If The World Sees Gentleness

Chapter 68


In the middle of the night, the emperor suddenly woke up in shock from his dream, and let out a murky and short scream!

The palace attendant who heard the movement quickly lit the candles in the palace, and the female officer helped the emperor up on the phoenix bed, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, what's wrong with you?"

The emperor's face was pale, covered in cold sweat, his muscles were trembling, his lips were trembling, and it seemed that he had difficulty speaking.

The female officer saw her heart skip a beat, "Young one, call someone to announce the imperial physician immediately!"

The emperor hurriedly grabbed the female officer's arm with his hands.

"His Majesty!"

"No... go, immediately... help me up and go to the imperial study!"


The female officer helped the emperor up with difficulty, put on the imperial robe, and walked to the imperial study.

The emperor, who had to hold on to the female officer's arm for support even while walking, didn't know that when the female officer helped her leave the palace, she secretly gave a palace servant a hinting look, and the palace servant immediately took control of the other palaces after they left. Waiter, and then cautiously ran to Queen's Jiaofang Hall.

The emperor may have pinched the female officer's arm blue, but she didn't notice how hard she was using it.

She is the emperor, she is the Ninth Five-Year Supreme, how could she lose her composure so much!

Finally arrived at the imperial study room, under the imperial robe worn by the emperor, the yellow obscene clothes were already drenched with sweat.

The emperor sat behind the large golden nanmu desk, closed his eyes, and said to the female officer, "Research ink!"

The female officer immediately studied the ink.

The emperor's sudden pain gradually eased, he opened his eyes, and said: "Bring the imperial edict."

She was right!

A turbulent sea rose in the female officer's heart, she hastily lowered her eyes, fearing that her emotions would be revealed in her eyes.

The female officer trotted to get the imperial decree, clutching an excited heart that was about to jump out.

The blank imperial decree was spread out, and the emperor took off the brush with trembling hands, dipped it in ink, and when he picked it up again, the brush fell back onto the inkstone with a snap, and a few drops of thick black ink splashed out, staining the top-quality golden nanmu .

The emperor's expression turned ferocious for a moment, but her time was running out.

The emperor said: "Fortunate companion, I will dictate, and you will write."

The female officer knelt on the ground with a plop, and replied in a trembling voice: "The villain is terrified."

The emperor's face was gloomy, and he said hoarsely, "Don't disobey me."

"Yes, little one obeys the order."

Kneeling tremblingly, the female officer straightened up, took the writing brush in her hand, moved the blank imperial decree, and put it in front of her.

The emperor was already at the end of his battle, and she felt that she would be strangled by death in the next second.

But at this moment, what she was thinking about was not how to save her own life, she had no fear in her heart, but seized the last moment to take care of everything for Yan Yuntong.

"The great achievements of the ancestors have been handed down to the Great Yan. The country is thousands of miles away, the world is rich, and the kingdoms of all nations come to court... I have been in the imperial court for sixteen years, and I dare not slack off for a moment. Fortunately, the people live in peace and the world is peaceful. And Dayan Sheji has a bright future, and I have Yan Yuntong, the fourth daughter of the emperor, who has both ability and political integrity, and has a noble character. She is deeply respectful to me, and she will definitely be able to inherit the great rule. After I ascend the throne, the special envoy will announce to the world."

After reading the will in one breath, the emperor panted heavily, as if all his energy had been exhausted.

"Have you finished writing?"

The female officer hastily put down her pen, "It's finished!"

Emperor: "Alright—send someone to invite the minister to the imperial study immediately."

The jade seal was placed in the treasure box on the table, the emperor propped himself up, opened the box and took out the jade seal.

She was dizzy and her head was buzzing, as if she would die in the next moment.

She put the jade seal on the imperial decree.

Then the emperor's eyes widened, the imperial decree was clearly not "four" but "seven", not "Yan Yuntong" but "Yan Yunshu"!


The female officer drew the edict and ran back to the gate.

The emperor wanted to chase her, but fell off his chair.

"you you-"

The emperor's eyes were red, like a ferocious and terrifying ghost.

She finally came to her senses and shouted, "Come on! Come on!"

The door of the imperial study room was pushed open with a bang, but the person who came was not the guard that the emperor wanted to see.

It's the queen who is dressed up and gorgeous.

The female officer respectfully handed over the imperial decree to the queen, and the queen opened it and showed a satisfied smile.

The emperor looked at the queen and his lips trembled with anger, "You poisonous man! Come—come—"

The queen walked up to the emperor and signaled the servants to help the emperor up and sit on the chair.

"Your Majesty, don't waste your time, no one will come."

He looked at the emperor condescendingly, "I have ordered people to inform the courtiers that they will pay homage to Shu'er when they enter the palace tomorrow."

The emperor suddenly thought of something unbelievable, and pointed at the queen, "It wasn't the boss who poisoned me, it was you, right?"

The queen sneered ironically, "Your Majesty, why are you so stupid?"

The emperor continued to stare at him.

The queen showed a pitiful and cruel smile, "When the genius doctor He Jiuxian died, the emperor and his ministers were still of one mind, and Shu'er is also your favorite future prince, why should I poison the emperor?"

The emperor was attracted by the empress, and remembered something suspicious. Indeed, the empress at that time had no motive to poison her at all, because she was the most solid backing of the seventh princess.

If it's not the queen, then who is it

The answer is self-evident!

But how could the emperor believe this.

"Hmph, I'm afraid your majesty and the emperor are deeply in love, so you can't remember this at all.

It's a pity that the person who poisoned it was none other than your favorite emperor, Your Majesty. "

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it, ho ho—"

The emperor almost turned his back in one breath, his eyeballs protruding, very scary.

But the queen didn't feel scared, he just felt very happy.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will definitely let Huang Guijun come down to accompany you immediately, and then you two will confront each other properly."

In the middle of the night, Huang Guijun finally sensed something was wrong.

The person he had placed in Qianning Palace had already been dealt with, but news came back from the dark thread in the Queen's Palace.

The queen suddenly went to the imperial study.

Huang Guijun's heart flustered instantly, as if he had fallen into a cold and heavy stone.

He asked someone to go to the Qianning Palace immediately, and the servant finally brought back the news that the emperor was not in the Qianning Palace. The emperor woke up in the middle of the night and took the female officer close to him to the imperial study. The situation was very bad.

How could it be this time? It shouldn't be this time, it shouldn't be so fast.

For a moment, Huang Guijun was in a state of confusion, which completely broke their plan.

The emperor went to the imperial study, and the queen also went to the imperial study.

Huang Guijun stood up suddenly, his expression changed dramatically.

"Take my badge, go to the West Corner Gate, and tell His Royal Highness that she should bring someone into the palace right away!"

"Yes!" The female officer took the badge and left in horror, while Huang Guijun rushed to the imperial study with the people.

When I came to the imperial study room, there were tens of meters away, and the emperor was about to enter, but was stopped by the guards.

The guard had a stern face, neither said nor listened to anything, only one sentence: "No entry."

Huang Guijun's face was livid, and he couldn't help saying: "Your Majesty never stops me, let me in."

He was about to enter by force, he was the emperor's favorite noble, and he didn't believe that these servants really dared to stop him.

With a bang, the guard pulled out the knife with a cold light, and Huang Guijun took three steps back in fright, with fright in his cold expression.

"Go invite the Queen Mother and report the situation here truthfully to the old man." Huang Guijun said sharply.

Deling's female officer immediately ran into the thick night and rushed to the Empress Dowager's Yongshou Palace.

The female officer walked by, and the emperor stood in place and confronted the guards, very anxious.

Two quarters of an hour later, the female officer ran back, and he reported to the emperor tremblingly: "The queen mother did not open the palace door, and the servant of Yongshou Palace said, don't disturb the queen mother's rest!"

Huang Guijun's complexion immediately collapsed, and his heart was full of resentment.

Just at this moment, the sound of weapons and armor rubbing against each other sounded from a distance, and the emperor was overjoyed that it was his daughter who had arrived.

Yan Yuntong also put on his military uniform, pursing his lips tightly. Tonight was too strange, it wasn't the best time at all, they suddenly became a passive situation.

Like Yan Yunshu, Yan Yuntong had already prepared for the worst and led troops to force the palace.

So their father and daughter secretly controlled the West Corner Gate early in the morning, allowing Yan Yuntong to enter the palace smoothly no matter what time of day.

Yan Yuntong was in a very bad mood, she didn't need to go to this step at all, she could justifiably succeed to the throne.

But now, she didn't know how the situation in Yushufang had evolved, so she was forced to take this last step.

"Your Highness Fourth, lead troops into the palace, do you want to rebel?"

Yan Yuntong glared at him, "I don't know who is so ambitious that he suppressed the Queen Mother in the imperial study and was not allowed to see him. My Highness is to relieve the Queen Mother's worries—"

She yelled very loudly, hoping that the emperor in the imperial study could hear and make some voices to support her.

But nothing.

Yan Yuntong tilted his head violently, "Go!"

Immediately, Yan Yuntong's men attacked the guards.

I'm not afraid of her moving, just afraid of her not moving. What I'm waiting for is this moment.

The number of guards was small, and they were quickly defeated by the elite soldiers brought in by Yan Yuntong, and just as she was about to break into the imperial study, the sound of orderly footsteps suddenly sounded.

The Imperial Guard arrived, and the leader was the Chief of the Imperial Guard.

"The four princesses forced the palace to rebel, traitors and traitors, take them down immediately!"

At this moment, Yan Yuntong had no way out, he gritted his teeth tightly, and his eyes shot crazy.

The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. As long as she wins, the palace will be under her control tomorrow.

This group of elite soldiers has cost Yan Yuntong countless efforts. If she can successfully succeed to the throne, she originally planned to use them to replace the former emperor's secret service.

Unexpectedly, it came in handy in the end.

The palace immediately filled with the smell of blood. The masters and servants in the palaces all cowered and hid, not daring to come out to check the situation.

The imperial guards and Yan Yuntong's elite soldiers fought together, and not all the imperial guards could be mobilized by the chief of the imperial guards, because not everyone was willing to gamble their future.

Therefore, the imperial guards fell into a stalemate for a while, and the imperial guards were constantly stabbed to death with knives.

Especially Yan Yuntong himself, like a rich wolf smelling blood, killed one guard after another.

Even the Chief of the Guard couldn't stop her.

Seeing that Yan Yuntong was about to enter the imperial study, a long wooden barn suddenly thrust in front of her, blocking her way. .

The chief guard didn't know when Xu Ting came out, neither did Yan Yuntong, she stared at Xu Ting closely, gnashing her teeth.

"It's you!"

Xu Ting stepped forward and pulled out the long wooden warehouse, the tip of the wooden warehouse went straight for Yan Yuntong.

The long wooden warehouse collided with the knife, cold light flickered, and finally Xu Ting pierced Yan Yuntong's thigh from the side with a long wooden warehouse, pinning her to the ground.

Yan Yuntong raised her neck and let out a scream. Her elite soldiers panicked and were quickly taken down by the imperial guards who had seized the offensive.

At five o'clock, the morning light suddenly became white, and the courtier who had just heard the bad news ran to the palace, saw the blood in front of the imperial study, almost rolled his eyes and passed out, and felt his legs trembling.


The door of the imperial study room was pushed open, and the graceful and luxurious queen stepped out of the imperial study room holding a bright yellow imperial edict.

The author has something to say: There are references to the imperial edict, and the imperial edict of Yinzhen was established by Kangxi.

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-02-29 17:03:44~2020-03-01 18:31:46~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: Dear bowl 1;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 30 bottles of IVY; 2 bottles of Sunrise;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!