Ice Husband, Marry Me

Chapter 57: Clever tongue is blue


what happened? Wall turned his head with a puzzled look, and saw a potbellied man standing in front of her. At this time, the man's face was full of embarrassing smile and forbearing anger. Shu Liao

"Ah, Jay Chou, I'm really sorry. I'm so acquainted with Jay Jay's name. Now when I see the deity, I feel even better than the rumored one, so I was a little excited for a while. You must not have the same knowledge as this little girl like me. what".

Walter reacted extremely quickly. Such a beautiful person, who said beautifully, coupled with her admiring look, made Jay Chou's vanity inflated immediately, holding up his belly, and laughing heartily. A cry: "There are rumors outside, rumors."

Although he was very modest, there was no hint of humility in his proud expression: "Younger Mo, your female companion is not only beautiful in appearance, but also beautiful in these words."

For Jay Chou's compliment, Wall smiled shyly: "Dong Jay, you overwhelmed!". At first glance, she looked like a little woman who was shy because of her idol praise. I can see that Jay Chou exulted: "If the lady encounters any trouble in the future, he will come to his brother, he will definitely help you solve it."

"Then thank Brother Zhou."

"It seems that my assistant Hua really has two brushes." He sent Dong Jay away, and Mo Tianqi greeted the others again. Almost everyone he greeted, Wall, could say a few words to coax those The big bosses smiled brighter than the other.

Walter drank her mouth water to moisturize her throat. She hasn't completely calmed down until now. She has learned the information of the big bosses. But once she meets herself, she still has to think about how to say it. Be sincere.

Being in their place, I heard a lot of flattery. If she is really slapped and slapped, people may not eat her set, but she can be sincere and slap the ass with the admiration of the little girl, the effect can be described as a world of difference.

"I said, I won't give you any reason to fire me!" Waller looked at the people who came by, and immediately turned from a puddle of mud into an elegant lady. She brought a glass of red wine and greeted me with a smile. After the person who came, the eyes half-hidden by bangs were filled with excitement and surprise: "Miss Ru Ge".

The people who came were just like the fairy songs that I saw at the banquet that day. In everyone's impression, Miss Ruge has always been wearing a floor-length dress, and today is no exception. The fiery red dress makes her face paler, with a hint of enchanting charm in her elegant temperament like a fairy. Although her height comparable to a man makes people unable to find the shadow of petite and exquisite in him, her tall figure coupled with her fairy-like temperament makes people completely ignore her height, and all eyes are lingering. On her face and the unmatched temperament.

Beauty can be cultivated, but temperament is not something that everyone can have.

There was a delicate smile on Ruge's face: "Miss Hua, long time no see."

This smile made the people around me dumbfounded. Is this really the ice beauty in the upper circle who always has a cold face, such as Song? How could there be a smile on her face? Are they dazzled

"Yeah, it's been a long time." There was a trace of emotion in Wall's voice. If you don't listen carefully, you won't be able to hear it.

"This is the legendary son of the famous Mo Group, Mo Tianqi!" Ru Ge's gaze fell on Mo Tianqi behind Wall, her gaze was always calm after seeing Mo Tianqi. A flash of appreciation, this man is indeed excellent, but I don’t know what his character is like? She had heard a lot of rumors about the prince of the Mo group, and his head was surrounded by a halo of genius.

The beauty of Ruge did not attract Mo Tianqi's gaze. He just glanced at her, nodded politely, and then talked with the people around him.

Sure enough, she was an indifferent person like the rumors, she retracted her gaze and fell on Walter again. When she saw Walter watching Mo Tianqi obsessively, she couldn't help sighing. Is it good or bad to like an indifferent man

"Are you okay recently?" Walter and Ru Ge were talking in a low voice.

Ruge took a sip of red wine, and the spicy taste was just like his mood. Raising her eyebrows, she pretended to be relaxed and said: "It's good, every day is good for eating and drinking, and for fun, so many people envy me."

"Song..." Wall said sadly. Yes, no one does not envy the identity of the song, she is a standard official second generation, is a standard maiden party. How many people want to curry favor, but no one knows the conspiracy behind the scenery. Every day in that big family full of struggle, if you are not careful, you will be gnawed.

"That Liu Rumeng...?" Thinking of the rhetoric that Ruge put down last time, Wall couldn't help worrying about her: "I'm useless, I can't help you at all."

"Hey" Ruge raised his eyebrows: "You look down on me too much. I don't take a little Liu family in my eyes. I wanted to destroy them a long time ago, but because there is no chance, now Finally, there is a fair and honest reason. Don't look at the scenery of the Liu Group. The interior has already been hollowed out by me. You will know by looking over there."

Following Ruge's sight, Wall saw a very familiar face: "Why do I look at her so familiar?".

Ru Ge glanced at Wall with a weird look, and couldn't help but feel a little headache. Today, she is thankful that the decision she made was the most correct one in her life. If it was Wall at that time, it is estimated that she would not have any bones left.

"Is that Liu Rumeng?" When thinking of who the woman was, Wal could not help but let out a small exclamation. It's no wonder that Wall hasn't recognized Liu Rumeng at first sight in such a short time after being separated. It is true that Liu Rumeng today and Liu Rumeng that day are two people.

Liu Rumeng that day was enchanting and charming.

Today's Liu Rumeng is haggard and tired, bowing his head like a cock that has been defeated and does not speak.

I don't know what the men around her said, everyone laughed, but she kept her head down, her hand on her side clenched into a fist.