If The World Sees Gentleness

Chapter 65


The eldest princess hit the gun, and the emperor's spies were investigating the poisoning incident. All kinds of clues pointed to the eldest princess. At this time, it was revealed that the eldest princess bribed important officials and formed cliques for personal gain. The emperor almost instantly associated the eldest princess's desire to usurp the throne with these.

The emperor was furious, and immediately ordered a thorough investigation, and at the same time wanted to imprison the eldest princess.

The eldest princess immediately knelt down in the hall in panic and shouted for her innocence, but unfortunately the emperor ignored her, looking at her with very cold eyes, and the eldest princess's cold sweat dripped down in big drops.

Since the fourth princess wanted to target the eldest princess, there was no room for her to stand up.

The official appointed by the emperor to investigate the case of the eldest princess bribing important ministers and forming a party for personal gain is someone in the camp of the four emperors. The reason why the four emperors hid her so deeply was for this moment.

Soon, all the circumstances of the eldest princess's bribery were fully disclosed.

The princess was abolished, and the girl from the great emperor had ambitions that she shouldn't have. She also wanted to fight for that position. She did bribe her, and she even made a promise to the minister who accepted the bribe. As long as she helps her become a great treasure, she will definitely Lots of rewards.

The emperor was frightened by the amount of gold bribes, and his chest was full of blood. With such a terrible handwriting, it is no wonder that this rebellious woman can impress so many courtiers.

Where did the eldest princess get so much money? The emperor couldn't help but think of such daring ways to raise money, such as privately opening iron mines and privately selling official salt.

"Search! Go search in the mansion, I want to see what that rebellious girl did!"

The special agents who only worked for the emperor took the imperial order and immediately ran to the Great Empress's Mansion, where they found gold in a box and various criminal evidences from the Great Empress's study.

In order to have enough capital to bribe and win important ministers, the eldest princess accepted bribes at the same time as she offered bribes, and she also withheld the payment for disaster relief during the heavy snowfall last year.

There is also a very bright source of money, which is Lu Zhilan, the second daughter of Lu Quanzhou, Minister of the Ministry of household affairs.

Lu Quanzhou immediately knelt down and expressed his loyalty to the emperor in fear, saying that she didn't know anything about what Ni Nu had done.

"I hope Your Majesty will see clearly—" Lu Quanzhou begged with a trembling voice.

But being an emperor is suspicious by nature, Lu Zhilan gave such a huge amount of silver to the eldest princess, how could the emperor believe that Lu Quanzhou was not in the queen's camp.

But it is true that no evidence of collusion between Lu Quanzhou and the eldest princess was found, only Lu Zhilan had a close relationship with the eldest princess. It seems that, as Lu Quanzhou said, she did not know about the collusion between Lu Zhilan and the eldest princess.

In the end, Lu Zhilan was sentenced to beheaded, while Lu Quanzhou and his eldest daughter Lu Zhijin were dismissed from office, and the whole family was exiled to the poor, cold, and undeveloped southern barbarian area.

The spies who searched the Grand Princess' mansion came back, not only brought all kinds of criminal evidence of the Grand Princess, but also brought back a bottle of very suspicious medicine.

The spy chief didn't know what the medicine was. The medicine was hidden in the dark room of the eldest princess' room. If he didn't search carefully, he would never have found it.

As soon as the emperor saw this thing, he almost immediately decided in his heart that it was the eldest princess who poisoned him.

Holding the medicine bottle, the emperor looked fierce, and all the spies waiting for orders did not dare to make a sound.

"Go, tell the divine doctor of Chu to have an audience!"

Mr. Chu has been staying in the palace for a long time, and the emperor gave her very good treatment, and he almost confessed her. The emperor summoned, and Mr. Chu came soon.

The emperor handed her the medicine bottle, "Genius doctor, come and see this."

Mr. Chu calmly took the medicine bottle with an air of immortality, then unplugged the cork from the mouth of the bottle, and poured the medicine powder inside into his hands.

This medicinal powder has an astringent herbaceous smell, and it is so white that it is still slightly green in the glowing color, which looks very ominous.

"Your Majesty, please order someone to find a small animal."

The emperor immediately ordered the female officer to go to the Zhenyuanyuan to bring a white rabbit over.

Mr. Chu sprinkled the medicinal powder on the grass and gave the rabbits to eat. The rabbits fell to the ground within a quarter of an hour after eating, kicking their legs in the air, and then died.

Seeing this scene, the emperor was shocked, clutching his chest and uncontrollably stepped back a few steps, and fell down on the throne.

Her face turned pale all of a sudden, and she felt her body in severe pain, and she cried out in horror: "Miracle doctor! Miracle doctor!"

There was a violent cough, and the emperor coughed up a big mouthful of blood, his expression suddenly became sluggish, and he passed out.

The suppressed poison in her body should not have erupted, but her mood fluctuated violently, causing the poison to rebound, and the emperor was so frightened that he passed out.

When he woke up again, the emperor felt that his body was even worse, and it was difficult for him to even speak.

Mr. Chu stood next to him, and the female officer took the responsibility of sitting the emperor up from the bed. Mr. Chu said without considering the emperor's mood, "Your Majesty, the poison found in the palace of the great emperor is the poison from your majesty."

Finally came to a conclusion, the emperor was not surprised at all. From the time the spy handed the medicine bottle to her, she almost decided in her heart that it was the eldest princess.

"Genius doctor, since I found the poison | medicine, can my body be healed?"

Facing the emperor's gaze, Mr. Chu shook his head calmly, "Your Majesty, the poison in your body has penetrated deep into the bone marrow, and there is no cure."

"Bold!" The female officer next to the emperor scolded angrily in a shrill voice, "Hurry up and arrest this daring fellow."

"Shut up!" The emperor coughed twice again.

"Back off for me."

The magistrate backed away coweringly.

Mr. Chu was not afraid at all, even if she sentenced the emperor to death, the emperor would definitely not be reconciled, and wanted to struggle to die, at least to live one more day. Based on this alone, the emperor would not do anything to her.

"Please save me from a genius doctor. The mother-in-law is not yet established, and the country is unstable. I can't die so quickly." The emperor said sadly.

Mr. Chu pretended to sigh and said, "Your Majesty, all I can do is delay your time as much as possible."

Then Mr. Chu gave the emperor a routine medical treatment. In fact, he quietly fed the emperor the antidote, and then he left with his medicine box under the pretext of studying the poison | medicine.

The emperor was in better condition, and walked to the desk in his imperial robe, and said to the female official, "Bring the imperial decree."

The female officer was trembling, and took small steps quickly to get the blank imperial edict. The emperor held the brush and ruthlessly pronounced the fate of the eldest princess.

Relegated to common people, asked to beheaded after autumn!

After retracting the pen with murderous intent, the emperor dropped the brush, and the brush rolled across the table, leaving a smudge on the table with the thick ink from the pen tip.

The female officer received the imperial decree, peeked at the contents of the imperial decree, trembling with fright, cold sweat flowed down, and the hands holding the imperial decree were trembling slightly.

"Eldest Empress's father, Lord Dejun, took away the throne and left him in limbo."

After the eldest princess was arranged, her biological father, the emperor, was not spared either.

Dejun's family is not obvious, and his temper is dull and cowardly, so he is not liked by the emperor, so he is outstanding in appearance, and the emperor loves him for a long time.

The greatest luck in his life was to conceive the emperor's eldest daughter during this period.

Because of the meritorious service in giving birth to the emperor's eldest daughter, Dejun was granted the throne after the emperor's registration, but he was like an invisible person in the harem, and the emperor never liked to go to his palace.

Now this poor man was doomed by the emperor's words.

At this time, Huang Guijun came, seeing him, Huang Yujie's heart immediately became much brighter.

"Why are you here?" the emperor asked softly.

"Come and accompany Your Majesty." Huang Guijun walked up to the emperor, and ordered the palace attendant to open the food box, which contained the soup brought by Huang Guijun.

"I'm not sad, I still have Tong'er." The emperor embraced the emperor and said.

Although the emperor is suspicious, not open-minded enough, and not as talented as the former emperor Tai|Zu Xiong, she has always been a qualified emperor and can be regarded as a good emperor.

As a qualified emperor, she has always adhered to the rule of the eldest son in the matter of establishing a crown prince, so as to secure the country and the country.

Out of this mentality, after the abolishment of the empress dowager, the emperor planned to make the seventh emperor's daughter who was born by the empress the queen as the crown prince. Because the seventh emperor's daughter was still too immature, she spent time cultivating her.

But now, the emperor felt that Huang Guijun was his true love, and that the four imperial daughters born of Huang Guijun were her favorite daughters.

As a mother, the emperor wanted to leave the best for his favorite daughter.

She is about to die, what if the Seventh Princess ascends the throne, the Queen becomes the Empress Dowager, and her most beloved person and favorite daughter suffer, then she must die with regret.

Therefore, she wants to make her fourth emperor daughter the crown daughter!

The author has something to say: Poisoning should affect IQ...