Ice Husband, Marry Me

Chapter 85: The man who can touch her heart


Ma Li hurriedly poured a glass of water to him: "Mr. Ji, drink some water. Shu Luliu, if you are not in good health, please speak less, I think Shao Mo and Hua won't mind."

Ma Li glanced at Mo Tianqi and Wall apologetically and said: "I'm sorry you two, our President Ji has just had a major operation. For the sake of his health, I hope you can ask less questions and let President Ji say less. Thank you very much for horsepower!".

Ji Nanxi drank a few sips of water and felt a little better. He raised his hand to signal the horsepower to sit down, and smiled apologetically to the two opposing people: "I'm sorry, my body really can't bear it, I hope you forgive me!" .

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, Mr. Ji, should you go back and have a rest first?" Wall asked tentatively. She really couldn't bear a sick and beautiful man sitting here with them. Seeing his uncomfortable look, she was restless. A heart beating flusteredly, making her a little difficult to breathe, so she proposed to let Ji Nanxi leave first.

Who knows, Ji Nanxi smiled and said: "It's not a problem, I haven't been so happy for a long time."

Outside the door, there was a knock on the door.

A tall, middle-aged man walked in. He walked straight to Ji Nanxi, as if the other people in the private room were like air that made him ignore it completely. He walked to Ji Nanxi and bowed respectfully and saluted: " Master!".

Afterwards, he straightened up and clapped his hands, and immediately walked in a row of men in white chef uniforms with various dishes in his hands.

"These are the specialties here. Let's see if it suits your appetite." Ji Nanxi smiled at Wall and said: "You are welcome, eat more."

"How about Mr. Mo's taste?"

Wall took a look and found that they were all his favorite dishes, and almost all his favorite dishes were not bad on the table. A cloud of doubt suddenly enveloped her mind. Is this a coincidence or something else? Why are all the specialties here her favorite

The middle-aged man opened the silver dinner plate in front of Ji Nanxi. There was a bowl of clear soup with a few green vegetables floating in it, and the small plate next to it was fruit salad.

Walter finally understood why Ji Nanxi was so thin. Can a big man eat such a small amount of food without losing weight.

He was looking at her, as if seeing the question in her eyes, Ji Nanxi smiled indifferently.

"Are you enough to eat such a little food?" Wall was just a bit unconcerned. After thinking about it, she still asked.

Before Ji Nanxi could speak, the middle-aged man standing next to him spoke first, and he was very respectful to Walter: "Our young master has just recovered from a serious illness, so we can only eat so much at each meal."

"Can I only eat this salad and soup?" Wall bit his chopsticks, and the eyebrows covered by the bangs were screwed together tightly. I couldn't imagine how this man could endure it. If it were her, she would definitely not be able to control herself.

As if thinking of something, Ji Nanxi laughed suddenly, her gray eyes flashed with light: "It's not just these, as long as it has no oil, salt or meat, but I only get used to this kind of taste. ".

"Mr. Ji doesn't have any good food anymore. You can't eat so many delicious foods. You can only eat those things. It's really difficult to..." Mo Tianqi's voice was as calm as before, but Wall just heard something wrong.

She moved to Mo Tianqi's side and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong with you? Mr. Ji is already very pitiful if he doesn't have anything delicious to eat. Can you stop irritating others?".

Mo Tianqi pursed his lips and put down the chopsticks in his hand. He stood up and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Mr. Ji, Mr. Ma Li, I suddenly remembered that there are still some things to deal with and let my assistant accompany me. Let’s have a meal for two, I hope the three will have a great meal!”.

At the moment he turned around, he took a cold look at Wall, and the corners of his lips curled up ironically, as if to say, since you like men with money and power, then take this opportunity!

Realizing that her failure to speak upset Mo Tianqi and then leave midway, Wall also stood up, but when she faced Shang Ji Nanxi's sickly white face, she suddenly couldn't bear it.

At the moment she hesitated, the sound of closing the door was heard behind her.

Mo Tianqi left her alone and left.

Her heart fell heavily with the sound of the door closing, and somewhere in her heart seemed to have fallen on a thick shackle as the door closed.

With a pretentious smile, Walter said: "Our general manager really has something to leave, Mr. Ji, Mr. Ma Li, I'm really embarrassed."

"Is he very unhappy when he left?" Ji Nanxi asked lightly. Although his voice was weak and weak, there was a terrifying sharpness deeply hidden.

His gray eyes, glowing with water, seemed to hit her heart fiercely with a trace of pain. Wall only felt the heart shrank suddenly, and she couldn't help closing her eyes because of the pain, but the pair of gray white Her eyes seemed to have been deeply carved into her mind, and the familiar feeling made her soul throb.

She closed her eyes, wrinkled her brows, and after taking a deep breath, she suppressed the inexplicable feeling in her heart. When she opened her eyes again, there was already a faint smile in her eyes: "How come, I am very happy to meet Mr. Ma Li and Mr. Ji".

"If you don't mind, you can call me Nanxi." Ji Nanxi deliberately ignored the alienation in Wall's eyes and raised a pale smile. The gentle voice was like the March spring breeze, and the person who was blowing was weak and limp.

South Seal? Wall laughed. They don’t seem to know each other so well, right? "I'll call you Big Brother Ji."

Ji Nanxi's hands on his legs suddenly closed. He looked at Wall, a painful color flashed quickly in his gray eyes, and he coughed violently.

This time the cough seemed to be worse than the previous few times. The middle-aged man standing behind him hurriedly took out a small white medicine bottle from his pocket with a worried look, poured out two or three white pills, and picked it up. A cup of warm plain water was given to Ji Nanxi.

"Master, take medicine!"