If The World Sees Gentleness

Chapter 74


The Ninth Prince of Dawan never thought that she would see Xu Ting, so she put down the far eyepiece suddenly, and couldn't help but cursed fiercely.

She was a little impatient. In fact, when she attacked Dayan this time, she had expected to meet Xu Ting. fear.


"What's the current situation?"

The soldier who reported was sweating profusely, and said anxiously: "His Royal Highness Qi, Dayan has come to reinforce the situation, and the situation has taken a turn for the worse. We have suffered too many casualties, and I am afraid we will not be able to win!"

Dawan Seventh Prince's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and she ordered to withdraw her troops. When Xu Ting arrived, she had to think carefully and deal with it...

Cheers broke out on the walls of Wucheng, and many soldiers even cried out while cheering. Several lieutenants ran up to Xu Ting and knelt down, "My daughter! You are finally here."

These are the old troops of the Border Town Army. After General Huwei fled the battle, they led the Border Town Army to resist foreign enemies. It was not easy.

It's a pity that their talents are no match for Dawan's Nine Emperor Daughters, and they fight and retreat, feeling useless and miserable.

But now that Xu Ting came, they all seemed to have found their backbone.

Xu Ting patted the shoulder of the chief lieutenant vigorously, but did not speak.

Then Xu Ting looked at the stacked corpses as far as he could see, and the ground still smoking, feeling very depressed.

She has never been afraid of war, but she will always hate war. For those who want to live a good life but insist on instigating war, Xu Ting will let her go to hell to atone for their sins.

"Count the wounded, strengthen the defense of the city wall, and the rest, come to the camp for a meeting."

After finishing the order, Xu Ting walked down the city wall, and Mu Zhao was with her.

"Second brother and sister-in-law, tell me the current situation in Suizhou."

Mu Zhao: "Okay."

As they walked, they said that Mu Zhao told Xu Ting how many troops there were in Wucheng, which cities had already fallen, and which cities were still resisting.

There are 400,000 town border troops stationed in Suizhou, but not all of these 400,000 town border troops are in Dingliang. The boundary of Suizhou and Dawan bordered on a large area, and the 400,000 town frontier troops were also distributed in the four fortresses, forming an impregnable defense line.

Dingliang City has the largest number of frontier troops, 140,000, because Dingliang's geographical location is the most dangerous. But due to the stupidity of General Huwei, only a little over 60,000 of the 140,000 troops are now stationed in Wucheng.

Including the 30,000 troops brought by Xu Ting from the capital, there are barely 100,000 troops.

After entering the prefect's mansion, Xu Ling came to greet him. He hadn't seen Xu Ting for a long time, and he missed him very much.

Xu Ling hugged Xu Ting joyfully, and Xu Ting called out, "Second Brother."

The eldest son, Xu Yu, and the second son, Xu Ling, are the real sons of the town's palace. Their demeanor and temperament cannot be compared to that of Xu Yue, who has become a queen.

Xu Ling has already given birth to a daughter for Mu Zhao, she is now five years old, the last time Xu Ting saw her, she was still a little girl who couldn't say a word.

"Are you hungry? The second elder brother asked the kitchen to prepare the food, and we can eat it right away. Are mother and father still in good health in the capital? Go and have a look."

Xu Ting was not annoyed by this kind of concern, and answered Xu Ling's questions one by one. Xu Xun and Han Zhi are both fine and have no health problems. As for Du Siyin...

Xu Ting couldn't help showing a smile, "Si Yin is already pregnant, second brother, you will have an extra nephew soon."

Xu Ling was very happy, and said with a smile: "When the foreign thieves are driven out of Suizhou this time, the second elder brother will go to Beijing to visit my father and my little nephew."

The servants quickly brought the food, because the situation was critical, Xu Ting also invited the generals to a meeting, the atmosphere at the dinner table was not breezy, after dinner quickly, Xu Ting and Mu Zhao left for the camp.

Before leaving, Xu Ling grabbed Mu Zhao and told him, "You must do your best to help little sister."

Mu Zhao patted Zhengjun's hand, and assured him: "Don't worry, I will. Don't wait for me to come back at night, just go to sleep when you are sleepy."

In the main tent of the camp, a dozen or so lieutenants joined the army had already waited inside in advance.

Xu Ting and Mu Zhao opened the curtain and came in, they all stood up and saluted Xu Ting, "General, prefect."

Xu Ting walked over.

In the middle of the tent is a sand table, which was originally placed in the army camp in Dingliang City. After Xu Ting came to this world, he personally led scouts to travel through the buffer zone between Suizhou and Dawan, that is, the place that would become a battlefield if there was a conflict, and a part of the landform of Suizhou, made a sand table.

This thing is very important, presumably the border guards know this too, when they retreated from Dingliang to Wucheng, they tried their best to carry the sand table together.

Xu Ting took a small blue flag to represent Dawan's enemy forces, and a small red flag to represent themselves, and planted the small blue flags in Dingliang City and several other places, and then planted the red flags in Wucheng, Qiuyu, Shunbei and Qianfu.

"Of the four frontier fortresses, Dingliang and Hepingcheng have fallen. We retreated to Wucheng. Pingcheng's army is now in Qiuyu, Shunbei and Qianfu are far away from each other, and they dare not act rashly for fear of a surprise attack. What we have to do now It's not enough to hold Wucheng, but we must fight back to Dingliang, cooperate with Qiu Yu, drive all the enemy troops in Dawan out of Suizhou, and take back Shanggao."

After Xu Ting finished speaking, everyone couldn't help taking a breath, and their hearts were filled with pride.

right! It should be like the general said, to live up to the general and strong man who is Dayan.

Xu Ting glanced at everyone in the camp, seeing that everyone's fighting spirit had been mobilized, he continued, "Then, let's make a battle plan."

Xu Ting had been gone for two months, but Du Siyin's stomach was already firm, and after three to four months, it had a slight curvature, and Du Siyin finally felt the existence of a small life.

After his body stabilized, Du Siyin planned to do something, otherwise he would go crazy if he stayed all day and read over and over again the two letters that Xu Ting sent back from the front line with the smell of gunpowder.

His wife is heading to the battlefield, so what can he do

Du Siyin took Shuqi and wrote the invitations himself. With hundreds of copies of invitations, Qingya Xiaoyuan will hold another auction.

However, this time the auction is different from the previous ones. The things that are auctioned are the free contributions of nobles and sons. The money obtained from the auction will be used to buy medicinal materials and grain and send them to Suizhou.

Although there were only two or three letters from Xu Ting, each of them was very long. It contained his longing for Du Siyin, and some brush strokes that made Du Siyin's heart suddenly pricked like a needle. .

Xu Ting said that her arm was cut by the enemy's halberd, but it was not deep, because the army doctor's camp was already full of wounded soldiers with missing arms and legs, and all kinds of medicinal materials were in short supply, so Xu Ting simply Wrapped with gauze, did not take up medical resources.

Xu Ting also complained that the food in the military camp was not as good as at home, and she wanted to have dinner with Du Siyin.

Du Siyin wrote back to Xu Ting, writing about Han Zhi, about himself, and about his children, but he still couldn't forget the contents of the letter. He was haunted by Suizhou, and he had to do something.

After sending the invitations to the lords and princes in the capital, Du Siyin became ruthless and wrote a letter to Xu Yue in the palace. When he wanted to auction, Xu Yue could send a servant from the palace to donate on behalf of the queen. auction.

In this case, the effect must be more significant.

Men are full of emotions. Dawan violated Dayan, and Du Siyin was not the only one who was worried. Everyone's eyes were now on Suizhou.

And men are not women, they cannot go to battle to kill the enemy, but this does not mean that they are unwilling to share the worries of the country.

Whether you are a man or a woman, there is no difference in how you love your country.

Therefore, Du Siyin sent out hundreds of invitations, none of which failed, and they all came.

Du Siyin opened the box of her dowry in the warehouse, and took out three top-notch treasures, a pair of landscape paintings of holy painters, a pair of top-quality purple jadeite jewelry, and a single copy.

The other lords and sons also donated generously.

After several days of preparation, the auction finally started in the Qingya Garden. Outside the Qingya Garden, the carriages of the lord and noble princes were all parked.

The layout of the Qingya Garden today is not as fresh and soft as before, but rather solemn and tidy.

The one who presided over the auction was not the treasurer who manages the Qingya Garden on a daily basis, but Du Siyin himself.

After everyone sat down, Du Siyin stepped onto the stage.

"I believe everyone knows that my wife is Xu Ting, and now she is in Suizhou. Where is Suizhou? Dayan's army and the enemy army are fighting in Suizhou. The capital is complete, and there is no difference from two months ago But Suizhou is not safe, many generals and soldiers are dying to protect Dayan.

I feel like I can do something, we are men, we can do something too. "

Many lords were in tears when they heard that, among the 30,000 soldiers brought by Xu Ting, many of them were children of the lord present.

Don't say that men only enjoy themselves behind the scenes, they are also bloody and have a heart to contribute.

And when Du Siyin personally stood up, they felt even more empathetic.

"In this auction, all the auction items come from the donations of the lords and princes. Qingya Xiaoyuan will not take any of the proceeds from the auction, and all of them will be used to purchase materials and sent to Suizhou."

Du Siyin stood on the stage and said loudly.

He wore a very simple bun today, and his clothes were more neutral, looking tough.

Seeing him standing on the stage, all the lords and young masters couldn't help feeling as warm and firm as him.

The auction begins.

For each item, Du Siyin would specifically mark who donated it. Whenever the name of a lord or son was read, the other party couldn't help but straighten up proudly.

There was no silence from the beginning of the auction, and when it was in full swing in the middle, there was a sudden shout from outside: "Your Majesty is here—"

Xu Yue walked into the room in a luxurious suit, and everyone was shocked.

Xu Yue: "Brother-in-law, I'm here."

It was only then that everyone realized that the current Empress Dowager is Xu Shinu's brother, Du Siyin's brother-in-law!

The author has something to say: Update, it's almost over, the next one is "Spring Breeze", a sister chapter of "Gentleness", please bookmark it if you are interested.

But there are still a few extra chapters left, don't worry. Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-03-06 16:39:10~2020-03-07 23:08:10~

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 36567780 10 bottles; Adorable 2 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!