If The World Sees Gentleness

Chapter 76


Xu Ting accepted the surrender, this time it was the turn of Xu Ting's lieutenant general not to understand, why didn't he just shoot Dawan down, so as to avoid future troubles forever

Fascinated by successive victories, they wanted to continue the fight and did not want to accept surrender.

"Winter is coming." Xu Ting told her, "Our current situation has exceeded our expectations. If we continue, we will not be prepared enough. It is a sensible behavior to accept it as soon as it is good."

What's more, besides Dawan, there is another Shaxiang country. If Dawan is completely wiped out, what will Sha Xiang think

The strength of the Shaxiang Kingdom should not be underestimated. To deal with a Dawan, Dayan might be able to do it, but what about adding a Shaxiang Kingdom

This invasion of Dayan was also done by Sha Xiang, Xu Ting will settle accounts with them sooner or later, but not now.

"I see, General," said the lieutenant.

She was convinced by Xu Ting's insightful eyes, and felt a little ashamed. But no one may remember that Xu Ting's family also has a husband who is pregnant and about to give birth.

So Dayan accepted Dawan's surrender, but Dayan refused to return the occupied cities to Dawan. As the defeated party, Dawan could only swallow his teeth.

So far, Dawan has lost half of the country, and has completely turned from a strong warrior into a weak person, and I am afraid that he can only be slaughtered in the future.

Du Siyin was very happy when the news that Dayan's army took down Shang Gao was passed back to the capital, because it meant that Xu Ting could come back.

But Xu Ting did not return to the court immediately, but continued the crusade. Knowing the news, Du Siyin felt very disappointed, but also felt that he really deserved to be his wife.

Han Zhi was afraid that Du Siyin would be sad, so he came here to comfort Du Siyin. Du Siyin told Han Zhi, "Father, I understand."

They all knew that Xu Ting might not be able to keep up with Du Siyin's delivery.

In September, the weather has completely cooled down. In the past few days, the entire palace on the edge of the town has been cautious and the atmosphere is dignified. Because Du Siyin's belly is coming to an end.

Du Siyin was helped to walk in the yard, and the doctor said that more exercise would be good for childbirth.

Without Xu Ting, Du Siyin became much more tired and lazy. Du Siyin had planted a lot of rhododendrons in Qingfengyuan before, but by this time, all the azaleas had died, and the leaves had fallen to only branches.

In this situation, Du Siyin suddenly became sad, and couldn't help but want to cry, feeling so wronged to death.

Shuqin was in a hurry, and shouted: "My lord, my lord, don't be sad, the daughter-in-law will definitely come back soon."

Du Siyin couldn't control himself, the emotional sensitivity caused by pregnancy made him collapse all of a sudden. Du Siyin started to sob, holding her belly, Shuqin hurriedly called, "Come on! Come on!"

Suddenly Du Siyin felt a sharp pain, and he grabbed Shuqin fiercely, "Shuqin—Shuqin!"

Everyone in the palace, including the doctor, the public servant, and Han Zhi, who had been waiting in full force for a long time, ran over immediately.

At this time, Du Siyin couldn't stand anymore, he grabbed Han Zhi's hand, panicking, "Father, I don't want to have a baby, I want to wait for Changning."

Han Zhi kept comforting him, "Good boy, good boy, don't be afraid, everything will be fine soon. Ting'er will come back, if something happens to you, what should she do? Be strong, Daddy is here."

Du Siyin was pushed into the delivery room that had been set up long ago, and the whole palace was in chaos.

Han Zhi was fidgeting in the lobby outside. It is true that the first child will be more difficult. Han Zhi himself has experience, so it will not be too easy.

However, Du Siyin's situation still exceeded his expectations. After several hours, there was no progress in the delivery room, and Du Siyin kept making painful noises.

A midwife with blood on his hands ran out and said to Han Zhi: "It's not good, my lord, the young lord is having a difficult labor!"

Han Zhi seemed to have been struck by lightning, and fell back onto the chair with a bang.

"Keep both of them, as long as you keep them, I will reward you with a hundred taels of gold!"

Chan Gong stomped his feet, gritted his teeth and said, "Hey! Master Han, I will do my best."

As he spoke, he hurriedly turned and went back, but Han Zhi suddenly grabbed him again, "If you have to, you must keep your lord!"

Chancellor: "Hey—"

The heavy curtain blocked the blood, and Han Zhi panicked. If he didn't protect Du Siyin well, how would he face his daughter in the future.

Han Zhi couldn't help covering her face.

In the end, Du Siyin was unconscious, and was supported by his willpower not to admit defeat. Bowl after bowl of ginseng soup was poured into Du Siyin's mouth, and he began to call Xu Ting's name.


Finally, Han Zhi couldn't wait any longer, he opened the curtain at once, entered the delivery room, and walked to Du Siyin's side. He held Du Siyin's hand tightly: "Good boy, come on, don't faint, think about Ting'er."

Du Siyin's consciousness was blurred, when he heard Xu Ting's name, and thinking of the person he loved deeply, Du Siyin's already extremely heavy body seemed to see a little bit of strength again.

Han Zhi said in surprise, "Yes, that's it!"

In the early hours of the morning, Du Siyin finally ended the marathon-like pain, he was a young man.

The Chancellor said happily: "Congratulations to the master, congratulations to the young master, you are a young master."

Han Zhi fulfilled his promise and gave Chan Gong a lot of rewards, enough for him to live in wealth for the rest of his life.

Du Siyin passed out after venting his strength, and the child's cat-like voice was very distressing.

Han Zhi hurriedly called the doctor to show Du Siyin, and Du Siyin regretfully told Han Zhi that Du Siyin's body is not in danger, but this time the dystocia has caused too much damage, and Du Siyin may have difficulty in giving birth in the future.

Han Zhi was stunned, and finally sighed.

This is life.

Another winter, the honor division finally returned to the capital.

As the emperor, Yan Yunshu personally went to pick up Xu Ting, showing the honor Xu Ting received.

Xu Ting's heart was like an arrow, and after going through the procedures, she rode straight to the town's palace.

On the long street where the palace is located, countless people gave up the spacious street to Xu Ting, stood on the side of the street and cheered for her, and even many warm and generous sons threw silk flower purses at her from the second floor windows on the side of the street.

But Xu Ting didn't seem to be able to hear their voices, he only looked forward, and now there was only one person in her heart.

Heifeng stopped at the gate of the palace, Xu Ting left here and came back here again.

After dismounting, Xu Ting walked into the palace without looking back, while Hei Feng was left outside waiting for his servants to take him away.

Xu Ting returned to Qingfengyuan, it was the same as before, but there seemed to be something different.


Xu Ting strode over and hugged his lover.

Du Siyin is very weak now and has lost a lot of weight. Xu Ting looked at him and felt very guilty.

"Sorry… "

But Du Siyin didn't let Xu Ting continue talking, he nestled in Xu Ting's arms and said happily: "Look at our young master."

Shuqin gently hugged the sleeping cartilaginous animal to Xu Ting.

He looks very good-looking, like an angel. He has gathered all the advantages of Xu Ting and Du Siyin. It is foreseeable that he will be such a handsome young man when he grows up.

It's a wonderful feeling to embrace a soft life, Xu Ting feels that everything has fallen to the ground.

She came back with gunpowder and found peace.

The general returned home with great victories, and rewarded him for his meritorious deeds in the court. None of the ministers thought that the already extremely honored and favored Prince's Mansion in Zhenbian could rise to a higher level.

Before that, Xu Ting went to meet Yan Yunshu, and the two reached a consensus. The reward in the court was the result of the two people's discussions.

Yan Yunshu withdrew Xu Xun's title of Border King, leaving only an incomparably glorious title, and Xu Xun stayed in the capital ever since. At the same time, Yan Yunshu named Xu Ting the One-Worth Side-by-Shoulder King and went to guard Yongzhou.

The land seized from Dawan was merged into Dayan, and an administrative region was established, called Yongzhou.

This war has taught the imperial court a lesson, the border must be guarded by generals, otherwise this incident will happen again.

This also means that the era of Xu Xun has come to an end, and the era of Xu Ting has arrived.

Later, the territory of Dayan became larger and larger, and the dynasty of Dayan established the basic territory of the country in the future.

Many historians have been studying this era tirelessly, and they found that the beginning of Dayan's crazy expansion seems to be traced back to a secret conversation between King Xu Ting and Emperor Ning Wu.

This secret talk was before Emperor Ningwu named Xu Ting the King of One Word, after which Xu Ting went to Yongzhou and started the history of making achievements.

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