If The World Sees Gentleness

Chapter 73


In a hurry for 800 miles, several horses ran to death, and the messenger rushed into the hall, knelt on the ground with a plop, his voice was so hoarse that he seemed to be unable to speak anymore.

"Dawan soldiers have invaded the border, and Liangcheng has been broken. General Huwei abandoned the city and fled. The border is at stake!"

After the general's situation was finished, the orderly fell to the ground, and the officials mutinied—

Yan Yunshu's face suddenly darkened, and his heart was full of anger.

"My dear friends, what do you think?"

Countless people looked at Xu Ting who was standing in the hall, not knowing what to think.

The border king was supposed to guard the border and protect the peace of the country, but out of selfishness, the first emperor transferred Xu Xun back and sent a pustule to guard Dingliang in Suizhou.

Suizhou was the gateway for Dayan to defend against the military bandits in the northwest. If Suizhou was captured and passed through Shanhaiguan, the foreign bandits would be able to attack the capital like a broken bamboo.

The military officials are still calm, but the civil servants are panicked. Old Madam Wang stood up, with a firm face, and said loudly: "Your Majesty, Dawan broke the covenant and invaded Dingliang. We must immediately send troops to fight back to protect our prestige."

Wang Taifu opened his mouth, and other ministers stood up one after another, saying: "The minister seconded the proposal—"

"The minister seconded—"

"The minister seconded—"

"Your Majesty, please send the border king to fight against foreign thieves!" A minister said with righteous indignation.

Unexpectedly, another minister immediately objected: "Your Majesty, no!"

"Dawan has already broken Dingliang, and the king of the town is guarding Hanguan, which is the last line of defense in the capital, just in case."

As soon as this remark came out, all the ministers' hearts were shaken immediately, they were terrified, and they agreed one after another, saying that the town border king must stay at Hanguan and put the capital as the most important thing.

"There are still many generals in the court who can be handsome, and Xu Shinv will be appointed as the deputy general, and the foreign thieves will be expelled."

"I think this method is feasible." The courtiers all agreed.

Tiger generals have no dog girls, and Xu Ting gave them no less sense of security than the border king Xu Xun, but Xu Ting was too young and lacked qualifications, so he sent another general to lead the overall situation.

Steady chief general and sharp deputy general, this kind of configuration is bound to break a leg of Da Wan who doesn't know what to do.

"Your Majesty, I petition to lead the army to fight against foreign thieves." Xu Ting suddenly pleaded.

She knew that she was not qualified to shirk from fighting for the country, but Xu Ting didn't think she needed a coach who often sat in the capital and didn't know anything about the border.


It's an old rival, since Xu Ting was able to maim her once two years ago, he can also beat her back to her hometown this time!

Outsiders don't know, and think that Xu Ting is only under his mother Xu Xun's command, and rushes forward.

But in fact, Xu Ting has long been involved in the planning of the enemy's advance strategy and the formation of troops.

Therefore, for the 400,000 town frontier army in Suizhou, Xu Ting's prestige was no less than Xu Xun's.

As soon as Xu Ting's words came out, the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty were blown up again.

Xu Ting was indeed a young hero, but she was so young that no one dared to entrust the safety of the country to such a yellow-haired girl.

Maybe the old queen of the town, Xu Ting's daughter, who succeeded her mother, is Dayan's protector, but now, Xu Ting is too overwhelmed.

Some ministers were even more furious, thinking Xu Ting was just kidding!

But they didn't believe in Xu Ting, but it didn't mean that Yan Yunshu didn't believe in Xu Ting. Yan Yunshu even worshiped Xu Ting blindly.

"Xu Ting, the daughter of Renzhen Bian Wang, is the commander in chief, lead the troops to meet the enemy, and leave immediately!"

Yan Yunshu's voice resounded in the hall, and the military was on fire. The ministers couldn't tolerate any further arguing. In times of national crisis, no matter what factions or grievances, they all acted quickly and became the logistics of Xu Ting's army.

Dawan had already taken Dingliang, and there was no time left for Xu Ting, the 30,000 troops were immediately reorganized, and Xu Ting put on military uniform.

Du Siyin felt uneasy early this morning. When she was making small clothes for the baby, she pricked her hand with a needle, and almost twisted her foot when she went out to the garden.

In the afternoon, Xu Ting came back suddenly, followed by Hong Feng and Lu Tang, who were also wearing military uniforms, and several other soldiers in two rows.

"Changning!" Du Siyin got up and said, looking at Xu Ting's appearance, he had a bad guess in his heart, and instantly became confused.

Xu Ting's aura in military uniform was filled with the feeling of gunpowder smoke. Du Siyin seemed to have returned to the frightened night of seizing the throne in an instant. Xu Ting's dick was brought out from the weapon room before the blood on it was wiped dry.

Wearing armor, Xu Ting hugged him directly, and said in a deep voice, "Siyin, Dawan is on the sidelines, I have to go now. Take care of yourself, protect the baby, and wait for my triumphant return."

Xu Ting let go of his hand and turned around, but Du Siyin suddenly grabbed Xu Ting's wrist.

Xu Ting turned around, but Du Siyin's throat was choked up, his face was full of confusion and panic, what could he say? He couldn't keep her because the person he married was Xu Ting.

Du Siyin finally let go of his hand, with a sob in his chest, "Go early and come back—"

Xu Ting kissed Du Siyin hard on the forehead, then turned and left, two rows of soldiers followed behind her, the sound of armor rubbing against each other was like a breaking song.

Xu Ting's figure was about to disappear behind the doorway, Du Siyin finally couldn't help chasing him out, Shuqin supported him, and stumbled all the way.

After finally chasing to the door, Xu Ting had already got on his horse and rode Black Wind for a hundred meters on the long street. Du Siyin slumped while holding the vermilion door to slide down.

Han Zhi didn't know when he came to Du Siyin's side, and opened his arms to Du Siyin. Du Siyin threw himself into Han Zhi's arms, crying loudly—

Han Zhi patted Du Siyin's shoulder lightly, with wet eyes, and said to him: "Father used to be like you, sending Ting'er's mother away again and again, Siyin, marrying a hero is our destiny."

"Don't worry, Ting'er is born in the blue. The prince has been on the battlefield for so many years, and he is unscathed. Ting'er will definitely return safely."

Han Zhi helped Du Siyin up, and wiped the tears on Du Siyin's face with a handkerchief.

"Dawan is only defeated, Ting'er will definitely not miss the birth of her Lin'er."

Du Siyin touched her stomach with her hand, and suddenly became stronger.

The Shanggao Alliance was signed two years ago. Logically speaking, within ten years, Dawan would need to slowly recover. Why did it take two years to start a war again.

Xu Ting only found out after reading the information that Dawan had always been dissatisfied with Dayan, and had secretly contacted another country to the west within two years, and the two worked hand in hand, wanting to bite flesh from Dayan.

After forming an alliance with the other party, Dawan recovered his troops with the support of the other party, so he immediately tore up the contract and attacked Dayan in order to avenge his shame.

Because there are powerful foreign enemies in the west, Suizhou has been stationed with 400,000 town frontier troops. At the same time, Suizhou is also the largest state in Dayan.

It's a pity that General Hu Wei, who was sent by the first emperor to replace Xu Xun, was a fool and pussy. When Da Wan attacked for the first time, she didn't take it seriously, thinking it was a small fight against the autumn wind, but Da Wan passed Shang Gao in the end.

Because she was afraid of being blamed, she suppressed the situation of the battle and did not report it to the imperial court. She wanted to defeat Dawan by herself and solve it quietly, as if this incident had not happened.

She has no self-knowledge of her abilities at all, when the late emperor sent her to guard Suizhou, she thought she could stand shoulder to shoulder with the town border king Xu Xun.

As a result, Dawan broke through Dingliang.

At this time, she finally panicked. No matter which general the emperor sent, he would behead her immediately to boost morale.

So the town frontier army got up early in the morning and found out that their coach had abandoned the army overnight and escaped!

The town border army suddenly panicked, the dragons had no leader, and they fought and retreated. Now they have retreated to Wucheng.

The prefect of Wucheng is Xu Ting's second elder brother and sister-in-law. She married Xu Ting's second elder brother Xu Ling. Although she is a civil servant, she is decisive and tenacious. With a plan behind him, he managed to hold back Dawan's army and kept the enemy out of Suicheng.

But if it takes longer, the soldiers will inevitably be unable to stop the offensive, and the city will be destroyed.

Dawan is launching another round of siege, and the huge enemy army outside the city, each of them burly and frightening soldiers, keeps hitting the city gate.

The commander-in-chief is Dawan's Nine Emperors and Xu Ting's old rival. Her ruthlessness makes Mu Zhao unable to resist.

Mu Zhao stood on the city wall directing the defense, and there was chaos. Boulders, hot oil, explosives, basket after basket, pot after pot were lifted up, and then smashed down from the city wall. One by one, the enemy soldiers screamed from the ladder , Falling on the hook rope.

But there are too many thieves, like locusts, and crazy like hungry wolves.

Bows and arrows shot down the city wall like pouring rain, and the soldiers of Dawan also used hooks, bows and crossbows to make the soldiers of the town border army fall from the city wall.

The trebuchet is a big killer, and soldiers are constantly being smashed to death!

The most frightening thing is that Dawan captured Dingliang and stole the guns from the Dingliang city's arsenal!

When the town border army hurriedly withdrew from Dingliang, they didn't have time to remove all the gunpowder depots, leaving the death on the battlefield to the enemy.

The trebuchets threw gun|powder at the same time, and the city walls were already overwhelmed.

The town border army was originally an army like a sharp knife. They have fought against the soldiers of Dawan for countless rounds, and they have extremely strong qualities.

Especially the 10,000 vanguard that Xu Ting personally trained and led.

It's a pity that in this war, they have gone to nine out of ten.

No matter how strong the town border army is, they are just pawns. Without strong generals, they can't exert half of their strength.

Not to mention that under the leadership of that stupid general, they almost lost half of their energy.

"Master Mu—if this continues, we will be unable to stop it!"

Wucheng is not Dingliang City. Dingliang City has the strongest city walls, the most abundant weapons and warehouses for guarding the city, and the most complete positions.

As for Wucheng, it is just an ordinary city, it is not a frontier city, and it is not as strong as Dingliang, which was built to resist invasion.

If Dingliangcheng is a warrior, and Wucheng is the girl protected by the warriors, it can be said that Dingliang fell, and that idiot general can't absolve himself of the blame!


"Master Taishou, the reinforcements are ten miles away and will arrive soon. Please hold Wucheng."

Mu Zhao was overwhelmed with surprise and almost lost his composure, "Thank you for the emperor's grace, which general is here!"

"It's General Xu!"

"Master Taishan?"

"No, it's Xu Ting, the daughter of the town's border king."

Mu Zhao was not disappointed, he calmed down for a moment and said, "Overjoyed! Overjoyed!"

"Send our military order, the reinforcements are already outside the city, and the one who came is Xu Ting, daughter of Xu Shi!"

The morale on the city wall suddenly changed, and the soldiers let out a roar of new enthusiasm, and the situation that was already on the decline was suddenly resisted.

The soldiers in Dawan only felt that the pressure was increasing.

In the camp, the Nine Emperors of Dawan noticed something was wrong, and took out the binoculars to look at the city wall of Wucheng, what's going on

The author has something to say: UPDATE!