Ice Husband, Marry Me

Chapter 44: Le Ji is really easy to be sad


Is there a mistake? Want to commit a crime in order to read a novel

And there were many people who followed this message, all of them wanted to torture Waldorf with this method. Waldorf's eyelids jumped with those crazy words, and they were afraid that any hacker would find her address and blow up her home. . Shu Liao

She quickly wrote a message: Dear readers, I'm really sorry, because I was sick yesterday, there was no update, please forgive me!

As soon as this message came out, it attracted thousands of people's followers. Everyone was very concerned about Wall's condition, and some even asked Wall's address. They were going to take care of Wall, which was even more exaggerated. There was a reader who actually said that he wanted to hire a family doctor for Wall and shipped it by air.

God, when did the Chinese become so crazy? It is still said that she is too old to keep up with the trend.

I sent another message. After thanking everyone for their kindness, Wal-er immediately called Zhang Min back. As soon as he connected, Zhang Min’s lion roar came from the receiver: "Waler, do you treat me as a dead person? Did you know that my old lady didn't sleep all night for you last night!".

Zhang Min roared, her voice was already a little choked, always showing herself as a strong woman, she had traces of fragility in front of others for the first time, she glanced at the colleagues who looked to her, she was not angry Roared: "Whatever you look at, hurry up and work for the old lady."

"I'm sorry, I worried you." The eardrum was sore by Zhang Min's voice, and Wall moved the phone out.

"You also know that my old lady is worried, you said, did Mo Tianqi bully you, I will avenge you, I can't beat him to death!". Zhang Min was so angry that he couldn't wait to slash Mo Tian with a thousand swords.

A person who is so strong and optimistic that Wall is, only the bastard Mo Tianqi can make her sad.

Zhang Min’s concern caused a warm current to flow in Wall’s heart. Listening to the angry voice of his good friend, Wall smiled: “No, it’s just a bad mood yesterday. It’s a lot better today. Don't be angry, people say that angry women are old and look at who will dare to ask you in the future."

"They want the old lady and don't throw them away." Zhang Min curled his lips with disdain. She could tell from Waler that men are not good things, so it's better to be single by yourself.

"Cut~Which man likes you is blind. As a whole man, it is better to find some men who are more women than you."

"Wall, my old lady is worrying about you for nothing, okay, I have to go to work and hang up first!" Seeing the person standing at the door, Zhang Min hung up the phone with a headache.

After hanging up the phone, Wall drove to the mall to carry out a cleanup. Because she was going to work at the company, she bought a lot of professional clothes.

On the way, I received a call from the director of the film crew of "That Summer". Because the play is about to come to an end, the director hopes to use the name of the great god of Walmur to push the play to a higher level. The current method of hype is It was Wall who was exposed under the lens.

"Director, you know, I don't want to be exposed to the public, so this thing really doesn't work, I hope you can understand!" Wall did not hesitate to refuse, if she might agree a few days ago, but if she As Muer's great god, she went to be Mo Tianqi's assistant, I am afraid she will not have a peaceful life in the future.

Seeing Wall's insistence, the director sighed helplessly and said: "Well, in that case, respect your opinion, and I will think of other ways."

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