Ice Husband, Marry Me

Chapter 80


Glancing at Pearl in disgust, Mo Tianqi said coldly: "I have never been caring. Shu Lulu Huaer, you have to figure out whether this is in the company or not.

In your house, if you want to raise a cat, go back and raise it by yourself, now quickly leave with this damn little thing! ".

His breathing began to rush, and he strode back to his position and sat down. After he reached a safe position, the feeling of suffocation improved. He took a few deep breaths of air, adjusted his breathing, and looked at Wall, who was standing motionless, coldly.

She would absolutely reluctant to let Wall keep the pearl at home. What if the pearl is thirsty and hungry at home? But she didn't want to give up this opportunity to be alone with Mo Tianqi.

What should she do

It seemed that the tangled emotions of Wall had infected Pearl, and the kitten in his arms nudged her hand in an uneasy way, and screamed coquettishly.

"Why don't you leave?" Mo Tianqi snorted coldly, his eyes did not hide his dislike for that person and cat.

Hua Er's hand holding Pearl tightened, she saw the disgust in Mo Tianqi's eyes, and also heard the disgust in his tone. For so many days, she Huaer has really had enough of his anger! She also has human dignity. Since she is not rare for him to change, then she will never pretend to be a lady in the future.

What a shit lady is not suitable for her at all.

"I'm leaving now, Mo Tianqi, you'd better not beg me to come back!". Wall smiled triumphantly, and walked out holding the pearl happily.

She waited for Mo Tianqi to beg her.

Mo Tianqi didn't take Wall's words to heart at all. Beg her to come back? Hmph... He was begging her to leave. How could he beg her to come back, he is not sick.

However, when Ma Li called him and said that he could not refuse to ask Wall to go to dinner with him, Mo Tianqi was surprised.

He thought about it carefully, and suddenly remembered that when they were leaving, Ma Li said a word to Wall in Spanish.

Could it be that at that time Ma Li had made an appointment with Wall to go to dinner? The damn stinky girl was actually put on by her. No wonder it was so happy when I left.

Mo Tianqi really wanted to throw Waler down from the 32nd floor. Ma Li had already strongly demanded that Walter must be present. As a partner, he couldn't help others' kindness. Is he really going to beg that dead girl

No, it's impossible! He hasn't been begging anyone in his life, how could he be begging the woman he hates.

Shaking his head, Mo Tianqi threw the idea of going to Wallace out of his mind and continued to work, but he couldn't concentrate no matter how hard he tried.

"Damn it!" He slapped the pen on the table and Mo Tianqi got up from the chair.

Let's go to the woman's house, but instead of asking, he just caught the employee who had absent from work for no reason.

Thinking of his own reasons, Mo Tianqi's lips burst into a fascinating smile, with a touch of calculation, beautiful and startling.

A few days ago, he learned about the residence of Wall from Lu Xiaoxiao. What he wanted was to go directly to Wall’s house. He didn't expect to be stopped by the security guard when he walked to the gate.

"Sir, you should call Miss Hua and ask her to come down and pick you up, otherwise we really can't let you in, I'm really sorry." The security guard said in a cold sweat, obediently, why is this man here again

The last time he came to send shoes to Miss Hua, he was as cold as ice. Today it was just ice cubes, especially when he heard that he wouldn't let him in, the cold gentleman's eyes were more like eating people, so terrible.

However, it is the company's rule not to let in casual people and others casually, and he can't lose the rules out of fear. After speaking under great pressure, the security guard really wanted to cry.

Why is this man on duty every time he comes? Why should he let his fragile soul meet this scary man every time

"Get out!" Mo Tianqi's face was already blue. Such a damn broken community would not allow outsiders to enter without the owner's permission. When did Mo Tianqi ever encounter being turned away from the door? What is even more irritating is that the damn woman still doesn't answer the phone.

good very good! Actually played a game of grappling with him.

"Sorry sir, I can't let you in." The back of the security brother had been soaked with cold sweat, and now the sweat on his forehead had also condensed into a small stream of water dripping from his face.

Although the security guard is very dedicated, but now Mo Tianqi hates him for his inability to enter. : "What's the phone number of your manager?".

"Sir, even if you find the manager, I won't let you in." The security brother insisted.

"I, I'll ask your manager to buy a house, okay!".

In less than ten minutes, the manager appeared in front of Mo Tianqi, and Mo Tianqi casually threw him an infinite golden card and said, "I bought all your newly opened buildings. Can I go in now?".

Although he was talking to the manager, his eyes kept looking at the security guard. The security guard had been frightened by his aura a long time ago. He opened the railing with a numb scalp and said, "Sir, please come in."

Obediently, such a big owner, he dare not let him in.

After Mo Tianqi left, the manager holding the unlimited gold card excitedly walked to the security guard and said: "I didn't expect you to have the ability to sell houses. You have sold several buildings in a while. Don't worry, you will get a commission. , Work hard in the future!".

What type of situation is this? The security guard was lost.

According to the address Lu Xiaoxiao said, Mo Tianqi found the floor where Huaer was. He knocked on the door with the anger in his heart, but the door did not sound but opened.

He pushed the door directly in, and walked to the hallway to find a pair of men's slippers on the shoe cabinet. An inexplicable emotion flashed in his heart, because it was too fast, so he could not catch anything.

Putting on his shoes, he walked in.