If The Moon Won’t Hold You

Chapter 72: Off-centered


In the parking lot of the IZ office building, a gorgeously dressed woman got out of the car. She closed the car door, put on sunglasses, and took out her mobile phone to make a call.

"It's me, I'm already here... It's okay, you are so busy and can't come to pick me up, there is nothing you can do, I can do it myself." The woman had a hearty smile on her face, "Your assistant is waiting for me downstairs, right? ? Okay, you tell her that the one who is not beautiful is me... Hahahaha, that's right."

While chatting, the woman walked towards the door of the IZ. When she passed a black off-road vehicle, she happened to see a man get off the back seat, and in his arms was a little girl carved in pink and jade.

"Tsk, are our domestic men already so handsome..." the woman couldn't help but turn her head and muttered while talking on the phone, "but why do I feel so familiar... ah? It's nothing, nothing, I'm almost there... um, ok."

Cen Ning has been a little busy recently, and just came out of the meeting room when she received a call from her friend Meisha. She went back to the office and waited for a while, and the assistant came in with Meisha.

"Cen Ning! I miss you so much!" Meisha rushed towards her as soon as she saw her, and gave her a big hug.

"I miss you too, long time no see."

Meisha let go of her: "Isn't that right? Before, I thought that I would be able to come back from the United States as soon as I graduated, but who would have expected that I have been working there for so many years. In fact, I have always wanted to come back. , I seized the opportunity this year.”

Cen Ning took her to sit on the sofa: "It's good to be back, IZ needs you now."

"Hehe, that's why I haven't been a fool for nothing all these years abroad, and I can work with you when I come back." Meisha brushed her long hair happily, but her smug expression was not finished yet, she suddenly stopped Cen Ning's hand, "Ah! I remembered! I said why is it so familiar."

Cen Ning was confused by her surprise: "What?"

"Let me tell you that I saw an invincible and handsome man in the parking lot downstairs just now. I said why did he look familiar? Now that I see you, I remember. When you got married, you showed me the photos of you and your husband. In the wedding photo, that person seems to be your husband??"

Cen Ning paused: "Really, did you misread, he is in the army today."

"Did I see it wrong? I don't know, I just feel a bit like it." Meisha thought for a while, "Do you have a photo of him on your phone? Let me see if it is."

Although Cen Ning thought it was impossible, he still found the photo from the album and showed it to Mei Sha.

Since she had a child, her photo album is almost full of that little devil, and it took her a while to find what she said and did.

"Okay, I basically don't need to read it, it must be." Meisha confirmed, "Isn't the child in his arms the one in your photo album?"

"real or fake… "

"You can call him and ask him."

"Okay, but I still have to take you to report to Mr. Duan and settle your matter first."

Meisha just arrived, of course Cen Ning had to make arrangements for her first.

Cen Ning didn't call Yanxingzhi until Meisha's affairs were dealt with. She went downstairs and waited for the connection there, but Cen Ning was stunned before the call was connected.

Because she saw two familiar figures, one big and one small, surrounded by a group of staff in the rest area of the hall, and there was constant noise of play.

"Ah, so cute!"

"Can you form a group to steal children?"

"Xiao Zhaoyu, let's go with auntie, auntie will buy you a lot of delicious food, okay?"

A group of adults had a great time teasing the children, while the man in the middle was sitting on the sofa, following the little girl with his eyes, letting her play with everyone.

Cen Ning hung up the phone and walked over, but before she got close, a colleague saw her first: "Hey Cen Ning, you can count it down, your little baby is waiting for you."

Cen Ning: "Something got stuck just now."

"Teacher Cen, Xiao Zhaoyu is looking better and better."

"That's right, I really want to take it home!"

After hearing the sound of words and deeds, he looked back, and when he saw Cen Ning, he smiled lightly: "Are you busy?"

Cen Ning approached, looked at Yan Xingzhi suspiciously: "Aren't you on a business trip, why..."

"Come back two hours ago."

Cen Ning: "Then why don't you rest at home, is this girl making trouble to find me?"

Shaking his head in words and deeds: "No, I want to find you."

She coughed lightly, and said in a low voice, "Why didn't you call me, if it wasn't for a friend of mine saying just now, I wouldn't even know you were here."

"Ningning, have you forgotten what day it is today?"

Cen Ning looked confused: "Ah? What day?"

Words and deeds got up and looked at her helplessly: "So busy that you even forgot your own birthday?"

At this time, the little girl squeezed out of the crowd, she threw herself on Cen Ning's lap, and said in a childish voice, "Mom, eat the cake."

Cen Ning picked up the little one from the ground: "Today seems to be my birthday, baby, are you and Dad here to celebrate my birthday?"

"Well! As soon as Dad came back, he said that he would come to see Mom, and that Mom wanted a present for her birthday."

Cen Ning kissed her on the cheek: "Then what gift did you give me?"

"Dad said, buy it."

Cen Ning pretended to be angry: "So I haven't bought it yet."

The little boy was stunned for a moment, then turned his head and looked at the words and deeds for help. Words and deeds reached out and tapped the little girl's nose, stepped forward and said, "Apologize to mom and say we'll go buy it now."

"Oh!" The little girl turned her head and kissed Cen Ning forcefully on the face, "Mom, I'm sorry!"

Cen Ning was amused by her serious look: "Just admit your mistake quickly."

The little girl immediately said: "Dad didn't buy a gift either, hurry up and ask Dad to apologize."

Cen Ning: "Dad is busy outside, and he just came back today so there is no present, so we can't blame him."

The little girl glanced at her mouth: "Mom is partial."

Cen Ning walked out with her in his arms: "I'm partial, I'm not telling the truth."



The family went out to eat first, and after the meal, they went shopping in the shopping mall where the restaurant was located.

When I went down to the fourth floor, I saw a toy store first. Yan's family was not short of money, but they were always strict in educating children, so even if Yan Zhaoyu was a little princess who was favored by everyone, she would not allow her in words and deeds Feel free to waste.

Therefore, when it comes to toys, Yan Zhaoyu has control over whether he buys them or not.

"Dad, I haven't bought any toys this month." When he arrived at the door of the toy store, Yan Zhaoyu's eyes were bright and he couldn't move at all.

Words and deeds and Cen Ning looked at each other: "Well, do you want to go shopping?"

Yan Zhaoyu: "Think!"

In words and deeds: "Okay, today is my mother's birthday, you can buy one more."

"Really!" Yan Chaoyu ran in like a gaiety, "I want this, this, and this too—"

Yan Xingzhi and Cen Ning followed her, watching the little girl take a bunch of them with great interest. But she is very disciplined, if she says she buys two, she buys two. She looks at the pile and chooses slowly, without any fuss.

"Dad, I want these two dolls."


After buying their daughter's toys, the three of them continued to walk forward. This shopping mall has a complete range of luxury brands, bags, shoes, clothes, jewelry... a complete range, including the latest models.

Afterwards, Cen Ning will go to the auction of an art exhibition abroad, so since he is here today, he plans to pick a few good ones to pass through.

Entering a store, Cen Ning immediately fell in love with the high heels on the shelf.

Cen Ning: "This is pretty nice."

Words and deeds followed her gaze and glanced: "High heels?"


"Don't you like to wear it?"

"I don't like it." Cen Ning grimaced, "But I have to attend some big occasions in the next few days, so it seems inappropriate not to wear high heels."

Nodding in words and deeds: "Then choose something that is more comfortable to wear."


The waiter helped Cen Ning try on the shoes, while Yan Zhaoyu was swaying by Yan Zhaoyu's hand.

"Dad, this bag looks good."


"This bag is also pretty!"


"Is this white one better or is this blue one better?"

"They all look good."

"Well...then let mom choose one!"


Cen Ning tried on three pairs of high heels over there, and they were all comfortable to wear, but he didn't know which one to choose, so when he saw the words and deeds coming over, he asked, "Which one looks better?"

He lowered his eyes and glanced at his words and deeds: "Which one do you like?"

Cen Ning pondered: "I like them all."

"Let's buy them all."

"Ah?" Cen Ning said, "I just need a pair to make up the number, and I don't usually wear them."

"It's not just that one time, there will be such occasions often in the future, right?" Words and deeds said directly to the waiter, "Wrap up all three pairs."

The clerk looked happy: "Hey, okay!"

After trying on the shoes, Yan Zhaoyu happily pulled Cen Ning to look at the bag: "Look, Mom, the bags here are so pretty, do you like them?"

Cen Ning smiled: "Well, it looks good, mom likes it."

"Then mom pick one quickly, and dad will give it to you."

Cen Ning is not short of bags, but seeing his daughter is so interested, he cooperates with her to carefully choose: "Well... the baby says which one looks good, and the mother will choose whichever one?"

Yan Zhaoyu frowned: "It's so difficult, I think this, this, and that... all look good."

Small in stature, but sharp-eyed when looking at things, Cen Ning said with a smile: "Mom also thinks these are all beautiful, it's too difficult to choose."

"That's all."

Both mother and daughter were taken aback for a moment, and turned to look at the words and deeds behind them.

Yan Zhaoyu: "???"

Cen Ning: "..."

He didn't feel anything wrong with his words and deeds, and calmly said to the clerk next to him, "Take the bags she said just now, too."

The clerk looked envious: "Good sir."

Cen Ning dragged his words and deeds: "Why do you buy so much..."

Words and deeds: "Didn't you say it looks good?"

"Looking good is good looking, but—"

"Buy it if it looks good." He squeezed her face in words and deeds, his eyes were full of doting, "Just like it."


After returning home after shopping, the trunk was filled with Cen Ning's "birthday present".

Today, Aunt Chen prepared a table of food for Cen Ning to celebrate his birthday at home. The adults ate and chatted at the table, while a few children played by the side.

"Father is too eccentric." Yan Zhaoyu said to Yi Chi next to him, "Second brother, my father said that everything should not be wasted or reckless, but every time he buys things for my mother, he pays a lot of money. purchase."

Yi Chi yawned: "Adults are like this, so is my father."

Yan Zhaoyu: "Really?"

"Well, I'm used to my mother saying that I can get whatever I want."

Yan Zhaoyu suddenly realized: "Oh... so everyone is like this."

"Yes." Yi Chi patted her on the head, pretending to be deep and authentic, "So, you can mess with anyone, but don't mess with mom, you know?"

Yan Zhaoyu blinked his big eyes: "Oh!"

The author has something to say: Yan Baba: Others should have rules, but wives don’t~