When she was about to fall asleep, Mo Tianqi's cell phone rang, and she was immediately scared to jump up from the reclining chair, quickly turned around, and looked at the source of the sound.

At this look, Wall was completely stunned.

What appeared before her eyes turned out to be a beautiful picture of a beautiful male taking a bath! ! !

The boy's hair was still wet, dripping water drops on his face, and those drops of water merged into a thin line, which was slowly drawn down from the boy's white and strong chest.

The thin-looking teenager didn't expect to have such a good figure after taking off his clothes. The muscles are tight and contain a powerful force.

Below the flat lower abdomen is...

Mo Tianqi held a mobile phone in one hand, watching the woman who suddenly jumped out of her stupidity. After he reacted, he saw the woman's unconcealed gaze, it seemed... Still drooling

The ice-covered eyes narrowed slightly, and an icy chill immediately emanated from his body. He chilled the voice with a trace of anger and said, "Is it enough!"

This scene suddenly reminded Wall of the day that she confessed to him three years ago, and that day, he also yelled at her like that.

Walter blinked her eyes, which were already looking straight. The two dogwoods on his chest and the one underneath in her mind... Be shy or calm.

"That..." Wall quickly turned around and explained: "I didn't see it, really didn't see anything!".

The more she explained, the darker Mo Tianqi's face became. It's strange that he didn't see it, he was naked, he didn't see it unless she was blind.

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