If The Moon Won’t Hold You

Chapter 43: moonlight


Do you still like him.

This question is actually very easy to answer. Every cell in her body is telling her that she likes her words and deeds, no matter how deliberate or how she pretends, she can't deny it.

But when he said that he liked her, she was full of fear in addition to joy.

She was born timid and inferior. Growing up in the compound environment, she was too aware of the gap between herself and others. At the age of sixteen, she also felt with her own ears the dissatisfaction and contempt for her relationship with him in words and deeds.

He said that he had never said it, so was her memory really messed up

"Zi Yi, tell me, should I like him." After a long time, Cen Ning whispered.

Zhang Ziyi: "Should or should not, there is no right and wrong in this world, only you are willing or not. Ningning, you are too afraid of getting hurt."

Cen Ning froze.

Zhang Ziyi stretched out her hand to hold her: "I know, you must be surprised to say that you like you suddenly in words and deeds, and you must also feel very nonsensical, why do you suddenly like you, right?"

Cen Ning nodded slowly, it was... quite suddenly.

Zhang Ziyi is rare and serious: "Ningning, don't underestimate yourself, you have always been very good and excellent, you have to believe in yourself. But..."

Cen Ning looked up at her, waiting for the follow-up.

Zhang Ziyi smiled: "But it took so long for you to like your words and deeds before he reacted, so you shouldn't be in a hurry. Look, why should he say he likes you so you have to rush over immediately."

"… so?"

"So you hang on to him, want to be close or not, want to be far away, wait until he can't stand it anymore, crying and begging you to be good to him, you are promising him."

The corner of Cen Ning's mouth twitched slightly: "What are you talking about..."

"What I'm saying is the truth! Don't you believe me." Zhang Ziyi patted her forehead and said, "Hasn't he been injured recently? You, hang around him, but don't express your opinion, hang on to him. "

Cen Ning: "That's it, okay?"

Zhang Ziyi: "It's fine, let him know that you don't have to do it, and you didn't save him and help him because you are obsessed with him, understand."

"… oh."

After meeting with Zhang Zi, Cen Ning took a taxi back to the apartment.

Pushing the door open, the room was dark, the curtains were not drawn, and the lights were not turned on.

Cen Ning changed his slippers and walked into the living room only to find that there was a person lying flat on the sofa.

People with words and deeds are tall and have long legs, occupying the entire sofa.

In the silence, Cen Ning's heart tightened, and he quickly squatted beside him.

"Brother? Brother Xingzhi?"

Nothing will happen.

Cen Ning quickly stretched out her hand towards his forehead, but just as she put her hand on it, he held it down.

Cen Ning was startled, and saw the lying man slowly opened his eyes, he didn't say a word, his eyes were like a dark pool, bottomless.

Cen Ning: "Are you okay, I thought you..."

"Why are you back?" said the words and deeds, his voice a little hoarse.

Cen Ning was puzzled: "If I don't come back, what will happen to your injury?"

He froze for a moment, frowned, and said: "I said yesterday, you don't want to stay, so you don't have to stay today."

Cen Ning withdrew his hand and stood up: "Then I didn't answer you yesterday, nor did I say that I don't want to stay."

Silent in words and deeds, staring at her for a moment.

As soon as his eyes became serious, Cen Ning had the illusion of doing something wrong. She panicked and hurriedly took a step back, changing the subject: "Well, have you eaten yet?"

Sit up in words and deeds: "No."

Cen Ning was surprised: "It's two o'clock and you haven't eaten yet? Then I'll go to the kitchen to see if there is anything to eat."

As he spoke, he hurried to the kitchen without waiting for an answer in words and deeds.

It is true that Yan Xingzhi has not eaten since he woke up. He came out of the room and saw the empty room before, guessing that she might not come back. What happened yesterday, he was impulsive and frightened her.

He has always given her freedom, and he has always thought that even if she has someone she likes, he will not destroy it forcibly. He will slowly seduce her, be nice to her, and lead her into his trap.

But he didn't expect that she, who was always obedient and timid, would be so difficult to induce. For the first time, he felt that he had failed, so when he mentioned Xia Yi yesterday, he obviously couldn't control his emotions.

The moment he came out of the room in the morning, he was really panicked that she wouldn't come...

There was still plenty of food in the refrigerator, because he couldn't eat too greasy food now, so Cen Ning simply made two side dishes and boiled a pot of porridge.

At the dinner table, she sat on the side and watched him eat his long-overdue lunch.

"elder brother… "


"Why don't you order takeaway?" Cen Ning said, "I have classes in the morning, so I definitely won't be able to make it back at noon."

What's more, she drank a cup of coffee with Zhang Ziyi.

Naturally, he would not say that he lost his appetite because she was not here, so he said, "Have you seen the news?"

Cen Ning: "What?"

"Eating takeout hurts your body."

Cen Ning: "... yes."

"A housekeeper will come over to cook tomorrow, so you don't have to do it." Yan Dezhi glanced at her, "Don't run around if the injury on your back is not healed."

"I'm almost fine..." Cen Ning thought about it and said again, "Didn't you say before that you don't like being taken care of by strangers? Since you called the housekeeper, why do you ask me to do it?"

He stopped the chopsticks in his hand and raised his eyes to look at her.



Cen Ning swallowed, okay, pretend she didn't ask.

After the meal, Cen Ning returned to his room.

She brought some daily necessities and clothes from school, and she was hanging the clothes in the closet one by one.

The closet is very clean and new. According to the words and deeds at the dinner table just now, no one has ever lived in this house, and it was only because he was going to live recently that someone came to clean it in advance.

Cen Ning shook his head, it really is capitalism... The house is empty when it says it is empty.

There was no incident for a few hours later, when Cen Ning heard the sound of Yan Xingzhi entering the room, he moved the computer and sat in the living room to sort out the photos.

The words and deeds never came out, and Cen Ning felt that the room was as quiet as if she was the only one.

When it was time for dinner, she put down the computer and finally mustered up the courage to knock on the door of Words and Deeds.

After knocking a few times, his voice came from the room.

"Come in."

Cen Ning pressed the doorknob, pushed the door open, and poked a head in: "OK—"

Without saying a word, he took a deep breath instead.

When Cen Ning saw the scene in front of her, her first reaction was to exit the room and close the door tightly, but when she saw the hideous wound and the frowning of her words and deeds, she still stood firm in the end.

"It's just in time." Words and deeds glanced at her, "Come here, apply the medicine for me."

Cen Ning blinked his eyes, timidly in fear: "Me?"


Cen Ning gritted his teeth, and walked into the room under the clear and indifferent eyes of his words and deeds.

But before she got to the edge of words and deeds, her face was already red. He probably wanted to change his own dressing just now, he took off his shirt, leaving only a pair of trousers.

Although... there's nothing to be shy about, and what a man should cover is also covered tightly.

But as far as the eye can see, the man's skin and lines can still easily make people blush.

Cen Ning secretly dislikes himself, a little ambition, Cen Ning, Zhang Ziyi said, don't be so fascinated by him that you don't know where to go, you must have ambition! It's you hanging him, not him hanging you!

Cen Ning took a deep breath, and slowly moved in front of him: "I can't..."

Words and deeds pointed to the opened medicine on the bedside table: "Apply it, just wrap it in a bandage."

Cen Ning groaned, knelt down and studied for a while, then turned to words and deeds, "Will it hurt when you touch the wound?"

Shaking his head in words and deeds: "Come on, it doesn't hurt much anymore."

It doesn't hurt much, but it still hurts.

Cen Ning dipped a cotton swab into the ointment and applied it carefully.

"Why are you shaking?" He lowered his eyes in words and deeds, looking at the little girl squatting in front of him.

Cen Ning paused for a moment, and said honestly, "I, I'm a little scared when I look at this wound."

Words and deeds smiled briefly: "You are still afraid, not afraid of guns or explosions, do you know that this wound is afraid?"

"That's different. I forgot to be afraid at the time when the situation was urgent, but looking at it now... it's really scary."

Cen Ning puffed up her cheeks, and carefully applied a little more. After finishing the application, she subconsciously leaned forward and blew: "Does it hurt?"

The original heart of words and deeds was like still water, and suddenly a trace of hot breath brushed across his stomach, instantly making his back stiff. He suddenly lowered his eyes, and saw Cen Ning squatting halfway between his legs, with his hands resting on his thighs naturally, his lips pursed slightly, blowing on his wound.

An indescribable dryness rushed out from the wound, very fast, and extremely lingering...

His words and deeds were stagnant, and he almost picked her up from him. However, he held back anyway and turned his head away from looking at her.

Cen Ning didn't know anything, and was still giving him medicine seriously. After finally taking the medicine, she took the bandage beside him and began to wrap it around him.

Wrap around and around very carefully.

He didn't want to see her because of his words and deeds, but he couldn't help but look at her.

Originally, he was sitting by the bed, and it was normal for her to squat in front of him and apply the medicine to her, but after having evil thoughts in her heart, taking a second look was actually a picture that made one's imagination run wild.

She was very focused, and her small face was tightly packed. When she needs to go around his back when wrapping the bandage, she will get up slightly, and then get closer, wrap her arms around his back, and then take the other hand...

Constantly approaching, non-stop skin-to-skin contact. She was already between his legs, so up and down, he was on fire all over, and he kept enduring it until something couldn't help it...

"Cen Ning!" The words and deeds suddenly picked up Cen Ning.

Cen Ning, who was still holding a bandage in his hand, was stunned: "Huh?"

Words and deeds grabbed her arm and turned her around: "Go out."

"The wound is not healed—"

Cen Ning wanted to turn her head to look at him, but unexpectedly she was pushed halfway by his palm, and then pushed her face back.

Cen Ning: "???"

The tone of words and deeds is forbearing and deep: "I will do it myself, you go out."

Cen Ning: "But—"

The wrapped bandages scattered a lot because of the actions of the two of them, but they still insisted on taking the bandages back from her hand.

Cen Ning looked puzzled, but words and deeds made her go out, so she had no choice but to go out.

When she walked out of the room and was about to close the door, she suddenly remembered something, turned her head and asked, "Brother Xingzhi, what shall we have for dinner?"

Her words and deeds seemed to be taken aback by her sudden turning around: "Anything, whatever."

Cen Ning: "Can I cook noodles?"

"… good."

Seeing that he agreed, Cen Ning obediently closed the room door for him, and the footsteps finally faded away.

He breathed a sigh of relief in his words and deeds, he glanced at the physical reaction of a certain place, and pressed the center of his eyebrows wordlessly...