If The World Sees Gentleness

Chapter 66


When Lu Zhilan was taken away, Mo Zian felt both panicked and as expected.

After all, he had never been optimistic about the eldest princess since the beginning, and Lu Zhilan never listened to him.

When the imperial guards came to arrest him, Lu Zhilan didn't believe it at all. How could it be possible? How could she fail and be sent to prison? This cannot be the fate of the traversers.

But the imperial guards would not argue with her, nor would they be impressed by her charm as a traverser. Seeing that Lu Zhilan refused to cooperate, he directly put on shackles and took her away.

Lu Zhilan was terrified in her heart, and kept turning her head and shouting: "Dad! Zi'an, save me, save me—"

Lu Zhilan was taken away, and before the verdict came down, Mo Zi'an spent a lot of money to manage, and bought time to see Mo Zi'an for a stick of incense.

The prison was dirty and cold, and there were mice running around everywhere. Lu Zhilan had only been here for two days, and all her pride was shattered.

Seeing Mo Zi'an approaching under the leadership of the jailer, Lu Zhilan rushed towards the fence of the cell.

"Zian, Zi'an, save me quickly! If I stay any longer, I will die!"

Mo Zi'an felt very bitter, he was just a man, how could Lu Zhilan ask him to save her.

Mo Zian brought a food box, opened it, and handed the food inside to Lu Zhilan.

Lu Zhilan hasn't eaten a drop of rice in the past few days, and she feels like vomiting when she smells the rotten pig food in the prison, and it is impossible to eat it.

Lu Zhilan ate the food in big mouthfuls, and Mo Zian felt sour and embarrassed when he saw her ugliness.

"Zhilan, the situation at home is very bad now. Both my mother and eldest sister have been suspended from work. They are waiting at home. I will try my best to find a way to save you."

At this time, the jailer came over and yelled viciously, "It's time, leave quickly, let's go!"

Lu Zhilan panicked, and grabbed Mo Zian's clothes with oily hands, "Zian, you must save me, I don't want to die!"

Mo Zian left, and he returned to the Lu Mansion. The whole Lu Mansion is gloomy and panic-stricken. No one knows what the consequences will be waiting for them.

Lu Quanzhou and Lu Zhijin asked people to move around with gold, hoping that someone could speak for them in the court. If nothing else, it would be great if they could get demoted and released.

As long as the vitality is preserved, the Lu family can make a comeback.

It's a pity that everyone shuts the door to them, and the emperor is furious, and no one wants to be in trouble.

The so-called cold heart is nothing more than that.

Mo Zian went back to the yard where he and Lu Zhilan lived, and began to search for things. Lu Zhilan was his wife, what would he do if Lu Zhilan died.

He had to try to rescue Lu Zhilan.

Lu Zhilan belonged to the eldest princess, and was imprisoned because of the eldest princess. Now the eldest princess cannot protect herself, so she is naturally unreliable.

The emperor doesn't need to think about it, it seems that there are only two princesses who are capable of saving Lu Zhilan.

The Seventh Princess or the Fourth Princess.

The Seventh Princess is an ally of the Xu family, but Lu Zhilan has a feud with Xu Ting, so it is impossible for the Seventh Princess to save her.

Then there are only four princesses.

But Lu Zhilan is a hot potato right now, and everyone can't avoid it, so why should the fourth princess take the risk to save her.

Unless Lu Zhilan is useful!

Mo Zian can only think of Lu Zhilan's talent. She has countless ideas in her mind, which can be turned into a steady stream of gold. This is a huge treasure, and the fourth princess must be coveted.

Mo Zi'an wanted to find something that could prove Lu Zhilan's worth, so that the fourth princess would take the risk of going to the prison to get her.

For example, where does Lu Zhilan put the huge profits from glass products

Mo Zian rummaged through the room, never expecting to find this thing!

It was a sizable booklet without a cover, but Mo Zian couldn't help but tremble when he opened the pages, and his hands trembled unconsciously.

"Milk tea", "cake", "cocktail", "sugar", "glass", "alcohol purification"...

There are words and pictures, some of which have already been realized, and Lu Zhilan crossed out the icons with Zhu Mo, but there are still many that Lu Zhilan has not had time to implement.

this thing! this thing!

With it, Lu Zhilan is completely unnecessary. And such things, Lu Zhilan actually put them in the lattice under the Babu bed where they slept together.

In fact, there are many odds and ends in the grid, many of which are related to Mo Zi'an, recording some things between them.

But Mo Zian didn't see them at all.

The big tree of the Lu family is about to fall, and a lot of energy may not be able to rescue Lu Zhilan.

Mo Zian's heart was beating wildly, he didn't want to save Lu Zhilan anymore, with this thing in his hand, he could go to a place that was unattainable for everyone without relying on anyone.

He can realize his ambition.

Mo Zian walked to the desk in a daze, picked up the brush, and spread out a piece of letter paper.

Lu Zhilan's handwriting is actually very easy to imitate. Her handwriting is weak and boneless, just like the handwriting written by a child.

Mo Zian often signed various forms on behalf of Lu Zhilan, and Lu Zhilan liked this feeling very much.

But now, Mo Zi'an wrote a letter to release her husband in Lu Zhilan's words.

Zhengjun is married to the door, and he is not close to his wife and father, and he is not in harmony with his wife and younger brother. There is always discord in the family. Although the husband and wife are deeply affectionate, they put filial piety first, so they let it go.

Putting down the pen, the ink dried up quickly, Mo Zian sat at the table and struggled silently for a while, finally got up and went to He Rongrui with the book of release.

The Lu family suffered drastic changes, and He Rongrui was more than ten years old, with a very haggard face.

The Wu family, to which Lu Qiqi was already engaged, hurriedly came to withdraw the engagement as soon as they heard that the Lu family was suffering. In a short period of time, he had tasted the bitterness of the world.

"Father, I went to see Zhilan." Mo Zian handed the letter of release to He Rongrui.

The entire Lu family has seen with their own eyes how much their second lady dotes on her Zhengjun. Even though He Rongrui complains so much about his daughter, he also admits that Lu Zhilan's treatment of Mo Zi'an is completely beyond reproach, even enviable.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Lu Zhilan would write a letter to He Rongrui, after all, her daughter loves this man to the bottom of her heart.

Letting Mo Zian leave without being implicated by the Lu family seemed like something his daughter could do.

But He Rongrui was very disappointed with Mo Zi'an, how Lu Zhilan treated him, even if he was imprisoned, he still had to protect him.

But Mo Zian took the letter of release and couldn't wait to leave.

"what do you think."

Mo Zian: "I don't want to disappoint Zhilan's wishes."

He Rongrui waved at him tiredly, "I see, then you can go."

That day, Mo Zian packed his luggage and left. He didn't take anything, but he took the treasure.

Lu Zhilan, who was in prison, was still waiting for Mo Zi'an to run to rescue her, and what he was waiting for was the sad news of the death penalty.

Mo Zian went to the yamen without any delay to cancel his relationship with Lu Zhilan. When the Lu family was exiled, he escaped death because he was no longer a member of the Lu family.

Lu Zhijin went to collect Lu Zhilan's body, buried it hastily, and then the whole Lu family left the capital quietly.

After the emperor ruthlessly sentenced the first princess, all the officials found that the emperor seemed to favor the fourth princess.

After Lu Quanzhou took office, the Minister of the Household Department, an oil servant, actually promoted a member of the Four Royal Girls faction.

Not only that, the emperor also began to hand over various matters related to the important tasks of the country to the four emperors, and asked the four emperors to help with the memorial on the pretext of poor health.

The ministers were shocked, didn't this mean to make the fourth emperor's daughter the crown prince? People from the Seventh Queen's faction panicked, and more and more courtiers saw this trend and began to surrender to the Fourth Queen.

The queen was very flustered, she didn't know why the emperor's attitude turned 180 degrees. Before the emperor was very determined to have a daughter-in-law, most of the queen's energy was devoted to preventing the emperor and the four imperial daughters from forcing the palace or tampering with the imperial edict.

The ministers who supported the seventh emperor were also panicked. The emperor's attitude changed, and their steady progress was suddenly disrupted.

If it were before, Yan Yunshu might be secretly happy that the mother emperor favored the fourth emperor daughter.

But now, she is determined to ascend to the highest position. The fourth imperial daughter is her enemy who killed her husband. If the emperor intends to make Yan Yuntong the crown daughter, she will absolutely not accept it.

Yan Yunshu immediately ordered someone to prepare a car to discuss with Xu Ting.

Now that the situation is sensitive, they would never meet at the palace near the town, but in Du Siyin's small garden.

The elegant small garden has deep winding paths and is full of men gathering. Entering through the back door, the private room on the pavilion is the most private place.

The author has something to say: The husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest, and they flew separately when the disaster was imminent. Thanks for voting for the overlord vote or irrigation nutrition for me during the period of 2020-02-27 23:55:21~2020-02-28 16:13:40 Liquid little angel~

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Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!